Choosing the right friends:

You know that you have chosen the right friends for you when they take pictures of their food too…..

(Can you guess which salad is mine?)

IMG 9267

They pile their salads to more than should be humanely possible to consume along with you.

(The beautiful Megan and Ashley)

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(That yellow coloring is sure flattering)

They text you before dinner seeing if it is okay if they show up in gym clothes….don’t they know that from the hours of 4:05 pm to 7:40 am everyday I live in gym clothes and or pajamas (there is an and because gym clothes can definitely double into being pajamas).

They help to extend your birthday even longer and tell the waitress to make a cinnamon-sugar heaven dough that is meant to be dipped into FROSTING.

IMG 9270

You’d think that I would have gone home and passed out on the floor after waking up at 2 that morning and eating a half cup of frosting, but no, I had family ‘obligations’ to attend to.

IMG 9274

It was the munchkins first time ever having a cazookie and I was such a proud Aunt as I witnessed such a monumental occasion.

In fact, the whole family came down, some drove 30 minutes to get there…worth it.

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Billy had his first try of a Cazookie too, he is usually too full after dinner to eat dessert but he had just got back from a run and so he was finally hungry enough to try one.  Concerning his first experience with a cazookie Billy said, “It is a wonderfully under-baked, inch thick chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven with a giant scoop of vanilla ice cream.”  Forget law school honey, I think you will be the next best food writer.

And a text that I received earlier in the day from my mom:


I have brainwashed her to buy candy for me without even knowing what she is doing until she has already paid for it.  MUHAHAHAHA


Do you have Monday off from work/school?  What are your 3-day weekend plans?

-Yep, the usual for us….lots of running, lots of family and extra calories because that is what we do best.

What is your workout going to be today (it has been at least 3 days since I asked this question…I can’t help myself, I want to know)

-Either a rest day in preparation for the long run tomorrow or 30 minutes on the elliptical after school.

Do you text or talk on the phone more?  What cell phone company do you use?

-AT&T and I definitely text more than I talk.

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I need to try a cazookie! And yes gym clothes are definitely good as pjs…plus they save detergent money…1 shirt, 2 uses :)! Just for the record, I sleep in it first and then sweat in it (cos that makes it any better haha)! Thank the lord, I have Monday off too, it’s a public holiday in Mumbai..not really sure why but I’m not one to fight it! Have a great day, workout or not! I completed a lower body workout this morning followed by some time on the cycle- forgot how enjoyable cycling can be (despite being stationary)!


i’ve read about them several times on your blog, but those cazookie’s sound amazing. I need one.
and those SALADS look amazing too! I think I need to experience a day of eating with you. yummmm.
Hope you’re birthday week has been a great one! Happy Friday! :)


I am so jealous because you can eat whatever you want and you do. That is so awesome. I work out all the time but I’m over 40 and the pounds creep up when I eat how I WANT to eat. It pretty much stinks! Enjoy your youth! You inspire me!


i text more! Love swedish fish :)


Verizon – I talk on the phone all day for work so once I’m done, I much prefer texting!


I have never had a Cazookie…in fact I have never heard of one until I read it on your blog. I might have to find a recipe.

No 3 day weekend here–good think I like my job;-) Enjoy your time with the family!

Awww your mom is so sweet! My mom stocks up on carrots and ice cream before I visit.

Workout plan–8 miles easy today, 17 on the schedule for tomorrow (I still get nervous for my long runs–so it was nice to read last week how you still get nervous for yours too) ;-)


We call them cookie monsters down here in Texas. They are so yummy!
Ok, I don’t get Sweedish fish! M&ms, yes, skittles, yes, starburst, yes. But I’ve never liked Swedish fish!


Cookie monsters…that sounds delicious…can I come down and try one with you:) WHAT…I will forgive you about the Swedish fish as long as if anyone gives them to you, you will give them to me:)


I think we are taking the kids to yankee candle factory to make candles – so fun. I am doing a double run today to make my long run, kind of a cop out, but I can’t do it tomorrow and I can’t get it in all at once today. such is life:-)
I use AT & T and I think I text much more. so easy! Happy friday!!! I want that cazookie so badly!!!


We have a 4 day weekend ! Use AT&T and definitely text more than I talk. I want a Cazookie!


4 day weekend…WAHOO FOR YOU, that makes me so happy!


We have school on Monday as we usually don’t get time off during the school year other than Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. In fact, we didn’t have school yesterday due to continual fallout from a fire from last week, we will probably be in school on Saturday next week to make up for it. Wamp wump!


I do not have monday off… lame. And my workout today is a 12 mile run!!! I’m nervous though, I’ve been doing my long runs for the past month indoors, and today it’s finally not icy and not freezing, high of 50! So it’s my first run over 9 miles outdoors. I always get anxious… But I’m sure it will be great and such a nice change. And I am so jealous of this salad place you go to!


What a great mom! Whenever I go home to visit my mom has a bag of Swedish fish and a bag of sour patch kids waiting for me :)

I don’t have Monday off; I didn’t even know it was a Holiday until I read this. I feel very ripped off right now.

My workout this morning was 60 minutes on the Elliptical. Last night I did the hardest Spin class of my life!! I am recovering from shin splints so I have been doing a lot of cross training. I took the week off from running which is unheard of for me and its killing me!! Any advice for a speedy recovery?!

I text wayyy more than I talk on the phone. Confession: sometimes I ignore phone calls and then just text them… it’s way easier to not be awkward in texts! :P

Happy Friday! Have a wonderful three day weekend!!


It is hard to believe that that was your nieces first cazookie, I feel like she should have had one by now! Your family is so sweet to have all gone to witness it and your mom is wonderful!


I’ve never heard of a cazookie, but it sounds like I’m missing out. Thats now on my to do list.


Janae you da bomb girlfriend ..nice post !




I’ve never had a cazookie. You’re salad looks amazing!!!!! Gosh I wish we had a salad bar like that where I live!
Heck no I dont’ have Monday off from work/school—it’s “professional development day”. Shoot me, please.
Today I have already taught 3 aerobic classes (spin, bootcamp, TRX) and I’m sure I’m going to have to get my long run in this afternoon b/c it is suppose to rain non-stop tomorrow and Sunday. I DO NOT do t-milly runs.
AT&T is my cell phone service and I text 90% of the time–hello….teacher…we can’t talk on the phone during the day and by 8pm at night I don’t want to talk to anyone!!


WHAT!!! Professional Development day?! That is not fair. 3 classes already? You need to write a blog or book so I can learn how you do it ALL! You are so right, after 8…my phone is never used ha!


I do have Monday off :) I am involved with a curling tournament here and working there most of the weekend.
30 mins on the elliptical and lower body workout.
Text more than talk for sure. I use Bell.


YAY for monday off. That is so cool you are involved with a curling tournament. WOW!


Oh my gosh those salads look incredible! I need to find an all you can eat salad place near me….

I also have a three day weekend which I was hoping to spend skiing but it’s supposed to RAIN today (lame). But, I’ve just now decided that I will go on an all you can eat salad mission!

Enjoy your long weekend!


YES, yes you do…or you could just come visit me here and I will take you! ENJOY your 3 day weekend and boo to the rain!


AT&T and I text waaaaay more than I talk. So much easier!


I think I’m the only one in the world who still has school on Monday.. boo; two day weekend for this girl! Most definitely getting a run in or 2!


BUMMER!! Enjoy your runs though and maybe just ditch school on Monday ha!


Sprint and I text way more than I talk. Workout today is a speedy 2 mile run and bikram. Have a great 3 day weekend!


WAHOO for speedy running. Bikram…I really want to try that!


Easy 3 mile run tonight. Have 13 to run on Sunday and I’m super nervous, it will be a new PDR (if I finish…)!


KELSEY…YOU WILL FINISH, I know you will. You are strong enough and more than prepared…think positive:) I want to hear all about how you rocked your new PDR!


What great friends! I love that they make sure you are hooked up. :)

You inspire me to be a better friend. I want friends like yours.


Come move here and we can go for salads all the time and froyo and cazookies too:)


Those salad mountains are awesome! Plus, how sweet of your mum to buy candy :) Mine just looks at me and says “do you really need more candy Josie?”

I got a 10 miler in before brekkie today. Ahhh.

Have a great weekend!


DANG 10 miles before bfast…you are my inspiration. Tell your mom that you ALWAYS need more candy!


YESSS im so happy to have a 3 day weekend after not having MLK day off…and i will also be doing lots of running, birthday celebrating of friends and family, and eating lots of extra calories ;)

workout today was spinning/stairmaster/lifting…I needed a little break from running for the past two days after 3 days of it earlier this week..i’m pumped for a long run tomorrow.

def text more then i talk…i feel awkward on the phone, always. I have AT&T too!


I WISH I had Monday off. Unfortunately, we never get holidays off unless it’s like Christmas or something.

I definitely text more often than talk on the phone. I really hate talking on the phone.


monday off?: Sadly I have to work on Monday. Our school district got MLK day off and so we work on President’s day… I am SO SAD about this…enjoy your long weekend :)

workout today: I am doing my boxing boot camp class that I’ve been going to for a while now on Friday’s after school. :) LOVE IT!

text/talk: AT&T and I am definitley more of a texter…. depends on my mood and who it is that I’m talking to, more often than not…I tend to text more :)


I am so sorry you have to work…I will run an extra mile just for you:) YOUR workout today sounds awesome, I want to try that!


I love the 26 cinnamon bread! Both my kids have off school on Monday and I watch my niece so it should be an interesting day!
My dumb calf is rock hard so I am doing an easy elliptical workout and foam rolling today.


so fun!! I love the 26 bread, that is too cute!!

typically Fridays are my days off…tomorrow 9 miles w/ my running group & maybe spin! I miss my spin class!!


people still talk on the phone? really? I’m not sure I remember how.


Who would have thought?!?! My fingers are faster now from typing and texting than I can speak:)


I have never tried a cazookie! You have introduced me to so many new things in life!!! We have a long weekend too, except mine starts today so I get four days :D Lots of running, might try some yoga, and lots of food!! I’m with Bell (canadian) and I text allllllll the time!!


Well, when YOU come to Utah…I am taking you to all of these amazing places! AHHH 4 day weekend, that makes me so happy..enjoy your running and yoga!


I def text more because if I try to talk on the phone my kids are suddenly in some kind of emergency! UGH!!!! We have AT&T.


Mmmm cazookie! I’ve never had one in real life, but every time I see one on your blog I have one vicariously through you.. they look AMAZING!

I text more than I talk. Is it weird that I now find phone conversations kind of awkward? I’m just so used to texting now that I never really know what to say on the phone anymore!

Today’s workout = 5 mile tempo run. It’s BEAUTIFUL, sunny and the temp is above zero in Cape Breton today – a perfect day for a run. Can’t wait!


Ummm…best night ever. I seriously just adore you. I’m so glad you’re MY friend! Love you babe. see you SOON! xoxoxo


Awww! Your Mom is the BEST! And swedish fish are the BEST. And 3 day weekends are THE BEST! Yay for Fridays as well.


Since I’m a SAHM, I don’t everyday is like a weekend for me. However, the schools around here have today and Monday off. If my kids were in elementary school, we would be going down to Houston to visit family. This weekend, my cousin, who is more like my little sister, is coming over for dinner tonight with her boyfriend. Just fun family time! Probably The Shred followed by a 30 minute run.
It’s really a tie. I probably talk more to my family on the phone, but text more with my friends. I have AT&T.


Augh! I tried my first spin class this morning and I may NEVER walk again! I’m already feeling it! It was fun though! Have a GREAT 3 day weekend!!


I AM SO EXTREMELY HAPPY THAT YOU TRIED SPIN!!! Was the teacher good? Yes, you will be sore but you will get used to it.


Im the same, AT&T and i def text more than i talk. im not really a fan of talking on the phone!
and unfortunately no 3 day wknd for me! sad!


Not only do we not have Monday off, but we have conferences that night. BOO!

Workout today is just an easy jog to loosen the legs for tommorrow’s long run.

Look forward to your weekend of running and eating, cause you always help me make my food decisions ……..bring on the photos. :)


I’m gonna say you had the salad w/grapes, yes? I love girls nights….especially when I’m in comfy mode.

My 3 day weekend includes a long trail run, shopping w/my 13 yr old (heaven for her!) a date w/hubby to see the musical legally Blonde and taco night tonight! Happy weekend :)


You are right! Seriously, girls nights are the best!! What a fun weekend….shopping my mom was always my favorite too. Enjoy taco night and legally blonde the musical (yes, I am extremely jealous!)


No vacation day for me on Monday, unfortunately. Accounting firms are very, very uncool like that.

I don’t like to talk on the phone very much (I don’t know what happened to me since I was a teenager that would spend hours on the phone!). I definitely IM, email, and text way more. It’s gotten to the point where I’m considering downgrading my cell phone plan to fewer minutes, since I use so little of them. AT&T for me, too!

Currently nursing a case of left knee wonkyness, so no running for me for a bit. I’ll be getting reacquainted with the elliptical and/or the bike this weekend. Hello, old friends!


Okay this post has me craving a cazookie. We have a pizza place that sells them but they are called pazookies. Now I just need to convince my husband that we need to go out to dinner! ;)

Today is a rest day for me. Last week I started having my rest days on Fridays because I either race on Saturday’s or have a long run. Today, I am sick with a cold so I can really use the rest day. However, I am usually pretty grumpy when I don’t run :(


I think you NEED to go get a pazookie tonight! Enjoy your rest day…Billy has his rest day on Fridays too! I am so sorry you are sick…get better ASAP!


text way more than talk ;) I love that your mom buys you stuff I still have to show my mom the collage of photos I took of all the food and treats I ate at her house while she was away – don’t leave me with keys! haha

and I love that cinnamon 26 I want to eat it!


You girls are absolutely gorgeous even with the yellow lighting. :) I am so glad Billy tried is first pazookie and that your Mom bought you a giant bag of sweedish fish. You definitely deserved it my friend. Have an amazing weekend!


I like to text more than talk!

In fact, I just did an 11 random things about me post and being anxious about talking on the phone was one of them!!


I DO have Monday off. But I had forgotten until you just reminded me. Thanks!
I did elliptical and abs today. Last long run this weekend before the half.
TEXT. And we use Sprint.

The Kidless Kronicles


I have Monday off! We operate on a very limited holiday schedule so this is a surprise one. Hoping to get an extra yoga class out of it and do some organizing.

Today is a rest day but some stretching & roam rolling is necessary.

Definitely more of a texter – I usually end up playing phone tag with my friends anyways so it’s easier. I had to switch to AT&T for work.


SO happy that you get Monday off and good for you to get in some more yoga and organizing…come organize my house pretty please:)


I started putting grapes in my salads randomly, and now realize that I probably got the idea from you!! :)

Workout today was 10 minutes on revolving staircase + 50 minute kickboxing class–where I beat the crap out of a standing bag to let out my frustration (found out yesterday that I need knee surgery…again). Not going to let it get me down ;)

Have a great weekend!!!


That makes me really happy…are you enjoying your grape salads?!?! GREAT WORKOUT…I want to come to your kickboxing class. KNEE SURGERY, I am so so sorry Gina! When? That sucks!


Loving the grapes on the salad! Kickboxing is super-fun…I think you’d like it! :) Knee surgery is in a few weeks (calling tomorrow to schedule it)…but I should be back to working out 100% in about 3 months, so it’s not too bad!


TGIF but not looking forward to the 3-day weekend… Sunday I’m on an all-liquid diet [YUCK] in preparation for Monday’s colonoscopy… Lovely, eh?! I think I should eat two days worth of food tomorrow to last me hehe…

I definitely text wayyy more than I talk, thanks for the service Verizon ;)


I don’t have Monday off from anything. Boo. And, we’re expecting snow Sunday afternoon (for the first time, really). Double boo for no day-off sledding opportunities.

Work out? Did my rise and run miles this morning, so concentrating on strength tonight at the gym after a TM warm up.


Those salads look awesome!!! And that dough for your birthday!! haha perfect!!!
I have Monday off and I am beyond excited to get this weekend started! It’s been a long week at work… haha


Do you have Monday off from work/school? What are your 3-day weekend plans?
Lots of running, lots eating, some napping

What is your workout going to be today (it has been at least 3 days since I asked this question…I can’t help myself, I want to know)
6 mile “speed” run.


I love everything about this post – monster salads, dessert bread, cazookie, and SWEDISH FISH!

I have off Monday, woo!


Happy birthday week! I can’t believe bulky has gone that long lining with you abd hasn’t had a Cazookie!

My I got my long run in early, 20 miles before flyin off to Honduras for a mission trip!! I also tried my very first Ice bath! Goodness gracious that was cold!

I have AT&T and I definitely text more than I call people


That cinnamon/sugar pizza dough looks awesome. :) I don’t have Monday off of work but very thankful that today is Friday!! I hate talking on the phone so I definitely text more!


I’m a texter all the way… I work for T-Mobile! That salad looks sooo good! I love piling mine all high light that too. I know you are a dog fan, so I wanted to share this with you. Funniest/cutest/most awesome thing I have seen all week (other than your blog of course) ;-)


I have had 3 cazookies and 2 “never on sundae’s” (from the PFact.) in the past 10 days (shared with friends…I promise). Just thought you should know. Hope yours was as delicious as mine have been! :)


ahhhhhh Amy that is awesome!!!! Which one do you like better?


Whelp…here are my thoughts: I love that the “never on sundae” has fudge and caramel on it, but we realized this week, that they have shrunk the cookie. All they do is throw a CC cookie in the botton, heat it, then cover all the empty spots with whipped cream. I canNOT be fooled. The cazookie rocks because that cookie is THICK…and DOUGHY…and goes all the way to the edge of the pan. If I was forced to choose, I would take the cazookie any day. I hear Cold Stone is trying the whole “warm cookie with ice cream on top”. I will definitely be in there early next week. :)


I have never tried a cazookie but it sounds PERFECT. Especially after a huuuuuge salad like that :D
I don’t have Monday off. Actually I’m not sure! I should probably check that out..
I did elliptical and weights!
AT&T and definitely text.


Ok Janae where did u get that salad?! i need to know. i live close to u so i know i can get one and I want one tomorrow :) i can’t eat sweedish fish because I have an addiction to them. if I have one I have 100. they are the best processed product in the universe. i use to hide a bag under the front seat of my car. tomorrow is a treadmill run and interval training. love your blog!


Thanks so much! You are so sweet! It is from pizza factory! So delicious!

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