I had a very strange feeling come over me, I call it my sixth sense.  Somehow I knew that my loved ones were about to eat ice cream somewhere close by.  My intuition told me to call my mom.  Turns out they were just about to get gelato in the same exact shopping center that we were at…  I forgave them both after the first bite of my chocolate and coconut gelato.  The chocolate tasted just like frozen brownie batter.

Photo 7 copy

After my mom had to leave and be productive or something the three of us had nothing to do so we sat at the table for a while and made up songs.  Let me rephrase that, we made up hilarious songs.  There is an app called Songify and you talk into the microphone and then they turn it into a song and make you sound like a really great singer (and in my case a rapper).  We made a song up for all of our siblings and emailed it to them.  If you need any last minute Christmas presents, just send them a song written and sung by you via songify.

Leftover pizza made an appearance too.  I really like pepper.  All you health conscious people I had a bunch of snap peas and a pear after too….all of my food wasn’t orange yesterday.

IMG 1039


Today’s my rest day.  There is something magical about Sunday mornings.  Laziness (okay, that’s no different than my everyday life), sleep, breakfast and quality time with


Last day to enter the MIZUNO GIVEAWAY!!!


What day is your rest day this week?

What was the last type of soup you had?

-Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato soup.

What is your favorite/most used app on your phone?

Twitter.  I have to keep up on you guys.

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Lol I haven’t picked a rest day yet. It should be today because I’m sore, but exercising during finals keeps me sane!


I’m typically a Friday rester. After a long week, I just can’t get myself to do it! Plus, I like to run in the morning, and weekends are the best for that!


funny that I Am the exact opposite. my rest day is monday because getting back to work after a good weekend is work out in itself! i like to workout fridays b/c it starts your weekend off on the right foot :)


Hi! My rest day is usually Monday. After working all day I can’t fathom going to the gym.

I dont have a smart phone so my favorite app. is probably texting ;)

Your fro-yo always looks so good. We do not have ANY fro-yo places in Maine which is really quite depressing..Your pics always make me so jealous.


I have not tried fruit cake, it looks really gross to me.


My rest days are on Fridays; The last soup I had was black bean at panera yesterday! Yumm :)


That’s awesome that you got to meet up with mom and sis for a mid-day treat! Yum!

I LOVE that roasted red pepper soup! So delicious and much more zippy than plain old tomato!

What day is your rest day this week?

What was the last type of soup you had?
Chicken Noodle

What is your favorite/most used app on your phone?
Words with Friends


I took a rest day yesterday and enjoyed every minute I spent with my Dear, sat on the couch, stuffed my face with food, went for a brisk walk, and saved all of my to-do’s for today… Epitome of lazyyy :D

I’m loving the Campbell’s Select Harvest soup line [and TJ’s butternut squash soup]!


Janae, I qualified for BOSTON yesterday!!!!!

I’ll hopefully get a chance later today to write all about it…

I thought of you when I kept playing the same song on repeat over and over and over :)


Thanks to you I’m loving that soup too, need to buy more stat! Last soup I had was clam chowder. Today is my rest day too and I’m getting a bad site throat so it better be gone by Monday.


My rest day changes each week, depending on my schedule! I have plans with my gals today to bake cookies ALL DAY LONG!


Hey, no jokes about orange food. Most of my food turns out to be orange for some reason!

Sunday is always my rest day. I had tomato basil soup recently (yum). On my phone I use Facebook, weather, Pandora and GPS.

The Kidless Kronicles


Sunday is always a rest day for me! Feels lovely to cuddle and not do ANYTHING! (except today, we have church, a Christmas party, a Christmas play, and Aladdin dress rehearsal…phew)


Haha u so cute with ur sixth sense. Aaron makes a mean veggie soup


I WANT THAT APP! I just looked it up but I couldn’t find it. Do you have an iPhone? I have a droid..maybe that’s why?!


Saturdays are usually my rest days! Sometimes I will also take Thursday or Friday off too :)

I think the last soup I had was LENTIL! So yummy.

I’m with you on Twitter. It’s definitely my most used feature. I probably use my phone more for tweeting than I do for actual phone calls!


my rest day was actually wednesday this week, which is different than most weeks. usually it’s sunday, but i was feeling a little “off” on wednesday, so i decided to take it as my rest day. who knows, maybe i’ll end up using today as a second rest day this week, but as of now, i plan on fitting in a run later today. ;)

i just had TJ’s creamy tomato soup yesterday for lunch along with a grilled cheese – perfect combo! yum, yum, yum.


Amy’s Organic Tomato Bisque, low sodium. SO GOOD. I eat grilled cheese with it.

Also… I’ve done the exact same thing with Songify but by fiancé was not as excited as I was


I swear I eat so much orange food! Gelato is amaaaaazing.
Today is my rest day! Always on Sunday.
I had a sweet potato kale chowder last.
Twitter for me too!!


I am biking (in my basement) today and strength training. I am still so bad at rest days. I do some easier days, but resting is hard for me. I took one last Monday and I was shocked to see I hadn’t had one since September. Not smart. Mentally it’s just hard for me, even though I know how important they are. (I’ve already written on my calendar that Christmas is a rest day:))

Today we are also making Christmas candy and maybe cookies! It’s something the hubby and I do together each year.:)

My last soup was a cup of tomato bisque at a little bistro we go to for lunch from time to time. It doesn’t sound too exciting, but believe me they make the BEST I’ve ever had and I order it every single time I go there. That was yesterday. Today I have a huge crock pot full to the top with a thrown together soup – Lots of veggies (whatever we had in the fridge), some tomatoes, some turkey from Thanksgiving that I had frozen. I’m getting busy at work so I am hoping this gives us 2-3 dinners and lunches that I don’t have to worry about making.

My favorite apps are Twitter, Facebook, The Weather Channel, Electric Miles (goes with the Daily Mile website),Pace (to log my runs), Cychosis (to log my rides), eBay, Instagram….


Last and recent favorite soup is trader joes low sodium roasted tomato, and then I toss in some salsa or bruschetta for extra flavor and texture. YUM!


I always add my crackers or bread to my soup to let it get soggy. So delicous!

Sunday is one of my rest days and I always look forward to it. A lazy decadent breakfast, followed by more laziness. Oh yeah!


French Onion soup of course! It’s my favorite. Your Roasted Red Pepper Soup looks amazing though.


Lazy day: yesterday. We spent it doing Christmas shopping. Today would be lazy but I have a massive exam on Tuesday I have to study for.

Soup: I just made Chicken noodle two nights ago ;)

App: Fbook. Twitter.

Happy lazy day :)


loveee your scarf!
and hahahahaah billy’s face with the fruit cake is CLASSIC hahahah but so true NOT A DESSERT in my book at least!
my last soup was lentil/ veggie and it was deliciouss!!!
happy sunday girl<3


Rest days are either Sunday or Monday. Those are my weekend days. Last soup was can’t even remember! Its been that long!


Snap on the soup front..I just had mushroom soup for dinner! Although I’m with Billy about the crackers- they gotta retain the crunch! I tend to ‘save’ my rest days for Sundays because there is nothing like turning my alarm off, having a lazy breakfast in bed and staying in my pjs till noon…or even later than some Sundays ;!)


It’s a tough call between twitter and instagram for me. I fought the instagram peer pressure for a long time but now I’m obsessed. Coconut gelato is my faaavvvorite!


Definitely use twitter and facebook the most. I put all ny crackers in my soup at the beginning as well. Today is our rest day, so we will be cuddling and playing with the kids while watching football.


Rest day- Tuesday – had to switch it up from Mondays because of work.
Soup- chicken noodle
Going for an 8 miler today in the windy cold…aaaah!


Where is that gelato place? Looks delicious. Sunday is always a rest day for me, and I’ll usually end up taking at least one more throughout the week too, depending on what my body needs and what else I’m doing that day. That app sounds HILARIOUS! Just yesterday we were laying in bed making up silly songs.

Hope your Christmas shopping was fun! Have a great Sunday rest day!


my rest day is always Sunday too. No time to workout when there is church and family time

I love that your soup crackers are goldfish and cheezits! you make me laugh :)

the last soup I had was Paner’as black bean. it’s my favorite. and I have veggie and barley soup packed up for work tonight


THE moment I read about Songfly, I downloaded it. awesome! Thanks!!


I am downloading Songify to my phone as I type this! Woohoo!!!


Dear Janae – THANK YOU for the app recommendation!! that was hilarious!! I now have a new ringtone hahaha

and tomato soup is the bomb. I absolutely love splitting a thin crust veggie pizza and ordering tomato soup and DUNKING my pizza in the soup. But alas the last soup I had was last night and it was not tomato – it was Amy’s Vegetable Barley but then I add some extra chicken broth, a bag of mixed frozen veggies (squash, zucchini,..) and pulled chicken breast left over from the night before :)

Your froyo creation sounds amazing I want some now!


My rest day changes every week, but this week it was Friday so today is a workout day!
The last soup I had was roasted broccoli and potato soup…so delicious and easy to make.
So funny, whenever you and Billy differ on tastes I always seem to agree with him. You have to keep crackers/croutons in soups CRUNCHY!!!!


My rest day this week is apparently which ever one I choose. This weather is not conducive to my mental health and all I want to do is sit around ;)

The last soup I had was chicken noodle. I’m obsessed.

My favorite app is also Twitter. My least favorite one is the banking one we have because its constantly reminding me how broke we are.

Did Billy like the fruitcake!? Call me unAmerican, but I just can’t get myself to like it. *pleasedonthateme*


Wow! A dessert sixth sense, nice! I had my rest day yesterday, chilling in front of the fire with my hubby and kids, resting my aching muscles. Last soup was split pea (yum). Favorite app is Runkeeper definitely!


Have you noticed that I tweet an average of every five minutes? It’s true.


JUST had tomato soup after church with a piece of toast and goat cheese. DELIcious!!

I love gelato. YUMM. My dad actually has a gelato machine and makes homemade gelato. It is legit and super rich. Hah.


Hehe you use pepper like I do!! My dad always asks me if I’m planning on having any dinner with my pepper!


Sunday is my rest day usually. Sometimes Friday too. I don’t really eat alot of soup, but really want to start making it. Fave app is Pandora right now. Loving my Rihanna radio!


That gelato looks amazing….

My rest day is today! However, I rested Monday and Tuesday as well this past week due to being sick. But not this coming week – it’s going to be a KILLER workout week.

I had spicy chicken tortilla soup for lunch today. It was awesome.

My favorite phone apps – twitter, weather channel (i’m a dork), trip advisor (I cannot tell you how many hotel and restaurant reviews i’ve read on there), and facebook (I call it “the birthday reminder” app ha).

Have a great day!


It’s been TOO lon without some Janae in my life!! I have missed reading your blog…but I’m baaaack ;) You knew I couldn’t stay away for too long :D (work was crazy & when I got home I just wanted to plop down on the couch) I love that you have ice cream intution- I swear I have that too..that’s why I have to eat it nearly every night…I mean somewhere out there MUST be eating ice cream at the same time as me :)


I see I’m not the only one that puts Cheez-Its and Goldfish crackers in my soup… although I haven’t tried them both at the same time – hmmm… learn something new everyday! My last soup was Trader Joe’s Tomato & Roasted Red Pepper soup – a coincidence?! (It was a while ago though)

Yesterday was my rest day and today I ran the Holiday Half Marathon in my neck of the woods – the organizer is Run Racing and the announcers were chiming out, “Don’t worry folks, the water is from our sponsor and not from a fire hydrant!” Hahaa… well, it was sort of funny.

I can’t get enough of Google Navigation for the Android OS – it really annoys my wife that I use that to find out how long it’ll take to get somewhere and not so much as for the directions. (“We’re only going to the market for crying out loud!”)


ahaha that Songify app sounds hilarious! There was something like that on the computers in the biology lab I worked in…you typed stuff in and the computer would read it out in a voice of your choice. One time we typed our boss’s name in and had the computer read it out in a “grim reaper” voice – it really freaked him out haha!

I wouldn’t care if your whole meal was orange. Pizza is just amazing at all times, and I LOOOVE roasted red pepper soup!! And Sundays are my rest day of choice as well! being lazy and watching football all day, what could be better.


I’m a Sunday rester. That’s when I do my grocery shopping, cleaning and napping. Plus Saturdays are my long runs so I need a rest on Sunday. I had tortellini and spinach soup with Pecorino cheese made by my Italian husband!


SONGIFY? That sounds so awesome. I’m gonna go look that up!!!


Just wanted to say….I love your hair, it always looks good no matter what!
Just saying!


i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee red pepper and tomato soup. You HAVE to try Trader Joe’s version next time you go-my FAVE!! I had soup with lunch today from the fabulous Alice’s Tea Cup in NYC-lentil and orzo-so good!


Today! Sunday is my rest day. It is also my cheat day wherein I can eat anything I want. LOL!

My favorite most used app ARE- Around me (coz I’m geographically challenged), Facebook, Twitter, and MyFitnessPal (for counting my calories).

Hey girl! Yeah, I’m back =)


I made curried butternut and red lentil soup this morning and it was FABULOUS!

Will be making lots of other soups this winter too!


I’m a non-soggy cracker eater myself, so I see where Billy’s coming from – but as the great Paula Abdul and MC Scat Cat once said, “we come together cuz opposites attract” haha.

My favorite app is the Noom Weight Loss app, though Peep (twitter) is a close second lately. Oh and of course my facebook app…

The last soup I had was a not-so-great clam chowder. I’m very particular about my chowder, so I was pretty bummed out about it.

Sunday’s my rest day this week too!

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