I was in a funk….

and it was all because I found an olive in my Subway sandwich.  I know, gross and I hope that never happens to you. You better believe I picked out the surrounding lettuce, olive juice is worse than the actual olive;)

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Maybe my funk was caused by my heart rate never going over 60 bpm all day long = endorphin deficit.

It could have also come about because of the emotional investment I have put into Gossip Girl (watched 7 episodes in the car yesterday) and the break-up consumed my every thought.

The funk could have had something to do with the humidity in Cali, it caused my face to erupt and maybe a lil’ something something to do with watching the thermometer drop as we got closer and closer to home was just sad.

What helped me to get out of my funk?

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Sis/mom/me ice cream eating.  My sister’s froyo was disappointing but we will forgive her right?  I think the antioxidants in the blueberries and the healthiness of the marshmallows solved all of my earlier olive problems.

Today will be an awesome day, I am sure of it.  There will be Christmas shopping and baking and nieces/nephews and sweat and pumping iron and a few more episodes of Gossip Girl.

P.S. Have you tried these?  I thought of all you sweet potato lovers out there as I was happily munching on them.

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= healthy.  Hello, REAL VEGETABLES are in them.


How do you get out of a FUNK?

Hurry…tips/tricks/secrets to clear up one’s skin quickly:)  What type of face wash do you use?

-A bar of soap.

LEAST favorite fruit or vegetable?


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I know all about faces erupting due to humidity… hello… I live in Houston. I mean when is in not humid other than the 2-3 days during the “winter” when I have to pull out a cardigan! :) The best regime that I have used since July is cetaphil bar soap, followed by witch hazel astringent and then end w/ Cerave AM/PM moisturizer depending on the time of day. I was really hesitant about using a bar soap on my face but the lady that does facials for me highly recommended it…. never been happier!

Least favorite fruit/veggie – avocado and zucchini. I know you might hate me for this answer! Ha. Both make my stomach hurt for HOURS after I eat them so I have avoided them hard core ever since college.


Haha your aversion to olive is similar to mine with cilantro- get that shiz away from me! Ok so basically, can you please come assemble my fro yos…I’m having major topping envy! Hope you’re in a better mood today! Time with friends and family always help me feel better! And also, if you’re not already, follow Laughbook on Twitter…their tweets are HILARIOUS and brighten up my day on a regular basis!


For me, the best way to get out of a funk is definitely to exercise. I like to use toothpaste to clear up zits pretty much overnight. My husband laughs at me when I go to bed with toothpaste dotted on my face, but it seems to work for me, so I don’t mind his heckling one bit. I am not a fan of papayas. The smell funny to me. I think it is more about scent than flavor.


I go and do something with friends when I’m in a funk. I hope you get out of yours soon! :)


Ew olives are the worst!


Subway is probably my favorite place to eat. I think I could eat their sandwiches every day! I like most vegetables– but I think lima beans are one that I just can’t eat– too dry. I’m not fond of olives plain, but I’ll eat them in food.


Least favorite vegetable…turnip..is that a vegetable?? yuck! Yah, what others said..if you’re in a funk..exercise :)


A good sweat session at the gym helps my funk.
I use ORIGINS for my face. I love their line A Perfect World.


Hydrogen proxide the skin problems, I use soap normally. Olives are awful –smell and taste. Butternut squash is awful if its eaten plain. To lose those days I go for a run, shower and leave the house. Eat clean…its whatever I can do to distract myself and make a fresh start. Fresh airrr!


When I’m in a funk I go for a run and always feel 10000% better when I get back! For my face I use Neutrogena Deep Cleaning Cleanser every morning. For awhile I was using some fancy pants Philosophy cleanser from Sephora, but then I remembered I should spend my money on real stuff like groceries (or running shoes) and went with the cheaper Neutrogena.

Also, olives are freaking gross.


How to get out of a funk: I usually go for a run or a looong walk if it’s a rest day. It’s the endorphin deficit for sure!

Least fave veggie: Olives are the worst! Blehh but I am most definitely not a fan of brussel sprouts! I just can’t get into them!


I usually go for a workout or relax and read a book and take a bath :)
I use Aveeno and Proactiv – and both work wonders, I know I have tried to switch or will run out of one and my skin goes crazy! I find just Proactiv too harsh for my skin so swap back and forth between the two.
I agree, OLIVES! Yuck!
I am just getting into Gossip Girl and actually went to the library last night to see if I could rent season 1, but they didn’t have it. I have just read the prequel and first two books and am hooked.
Wishing you a great Christmas Eve Eve!


Merry Christmas Adam, Janae!! love you!


Oh man, I LOVE olives. I prefer the green ones though and have a huge jar of them in my fridge that I eat from daily. It lives right next to the pickle jar that I also eat from, daily…
I HATE brussles sprouts. URGH.
I use boring Neutrogena on my face too but my skin is pretty mellow.
Bad mood- gotta sneak in a run, followed by some christmas cookies and a beer. Then the world will be a happy place!


I used to swear by Cetaphil face wash but now I am obsessed with Philosophy’s Purity and their micro delivery scrub. Since I have started with that I have not had one single skin flare up! I LOVE OLIVES! so no sympathy from me there, but I hate anything melon related. And Melon juice TAINTS everything. If I even see a glimpse of watermellon, honey dew or cantalope in a fruit salad you couldn’t pay me to even eat around it. GROSS!


Anything to get out of the house helps because when i return it is like I can start over. workout, the mall, ice cream, but #1 is hang out with girlfriends! Sometimes the hubby is the wrong person because I want to keep telling him about the funk…….poor guy.

Cookie baking day with my mom today too.


I haven’t worked out in the past two days and feel so off! Def getting a run in today!


It was so nice to read your blog and discover there IS something you don’t like on a subway sandwich. Now I know you’re human. Hee Hee. Funk? Sometimes it just takes time. And lots of exercise and healthy eating and merlot for me. Face? Dermatologist recommended cetaphil and buff puffs years ago. And I love it. But we are women, and like funky moods, faces will explode especially with humidity and then the dryness of Utah. Your face is overcompensating because when you crossed into Utah all humidity left. Holiday goodies are sure to help funks and skin. Enjoy!


How do I get out of a funk? I think I just sleep it off.

Face wash? I am a Proactiv girl. It’s funny because when people ask what I use and I tell them their response is “But you don’t have bad skin?!?” and my answer is “Exactly.” Hee, hee.

Least favorite fruit or vegetable? I can’t think of any I just hate, which is weird and I am finding that weird as I think about it. I’m not a huge fan of watermelon. I want to love it but I just don’t. I know, weird again.

It’s my last day of work for the year. Yippeee!


UGH…I HATE olives too. I tend to watch them assembling my sandwich to be sure they don’t ruin it with such things. I would have been in a funk too.

Was it your sister’s first time?? Yours looked fabulous.


Of course, FRO-YO! It fixes all things!

And OHHH MMM GEEE! I have to find those crackers! PRONTO!!


Must.find.sweet-tater crackers!

Honestly, I read inspiring blogs when I’m down or feel like it’s hard to cope with the whole “gaining weight/feeling uncomfortable 24 hours a day except when I’m sleeping” thing. Not foodie blogs, but funny ones. These days include, yours, MamaPea, Kath, Monica, Julie, Cortney, etc, etc… The more “life” blogs, if you will. It just brightens things up a bit.

If this fails, there is always dunkin’ donuts, my car’s radio, and the open road.


Ugh, I hate olives too!! I also hate stinky cheeses. And sometimes when I go to Panera, they accidently get a little cheese in my salad. Gross!


Welcome to the humidity!!! My life in Florida =/ I LOVE olives! lol :D
Froyo is probably the best way to get out of a funk or exercise!
I use a bar of soap too. I used to use clean and clear morning burst and loved it.
Least favorite vegetable is okra. The sliminess freaks me out.


I hate olives too. How could anyone likes olives!? They’re just gross. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

I get out of a funk by shopping. It’s a bad habit but it’s my favorite coping mechanism :)


okay we’ve been watching the same shows at the same time on netflix for awhile now! i just started watching gossip girl and i’m on episode 7 too! i was also watching glee when you got into that. great minds!!


What do I do to get out of a funk? I. Must. DANCE! No, really, I absolutely need fluff television or Food Network in order to get out of a funk. The whole family gathers and watches Food Network together…Even the 2 year old. We love it. I can marinate for hours watching Diners, Drive Ins and Dives. It just makes me feel good. There’s something about Guy Fieri that simultaneously make me want to smack him (I think it’s his hair and the way he dresses like a 15 year old skater punk) and hug him (he just seems like a happy guy).


Ok, so I know I am CRAZY! I’ve been eating cold cut combo, provo, on flat bread. Make sure they toast the flat bread before they make the sandwich. It is so freakin’ good, especially when you pile on the veggies, You do not even need dressing. Did you know they are having a $2 special on 6 inch meatball and cold cut combo? They don’t advertise it–bc it is such a deal. It lasts the entire month of December. Trust me on the cold cut combo–you won’t be disappointed! Pile it high with veggies and add just a bit of olive oil and mayo. Check the nutrition facts–its not that bad for you either! Hugs and Merry Christmas–E


I use cetaphil! It is gentle and works. I tried proactive before and exfoliants and it just irritates the skin and makes it worse!


No olives?!?! They’re my favorite part of subway!
And those spot treatment tubes work surprisingly well to quickly clear your skin!


just the title of your post made me laugh a little because just on wednesday i told my husband that i was “in a funk” all day. he decided to turn on pandora’s “funk radio” station to help liven my spirits. haha, what a goofball. exercise or some good laughs with my hubs usually help me get out of a funk. i’m sure froyo would work too. ;)


Haha I LOVE olives! And I usually go workout to get out of a funk. I almost always feel back to myself afterwards



I get out of a funk by going to sleep; either taking a nap or just starting over for a new day. Also, you should watch Elf. It will make you feel better fo sho.

I wish I could blame my acne on humidity. My face has been a mess this year! So annoying.


You got to watch those Olives lady hahah Yes fro yo is the way out of any funk, clearly!


I am in a permanent funk, so no helpful advice there I am afraid.

I do, however, love olives, so if you ever have any spare that are annoying you, feel free to throw them across the Atlantic to me.

I hate okra, which seems to be a common aversion…I’m not too keen on persimmons, even though everyone else seems to love them.

Hope you’re feeling better today.


“Artwork Not Final” on the box…

Hopefully no one lost their job over that one!

Happy De-funked day!


Awe I’m sure you will be fine in no time. I knew which froyo was your sisters in a heartbeat! Haha. I like to first acknowledge the funk and wallow if necessary. Then I like to get out and do something active and productive. With lots of happy music.

I use a simple aveeno one. I’ve noticed that simpler is better and that even when your breaking out use a good moisturizer.

Okra. So slimy.


To get out of a funk, I usually go hang out with my best friends. They 99% of the time know just what to do or say to get me back to my peppy self.

To get my skin as clear as it is, I make sure that every night I wash off all my make up (even use a makeup remover towlette because water doesn’t get it 100% off) Also I never coat my whole face in foundation/concealer because it clogs your pores. Doing this consistantly will clear your skin in no time. I’ve heard of putting eyedrops on blemishes to make them disappear fast.

Least favorite fruit… bananas (I know, horrible!)

Least favorite vegetable… onions and squashes


I am so glad you asked about skin flare ups! I left Utah to visit family for Christmas and as soon as I woke up my first morning in the new state, my skin had gone crazy! I’ve never had it this bad and didn’t know what was happening..until I read this post! There are so many pictures being taken..I hope something works soon..for both of us: )


I use plain dial soap on my face, seriously it is the only thing that has ever worked great for me!
And I dislike jalepenos!!


I hate being in a funk but it’s mostly my fault because once I’m in one I like to have my time to sulk about it for a bit. Eventually, when I’m ready to get out of one I gravitate towards a cup of coffee or a rerun of one of my favorite episodes of Friends. They can always get a smile or laugh out of me. I absolutely cannot stand brussel sprouts or cabbage.


Yesterday, I was in a total funk all day because we didn’t get the house we put an offer on. It made me really sad. But today is a new day and I’m feeling great. Can’t wait to spend time with my honey and family.

Merry Christmas!


I actually dont use any facial washed/products. Just a warm washcloth at night and in the morning.
Least favorite fruit- grapefruit
Least favorite veggie- Those weed looking lettuce pieces. So bitter. ick.


Neutragena Rapid Clear…I saw it in a magazine several years ago saying Brittany Spears uses it to zap pimples. It works I swear. It’s a small tube and you just apply it to the zit a few times and it’s gone! Besides, I got up and walked all the way to my bathroom to get the name for you so you’d better try it. :)

How do I get out of a funk? Well yesterday I was feeling a lot of anxiety (mostly from stressing out and losing sleep the night before). I started feeling like I was slipping into a funk, didn’t think I’d end up getting my run in, thought of every reason why I shouldn’t, then I drank about 8 oz. of that Trader Joe’s Green Tea Lemonade and I was good to go. I got my run in and life just seemed better.

Have a fab day with all your family.


A great workout and hanging out with my niece and nephew always gets me out of a funk. Of course there’s always eating a bag of Dove dark chocolate that will do it to. :)

Have a great day!


I love Cetaphil! I used to use harsher products on my skin but Cetaphil is fantastic.

It’s funny because I live in SoCal and whenever we go to Utah (Deer Valley in 4 days, woohooooo!) I get the worst stomachaches and my skin breaks out. So weird that altitude/humidity levels can make such a difference.

Um, I will eat your olives, I used to eat cream cheese and olive sandwiches for lunch when I was in elementary school. I only learned when I went to college that it wasn’t “normal”. Least favorite veggie is cauliflower, but only because it does a number on my stomach.


Whatever you try, don’t buy proactiv unless you’ve tried it before. I switched birth control a few months ago and the hormone change had my face going nuts which never happens to me. In desperation I bough proactiv. That stuff practically gave me a burn and I was red, bumpy and dry for days. Awful! I don’t usually have break-outs except for that time of the month, and after my 22nd birthday I decided to use anti-aging cleanser instead of face wash. Gotta prevent these wrinkles when we’re young!


I love olives…green ones. I can eat them right out of the jar /w nothing else :D

sorry if you’re cringing. My least favourite veg….hmmmm beets!


I hate olives so much! Seriously, I’m a little bit sad about your sister’s frozen yogurt. It needs more toppings!
When I’m in funk I USUALLY end up eating something sweet, but working out makes me feel way better.


I’ve lately been addicted to black olives, god knows why?? but I’m inhaling them as if I were pregnant (But trust me I’m not). Maybe you will gravitate towards one day like I did with potatoes because I used to loathe them before! I’m telling you it’s a strange cycle of evolving taste buds.


I hate funks. They are the worst. Exercise always makes me feel better, but motivating to do it is the hardest part. Family time is always key. Let them distract you from whatever is bothering you.
Olives are almost as bad as funks. Its a close call.


I HATE olives too!!! :)

YAH for Christmas time!!


You don’t like olives?! They are my favorite!! Especially on a pizza with pepperonis and onions added…. YUM!!!

I LOVE Christmas!!! I’ve been in a sugar induced type funk and Elf, Home Alone and wrapping presents are making me feel all festive again :)


I always blame hormones on my skin problems, so I don’t know what to tell ya :), but, I use an Aveeno sensitive skin foaming face wash, and I like it.

What is on top of your sister’s fro-yo?? My fiance always get vanilla with one topping. So boring. ;)




haha…okay, that rogue olive had NO business invading ur sandwich! ;)

ugh, bananas….i can’t eat them. i ate them once when i had the flu and i think u can guess how it ended up….ever since then i can’t stomach them :/


oh yeah, not sweating for a day definitely puts me in a funk! but you’re right…froyo fixes everything :-D


lima beans! Ok, those aren’t a veggie but I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!


OOh I can’t stand olives either!

Those little juice filled pellets that go into the frozen yogurt look so yummy, I’ve tried them before. Very interesting texture– little liquid explosion inside!


Oh my joyfulness!! I was leaving the grocery store and saw a face that looked oh so very familiar and thought for a few moments and then walked back in and said to the very cute lady “Are you Janae Jacobs mother?” Indeed it was!! Isn’t that so awesome, I recognized your cute mama from your blog and got to meet her and chat for a moment with her? I always feel like this world is a very small place at times.

If you need to get out of a funk then I say go shopping!!


Oh my goodness that just made my day!!! How about you and I go for froyo next week pretty please?!? Can’t wait to talk to my mom about you:) thanks for saying hi!


Are you so serious???? I’m afraid I would be so star-struck my mouth and brain wouldn’t work right. I totally have the whole week off next week so I could go anytime :) I read the blogs of some of the other local runners so you could invite them as well. It would be a total riot to meet them.


You are the sweetest thing in the world. Please let me know when you can go!! I am free!!


Have you watched One Tree Hill??!! I’m watching it on Netflix right now and it’s soo good. I stated watching Gossip Girl, but then switched to OTH. I think it’s better. Gossip girl will come next though :)


Oh my…I love one tree hill! I would be watching it but I have already seen them all ha! Enjoy!


Those crackers look yummy!

I’ve tried to like tomatoes (I know), I really have – but can’t do it. And not just tomatoes but anything tomato related.


So glad you were able to give that funk the heave-ho! Whew!
Merry Christmas!


This will sound crazy, but I’ve been using dog shampoo as my face wash. It’s all natural… so, not too weird, right? Apparently, the lady who grooms my dogs knows some teenage boy who had a bunch of acne, who started using it on his face, and it cleared it up. So I decided I’d give it a shot. Having quite been using it long enough to know if it works for me, though.

And I hate tomatoes, unless it’s in ketchup, or in tomato soup, or cooked in something.

And I need some ways to get out of a funk, cuz I’m in a huge one right now.


I’m obsessed with skincare and now desperately want to know the exact details of your skin so that I can help. Does that sound creepy? I’m sorry, I’m creepy, I know… but because of this obsession, I have helped several friends improve their skin. So at least I’m a helpful creeper.

Personally, I swear by Aloe Calming Facial Cleanser from The Body Shop – I have dry, super sensitive skin, and it is the most soothing cleanser in the world. It feels creamy and wonderful on your face, and my skin never acts up now. If you have oily/acne prone skin, Lush (lushusa.com) sells a soap called Coal Face. I got it for my boyfriend (who calls it his lady soap, like a weirdo) and it has helped his skin a lot.

I’ll stop being creepy now! Good luck! And you’re right, olives are evil.


You are not creepy at all! Thank you for your help….I need all I can get!


I love Back to Nature! Their crackers taste just like Wheat Thins. :-)

Least favorite vegetable are raw tomatoes and yes, OLIVES! Gross, gross.


oh we are the exact same! i HATE olives with a passion and i will refuse to eat anything they’ve touched. the same goes for pickles th0ugh. i hate when my sandwich is on top of a pickle and the bread gets all pickle juice soggy. no thank you!!

skinwise – it’s pricey up front but the clarisonic mia will change your life (and your skin!) otherwise, cetaphil and neutrogena facewash do the trick for me!!

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