Triple Tangent Tuesday (two days late).

We did it…

The sis and I purchased our tickets for NEW YORK CITY.  We will be there from Nov. 3 to Nov. 7.

IMG 4281

(I thought a picture of us doing our superman flying trick was fitting for the topic).

Billy couldn’t miss school because I guess law schools look at your GPA or something when you apply so he couldn’t afford to miss school.  The sissy kindly offered to come in his place and spend her weekend shopping, eating, running around the city with me.

Anyone want to MEET-UP?  I want to start planning something ASAP so please let me know if you are interested in doing anything or if there is anything already planned!!


In other (just as exciting news) I got my favorite kind of email this morning.

‘Treats in the faculty lounge:  First come, first served.’  I ran, fast.  Guess who was first?

Photo 6

I am probably the last person on the earth to know about this miraculous cookie but it only contains 3 ingredients. Pumpkin, spice cake mix (okay, there are actually a trillion ingredients in that) and chocolate chips.

She even knew the importance of adding 48 chocolate chips per cookie.  I like her.

PS I put that apple in the picture to show you that students really do bring their teachers apples.  Reason #4 that I became a teacher.


I found this picture the other day.  I am pretty sure that I do the exact same facial expression that I did when I was 6 years old in 98% of the pictures that have been on the blog.  I haven’t changed a thing.



Tell ME some tangents!!!!

Are you going to be in NYC for the marathon or do you already live there and want to meet-up?  TELL ME.

What was the last cookie that you ate?

Do you like traveling on airplanes?   How long was your longest flight?

-I actually love flying: Movies, snacks, magazines and orange juice, yes please.  Six hours was the longest flight I have ever been on.

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Yes!! I have been following you from Brisbane, Australia, the last few months, and I would LOVEEE to meet up with you and other hungry-icecream-eating runners. I’m flying home to Texas tomorrow from OZ and am running the NYC Marathon in a few weeks…cannot wait!!!! Keep me posted. My mom and I arrive in NYC on Friday and will probably hit up the expo on Friday. The countdown is on!!


YES YES YES!!! I can’t wait to meet you!! I am thinking that we will plan a Saturday afternoon meet-up….fro-yo?!?!


I just made it home to Houston tonight from down unda’! Long flight but lots of snacks along the journey:) I can’t wait to OD on peanut-butter m&ms and fro-yo and tex-mex during my time back home. :)

Saturday fro-yo group date in NYC sounds awesome- keep me posted! Also, what color/corral are you in? I’m Blue-24. Congrats on your long run- you rock, woman!! Cannot wait to meet you in NYC!!!


Hey you! I actually have no idea how to look it up ha! I can’t wait to meet you! Enjoy your time at home and can’t wait to hear all about it!


I love flying bc it means I’m going somewhere but I hate when the plane lands. Right now I’m actually flying to Alaska…but my lOnfest flight was to Rome!!!

I’m so excited that you’re oficiallt going to NY!!


I make those cookies ALL the time and they are so delicious. You can use carrot cake mix too and add cream cheese icing on top:) During seasons other than fall, you can use devils food cake mix and you can’t even taste the pumpkin!


Carrot cake mix and devils food…YOU ARE BRILLIANT!


And longest flight is 16 hours down unda to Oz:) Doing it tomorrow…the jet lag is crazy! I do love the part about snacks, movies, and mags though…and people-watching at airports:)


I flew to India last year. 14 hours on an airplane!!! FAR too long. Thank goodness for Ambien! :)

I live in NYC so I’m definitely up for meeting up!! I’m not running the marathon this year-hopefully next year!!!


14 hours….HOLY COW!!! AHHHH YAY….does Saturday afternoon work for you…I am thinking fro-yo:) Do you know of a place that is close to the expo area or somewhere that is easy for everyone to get to?


my longest flight was 18 hours. when we lived in connecticut we were flying home from utah (for christmas) and the jfk airport was closed because of snow so we got stuck in the san francisco airport for 18 hours. dont ask me why we ended up in san francisco, but if you are ever lost in the san francisco airport call me, i still remember every single thing about the blasted place. that’s exciting about new york, do you have to take it easy with your legs or are you gonna blow everyone away? thanks for reminding me about those cookies, i think i still have some from last year lingering on my thighs. :] good luck!


18 hours….HOLY COW!!! That is crazy. I bet you have that place memorized ha. HOW ARE YOU by the way?!?! I am taking it super easy in NY, I just want to finish:)


YAY for NYC Marathon! I am going to try to qualify to run it in 2013 with the 9+1.

You’re going to have so much fun. I live and go to school in NYC! It’s an amazing city.. When I read your blog I think you’re like a friend in my head(as Wendy Williams says). I feel like you’d just be way too cool for me if we met up. I’m the lame lol.

You should definitely go to levain bakery or milk bar for cookies! One is the size of your head and the other is the most buttery goodness!!!!!! Lots of great holes in the wall for reasonable prices in the village and lower east side. Not sure where you’re staying

Have a great race!


WHATEVER….we BETTER MEET UP because we ARE FRIENDS already. Are you free the Saturday afternoon before the race? Okay, I NEED to go to that bakery…you are going to have to show me where it is! We aren’t sure where we are staying either…oops.


You should drop by Pennsylvania and see me!! We don’t have a Cafe Rio, but it’s a similar place :) Plus, my family keeps tons of ice cream stocked! Haha. I hope you and your sister have an awesome trip. I always like hanging out and traveling with my sister!


Yay! you are coming to NYC! I would love to meet-up!! I live here and can show you around and will also be running the marathon! :)


AHHHH CELIA!!! SERIOUSLY!!! We have to meet up! What time are you shooting for for the marathon? Does Saturday afternoon work for you?


yesssss!!!!!16 Handles fro yo Saturday afternoon?? Goal time is yet to be determined on how I recover from this past weekend’s marathon. Anywhere from 3:35 (PR) to 4 hours…


I just found some Girl Scout cookies in my freezer last night–frozen thin mints! Score!!!!!

Longest time on an actual airplane was my flight from New York to Cairo. I think it was like 11 hours straight or something absurd! I watched every movie they had!!


I don’t live in the city, but I will drive down from Upstate to meet you!!!
:) Please keep me posted on where/when!
The last cookie I ate was a Joe-Joe from Trader Joe’s!
My longest flight was 10 or 12 hours, can’t remember. It felt like forever!


PROMISE….you made my day!! We will be the best of friends. Does Saturday (Nov. 5th) work for you? I am thinking an afternoon froyo date?


Yay! Have LOTS of fun in NY, I am jealous ;) I have never been!
The last cookie I ate…. was last Tuesday, for staff treat day at work a co-worker brought in walnut shortbread cookies they were so good!
I don’t mind flying but don’t love it either, longest flight was 10-11 hours to Europe when I was in high school for a exchange trip.


you’ll be there for the NY marathon!! i’m headed up there too, to run. Cheer loud!!!!


AHHHHHH I will be running too! What time are you shooting for? Up for a meet up the day before for some froyo?


fro yo would be great!! shooting for a sub 3:15…we’ll see how it goes :-)


Yeah, the similarities continue. I love flying!!!!! It’s like being told you have to sit, eat, and watch movies for hours……..yes please. Longest continual flight was to France, but longest flying day with all the stops was Hawaii.

A girls trip to NYC. I’d say that almost trumps going with the hubby, no offense Billy.


All of the stops are ANNOYING when it comes to flying, I would rather just stay in the plane ya know:) You are right…..girls trip is the best, WANNA COME?


Use to love the chewy, gooey, chocolatey, peanutbutter cookies, m&m all microwaveddd or sandwiched with vanilla ice cream…but now I am so into iced shortbread. Love the color, designs, shapes..haha maybe thats why I have a MARKETING DEGREE? So last cookie I had was an owl shortbread from Canada.

Loveee to fly….people watching and the random airmagazines heaven. Longest flight was 13 hours..LA to Australia.


13 hours…HOLY COW!!! You are so right…People watching is the BEST! Your cookie description made me drool.


My childhood friend is running NYC, fundraising for TNT, and chose my mom as her honored patient. Cheer for Megan! She’s pacing the 9:00 min/mile group for TNT newbies.

Check out my race this weekend! B’more Marathon Relay.


JANAEEEE seriously??? I’m in NYC until the 30th of October so we JUST MISS each other. Boo. I guess it will have to wait until I come to Utah :)

It took over 9 hours for me to get to Hawaii last year! There was a little stop over in British Columbia though. Still a really long flight!


NOOOO…we are just missing each other boo!!! Utah meet up/hang out MUST HAPPEN!


It has been entirely too long since I’ve had a cookie! Methinks I need to pick up a big one from the farmer’s market on Sunday :D

So excited to hear about NYC! I’ll be running the Cape Cod marathon on Oct 30th :D


I am so excited to hear all about CAPE COD and how you are going to rock it.


Hmm- I can’t remember the last cookie I ate! So sad :(.

I flew to Singapore when I was 18. I think it was about 16 hours actually in a plane. About 22 hours total travel time including layovers in LA and Tokyo!

I’m so excited to hear about NY! Someday I will run it!


The last cookie I ate was a Grandma’s chocolate chip cookie. I think it was old because it was really crumbly.

My longest flight was from LAX to Australia–14 hours.


I am running NYC! I am from there but live in Wyoming now. We are flowing out of SLC on Nov. 3 and coming home on Monday night. My parents live in NY (on Long Island) but we are staying in the city Saturday through Monday night. I’d love to meet up! :)


AHHHH WAHOO!!!! Who are you flying with? I will be on South West…how cool would that be if we were on the same flight? Could you meet Saturday afternoon for froyo?


That’s one scary face. I hope I never see it in my classroom!!
Last cookie? I don’t remember. It’s been 4+ years since I’ve had one
Longest flight? China (twice) was about 21 hours or so. We’re heading back in a few more years!!!


CHINA…..holy cow, that is a LONG flight!


The first time was sight seeing. The second time (20 years later) was for her…


My longest flight (I’ve actually done this trip 4 times) is a total of 26 hours including layovers for a couple hours in Bangkok. From Sydney, Australia to London England!! It’s such a long haul flight!
So happy to hear you and your Sis are going to have heaps of fun in NY.
The last cookie i ate… is it bad that I don’t even remember? I’m not a cookie person. Although I think we can class biscuits as cookies? If that’s the equivalent? I’m not entirely sure! If so, my last biscuit was a dark chocolate Tim tam. A very Australian biscuit! Have you ever had them? Google them and check out the flavours! I’m happy to hook you up with some Aussie biscuits + lollies if you want to try anything in particular :) Just throw me an email.
Have a great day :D


I LOVE tim tams!! they are highly addictive though!! i live in Brisbane..what city in Oz do you live in?


Ohh you guys are so lucky. I loved living in Australia! I love all the different phrases–“100 and 1000s are our sprinklesss and fairy floss we call cotton candy”! I miss all the Byron Bay Muesli cookies!


Hi Carrie. They are a little too addictive ;) That’s awesome you live in Brissie. I used to live in Sydney, but moved to Newcastle for my Uni studies.




Hahaha. Nah, tell me how you really feel ;)
I will happy oblige. Just email me your postal address and they will be on their way from Aus :)


Yay NYC!!

Just curious about a couple of things. Aren’t you worried about injury? Seems like you have ramped up your long runs too fast. Be careful!!

Also, how does your sister seem o have so much free time without the kids? I have two kids myself and rarely get to go to the gym without them or on dinner dates, etc. Where is her husband? He is never mentioned. Sorry to be nosy, just wondered!

Keep being awesome!


I am not worried about injury….I am run/walking the marathon and if something feels off I will stop and hop off the course. I have been following the schedule that my sports medicine doctor gave me and he says I will be fine:) Have a great day!


I just at like 4 digestive cookies! Bahah love the last pic :)


I’m not in church every Sunday, but I am always a pre flight pray-er. Then after the plane comes to a stop I breathe a sigh of relief and send up a thank you. Yeah, I freak out a little.


HA….you are awesome. Flying really can be so scary and I am sure the pre flight prayer helps:)


Have fun in NYC…I used to live there..loved it! We are going for the weekend of Dec 16….can’t wait! Shopping, eating, seeing old friends & we scored tickets to the book of Morman! They were almost impossible to get…can’t wait! You will have a blast!

xoxo from Trinidad


Dang it…I might have to go back in December so we can play. That is awesome you got tickets, I want to hear all about it!


SO EXCITEDDD for your marathon!!!! yay you are gonna ROCK IT GIRL I KNOW IT!
hahah i loveeee your picture it is so cutee!
and i used to LOVE PLANES until last september on my way back from spain = longgg tripp! my boyfriend and i fell asleep before take off woke up expected to be at least 4 hours into the trip…turns out WE WERE STILL ON THE GROUND! we had only slept for a little over an hour and the plane STILL DID NOT TAKE OFF!
longest. trip. everrrr.


I’ve been trying to convince Mike to take the train up with me for the NYC marathon. I totally want to meet up with you!! I”ll keep pushing him!


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE…we will be the best of friends. I am thinking a Saturday afternoon froyo date!


WOW! So EXCITED for you to run NYC. Seriously. ENJOY! And, yes, you are the last idaho/utah person to learn about those cookies. I got about 4 Christmas presents last year where someone wrapped up the cake mix and pumpkin spice in all-too-fancy wrapping paper.


BAHAHAHA I would not mind getting 4 batches of those cookies for presents:)


I just made the pumpkin/spice cake recipe myself yesterday! So easy!

I am so excited for you to go to NYC! I could never live there, but it is such a fun place to visit! You guys will have a blast!

I run so that I am fast enough to be first in line for food. Seriously. Just watch me at a ward party…


ugh, my longest flight was around 12ish hours. yeah… who knew flying from the states to Korea would take so long?? Lol


I am totally wearing the same socks as your sister right now haha.

I like flights and the longest I’ve flown is about 6 hours. Although when I went to Phoenix for work in July I got SO motion sick I thought I was going to lose it, and it lasted for about 30 minutes after the flight. I think it was the Luna bar I had waiting for the plane but still…

You and your sister are going to have so much fun in New York!!!!!


Will not be in New York, sadly! :( The last cookie I ate was a perfectly warm chocolate chocolate chocolate coffee and toffee cookie that blew my mind. And the longest flight I’ve ever been on was 10 hours.

Also, your blog makes me smile everyday. Thank you so much!


WOW!! Ana, thank you so much for your sweet words. YOU MADE MY DAY! I need to find a chocolate, coffee and toffee cookie ASAP!


I HATE flying…every time we hit a bit of turbulence I have to check my pants for soilage….tmi? Anyways…I hope you have a fantastic time in NYC! I hope to run it someday (sadly someday will not be in the year 2011)


Never TMI on this blog ha:) You WILL run NY and I can’t wait to read all about it!


oh man, i WISH i could be in NY and watch the marathon!! alas, i haven’t saved up enough pennies as of yet. have an awesome time though!!! :)

haha…hey, if u find a pose and facial expression that works, then why in the heck change it?!?! :)

i don’t like flying, not because i’m afraid or anything, but i just hate being stuck in the same spot for a long time. same with car rides and even long movies…but wat i usually try to do is just conk out when we take off and sleep til we get there…hehe.


yes! let me know if you guys plan anything in new york. i’m flying out tomorrow to run the san fransisco nike women’s marathon, but i should probably be back to prime fro-yo eating shape when you’re here. i might be out of town for a wedding, but i’ll see when you guys end up meeting

but regardless, you should note that nyc has “16 handles,” which is suspiciously similar to yogurtland. i go to the one in the upper east side on 2nd avenue and 82nd street, but they have them throughout the city..


AHHH GOOD LUCK in San Fran and let me know ALL about it. I think we are going to meet the day before the marathon and 16 Handles sounds AMAZING. Is that one near the expo?


ps. if you like treats, you should probably go here…


THANK YOU!!! I will be going and getting that ginormous chocolate chip cookie HOLY COW!!!


My longest flight was 16 hours (LA to Melbourne, Australia). I just watched lots of movies, at snacks, and practiced my fake Australian accent so I could fit in when I landed.
Also, my boyfriend lives in NYC and I will be visiting him the weekend of the marathon so I would love to meet up! I know all the fro-yo places on the upper east side. You are going to have SO much fun!


AHHH YES!!! I am stoked to meet you. I am thinking the day before the marathon would be PERFECT…what do you think?


definitely in!


Longest flight was from Dallas to Hawaii. I was so excited to be going to Hawaii I could have read Moby Dick the entire time and still enjoyed the flight.
Flying did not bother me until I had a slightly traumatic experience (for me). I was flying to see a friend, the flight was delayed for four hours, and when the flight finally took off there was the smell of smoke/fire in the cabin. They had to turn the plane around and we could see fire engines on the ground as we landed. Let’s just day for my last flight I had my doctor prescribe me some Valium.
Have fun in New York!


Yes yes, to the meetup! I can’t believe the marathon is only 3 weeks away already and I’m so glad you’re going to run it! I won’t be getting down there until Saturday but I’ll be there until Monday. I think it’d be super fun to do a post-race dinner or ice cream/cupcake outing!


GIRL, WE FINALLY GET TO MEET. I seriously can’t wait to meet you. Would you be free Saturday afternoon? I could also do a post race hang out too! Let me know what works for YOU!


those have to be the easiest cookies ever. easy is good. more time can be spent eating them!

I love that picture of you as a kid! you do totally make the same face! people tell me I make the same faces I did when I was little…and that I also make the same faces as my mom…


Booo…can you come to Boston instead?? I’m so jealous that you’re going to NYC…I love that city! I don’t really mind traveling on planes…unless it’s stormy out and then I get kind of freaked out haha.


I NEED to come to Boston too. COME TO NYC:)


Love this picture – you guys are so tiny and super cute together :) Fun that your sis is going with you. Does not sound like she is running the race tho? Are you ok running it alone?

I’m running in PA the same weekend you are in NYC – on Sat. tho, not Sun. We can pretend we are running together… but you will have to pretend you are being held down by your nieces and nephews and running through jello… I’m that slow haha.


GOOD LUCK in PA…you are going to rock it and I want to hear ALL about you. You are NOT slow. I will be thinking about you!


I love traveling by plane and our longest flight was from Atlanta to London. But I took an Ambien and slept through the whole thing.
Last cookie: chocolate chip I think.
NYC: I have never lived there but I traveled there quite a bit for work over a 3 yr period. I spent about 48 weeks a yr there from Tues-Thurs each week. I LOVE NYC. You have to seek out the soup dumplings in Chinatown.

The Kidless Kronicles


I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and just got SO EXCITED to hear you’re coming to NYC! I live here now so definitely email me about your meet up!!! (There are TONS of froyo places in NYC :) )


been to Culture in Park Slope, Brooklyn? Best EVA! go to there. now.


UHHHHH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we meet up? FROYO on Saturday afternoon?


You are going to have so much fun with your sister in NYC! Very jealous about that East Coast meet-up too.
Longest flight was from South Africa to Atlanta–18 hours! That is just way too long to be in one seat. Horrible!


There are 23095734985709826492389756230 bloggers including healthy bloggers in NYC, but only a few near the BEST FROZEN YOGURT IN THE ENTIRE WORLD AND CAN BRING YOU SOME/MEET YOU THERE. Ok, I’ve said my peach. You gots my emails, and you already like kids and I have two! Imma gonna make you wants to get busy with the hubbs like NOW when/if you see my kids up close. They ARE that cute/active.


CAT!!!!! I seriously cannot wait to meet you!! I am going to LOVE your kids and I may ask to take them home with me:)


Elijah loves snow and mountains, he’d totally be down!! LOL


Those cookies are the best and easiest cookies ever! I found out about them a little while back and I loved them :)
Ahh have fun in NY. I absolutely love it there!
I like flying but I get really anxious when there is bad turbulence. My longest flight was just to California.


seriously best pics ever!!!! I love the sister superman pose. You two are awesome! I think I may force my sister to do that with me in the near future. I am not going to NY but Ontario is just a skip over the border if you want to come visit niagara falls /w me :D

longest flight again, hawaii I forget how many hours but it was brutal


Here is a tangent; Billy must be a genius if this works because now I can comment on your blog again!

The last cookie I ate was an oreo; oreos are made of heaven (and fat) but more importantly made of heaven.

Six hours is my longest flight too; Utah to Hawaii and for some reason I made the stupid choice to fly the red eye home. Sleeping on an airplane = me no likey


He really is brilliant ha!! Oreos are INCREDIBLE, must find one now!


I couldn’t tell you the last time I ate a cookie :(

But I will tell you that THE BEST cookie I have ever had was in NYC at Levain Bakery ( They’re 2 1/2 inches thick in the middle, LOADED with chocolate chips, and I might have had sweet sweet dreams about them. You HAVE to go while you’re there.


I just looked up their website. My sis and I are going to die eating their 2.5 inches thick of heaven cookies. You are the BEST!


Yeah for New York. I have ALWAYS wanted to go there. Take a ton of pics, please!
I love those pumpkin spice cookies. So quick and easy. I love them with white chocolate chips too. Yummy!
I’ve flown 9 hours several times. For someone as antsy as I am, it was so hard, especially since I can’t sleep on planes. I’m not a good flier. I freak out at every jostle. I’m surprised I haven’t left fingernail scars on my husbands hands from gripping them so hard.


IM SO JEALOUS!!! I wish I still lived in NYC so I could play with you!!!! sadddd faceeeeee
My last cookie was a no bake cookie on tuesday… YUM
And my longest flight was a 12 hour flight to Africa in high school!! But I routinely fly 9 hours home to England… soooo long!




Woo! I’m so excited for you that you’re going to New York..and a teensy bit jealous! PLEASE go to PB&Co cafe for me?? Longest flight I’ve been no is 11 hours…as long as I’m well stocked (i.e. with mags & snacks), I love it….even better when I’m traveling with a friend/family member! I don’t remember the last cookie I ate…which can’t be a good sign! Must.Get.Cookies.NOW!!!!!


I’ll meet up with you! Im blogless and not running the NY marathon but id love to see you!


AHHH SUZIE, this makes my day. I can’t wait to meet you! Does the Saturday before the race work for you? FROYO?


I am so glad to hear that you and your sister are going to NYC! I love that town, even though when it comes to USA I am a west coast girl at heart.
With my beloved living on your shores and me over here in Australia, I have to like flying otherwise it would be rather difficult! I usually just get lots of magazines, books and load my iPod up with music and podcasts and pray that I have enough things to entertain myself for the flight. Probably the longest flight I’ve been on was when I cam back from Rome to Brisbane, Australia last year. I flew from Rome to Dubai then Dubai to Brisbane. I think it was about 20 hours all up plus layover?! That’s okay thought, the holiday was more than worth it!
I hope you get to meet up with some people :)


Ahhhhh can you bring me to NYC with you guys?


I just deferred my NYC marathon until 2012 :( bummed but had to do it with some minor injuries and lacknof long runs because of them! Have fun!


AHHH girl, I am so sorry. You are going to ROCK it 2012. Injuries are the worst and I completely understand!


I live here! Would love to meet up :)


AHHH WAHOO!! How does Saturday (Nov. 5th) sound….froyo afternoon date?


I am so sad I am going to miss the meet-up. My brother is getting married that weekend and I have to trek up to Canada for the wedding.

Also devastated that I can’t spectate at the race. I had grand plans to make an awesome sign and cheer on all the amazing athletes including your fine self.

Promise you’ll come back next year?


BOOOOOO….I guess I will forgive your bro! Yes, next year for sure and we will be the best of friends!


Haha cute pic of when you were young. That’s so awesome that your sis is headed to NYC with you! That will be so fun!

I love flying! I’m going on my honeymoon on MONDAY!!!! I’m so excited! Longest flight was 11 hours to rome!


Yes! I would love to meet up! Finally!!


KERI….FINALLY we will get to play!! Can you do fro yo on Nov. 5th, sometime during the afternoon?


YES! Plan a meet-up at a fro-yo place…Clearly, I’ll be there.


Allyssa….this makes my day!! Does Saturday Nov. 5th work for you? 2 o’clockish?


Yes, works for me!! Now just pick one of the few thousand fro-yo places!


I’ll be in NYC to watch my sister run the marathon! We should meet up at 16 Handles (most excellent fro yo place) mmmm so good


I’ll be in NYC watching my sister run the marathon! We should meet up at 16 Handles (most excellent fro yo) mmm delicious


YES YES YES!! I am so excited to meet you. Does Saturday afternoon work for you?


Have fun in NYC!

I don’t mind flying but I have only taken short trips. It’s a good thing to because I have an issue with trying to use a bathroom while something is moving…it’s just not normal to me.


i would def meet up even though i’m not running the marathon, i’m just a train ride away in NJ! keep me posted! :)


AHHH PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP!! I am thinking Nov. 5th…fro yo?!?!


Yea! I’m running and would totally go to a meet up! (I don’t have a blog though. Is that okay?)


YES YES YES YES YES, that is more than okay. I can’t wait to meet you. Does Saturday afternoon work for you?


haha your little kid pic looks scary similar to mine! That is so exciting about NYC! I can’t wait to see how you do!

The last cookie I had was a milk chocolate chunk, dark chocolate chip cookie I made last weekend!


I would love to meet up! I am not running the marathon this year, but will definitely be watching and supporting everyone who is out there running it! Fro-yo for sure!! Once you guys know where you are staying, those of us who live in NYC can suggest something!

This is one of my favorite fro-yo places and they have a couple locations in the city!!


WAHOOOOO!! LET’S DO IT. 16 handles sounds amazing, I can’t wait to meet you. Does Saturday afternoon work for you? We have no idea where we are staying…oops ha!


As a NYC-er I vote that you must visit 16 handles! I also imagine you would love Dylan’s Candy Bar.


LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!!!! So glad you and sista get to make the trip to NYC….take lots of pictures and blog up a storm. This marathon is a bucket lister!!!


I’m happy for you that you are healthy enough to go run and experience NYC. Soak it all in and have lots of fun.

From what I’ve heard, you’re going to end up waiting around on Staten Island for at the start / staging area for a LONG time on race morning. Take hothands and lots of warm clothes!


I live in NYC! Would love to meet up, even tho that kinda makes me feel like a creepy stalker since I don’t know you!


I was just reading about the NYC marathon in Runner’s World yesterday! & I did that speech in my Communications class about it. I LOVE THE NYC MARATHON. I will run it one day – promise. Until then, I am so jealous I could throw my gummy bears at you- wait, that would be too much fun…..

Does Ritz crackers with PB & J stacked on top count?? I am obsessed with it. I’ve been eating that day in & day out. Went through a box of crackers in 2 days.

Heaven help my love handles.


Yay yay!! Totally want to mee up. I live like 5 minutes from NYC


Can you PLEASE come to Orlando?? I will take you guys to Disney World & we can eat endless amounts of frozen yogurt and cereal :D


Ok so I definitely let out a little bit of a squeal when I say the “superman” picture. My sister and I use to do that all the time but we would call it “flying”. LOVE LOVE LOVE that you posted that…. oh sweet sweet memories!!!!!!!


HRG!! I am so excited that you will be running in NYC! I live in NJ and will be at the race cheering on my boyfriend’s brother and YOU of course! Look for my sign (Go HRG!!).

If you do a meet up, definitely let me know…since I feel like I already know you, I would love to know you in real life! East coast needs some Hungry Runner Girl!



I live in NYC and love your blog!! I’m currently in school here and not running the marathon, but it would be awesome to meet up :) I ran my first marathon ever this summer in SF!


Oh pretty please can we meet up!!! Saturday? Congrats on San Fran! That is awesome!


yay!! You two are going to have a blast!! :) LOVE the superman trick ;)


How did I miss this post? I want to meet up, I am willing to drive up from PA, I’m only 2 hours outside the city … and since I missed you in California, I hope to have an actual meet up.


OMG I love long flights! I guess it makes me kind of weird…I am a little behind on reading all these posts, but I love your blog! Thanks for sharing!

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