Triple Tangent Tuesday: Running Edition

I taught every class today from the comfort of my rolling chair.  My students were quite confused because I am usually bouncing around the classroom. I told that I am in taper mode and trying to save my legs for a race that is still 11 days away.

It was all lies, I am just feeling completely lazy and have no motivation to move!  I had an awesome 11-miler @8:00 pace on the treadmill yesterday, and it made me one tired girl today!  I only hit the snooze button 17 times this morning.

Photo on 10 25 11 at 3 14 PM

How do you like that for a double picture (tiredness/rolling in my chair and reaching for the snooze button all in one picture)?


I am losing a toenail.  Don’t worry I won’t show you a picture and I will instead show you a picture of my knee and illustrate that I need to invest in better socks… Costco socks didn’t really hold up during a marathon that rained the whole time:)

I know that losing a toenail isn’t a good thing but at the same time it made me really happy (yep, I have issues) because it made me feel like my good ol’ running days where I was always having running ‘side-effects.’

Utah Valley Marathon 27

Another awesome side-effect….a chaffing line where the bottom of my sports bra hits.  Lucky Billy…..married to a toenailess, chaffing marks everywhere, 17 times snooze hiiting, never stops talking girl.


On a completely random non running tangent….Billy got his LSAT scores and HE ROCKED IT (95th percentile, booyah)!!! We are starting to figure out where to apply tonight and then get those applications going.  I guess I did get out of my rolling chair once today when I got his call to do my celebration robot dance.

I don’t know what this picture has to do with anything besides the fact that it is of Billy and I am craving Kettle Corn right this second.

IMG 9881


Dont’ forget to enter my awesome Halloween Half Marathon SHOE GIVEAWAY!!!



Would you rather have Kettle Corn or Popcorn right this second?

Any of you experiencing some running side effects?

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I also am losing a toenail and have the sports bra line!! I am FREAKING out with excitement for NYC. I want it to be here right now. right now!!

I would love some kettle corn right now but i don’t have any so I’ll go to spin class instead!


WE ARE SO CLOSE TO NYC…hope you had fun at spin!


Yeah for Billy! That’s an incredible score. So awesome!
I love kettle corn and could totally go for some right now. It’s the best when it’s freshly made in a kettle, but microwave is always a good alternative.
I have a toenail falling out too. It’s been years since that’s happened and the first my husband has ever seen so it’s totally grossing him out. It’s so hot!


That is so awesome, I can’t believe you found out his score so fast, it took Randy over 4 weeks to get his MCAT score back. You will have to post about where he decides to apply. If its anything like applying to Med School let me tell ya, its quite the process! Good luck, thats exciting :).


Awesome for Billy!! Wahoo!

A running tangent–I run faster AND longer with a dvd popped in and me on a treadmill. Haha. I also like running outside with perfect weather (any rain, snow, or too cold and I am gone.)

I would choose popcorn right this second….but kettle corn for later ;)


Great now I have to have Kettle Corn for dinner LOL :)

Congrats to Billy! Celebration time!


Billy is a rockstar!
and I am totally a popcorn girl all the way, i could eat bfast, lunch and dinner if prompted or dared too!


YAY BILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THAT is stinkin’ amazing. Happy applications :)

I don’t like Kettle Corn (I know, how dare I?!). BUT I do love me some White Cheddar Popcorn from Popcorn, Indiana. (I think I wish to live there)

Running side effects? My lungs are freakin’ burning me like crazy. I feel like there is fire in my chest when I’m done with a run. Its nuts. Allergies? Maybe? No idea.



LORI…your comment made my day! Thank you so much for your excitement! Bummer about your lungs…that sounds painful…have you had it checked out?




Congrats Billy and Janae!


Popcorn sounds pretty good right now! Homemade, with a just a little bit of salt and butter..yum.


Way to go Billy!!!

Running tangent- Not only did I PR at a 5k this weekend, but I just found out I took first place in my age group! Suuuuuuper excited!

I will always take kettle corn over popcorn…it’s the sweet tooth.

I keep getting these stupid blisters on my arches…and I know it’s because I’m being too cheap to buy good running socks…


FIRST PLACE IN YOUR AGE GROUP….holy cow woman, you are incredible!


Both of my second toes are black and blue from running on Saturday! AND I’m trying to decide on a half marathon to register for this spring! (Yes, I know that’s a zillion years away but everyone in this flipping state is so active that races fill up in like 2 minutes!)

Yay for Billy!!! Soooooo have you guys looked into DU (University of Denver) yet? That have a great law program…and oh hey! I live here too!


What races are you deciding between? We are definitely looking into DU:)


I’m torn between the Colorado Marathon or the Colfax Marathon…..but I think I’m gonna do the Colorado. Look how pretty it is!!


OMG I am wearing those exact same costco socks right now!!!! but I seriously can’t run in them because I get blisters like crazy (probably because my feet are too big and they fall down when wearing my running shoes)


Mine fall all the time too ha, time to invest in better socks:)


omg orange shoes!!!!!! they must be like rocket power for your feet! :-D Ok it’s good to know I’m not the only one who takes pride in chafing marks and black toenails – no one seems to understand me haha. I am not experiencing any at the moment because I’m….still injured *sigh*….but I guess you’ve been there too so you know how that is haha. I’m trying to figure out whether I should get minimalist shoes though, maybe that would help me!

and CONGRATS TO BILLY ON THE LSAT!!!!!!! get that boy some froyo asap!!




First of all I hope he’s applying somewhere in Western Washington, because it’s the best running weather ever and you’ll love it. Way to go on an awesome score Billy! That’s awesome!

I used to get major bra line chafing but I started using body glide there and it solved it big time. Now I never run over about 7 miles without it. My biggest (and favorite) running side effect is the hunger. I love burning all those calories so I can keep eating constantly. Because let’s face it, I would do it anyway.

Popcorn. All the way.


Hi girl :). I’m so happy to see you did a 11 mile run… So proud of you! You’re such an inspiration!

I am getting back into healthy living & being active (today is day 3) and I’m starting to feel really good about myself. :)

I think Billy should apply to schools in Alberta, Canada so you can live near me ;) I’ll lend you a parka for the winter haha!


LEANNE!! YOU ARE AWESOME, good luck on DAY 4 wahoo!!! Promise you let me use your parkas:)


Love triple tangent tuesdays!!! :D running tangent about me: I just ran my fastest mile yet on Saturday! :D wheee


Congrats to Billy! That is amazing news. Best of luck to him with the applications – those things are a beast! I am so glad someone else suffers from the sports bra chaffing. No matter how much body glide/friction block/etc. that I use, it is never ending! I am running in the Atlanta marathon on Sunday and am terrified! This is the first time I’ve done 2 marathons in a month (did Chicago and it was a disaster, to say the least)! I am in taper mode, too, so I like your style, Janae;) Relaxing those legs to the max! Super excited for you to run NYC! Cannot wait for the recap.


Thanks Chrissy!! I seriously don’t know how to prevent the sports bra chaffing…if you find a way, LET ME KNOW!! I am SO excited for your marathon, will you PLEASE let me know how it goes! 2 in a are my HERO!


Yale better be on that application list! I’ll start cleaning out the spare bedroom for you guys.

I might be the only one, but I totally want to see your toenail falling off. I love the gross out, what can I say?


Come to NY! Obviously I’m biased but there are some great schools around here ;)


YAY Billy!!! That’s awesome! He should definitely go to Hastings and then you guys can move to SF and we can hang out all the time =)

Kettle Corn or Popcorn…hmm. Can I mix them together and have both? I’m really craving salty and sweet right now.

Definitely have a black toenail – not sure if it’s going to fall off, or if it’s just going to stay black for a while. Other side effects of running – blisters all over my feet, calluses under my big toes, and I always have more gym clothes to wash than normal clothes, and hair ties everywhere (purses, computer bag, desk, car, bathroom, kitchen, etc.)…those last two count as side effects, right?


YAYYYYY Billy I hope all of those you are considering have a , CA at the end of their address. Specifically those within biking distance from my house.


I’m lost a toenail too this past weekend… and I know people say that you should change shoes but I have the right ones for me (Brooks Adrenaline). I’ve had no injuries with them but I just loose the same one toenail after long runs! It kinda makes me feel tough!


I have never lost a toenail, although one was lifted a little. Weird. In spite of living in FL, I don’t chafe alot. Maybe it’s the body glide or my rockin’ champion sports bras? Kettle Corn all the way! PS- How do the compression sleeves help?


HEY YOU!! I need to try out the champion sports bras. Compression sleeves help to reduce the chance of injury (while running) and if you wear them after a tough run/race they help speed up muscle recovery! I love the Zensah brand!


I have heard of Zensah. I will have to check them out! Champion from Target work good on a budget. I really want a Moving Comfort sportsbra….maybe I will ask Santa. :)


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE apply to university of iowa in iowa city. we can be law school wife twins and eat lots of skittles while the boys are off doing law schoolish things. FUN!


Kelsey, you sold me….that sounds like so much fun, I will be telling Billy all about this!


I get bad chafing under my bra band line. My band size is small, so a bra is almost always too loose to stay put. The only thing that works for me is Body Glide.

Congrats to Billy!!


wooooooooooooooooooooo!!! congrats billy. such a smarty! and I hear on the toe nails. Its kinda a sign of good running, haha. Extra zz’s tonight!


You seriously crack me up. OUCH on the toenail!! I’m glad you like it though? haha CONGRATS to billy!! My jaw just dropped. 95th percentile is genius !!!!
I’d totally rather have kettle corn right now!
The only thing about running lately is that my garmin died right before my run today! So I went unplugged which wasn’t too bad :)


I took a huge fall the other day while running (I tripped over a crack in the sidewalk), and received a huge gash in my knee! I can still run, but it is definitely going to scar!


AHHH I am so sorry about your fall. I did the exact same thing one time and it broke my iPod too….I was a grump for a few days about that! Heal quickly!


I would rather have an ear of cornnnn than popcorn. But if I had to choose I’d go with either the orange side in those 3-way Christmas tins or plain mixed with M&M’s.

What a relief for Billy…are you two going to head out to the Northeast or stay out West?


Okay, you are so right about an ear of corn…delicious! We are going to apply everywhere and so we aren’t quite sure where we will end up…the suspense is killing me. Hope you are having a great day!


I never had Kettle Korn! SEND ME SOME! Popped and all, so I can open the box and use it as a “bucket o’ popcorn”

I’m watching biggest loser right now and they have to find as many apples as they can. Is it weird I immediately thought “Janae would definitely win this?”

I feel that’s weird. Hahah


Congrats to Billy! That’s great! Good luck with all the applications! You are going to do great in your race Janae!


I need to up my mileage again.. and also decide if I want to run a marathon or not… but I think I want too!!
Yesterday I ran at my favorite park for the first time in like two months yay! and its supposed to snow tomorrow sooo no running outside :(
Thats so exciting about Billy! I feel his pain with PhD apps!!!
MMMMM now I want popcorn


SO exciting that you were able to run in your favorite park and marathon…WAHOOOOO!!!


OMG YESSSSSSSSS SO SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND BILLY!!! i knew billy would rock it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so amazing you guys must be ecstatic!


I actually was proud of my first chaffing marks from my sports bra. It made me feel hard core. I was even proud of my skinned up knees from falling because when I explained it I had to include that fact that it was mile 17 of my 20 miler. Again, it makes me feel hard core. With that kind of pride I’m sure the Lord will smite my feet off.
I love tapering and can’t wait for my 9 miler on Saturday. It will feel like a sprint.


I have taken the LSAT (and gone through law school!) and it’s a tough test!! SO proud of him for doing so well!! And kudos to you for helping him through it! So so so happy for you two!


DI, thank you so much for your comment, you made my day! Any tips for us?


My physical thearpy is going awesome, and I ran 5 minutes on Sunday!! I am counting down the hours till my Thursday workout where I can attempt one mile…woot woot!


Have not lost a toenail, but did have a nasty blister that bled during a long run. I had to throw my sock away because the stain wouldn’t come out and I had to stay in for 4 days until the swelling went down, its was a totally gross thing to see.

Popcorn most def. White cheddar p-corn is the bomb!


Congratulations, Billy!


I have those same compression sleeves in pink. And did you see that Schwaggle today was 50% off a pair of Zensha compression socks! I jumped on that bad boy.
Movie theater popcorn. I don’t even care what the movie is as long as the popcorn is fresh (and I can salt it myself).
Nerves. Thinking about what time to get up and what I am going to eat.

AWESOME JOB BILLY!!!! Try Duke or Wake Forest. Then we can hang out.

The Kidless Kronicles


Seriously, Billy needs to go to the U so we can be neighbors!!!!! If I can sweet talk anyone let me know haha.

I had a great run today, I am LOVING fall running SO MUCH!

Popcorn with nooch and lots of salt and pepper. And butter of course. Which is ironic since we have kettle corn haha.

I am having some chafing issues, I really just need to not wear anything cotton on my runs, which also means doing laundry…. haha.

Thanks for your sweet comment yesterday, I got a massage and feel 100% better!


Those shoes are out-freakin-standing!!

right now I’d kill for some kettle corn from a local stand that is on State St. in Madison. Speaking of Madison… you should convince Billy to go to University of WI for law school. I wanna meet you and eat ridiculous amounts of fro-yo. :)


Congratulations to Billy!!! That is fantastic, and I’m so excited for you guys. :)


I bet you are such a great teacher! I can just see it now.. :)


Thanks Eliza, you are so sweet:)


i am eating popcorn RIGHT NOW!! yummm! :) tonight i air popped it and sprinkled it (okay, doused it) in stevia and cinnamon!


I used to get black toe nails from running, but that was before I knew how running shoes are supposed to fit.

I think I might have to try your rolly chair teaching tomorrow.


ps: 95th percentile?!?!?! SO AWESOME!

Dear Billy,
Please apply to the University of Michigan. The program is great, the Law Quad is beautiful, there are TONS of fro-yo places, a Five Guys right on the main road, tons of places to go biking and running, AND i would be able to have fun with Janae. Please and thank you.
<3 Kristin


KRISTIN…seriously, you are awesome. I showed Billy your comment and he loved it. All of those things sound like so much fun….I think we might just have to come to U of M!


Congrats to you and Billy on the LSAT news!


This isn’t really a running side effect but its running related. I just found out I’m pregnant and my doctor told me that I have to keep my heart rate between 120-140 if I’m going to continue running. This has been extremely hard to do. I have to run super slow when I know I’m capable of going faster. When I’m ready to get upset or super frustrated I think about the baby growing in my belly and that running slow for these 9-ish months will be worth it. :)


CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PREGNANCY, this is so so exciting! That must be mentally tough to not be able to go out and do what you are used to but good for you to put things in perspective and please keep me updated with your pregnancy!


95%?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?? BILLY IS A GENIUS.


Yay! Congrats Billy! Woohooo!!! I totally have toenail issues. And now I have dry skin on top of chafing. Yuck! I <3 your dedication to tapering!


Those running shoes are baller…you definitely have to be reasonably fast to own a pair like that :-) I’m not quite up to neon status.


Ha…Kiah, I think you NEED to get some neon shoes:)


I know what you mean about being proud of running side effects, after my first full marathon my toenail was in pretty bad shape so I removed all the polish off it to show it off ;) But it healed up and I thought it was going to stay…nope, 3 months later it fell off! I was kinda proud! haha
I only had minor chaffing from my fuel belt after the marathon, about the size of a quarter, so have been luck there!


Popcorn! I’m experiencing some running side effects right now from my track workout tonight. Sleepy and sore. Almost time for bed!


Is it silly/weird/crazy that I just read through all 55 comments before mine to see what side effects I might come to be proud of?! With each day that passes, I’m more excited about running longer distances..even though I’m at 3.25. Maybe you should do a blog someday about true vs. myth running side effects (I’ve always wondered if I would really *mess* my shorts in a half or full or if that’s just nonsense…except for that one picture on google.) Anyway, just a thought since you are an experienced all-star! :) Hooray for Billy Smartypants!


GIRL…YOU ARE AWESOME, 3.25….you are incredible and that is an awesome blog idea…thank you so much for the idea, I can’t wait to post it!


gross about your toe nail…BUT awesome – we both have orange running shoes! love it…
xoxo from Houston


Great job on your 11-mile run … and your toenail loss. I haven’t lost a toenail, but I did have one cut into the text toe and make it bleed. My sock was nasty after that 7-mile run.

I love orange, so I love your shoes! They rock!

Congrats to Billy!


ahhhh good for billy, and have you ever tried popcorners? they are AMAZING they are popcorn chips… i had them on my last jet blue flight and they were kettle corn popcorners and i asked for seconds. and thirds. it was worth it. the only place ive been able to find em has been rite aid (really random i went to buy nail polish and came home with like ten bags of these popcorner things, brandon danced when he saw me with them all)


Okay, I am now on a hunt to get myself some pop corners…those sound amazing!


haha i am right there with you on the odd pride that you get from losing a toenail from running so much…and I have a bad sports bra chafe—i had to carry my iphone in my bra for a 20 miler and between that and my bra I got rubbed raw :/

SO excited for billy and your law school future!


OuCH…has your iPhone chafe healed yet?


YAY for billy!!! WOW he must have great reasoning skills :) my friend tried to write that like 5 times lol

I am so excited….I love your shoes too!

PS: words can not express how grateful I am for you NOT showing your toenail :)


Congrats to you and Billy!
As much as I’d like to lobby for the two of you to come to Baltimore, I’m not sure about the froyo situation, and I think your decision will depend a lot on what type of law he wants to practice. So- Good luck. I feel sorry for Sis after you move.

Definitely kettlecorn! Popcorn is good, but kettlecorn is great!


Yolanda, thank you for taking all of the factors into consideration about where we should go to law school. Maybe we will open one up there:) I know, my sis won’t even let me talk about it…she gets so sad. I will be flying home often:)


Congrats on the great score.
I don’t really like popcorn, but I love kettle corn or caramel corn, or cheddar, or…..basically anything but plain popcorn.


You are a rockstar- 11 miles at 8 min/mile pace….er wow! Does a sore butt count as a running side-effect? If so, consider that mine! The worst I can think of is when one of my toe nails went blue/purple and stayed that way for a year or feet looked SO ugly in flip flops but I still felt kinda bad ass!


Is this even a question? Kettle corn all the way. The sweet and salty combination is a win in my book!


Congrats Billy!! I hear there are some great law schools out in NJ… maybe :-p


Congrats to your hubbie!!! That is sooo awesome!! My husband is in law school at Liberty University here in Central Virginia. I think he should come here so you and I can be besties and eat fro yo everyday! Oh yeah and Swedish Fish because you seem to be the only one as obsessed as I am! And of course run and do spin!! =P There are some pretty awesome trails here to run on and plenty of mountains (not as beautiful as yours but hey mountains nonetheless!)… are you convinced yet because I could keep going….. ?

I would take kettle corn right now but that could change any second!!

I haven’t had any really cool running side effects like losing a toe nail yet… just the typical soreness every once in awhile!

Have a great day =]


That would be so much fun if our hubbies went the same place and we could hang out all the time! Any advice for a future law-school students’ wife?


Hmmm…. well first of all, in my opinion, it’s not nearly as bad as some people may tell you it is! I actually see my husband MORE than I did before he started. Of course he studies a lot but we have dinner together and we are in the same house together, so I am happy =] Second, be patient with him…. he will probably get uber stressed at times and maybe a little grumpy if he is anything like my man! But just be super encouraging (I don’t think that will be hard for you!) AND make sure he does at least one thing fun a week that has nothing to do with school! Oh yeah and make sure he keeps running no matter how busy he gets because of all people you know how wonderful endorphins are =]


That is amazing, Congrats to Billy!! PLEASE PLEASE come to Boston for school, then we can hang out and talk about running everyday! It’s so much fun here, I promise!


I only like caramel covered popcorn corn! And also this:
But you have to eat it right away or it gets soggy! Luckily, that wasn’t much of a problem!
CONGRATULATIONS to Billy! That is so fantastic and will give you guys a lot of options. With a score like that he should at least think about Yale Law School! My husband went there and it has opened a ton of doors for him. Plus – no GPA. I can’t tell you how much that improves your life:) E-mail me if you have any questions about New Haven! We’re still in here and will be for another year or two while I finish my PhD, so I’m an expert on Yale and the surrounding neighborhoods!


I can’t wait to try that recipe, thank you so much for linking it and don’t worry, the soggy thing won’t be an issue for me! AHHH YALE…that is awesome! That is so cool that your husband went there. I will definitely email you about the trillion questions that I have and how cool would that be to live by each other?!?!


Awesome! I scored in the 98th percentile on the GMAT and am waiting on my GRE scores. For the record my current grad program required the GMAT and my next grad program requires the GRE – I’m not just taking tests for fun.


CHRISTINA!!! YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE 98th percentile…holy cow, congrats!


That is so AWESOME!! Congrats to Billy :D


Congrats Billy! That’s amazing. :D


Congrats to Billy! That is an awesome score! Law school sucks, but even in the midst of starting to prepare for finals, it’s worth it! Keep us updated!


Thanks so much Abbie and good luck with preparing for finals!


Something about kettle corn is unnatural to me. Popcorn should taste buttery and salty, or cheesy or caramel-ly but Kettle corn doesn’t seem to work for my taste buds.


congrats Billy!! Way to go, seriously the hard work pays off!

In my marathon, the only thing that happened was a chafing spot where my sports bra hit my ribs and a blister (that never popped!) on my big toe…I was a lucky gal I think :)


haha Billy is so lucky…. you’re so funny!!
PS: Congrats to Billy.. that’s amazing!!


Billy did so awesome!!! Congrats!
I lost a toenail from the marathon I just ran. It’s not pretty but who cares! I ran a marathon!
I’d love some kettle corn right now!


I have had 2 black toenails (the 2 middle toes) since like 2009… seriously. If i stop running, they go back to normal. Once I start again… bam! back to black! I’m not really mad about it.. its just not pretty and I feel bad for the nail techs who think they might contract a disease from it : ) Ok that never really happened but I always say something just in case.
I’m a popcorn girl but kettle corn is tasty too… Can I have a mix? haha
Congrats to Billy for getting such high scores! Sounds like a celebratory dinner is needed : )


Wow – a huge congrats to your Billster! What an accomplishment! Hoping for direction in the new phase of applying to schools ahead for you guys.

And let’s see…running tangents about me? Well, I ran a gorgeous 13.24 miles in my favorite city by the Bay over the weekend – San Francisco! I was visiting my parents and absolutely soaked in every ounce of family, solo running, bootcaming with my parents (my mom’s also a personal trainer) as possible. The run under sunny, warm skies and in familiar spots was definitely a highlight for this now-Calgarian girl!


MICHIGAN! You should go to Michigan! :) Really… not kidding. Congrats Billy!!!


so i know this is probably a weird comment, but did you know that MENSA will accept you if scored in the 95th percentile or higher on the LSAT? check it out!

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