This morning after hitting the snooze button 6 times, Billy really loves it when I do that; I finally peeled myself up out of bed.  I turned on Modern Family and started running on my treadmill.  Besides thinking about how the tag on my shorts was tearing the skin off of my back (PS for my first marathon training, I thought that the chaffing mark on my lower back from my shorts was skin cancer and it freaked me out. I didn’t know what chaffing was and it didn’t hurt until I was in the shower) I didn’t think about a thing besides how hilarious Phil is.

Photo 7

8 miles later and I had approximately 7 minutes to get ready for school, I am looking mighty fine today, don’t be jealous.


Do I have something beautiful for you today!  Before we know it the sun will be shining all day again and we will all be happily running around in the sun again (or I could have used these to protect my eyeballs during my blizzard run on Saturday).  What would be the perfect accessory that you NEED in order to enjoy your run and protect your eyes……..

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The SUNGLASSES SHOP is giving away a pair of Nike sunglasses to one lucky reader!!! Their website has a trillion (you know I exaggerate by now right? There is only a million) awesome sunglasses for sports wear or casual wear.  They have every major brand that you can think of from Michael Kors to Oakley.

These Nike’s are great for running, cycling, tennis or just making you look like the

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You can read all about these Nike Skylon Black glasses HERE!!!!


To Enter Giveaway for Sunglasses Above:

1.  Tell me your favorite running accessory.

2.  Extra Entry (leave a separate comment):  Tell me what you would use these glasses from The Sunglasses Shop for?

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I would get a really cute looking pair of Nike running glasses I’ve had my eye on. They’re functional but super cute too!! I’ll keep my fingers crossed :-D


My Garmin – I didn’t run consistently until I could track my miles.


I would use the glasses on all of my outdoor training runs – which is currently 5 days a week thanks to the strangely warm winter we’re having in Toronto!


My garmin….I can’t leave home without it!


My favorite accessory is my ipod.


I would wear those sunglasses everywhere! :)


My favorite running accessory is my iPod. My favorite songs get me in the zone!


If I won those sunglasses I would use them on my runs so my eyes don’t die under the Texas sun.


my fave accessory is my garmin, for sure!


My garmin is my favorite accessory!


My nike gps watch is definitely my favorite accessory!


Running down the canyon often results in some mighty sun in the eyes…those glasses would be perfect!


I would use the sunglasses for running along the chicago lakefront!


Definitely love my amphipod handheld.


My favorite running accessory is my garmin!


I would use them for running and biking. I wear my aviators while biking. Not a good look.


My iPhone (I use Nike+ GPS, ipod, phone if necessary)


I would use them for running in sunny So Cal :)


I would use the sunglasses to run along the esplanade in Boston. It gets sunny!!


My all time favorite running accessory is my Garmin. I can’t stand to run without it!


My iPod is my favorite running accessory :) I love to run to my music!!!


I would definitely be wearing these bad boys for RUNNING in the sun!!!!!


My favorite running accessory is my Garmin 305. I love hearing that jingle of another mile gone by.

If I had those glasses, I would wear them for running, cycling and my upcoming ski trip! Goggles are too clunky. Those glasses would be just right!


My favorite running accessory is my iPhone…. I can listen to music, use the Nike+ GPS, and take pictures of anything awesome I come across… and of course call someone if something goes wrong. I rarely run without it!


And I would use them to shield my eyes from glare while snowshoeing up the mountains here in VT… if Mother Nature ever decides she wants us to have more snow this year!


My favorite running accessory would either be some music in my ears to pump me up, or a GPS watch. Both are high up on the list.


I would use these sweet sunglasses for running, coaching, and backpacking all summer!


sunglasses. no joke. I NEED them. :)

I wear fashion sunglasses and look like a nerd – i’m winning this FACT!


My favorite running gear is my Nike paver shorts love them I have a favorite pair that is currently being held together by 2 safety pins know joke.


My earwarming headband! Gotta keep the ears warm in these cold temps!


My favorite accessory my iPod!


I have always wanted a pair of running/biking sun glasses but there just not in my bugget these would be great


My iPod is my favorite running accessory…I can’t run without it and a good playlist makes all the difference :)


I would use them for running and hiking.


My Garmin is by far my favorite running accessory


I would definitely use those glasses for running all summer and for a skiing weekend coming up later this winter!


I would use my sunglasses for running (preferably on a sunny day at the beach) and biking! I’m training for my first half marathon and they would definitely come in handy!


Awesome! My favorite accessory is my Sporthill light weight light blue running jacket. I can wear it in -30 degree temps and stay warm.


I would use theses glasses for running. I have actually been wanting to get a pair of sunglasses for running – I’m tired of squinting!


They will be these sunglasses as I don’t have one and after last week’s outside running, I’m not sure I have corneas left.

But currently I would die without my iphone.


Hands down — fave accessory is my Garmin. I’ll never run without it!


I would use these sunglasses for biking and running as I get ready to triathlon this summer. pumped!


I’m a slave to my iPod. Can’t run without it! Wish I was one of those people who just “enjoyed the sounds of nature” but I need my music to keep me pumped up!


I would use them for RUNNING. I was just thinking how badly I need some on my run the other day. Not sure my sunglasses that take up half of my face would look normal while running ;)


Right now my favorite running accessory is my compression sleeves. They keep my arms warm in the cold Oregon weather, but once I start warming up, I can roll them down if I need to! Gotta be ready for the weather here. :)


My favorite running accessories are my Garmin Watch and my Android. I am kind of strange and love listening to radio podcasts on my phone:) I would love these glasses because they would be awesome for Portland’s amazing summers which I get to enjoy running during the morning when I am off. Thank God for teacher summers:)


I would definitely use these glasses while I ran! They look like they’re comfortable and look cute too!


I would probably get some running sunglasses, or maybe casual ones, as the sun doesn’t shine as much here in Oregon as I’d like. Haha


I’m so excited you’re doing this giveaway because I really need some running sunglasses, especially after moving to Texas! My favorite running accessory right now is my new Garmin!


I would use these glasses on all my sunny Texas runs! They would come in handy 100% of the year.


I would consider my sports bra a neccasity, so definitly my garmin is my favorite running accesory….


I love running with my off brand Camelbak. I’m definitely not coordinated with my hands while running.


I would use them to run with to block out the glaring snow on the ground….wait that all melted already, so the spring sun!


Favorite accessory is the garmin!


I would use them for my hiking in Colorado!


My favorite accessory is my ipod. I cannot run without it.


I would definitely use the glasses for running.


I would use the sunglasses while running of course.


my iphone… i switch between apps but nike+ is the best!


My favorite running accessory is my garmin…and my RoadID – I never leave home without the two.


I don’t have a pair of running sunglasses and need a pair so bad – I have a goal of running 500 miles this year which is double what I ran last year!


My favorite running accessory is my Ipod. Can’t run without it. The sounds of nature or of the treadmill just don’t pump me up enough.


I would use the sunglasses for hiking. I don’t usually run with glasses because I hate the way the bridge of your nose gets all wet and sweaty. But I always wear them hiking. I love this pair!


my favorite running accessory are my brooks running shoes. I love them!


My favorite running accessory is my dog Delta… I only run without her on race days….she keeps me going!


My favorite running accessory would have to be a tie between my Garmin and my Road ID. Safety first!


I love my Garmin!


I would use the glasses for running and biking


Favorite running accessory: My 1BandID. Keeps me safe.


My favorite running accessory is my road id bracelet – after one car almost bumped me I won’t run on the roads without it!


My gave accessory is my Nike plus sportband! Love!!


My favorite running accessory is a Eklaar headband- made here in Alaska! They’re perfect to keep the wind and cold away in the winter and the sweat from pouring down my face in the summer. I have 2 and rarely go a day without using one. They’re the best!


I would use the sunglasses to run with,so I wouldn’t look so silly running in big shades! Hahaha. No joke though, ran a marathon wearing regular sunglasses, looked hot. Hot mess. Hah


Hi Janae! My favorite running accessory is my Bondi Band. I LOVE those. They hold your hair back and soak up buckets of sweat like you would not believe. I would use the Nike sunglasses for (duh) running in the blazing sun of Oklahoma. They also look like they’d do a good job of blocking the giant tumbleweeds blowing around in these gale force winds…


My favourite running accessory right now is my Lululemon Ear Warmer Headband. It’s a chilly time of year and this ear warmer keeps my ears toasty(amazing to me considering how thin it is)…and wards off the brain freeze!


I love Nike! Those shades are fierce! I absolutely cannot run without my LIVESTRONG runners hat. It’s faded and stained from runs in the rain, snow and sun but its super comfortable and my husband can always pick me out of a race because it’s pink!
I would use those shades for running my 2nd half marathon next month! I’m hoping to break 2 hours :)


I would use these glasses for running – my running partner would be so jealous!


Apparently I can’t read and my comment was supposed to be 2 comments. Sooooo I also love running with my Road ID. I feel naked without it and it gives me a little peice of mind.

Let’s pretend that I can follow directions.


My fav running accessory is my garmin!


Favorite running accessory…my Garmin! Love it! Oh wait, I really like my iPod too. :)


i don’t use much accessory-wise when it comes to running…I like my Garmin during training…otherwise I like to run free of electronics. So I guess my all-time favorite would have to be my sneakers…Mizuno Wave Inspires!


I would definitely use these glasses for running in the bright Texas sun (especially during the summer)!


Yep, I would use these sunglasses for running…and probably baseball, too, it’s always good to keep the sun out of your eyes when baseballs are flying towards you! I love the fierce, fast look of these – I, in turn, would feel fierce and fast!


If I had the new Nike sunglasses, I could chunk my cheapos that were in a race packet.. Now days I run in the dark alot, but when we see daylight until 8:00 I’ll use the mess out of them to run against the blaring MS sun!


My favorite running accessory is my iPod. Need my music. Can barely help from bustin’ a move with some of my fave tunes!


My fav running accessory is a headband. My hair has to stay completely still and out of my face so I never think about it!


i just got a garmin watch for christmas so that’s my favorite accessory right now!


I would use those sunglasses from the Sunglasses Shop to look awesome :-)


i’d definitely wear these glasses for running or on the beach


I’ve been thinking about getting some shades for running and these are amazing! I’m in Minnesota, so I can use these year-round for running outdoors – sunny summers and snow-glare winters.


My underarmour long sleeve shirt with that fuzzy warm lining. Amazing, gets me through those below freezing runs.


I would use these swanky sunglasses for summer races!


Favorite running accessory is my Ipod/nike+.


My favorite workout gear is my bic bands!


I would use them for running of course :) but also driving, walking the dog and looking as cool as you hrg!


My favorite running accessory is confidence! Knowing you can do it is half the battle!


I would love these to wear running, biking and hiking.


My favorite running accessory is my garmin (outside) and my kindle fire (treadmill). Good underwear essential too. Once I was running on the treadmill. At the gym and my underwear kept falling down! So uncomfortable and embarrassing! !


Does chapstick or gum count as an accessory?

Question about the glasses…do they stay on your nose…my trouble is that I sweat something awful and glasses fall off…can I assume they found away around that issue?


I would use these all the time, obviously. I mean who wouldn’t want to sport these super sweet sunnies!


I don’t own any sunglasses currently so I would use them for everything!


I am running a half marathon this summer with Team World Vision; I would definitely wear the glasses then :)


My favorite running accessory is my Nike GPS watch. It is so easy to use. I never run without it!


My favorite running accessory, if you can call these that, WAS my custom orthotics but I may have…errr……lost one? I left my sneaker with the orthotic inside of it at a race!


favorite running accessory is my hat!


I love those glasses and would use them to make sure I can see my Nike GPS watch on every mile of my run AND I would wear them whenever I have an urge to feel TOTALLY AWESOME!


My ipod and headband!!


My favorite running accessory are my ipod touch gloves! Perfect for winter running :)


First, I’d use thesefor spring skiing!
Then, I’d definitely put them to great use on my POTENTIAL (key word) cross country bike trip this summer!


My favorite is my garmin. Or as its known around my house my best friend.


My favorite running accessory is my Ipod! But I’ve never ran in sunglasses before : )


I would use the glasses for my bike commute to work! I need a pair so badly that fit under my helment!!


and i would use these sunglasses for EVERYTHING.


I would use these for all the training I have planned for this spring!!!!


My favorite running accessory is my iPod with Nike plus. Love it!


Favorite running accessory – my MUSIC!


I would use them for running!


My favorite accessory is my purple iPod touch. Love it =)


I would wear these on my runs, in the car, at the lake – anywhere?!


My favorite running accessory is my iPod and Nike plus. Love it!


My favorite running accessory is my dog! Does that count?


I would totally use these for running. Fow shizzle. So rad. And….I’m out of teenage mutant ninja turtle vocabulary. But seriously. They seem awesome =)


I would definitely use them for running!


I would use these training for my first half!!


My favorite running accessory is by far my Garmin!


My favorite accessory is definitely my ipod… I get super bored without it


I would use those sunglasses ALL the time! Especially now that I am getting into some really long runs as I train for my first full marathon (LA Marathon in March!).


i would use them for running during super sunny mornings!


Favorite running accessory HAS to be the Garmin. What else?


I would use these sunglasses for running, biking and probably coed softball in the summer


I would definitely get so much use out of them this summer running outside here in Georgia!


As of now, my favorite running accessory is definitely a hat because I still haven’t invested in a good pair of sport sunglasses… looks like these could definitely fit the bill!


Favorite running accessory: a 50-pound, 8.5 year-old Brittany spaniel named Luna. She’s trained for 10 marathons with me, and I feel like something is missing when I have to run alone.


I would definitely use them for running outside. I live in Florida and rarely have runs where the sun isn’t blinding me.


Extra entry: I would use the glasses to keep my eyes from freezing during runs in single-digit Chicago winter temps… those are some hard-core runs!


My FAVORITE running accessory is a quality pair of socks!! They’re a must!!


My favorite running accessory is my nano iPod because it clips right onto my clothes. I always hated running with an arm band, and now I don’t have to.

Also, my favorite time to run is when the sun is rising, so these sunglasses would be perfect for the second half of my runs!


I would use those sunglasses for running during the day. Every time I’m running towards the sun I have to squint and feel like I’m wasting energy! Would love to have these to help make my runs that much better!


My favorite running accessory are my shoes!


Favorite accessory is my new garmin forerunner 110 =D I love that thing so much to help me keep track of my pace!


My favorite running accessory is my dog, Blanca! She loves to run and I can’t help but run extra fast when she is with me.


Living in Texas the sun can get BRIGHTTT all year round (yesterday it was 75, not even kidding). So some shades would help out tremendously to help keep the sunshine from blinding me haha.


I love running with my Love To Run hat.


I would use the glasses to run! And to ride my horse =)


definitely my ipod – without music blasting in my ears i won’t make it even 1 minute!


I would use them to block the sun from my eyes =)


My favorite running accessory is my 10 month old golden retriever…she makes every run so much more fun and eventful!


favorite running accessory is my phone bc it has my music and my GPS mileage app :)


I would use these Nike sunglasses for running and biking. It is super sunny year round in Florida and I need to make sure my eyes are protected from the UV rays.


I would use them for…. running, biking, boating.. and looking cool ;)

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