A fun date night activity…..

Some pretty exciting stuff in the running world today.

Male Winners:  The first time that all three males finished under 2:10  in the US Olympic Marathon Trials history.

1. Meb Keflezighi (his best marathon time ever) 2:09:07

2. Ryan Hall 2:09:30

3. Abdi Abdirahman 2:09:47

Alternate: Dathan Ritzenhein 2:09:55

Female Winners:

1. Shalane Flanagan 2:25:38

2. Desi Davila 2:25:45

3. Kara Goucher  2:26:06

Alternate:  Amy Hastings 2:27: 17


Okay maybe this activity is more accurately described as a fun kids activity but either way, I had a blast doing it.

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Basically you just get a block of ice cream and sculpt it into whatever you want!

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Billy and I made a little white poodle.  Please tell me that you could have guessed that without me telling you what it was.

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The BIL and his wife made a beautiful upside down ice cream cone that had fallen on the ground and started melting.

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The other BIL and his date made a taxi cab?

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And the best part is that you eat it when you are done.

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They dared him to stick his face in the ice cream and if he did then they would buy him a .99 taco.  He will do anything for free stuff.

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We obviously had to go redeem his free taco at 1 a.m. and Billy was finally able to try his spicy crunch wrap that he begs for every time we drive by taco bell.

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What did you think of the results?

-I was really hoping that Desiree would come in first and I was rooting for Dathan to make the men’s team.  The times were fast and I think that the runners that will represent the US in the Olympics are incredible and I am so excited for them.

Any fun/random date night activities to share with the class?

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That does look like a fun night! You’re BIL is crazy, love it!

Yay for Kara!!


He really is! Hope you are having a great weekend. And I am stoked about Kara too!


I live in Houston so I was fortunate to be able to go and watch the runners. They ran an 8 mile loop 3 times so I got to see them run by 3 times. They’re crazy fast. The men’s lead pack ran so close to me once that I could have easily touched Ryan Hall (and then I would have been escorted off the premises by security). I even felt a gush of wind as they passed by! So speedy!


JESSICA!! That is so so so cool that you were able to spectate the trials (I am jealous but very happy for you:) I bet there was a little wind when they went by at 12 mph ha! Did you get any pictures?


Haha, I would have guessed your creation was a sheep…that’s pretty close, right? :) Looks like a fun night!

Those trial times were amazing! Seems like it’s going to be a great team!


You are right Michelle…it definitely looks like a sheep:) Hope you are having a great weekend!


They all did amazing! It was so sad seeing Dathan finish 4th:-( I was rooting for Kara to finish first (gotta root for my MN gal). I watched it w/my 2 year old, it was so cute, she clapped every time they showed the women runners.

Also from the last post–your parents are just adorable.


I KNOW…it almost made my cry! Your two year old sounds so cute and thanks for the comment about my parents, you made my day! Yay for MN!


They were amazing times!! I am especially impressed with Meb because a lot of people had written him off and he comes back blazing!
I like the womens team too! Can’t wait til London!

Jealous of those icecream sculptures, they look delicous :)


I KNOW! I have been watching youtube videos about Meb all day long ha. I think you should make a sculpture ASAP!


I really wanted Desiree to win, too. She did great, though. I was so sad for Dathan- I was really rooting for him to pull it out in the end.


I know…he was SO SO CLOSE. 8 seconds! I can’t imagine how tough that must be. Jerilee….we need to do something mkay!?!?


Agreed :)


i was glad kara made it…and yes would have like to see that 4th place guy make it…


Me too…Love Kara! Really hoping Dathan would too. I will be talking to him tomorrow for an interview and I will be asking him about all the details!


hehee!! ice cream sculptures….how fun!! must do that some time! :-) have a great weekend jenae!


You really should! I hope you have a great weekend too!


HAHAHAHHAHAH. omg. I freaking love you. hahahahhahha. WHY have I never sculpted ice cream before??


Katelyn, I really think you need to try it out! It was too much fun! Hope you are having an amazing weekend!


Ice cream sculpture? Awesome. :). I was pulling for a shalane/Ryan win, so I was pleased! I also hoped Dathan would have made the team, I felt crushed for him watching him finish and break down. I feel like if I was ever in the trials I’d want to be top three or fifth. I don’t think I could deal with the pain of fourth! Especially with the ground he made up in the final miles.


I KNOW…wasn’t that the saddest thing ever. I completely agree about either the top three or the fifth but EIGHT seconds away from making the team, that would hurt big time!


Oops, I also thought your creation was a sheep. Sounds/looks like y’all had a blast.

I think the trial times are amazing. Cannot wait to watch the Olympics.


Ha, you guys are right…it really does look like a sheep! Have a great night!


I was excited for Kara!!!! One of my good friends was able to watch the race at the finish line. Such a cool thing to experience!


That would have been so much fun to watch in real life. How is your treadmill Tabaitha? You getting any sleep?


It’s so nice! I haven’t been able to this week due to Peyton getting over RSV and I have a double ear infection with both ear drums ruptured, which causes my balance to be a bit off. Once I don’t have to worry about dizziness anymore, I will be back on it.


I’m not a huge ice cream fan but your pics make me want to go buy some and have an ice cream date night with myself! Your blog never fails to make me hungry. I was especially rooting for Kara today so I’m really happy she made it. She deserves it after everything she’s been through. I posted about it this morning actually and included a link to your blog :)


YES YES YES you need some ice cream in your life. Thanks for the shout out…I am loving your blog! YAY FOR KARA!


Hanging with the bro and SIL tonight, watched the Olympia trials with bloody marys and cheese and crackers, yumm. I was routing for Kara so happy she got it! Off to dinner for more eating/ drinking. U only live once right?!?


RIGHT!! Sounds like an amazing day and keep enjoying it Corinne!


Oh my goodness … who on Earth thought of making ice cream sculptures?? I don’t know if I should be incredibly grossed out or incredibly jealous!! ;)


You should be jealous Kristen:) Hope you are having an amazing night!


Hi Janae!

I wanted to cry for Dathan today. He was so so close and just looked so crushed. And so did Amy; I felt so bad- they are all UNREAL runners and I wish they could all go because they so deserve it!!
Have a GREAT weekend!


Hey Michele! I know, it broke my heart. I can’t even imagine coming that close and working that hard and coming in 4th:( Hope you are having a great night!


Yum! That looks delicious and so much fun! I need to have cool friends like you out here… none of our friends are into crazy things like that (and I’ve been trying to put on a costume party for YEARS… they’ll have none of it, sad face). But I like the idea as a date night… at least I know my crazy Mister is just as crazy as me (or he’s crazy for marrying me… either way) =)


that looks like fun!


Girl–its gonna be you in the next few years!!! — on the team!and I think you guys are crazy!!!e


So excited with the marathon results!! I got a date actually. For an old married couple that’s a big deal. Afternoon movie and nachos at Johnny carinos. And that hasn’t happened in a year!


Is it normal to cry when Shalane crossed the finish line? haha… I can even imagine the emotion those 6 top finishers felt. Felt so bad for Ritz… you could see his heartbreak at the end.




I totally had my running geek on today. I was so impressed with all of the runners and my heart broke for the 4th place finishers.


I wanted Desi to take first SO. BAD. She and Ryan are my favorites AND THEY BOTH TOOK SECOND. They’ll show everyone what’s up though, no doubt.


I was happy Kara and Ryan made it. I liked Shalene’s strategy of COLD EXECUTION. That’s a heartless mantra. Lol. I loved watching it. They need running tv!! I love it!!


I guess I can see the poodle, but it really looks like a sheep to me! :) What a fun and delicious date night!

We had family dinner to celebrate Daniel’s brother coming home from Kenya, and it was great to see everyone. I had a pushup competition with my 16 year old nephews (I won), and I got to hang out with my SILs/BFFs and all my nieces and nephews!


First time I’ve ever watched Olympic trials. I was glued to the tv and on the edge of my seat. I loved it. Thanks for giving us lots of heads up about the athletes on your blog. It was fun to get to know them a little bit before watching them in action.
I was so overcome with emotion watching those ladies run in I started crying!! Is that normal??


LOL you made my night better with that face-in-ice-cream picture. all for a 99 cent taco huh? too funny!!!


Ice cream sculptures sounds so fun!! I hope you guys ate them after lol :-D

Aaaaah watching the trials was so great today!! I’m SO happy for Kara that she made the team – I had doubts after the year she’s had. I cried when she crossed the finish line and started crying haha. I’m definitely bummed Dathan didn’t make the team too – but I LOVE ryan hall so I’m glad he’ll be in London!


Haha, by the question, “What did you think of the results” at first I thought you meant the ice cream sculptures. I was going to have to give your white poodle first place, even though I thought it was a lamb for just a split second :-)


TEAM DESI, Janae! Her story is so inspirational. Things could be worse, 2nd is not bad!


I love Meb :)


Where did you get this sculpting ice cream idea? Too funny! Pretty sure that’s a volcano burrito that Billy’s having..should I admit that I love the volcano taco?? I’ve only ever had it three times though lol


I think I know what we will be doing for “game night” at our house this summer. It’s just a little too “weird” to sculpt a block of ice cream when it costs almost $14.00 up on the island =) Looks like you guys had a blast, and I’m glad my husband isn’t the only one who begs for Taco Bell.


Oh WOW–good job to those athletes—so FAST!

I want to sculpt out of ice cream! -that rocks :)


I love this date night activity! PS: I have a giveaway going on now that I think you might be in to!


I am so trying that ice cream idea :)


Hahah love this activity…glad you ate the sculptures- no ice cream shall ever go to waste!


Ice cream sculpting!? This should be a new Olympic sport!


I love your blocks of ice cream idea…I’d just eat it all….I thought it was a sheep, so I guess that’s kinda close ;)


Same here!


so happy for shalane!!! I love her. And meb is just unreal, wow!! I love the white poodle, just perfect. I could lick her all over. whoops, that sounds bad. haha.


Love the ice cream idea! I watched the marathon trials with my 4 year old. He was so funny because when the women would come on, he kept asking where I was :-) I didn’t have the heart to tell him that they run the marathon in almost half the time it takes mommy.


What a fun date night idea! And cheap too :) Always a plus!


omg I have never heard of anyone making ice cream sculptures! Haha I’d end up eating way too much and feeling sick… lol but I do love ice cream. And your dog was definitely the best. I’m guessing the key is to work fast?


Haha, laughing out loud! That’s a great idea :D BTW, how did you get the ice cream out of the container?! Last night when I was scooping ice cream I almost snapped the metal spoon it was so hard- so I just opted to bring the whole thing onto the couch with me and eat it directly out of the container [why dirty a bowl]?!


Sculpting ice cream? Something I have to try! Haha ;)


I Janae! I live in Houston and was able to attend the trials….SO AMAZING. Check out my blog for this pics, if you would like!



“Hi” not “I” and “the” not “this”. Wow. I guess I was rushed writing that :)


I LOVE SHALANE! I don’t even know why, I just think she is so cool. I’m pretty thrilled about the top three girls, I don’t know as much about the male runners but they look super speedy and I’m psyched to see how they rep the USA in the Olympics!


oh my gosh.. you guys do the funniest most random activities haha.


What a cute idea with the ice cream, I love it!!


So creative! I’ll do anything for ice cream (and/or Mexican food)…but I don’t think I’d stick my face in it, haha.


I was going to say a sheep but a poodle is cute too. :-)


I was happy with the results, I wasn’t really sure who would place where, but I think we have a good team. Not sure if we can medal, but we have a strong team.

It was awesome to see it in person.


Your family is insane and I like it!!


I just posted some awesome pictures on my blog from the Olympic Trials that I know you’ll enjoy. Go check them out!

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