My costume has been a success at school today except for when I had a group of students chasing me down the hall with chairs (no one had a bat) to hit me to get all of my candy.

IMG 0465

Billy is a lucky man. I forgot to tell you that we also had streamers all over the back of us and on our arms and they looked awesome flying in the wind as we were running during our race.


Billy and I are both really sore after our half this weekend.  I don’t think it would have mattered how fast or slow I ran the dang thing, my legs were not ready for all of that downhill running.  We are both experiencing a major case of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

We have been really loving and mature to one another and we try to push firmly in the areas that the other person is most sore (for both of us, it is our quads).   Billy really enjoys pushing me back down as I am trying to stand because it takes a lot of work with my exhausted quads to get up and it is quite disheartening to have to try to do the whole standing up thing again.

Turns out I need to be fully recovered by SUNDAY (just shooting to finish the marathon, not to race) and so I am doing everything I can to get my legs back……..

1.  Glutamine:  “Glutamine may be the most important amino acid in the recovery process. Glutamine stimulates muscle protein synthesis and preserves skeletal muscle mass. There is good evidence that supplementing the diet with additional glutamine can enhance muscle performance.”  (Source)

Photo 11

I have been too cold to drink chocolate milk the last few days so I just make hot chocolate milk and add my glutamine to that (ps it doesn’t taste like anything).  You can find it on my GEAR PAGE.

Milk also contains the right mix of protein and carbs to rebuild those tired muscles, plus you have to admit (okay, not everyone) it is pretty darn delicious.

2.  Compression socks.

Fun fact:  I have worn my compression socks since Saturday night and I am still wearing them as we speak.  Good thing that the boots that I wore to church yesterday almost covered up all of my socks…I only had a few people stare and think ‘what in the world is she wearing.’

Compression socks help to deliver more oxygen to muscles, remove lactic acid faster and stabilize that lower leg of mine to help me from not falling multiple times a day.   Plus, I think they look me look more hardcore and retro at the same time.

Photo 10

3.  Foam rolling and the stick.  That face is not made up…that is pure pain.  Great videos HERE on how to use your foam roller.  Using the foam roller or the stick is a lot like getting a deep tissue sports massage without spending my hard earned money on something other than finding the best pizza that NYC has to offer this weekend.

“When you tear your muscles — the result of working hard during your training sessions, and the reason soreness occurs — muscle fibers shorten and scar tissue is formed with minor soft tissue injury. Using the foam roller is your answer to that pain, and can be incorporated into your warm up or cool down.”  (Source)Photo 9

4.  Rest!  Good thing because I am also tapering right now and getting as much sleep as possible because lets be honest, I will be too busy having fun in NY to sleep……B$ and I got 9 hours of sleep the last two nights and I feel real good about that.

5.  Drink lots of water.  Okay, I don’t know if that is correct but water always seems to solve a lot of problems and will probably help my muscles recover speedy.


What have you found to help your muscles recover FAST?

Have you had any Halloween candy today?  What?

-A Twix, Twizzlers and Starbursts.  Tomorrow is usually the day that I get more candy….aka stealing my students trick-or-treating candy.

Have you had any hot chocolate this season?

-I think I started drinking it in the end of August this year and I will drink it daily until the end of May.

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Foam rolling is the BEST. It hurts in a good way.

I’ve had Twix, Reese’s and Gobstoppers today but tonight will be dangerous. I might eat half the candy we are supposed to pass out. And so far I’ve only had 1 hot chocolate this season, but that’s because California didn’t get the memo that it is Fall so it’s still been 80* every day!

Love the Pinata costume!! I might have to steal that idea next year.


I’m a big fan of the ice bath- yes, it’s painful to get into a freezing tub, but the end results are well worth the 10-15 minutes of torture. I also use foam rollers and compression socks.
No Halloween candy yet, but my co-worker/friend brought me some homemade treats that I’ve gobbled up.
It just finally got out of the 80’s this weekend here so no hot chocolate yet. Maybe soon–Starbucks get their Peppermint Mocha tomorrow… :)
Have a blast and good luck in NY!


I thought we were having trick-or-treaters last night (oops) but I ate a lot of the candy. Kit Kats, Starbursts, and Snickers. Its a deadly combo of deliciousness.


No candy yet BUT I have a mini box of Smarties and a mini Oh Henry waiting for me tonight :)
I had hot chocolate yesterday for the first time this “season”, After Eight hot chocolate with some dark chocolate almond milk – so good!


No candy for me today, yet. Horrible, I know!


hot chocolate coffee count?? lol

I had a stress fracture from running once but since I healed and got a foam roller I haven’t had pain! (knock on wood) it’s such a good recovery tool :)

Just a few chocolate covered raisins today… but tonight is $5 Fajita night here so that’s what I have been saving my appetite for all day!

OMG can’t believe you only have til Sunday to recover — GL you’ll do amazing!!


I seem to find moving around helps me loosen up. If I sit or lie around a lot after a run/race, I stiffen up more. Foam rolling hurts so bad!!! I do it though.
It’s cold here too so you better believe I’ve had some hot chocolate. I switched it up and had some hot apple cider today and that was good too.
Today’s candy so far has been Lindt truffles! I won’t tell you how many I ate. :)


Foam rolling for shiz! I try for at least one really good foam rolling session a week, I know I need more though. I think that sometimes a good walk just to get blood flowing helps a lot too. I think that hot showers feel amazing, but I have no idea if it’s actually true.

I had a snickers, but that’s it. I’m not feeling great…

Now that you mention it, NO I haven’t had any hot chocolate, and I used to make the BET hot cocoa for my husband, I should get on that!


So fun that you dressed up for school. None of the teachers did at my school, so I didn’t even consider it.

I haven’t had any candy today, but had a homemade Halloween oreo, yum! Fueled me for a great 5-mile tempo run this afternoon. And no hot cocoa, but I have been loving some chai tea. Pretty much the same sugar grams as the cocoa! Warm and delicious.

Can’t wait to hear all about NYC!


I wear my compression socks all the freakn’ time! I love them so much!


My Biology of Infectious Diseases professor dressed as a zombie and gave out candy. I got the last pumpkin-shaped Reese’s cup from the bowl. SCORE.
I have some serious DOMS from my 12 miles yesterday. Foam rolling + stretching is the best!


i looove hot chocolate but since its 75 in Texas, i have to wait for it to make much sense :(

enjoy your rest and recovery. LOVE the costume by the way


I’ve got no tips for you on soreness because I get sore really easily and it stays that way for what seems like forever! I could barely walk for 3 days after the only half I did last year (not to mention trying to sit on the toilet, oh the torture!) Hope yours goes away quickly!
I’ve had no candy today or at all leading up to Halloween, how pathetic is that?!


MMM hot cocoa sounds soo good. It’s frigid here in WI! … or maybe I’m just being a baby because I dislike winter.

I hope those quads heal up fast in time for NYC Sunday!


I had prescription Glutamine for to help my stomach and mouth recover from chemotherapy. It tasted horrible, but wasn’t the same kind as yours, mine might have had something else in it or my heightened smell made me taste something that wasn’t there. But nobody can get me to touch that stuff again!

Foam rolling, the Stick, and ice baths are what have kept me off the injured list! :)


I love my foam roller and epsom salts baths!
Are you wearing your compression socks on the wrong feet, missy? ;)

Hot chocolate sounds delicious! I haven’t had any yet this year because it’s still in the 60s in Tennessee, but you’ve given me a great idea.


I was wondering if anyone would notice ha…. I was too lazy to change them after I already put them on!


I started drinking hot cocoa a few weeks back when I gave up coffee and have had 2 cups a day since… addicting!


I have a Twix and Peanut M&Ms waiting for me on the counter :)


I’ve found that ice baths really help me from getting really sore. And keeping active. If I go for a walk or run errands the day after a long run keeps my legs from hurting much the next day.

I’m waiting for tonight to eat Halloween candy, because my stepson should have a good stash and won’t really care about eating it. I hope he gets some PB cups and Snickers!


Good luck at NYC!

Remember to avoid drinking too much water through the remainder of the week – hyponatremia can catch up to us quickly – especially leading into 26.2 miles of endurance-activity-galore.

I’m a milk fan, so it’s usually milk for me after a long run or 16 oz of GU Brew electrolyte replacement drink (Peach Tea flavor, the Lime is just… ehh). But for overall muscle soreness – it’s rest and ice. I’m so far behind the recovery curve! Hmmm… I might have to take a closer look at Glutamine.

I’m not a huge candy fan, but I do have my eyes set on any leftover Peanut Butter Twix (gasp!)… those things should come with a health warning – they’re addictive!


Seriously, the stick has been a MIRACLE worker helping me with this injury of mine. I hope it helps your sore muscles, too. The calves are the best to roll out with that!!
Pretty sure that i’ve had a million pieces of candy today. Brach’s autumn mix tastes exponentially better on Halloween. It’s science.


I love foam rolling. I’d be curious to hear more about compression socks. If you have any good articles, I’d love if you posted them!! :)


My quads are SOOO sore from Saturday. I have gotten some pretty strange looks on campus today walking around, especially going up and down stairs. Haven’t taken my compression socks off yet either. I don’t know if I look very hardcore, but they make me feel cool! The only “candy” I have had today is sore throat drops, I got run down and sick after waking up at 4am, sitting in the freezing cold, and running 13 miles! Sad I missed you at the race! I didn’t even see you at all! I loved your costume though!



I am definitely eating peanut m&m’s as I read blogs!

And I started drinking hot chocolate in September. Actually, I may have started in August. It’s too good! And I froth the milk with my espresso machine so it is just too tempting for me!

LOVE compression socks! I’m sure people think I’m crazy as I parade around in them in public.


I love that idea about the glutamine! I will be buying some asap! I love that foam roller, its my best friend during racing season! Thanks for all the tips!


haha…oh man, that looks like me on the foam roller!! it’s kinda funny, i just did a post about the foam roller yesterday…it hurts like a beast but it helps a lot!!

and yes, water is def ur friend in terms of recovery…it helps flush out all that lactic acid and ‘junk’. :)

i think my fav is sleep though…oh and eating. keep up the awesome recovery and i’m so excited for u and NYC!!!


Twix, KitKat, and M&Ms :)


Haven’t had ANY Halloween candy today. We opted for McDonald’s soft-serve sundaes..(Plural). We realized that a dollar meant you needed to eat one there and take one to go for late night TV watching.

Haven’t had hot chocolate since college. Yikes.

Are you giving out candy or going with your nieces and nephews!?


Bump on the glutamine powder and foam rolling. My calves were SUPER sore about a month ago, could barely walk down the I froze a bottle of water and had my fiance roll it over my calves super hard, it hurt but man it was a good hurt!!


Okay that is EXACTLY what my face looked like this morning when I was rolling. I was also making weird noises. The people in the gym were looking at me funny.


epsom salt baths….amazing!!


I gave in and got some hot chocolate about a month ago… I have about one or two cups a week. I can’t wait till we have some people over and I can make a big batch from scratch (the best kind)!


LOVE my compression socks. And something with protein immediately after a long run.

I had a fun size skittle.

No hot chocolate yet.

The Kidless Kronicles


Foam rollers and the Stick are a necessary evil! I always make the same face while rolling … but it feels so good when you get up! CEP compression socks are on the Christmas list!!


foam rolling, oh man… I cannot keep a regular face when doing it, impossible. And are you wearing your socks on the wrong feet or am I crazy? haha I decided went to yogurtland thinking they might have candy corn flavor or something for the holiday, they didn’t but I still got some yummmm fro yo to celebrate. Happy Halloween!


I recover with reGen! I’m an ambassador for them but whole heartedly stand by the product! It’s a recovery drink made by Hershey that tastes like chocolate milk- what’s not to love??


Awesome costume!

I always think that stretching, sleeping, and foam rolling does the most for my recovery. I didn’t have any Halloween candy yesterday. No Halloween here. :-( Huge bummer. No hot chocolate yet either because it is still super hot outside here.


No candy today. I am sad. Hoping that there is leftovers or rejects tomorrow at work!


Hi there – I’m a huge fan of epsom salt baths, foam roller and lot of water. When I foam rolled every day, I went from a 10:43 mile to a 9:43 mile with no other changes in training in about six weeks. Pretty awesome!
I haven’t had sugar in about seven years, so Halloween doesn’t have too much fuss for me. I love seeing all the kids in costume though!


You are doing exactly what I do (compression, foam roller, stick)… but one thing is missing – ICE!!! Garbage can + ice water = cold heaven for your feet and lower legs!


I just started incorporating deep tissue massages into my chiropractor visits and it hurts like the devil. However, it feels so good once the torture queen is done working over my hammies and quads. I love my foam roller too.
The best thing I have done as I trained for my full is to give in to the compression socks. I thought they were dorky (still do) but they really make a difference on my long runs. My calves recover really well from my runs.
Have fun in NYC.


I am obsessed with foam roalling!! It hurts so bad sometimes but it’s the best kind of hurt.
I definitely drink chocolate milk and foam roll! Protein helps recover quickly too.
I had an almond joy. Coconut + chocolate is so good.
I haven’t had hot chocolate yet but I soo will when it gets cold :D


Glutamine — I have to try this. I started taking beta alanine back in march or april thanks to your gear-page wisdom, and I think it has worked for me! Keep dishing out your supplement advice.

I don’t know if anyone else asked this yet, but I’m dying to know — how was wearing your costume after sweating 13.1 miles in it!? A little salty? :)

Last, I’m not going to beat around the bush here: I would LOVE to see you, for a run or otherwise, when you are in SF. What will you be here for? Law school hunting perhaps?!


haha omg, your costume is EPIC. even without the hat!

I’m a huuuge fan of compression socks (rockin some right this minute, actually!), the foam roller, and the stick – they hurt so good lol. Dairy products are my fave recovery food too! I can’t drink cows milk (one of those lactose intolerant things, its super-sad), but I can eat greek yogurt, so I usually have that for my post-w/o breakfast. I’ve never tried the glutamine though! I’ve read so much different stuff in my nutrition classes about whether straight-up amino acids are beneficial or not…but hey they can’t hurt! I’d definitely give it a shot! :D

We didn’t get ANY trick or treaters so I have a whole bucket of Hershey’s Milk Chocolate w/ toffee! and almond joy, and mounds. winnnn.


I know you love your candy, but the smell of all the candy from my kids after tonight is making me sick!


I’m also using the stick, walking, and went for a bike ride today to help get my legs warmed up and recovering from my half. Sometimes I can convince my hubby to give me a massage too. You and Billy need to do a massage trade since you’re both sore. I’m impressed you can actually name all the candy you’ve had today. I lost track of what I’ve eaten. All I know is that I ate a lot. No hot chocolate for me this season yet, just hot apple cider so far. Also, I posted some Halloween pictures on my blog today!


omg i feel your pain! my face totally looks like that when i’m foam rolling. ugh, which reminds me.. i need to do that tomorrow too! love your costume! :)


Oh. my. goodness. I have been SO SORE!!! Like, seriously sore- almost as sore as after the marathon. I can’t believe you have to run one this weekend! Yikes! I’m sending some speedy recovery vibes your way.

I love the foam roller more than anything. I also take ice baths (and not just after a long run). If you think about it, it’s the best way to ice your entire lower body, and, to be frank, I am sure YOUR ENTIRE LOWER BODY is what is killing you right now.

Go Janae!!!!!!! I’m seriously going to be cheering for you like crazy this weekend! I’ve been waiting all year for you to run a marathon :).


i’ve eaten about 5-6 pieces..not bad!

i have been drinking hot cocoa every night since september and in az that is probably quite odd, but i love it. it helps me relax after a long busy day. only love it at night and not in the morning.


I used a fun-sized bag of Skittles to fuel a 10 miler today! BEST DECISION EVER! :D I haven’t had hot chocolate yet, but I need to asap! I’ve been eating/drinking anything pumpkin flavored at the moment, hahaha! I also ADORE, I mean absolutely ADORE your costume! GENIUS! PS. You should totally consider making a pit stop in Pittsburgh (no pun intended) on your way back from the NY marathon! Just saying! :) I wish you the best of luck sweetie! I know you’re totally going to rock this! I’m so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3


Ugh, SO. SORE. I’ve yet to get a foam roller or a stick, and I can’t stand the thought of doing an ice bath. So I guess I would say that I’m really bad at the recovery thing except for rest, haha.


Do you crave chocolate more than normal after a long run! I ran 10 miles yesterday morning (my first double-digit run WOO) and I was CRAVING dessert like no other…good thing I had no trick-or-treaters because that meant for chocolate for me mwahahah! As a ‘reward’ for your half-marathon, why don’t you book in a professional massage….orrrr persuade Billy :)!


Your costume is fantastic!!! I might have to use that idea next year. :)

I find the thing that helps me recover the best after a race is my compression socks. They are a godsend. They helped me get through the Las Vegas Ragnar with shin splints! You might also consider taking an ice bath.

I’ve had lots of candy today. Not good. I’ve had 2 cupcakes, and a BUNCH of mini candy bars. But…in my defense, I did do a killer workout tonight. :)


Your costume absolutely cracks me up!

Im a nurse and the dad of one of my patients is actually running in the NYC marathon, he also did boston and like 10 others. Hes a animal.

I know this may be semi rude to ask (maybe) but ive been reading your blog from the begining and find you to be so inspirational. I recently caught the blogging bug and started my own. Except… i have no readers. Id feel honored if you would maybe give my lil blog a shot out on one of your posts? If not i understand, but it never hearts to ask right??


Mike likes to push me down when I’m trying to stand too. Then when I land on my back he yells “turtle!” Husbands are cruel.

When I’m recovering, ice and compression are my best friends.

I love that you wore your costume to school!!


I’ve always wondered about compression socks..not that they would do much good for me right now, since I’m not running a ton…but I WILL get back to running a ton :D – didn’t know what they really did…good to know though! Thanksf or the info!
I definitely agree about water, I drink a TON of it..and I really do feel better when I do, if I don’t drink as much one day I can totally tell the difference


I love the foam rolling and the lacrosse ball, but I haven’t tried any compression socks yet.

Do you have a favorite brand?


Im really excited you mentioned DOMS haha I did a presentation on it last year!!! I at tooooo many swedish fish yesterday sooo no more candy for me for awhile!!!


LOVE the pinata costume! Very cute and creative. I ate a ton of candy yesterday. I think I need to break down and buy myself a foam roller for my horribly achy right quad. Love my glutamine!


Ok so I ran that race on Saturday as well and TOTALLY saw you three running! Your costumes were awesome. I was a grinch and didn’t dress up. :) You passed by me just as we were crossing the Provo Canyon road. I’m also SO relieved to hear that I am not the only one who is in CRAZY pain from that downhill running!! I think this morning was the first time since Saturday I’m not limping. Good luck getting ready for your next race! I’m taking it easy this week…


Hey you!!! I wish we could have talked! We should go for froyo!!! Billy and I have been so so sore!!! That trashed my quads! Hope you are having a great day!


Those foam rollers are the worst! They hurt so bad! But sounds like you are all prepared for the big race!


ur costume is so stinkin awesome. i laughed so hard when i saw it! so fun!

can u actually FEEL a difference when u wear the compression socks? or do u think its more of a placebo kind of thing? i love foam rollers too! and hot chocolate is to be drunk year round. i even drank it daily on our honeymoon cruise to jamaica!


I LOVE using chocolate milk after workouts to help my body recover!! So much so that I am a finalist for the Refuel With Chocolate Milk Grant! People can vote for me (Zaneta) once everyday until November 15th! :)


Love the pink socks!! I need to get some compression socks!! I think they could have helped me after my last long run. Since it’s still in the 80’s here, I don’t see any hot chocolate in my future. I take amino acids, fish oil, and glucosamine for recovery. Water is always good, I agree with you.


Your costume is so original and I love it. I am going to have to copy that one!! I just found your blog and wow… you are an amazing runner. I was looking at your times and you are so close to a sub 3 marathon!! I am sure you will run a sub 3 really soon!! Good luck and I can’t wait to see you sub 3 girl!!


Thanks sandy! Your comment made my day!

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