Let’s talk about running mkay?

Thanks to all of your awesome comments on my FEAR POST, the run this morning went great.

It takes a lot of talent to take a blurry photo on my phone while running (once I stop it is hard to start again) but I wanted to show you my view for the majority of my run.  Definitely the best time of year in Utah.

Photo 6

10 miles were done with the sissy and I did 7 on my own (I know, I did a little more than my plan said) @ an 8:18 pace.  I wasn’t even paying attention to my pace or shooting for anything particular but it is the exact same average pace that I did last week on my long run. I guess that is what my body wants to do right now.

Why show you a picture of the back of me?  I don’t really know besides the fact that I wanted to show you my fuel of choice for the day that I put in my secret pocket in the back of my capris.  The last two starbursts were way to sweaty to eat at the end (I, Janae Jacobs actually had to throw away candy, I will NEVER do such a thing again). PS I have worn my Zensah shirt for the last 3 long runs, kind of obsessed with it.

The starbursts worked GREAT.  I felt the surge of energy and ate ten of them throughout my run.   The sugar obsession starts as early as 7 a.m.

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Came home.  Stretched.  Foam rolled and took an ice bath (it has been 8 months since my last bath and holy cow….those HURT but my hot chocolate milk with glutamine made it a little more bearable.  Also, watching Felicity at the same time helped big time to distract me and prepare me for my upcoming New York trip.  I learn so much through television).

For bfast I had an egg sandwich and for lunch…..

Mixing bowl salad (with ranch and bbq sauce), greek yogurt, banana and the softest chocolate chip cookie I have had in a while.

IMG 0234

Billy is now watching football and I am trying to convince my mom to meet me for ice cream…..I have already told her that ice cream aids recovery now I am just waiting for her reply.


Have you ever used candy for running fuel?

Favorite greek yogurt brand?

-Chobani for me.

Do you run with your phone?  Do you ever wear running capris?

-Yes and yes.

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Glad to see your back to running long. It is always a good feeling. Love the chocolate milk and glutamine idea. I have some glutamine powder that I guess I could just mix in with the chocolate milk with a spoon…so simple and I am surprised I never thought of that honestly.


Great run! My long run went great as well. I’ve used swedish fish as running fuel before, and they were awesome. I love Chobani pomegranate and Fage plain greek yogurt.


I love the pink hue of that Zensah top!!


Favorite brand of Greek yogurt – Total Sage. I adore it, I must have one of the little containers every day.
I’m so happy that you’re back on track with the long runs!!! Must feel so accomplished. Your mum better invites you to a lot of ice cream ;)


Great run! Awww yeah!!! So excited for you :) Watch out NY…here comes Janae!!!!

Greek Yogurt?! Chobani all the way…then the one by Activia.

Capris? YES! Candy? I have NEVER tried it while running. I know, crazy!


Ice cream makes everything feel better. I really want some now.. Need to recover from my triathlon! :)

I always take my phone with me. 1. I use it as my iPod 2. I think my family would kill me if I didn’t.


Um yes to all of the questions above. :)

Chobani is my favorite, too, although I just tried Nostimo and I like that a lot, too!

Good job on the run, and what a beautiful view. Thank you for sharing that!! I didn’t have a chance to reply to the Fear post, but I feel EXACTLY like you. My long run is only 6 miles ATM, and I have fear even before the shorter ones.

No run for me today, but I did a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk with one of my friends. :)


I am all about candy while running. GU chomps and stuff like that basically are candy, so I’d wager that eating “real” candy on the run is probably no more or less effective than sports gummies.

I ate Gushers in my last marathon; usually I’m not very good about eating enough while running long, but I was so excited about eating them that I didn’t forget to eat. They were amazing.


Haven’t tried “real” candy but Clif Shot Bloks taste like candy to me!! Love the tank and awesome job on the run! You are killing it already and I am so so proud of you!

Chobani is coming to Canada next month so I am super pumped to try it!

I never run with my phone…but usually wear capris at this time of year! Otherwise it’s all about nike shorts in the summer :)


Congratulations on a great run! What a beautiful view, lucky you!

I have never tried candy before..only GU gel. Do you like gels as well?

Today I ran 10 miles and now I’m considering running capris for sure..my shorts seem to rub a bit too much and aren’t comfortable. Oh well!

Have a great rest of your Saturday! YAY I’m so glad you’re back into running!


Jelly Bellys make awesome fuel. I got so addicted to bringing them with me after I used the caffeinated kind for my Broad Street run. Then, I just started bringing the Cold Stone flavored ones with me :)

My fun is the size of the incredible hulk so no way!

And I love Chobani. Yummy yum yum!


Oh, and YAY FOR AWESOME RUNS! You’re going to do great in NYC. Make sure you get a Crumbs Cupcake!!!!


Yay!! Great job, girl!!! :)

Brandon and I ran 11 miles this morning. And I used Jelly Belly as my source of fuel! ;)


Yes!!! I knew you would crush it! Great job, chica!
Chobani hands down!!!
I love capris too and have been wearing them more frequently now that it’s getting colder here. I usually only run with my phone for long runs.
I haven’t ever tried candy as a fuel source, but I may have to look into it. Candy is way cheaper than Shot Bloks!! xo


Starbursts, what a great idea! I never thought of that. The gels and blocks make my stomach sick, so I’ve been using Jelly Belly Sport Beans and Fig Newtons (you can buy them from 7-Eleven in a two pack and each bar is 100 calories – perfect!).

Great job on the run! You go girl!


GREAT RUN! You are super speedy!

Tell me about your capris. Are they of the compression type? I may need to invest in some… Keep hearing all these fabulous things about compression garments. My only experience is my lone Zensah calf compression sleeve that I wore when I was injured.


Wahoo! for a great run!!

I love mixing bowl salads–ain’t no other way!! ;)

And yes, Chobani is soooo delicious!


O my goodness what beautiful scenery! I am still kind of new to this running thing but I feel tied to the treadmill. Whenever I run I always have my mp3 player plus a 20 oz container of water. And if I am running for more than an hour then I have some coconut water or gatorade too! How can I run outside with all of that? Plus, I always have to use the bathroom at least once while I run so I like having a bathroom nearby. I really want to run outside but I don’t know how to deal with these issues. Any suggestions???


Fav is Fage, but I pretty much always buy Chobani b/c I’m cheap. It’s not a bad second place contender though either ;)
I always run with my phone b/c it doubles as my iPod and since I have no road ID it’s probably a good thing!


I sometimes run with my phone but only cause I’ll use Pandora for music :) Sometimes I just don’t feel like carrying something so big and clunky on my arm so I’ll go without, and of course, that’s always when Tals steps on a thorn and I have to carry her home :)

Love workout capris! And congrats on such a great run!


PS I meant to tell you this bc I know you’d appreciate it. I’m like 20 years behind everyone else and just finally got the gummy multi-vitamins. I want to eat them all day long cause they are just like gummy bears!!


Congrats!! You are my hero. I have to run 11 tomorrow…no scratch that, I GET to run 11 tomorrow!


I like Snickers on my long runs sometimes.


Wooooohooooo! Congrats on such a great run!!

I haven’t used candy but my husband likes to use gummy bears if he runs.

My stomach can’t handle yogurt that well, but you’re right, Chobani is the best.

I use RunKeeper on my phone, so yes, but I am going to need a spibelt soon because holding it is driving me crazy.


Whohoo!!! Sounds like a great run!!! :D Starburst would be awesome fuel, I think!


Great run! I ran 4 miles today and it felt AWESOME.

I like Dannon greek yogurt. It’s a bit cheaper than Chobani and just a good.
Yes, I run with my smartphone for musics.
Your mom should probably say yes to ice cream. Like now.


way to go, janae!
for my last marathon, i used lifesavers all through training and on race day, and they worked awesome. of course, i could not fave lifesavers for the longest time after that!


You are so awesome! I can’t believe you just did that millage and that pace. You are my superhero :D – my first race is tomorrow! YAY!!!


Ahhhhh good luck! I can’t wait to read all about it!


You should try the 2% Chobani yogurts, they are SO much better than the fat free!


Agreed! These were just the only ones my sister had…..I stole it from her:)


You are so incredible! I really feel like you bounce back from injuries with more ferocity and ability to run great distances than you know. Keep on being awesome!


Great run! See nothing to worry about. What is your goal for nyc?

I have fueled with M and Ms before. Never tried starburst although it is kinda hard for me to chew while running…


So glad your run went so well! Pretty scenery too. I used to run there when we lived in Utah. Made me a little homesick to see it. I’ve eaten little mini candy bars like twix, milky way, and snickers for running fuel before. I figured the GU stuff is pretty much just sugar anyway, so why not make it taste better and eat candy?


YES.. Swedish fish are my long run fuel of choice! It adds an added reward factor knowing I get to eat candy!!!
Your run route is beautiful!!!! I love running where you can see/are in the mountains!
My fave yogurt is chobani… its better than face by far!!!
ANd always with my phone sometimes in capris!!!!
Congrats on your long run girl!!!!


I love the view from your run… looks like where we visited just outside of Eugene, OR, last month (but the leaves weren’t turning yet).

I like Fage – but Chobani’s cheaper, so it wins.

I bring my phone on long runs and if I’m not sure where exactly I’m running before I leave the apartment. I love capris for spinning and riding my bike, but I stick with shorts as long as possible then switch over to tights. Maybe my problem is some of my capris slip down when I run (and not on a bike).


I love wearing capris. I’ve never tried candy during a run, but it sounds like a great idea. I like Chobani yogurt as well!


I use candy for fuel! Period :)


You are so awesome, congrats on that great run girl! I have a question, since I have never run long distance over like 8 miles (I will get there some day :) ), do you run a few loops to cover 17 miles or do long an out-and-back, or just run around till your reach your mileage? Sorry if that is a strange question, I am just so curious on how to approach longer distance.


Hey girl!!!! Usually I do out and back! This morning I went out ten and back seven and made Billy come and pick me up:) hope you are having a great weekend!


Never use candy for fuel..running reverses my candy cravings.

Chobani or Oiki I tried once–seems like a thinner lighter version..not as filling which is nice sometimes.

Always run with the cell..rain I plastic bag it. I preach this to everyone…so important! Don’t worth it–falling, creeps out there, animals-!


I love felicity! Keri Russek is so pretty even when she hacked off all her hair. I feel like she should have ended up with Noel though!!

I actually wanted to go to school at NYU at some point partially because of spending my teen years watching the show. Im in my 2nd year at NYU dental. I wonder if that was my real answer during the interview what theyd say or if they would have flat our rejected me, lol.

NYC is definitely a lot of fun. I hope we can meet up!!


Always run in spandex shorts…rain or shine. When it snows I break out the spandex pants! I don’t own capris. Probably the only one.


I love running with candy and normally go for gummy bears, but Starbursts have the wrapper….might need to reconsider!

I have the same mixing bowls as you – love them :) I also have the same multi-colored measuring cups and measuring spoons…I like color in my kitchen!

And I’m running in capris tomorrow for my long run so I can cover my knee compression sleeves and not scare my new running partner! I’m already a fan of capris at the gym so I don’t show my “everything” when I lay on a bench!


Yay for your long run! I honestly get super jealous whenever you post pictures of Utah. I want to live in the mountains with pretty scenery so bad!
Chobani is my fave and I always run with my cell.


Beautiful scenery! And what a great run, great job!


Congrats on successful long run!


So happy to hear the ;long run went well and your Sista joined you too! I hear you on the repeated Zensah wearing…I’m always drawn to my tank too! It’s become my regular Spinning outfit!


Capris are my absolute favorite workout attire. I don’t know why but I love them for everything!


So sad we didn’t see you this morning. Me and Julia ran Provo River trail and it was seriously gorgeous! But oh so windy. Yikes! I am so glad you had a good run and went further than you planned. You Janae Jacobs are amazing and I love you to peices.

Good choice with the starbursts! I went with chocolate today and it was perfect. :)


NICE RUNNN!!!!!! omg what a beautiful view. I never carry my phone on runs but I probably should…safety, just a tad important haha.

Love the starburst idea!! Ive definitely refuled with sour gummy worms on a long run, who needs expensive gu’s and chews? :-D


You use glutamine for FUN? I had to have that stuff daily when I was going through chemo. I couldn’t imagine stomaching it on a regular basis. :P bleh. Nice job on the long run! I wish I was that fast!


Congrats on your successful long run today, and thanks for the beautiful picture! I am totally with you on the long run worries, I had that anxiety before all three of my 20 milers this past training session for Chicago, and then I was totally freaked out about going for a my first post marathon run on Friday (ran Chicago Sunday) I was still sore but completed 6 miles in the morning and then four in the afternoon with Cross Country girls, But i am now resting my quads for the weekend ;)…I know you will rock NYC! I also love capris, and my pair of under armor running tights for when it really starts to get cold here in Chicago…and I have been so obsessed with Chobani’s black cherry flavor lately, in fact, i just realized I am out of it again! So happy that you are back in the long distances Janae!


Yay!!! Running Janae! Love it! So great! Yippie! :) Hey, does that candy really work? Probably so much better than GU. Yuck!


I always used to fuel my high jumps with skittles….All that sugar was an instant jolt of energy!

xoxo from Trinidad


Yesssss I knew you would rock that run, way to go girl!!! I actually don’t run with a phone because I like to use running as my ‘me’ time! If I was running distances over 11/12 miles, I think I would start to carry it for safety reasons- perfect excuse to buy an iPhone: mp3 player + phone in one=less bulk to carry! Hope your momma took you for ice cream. If she’s reading this: mental recovery is as (if not more) important than physical recovery and let’s be honest, ice cream = happiness! :-)


hot chocolate + glutamine is GENIUS!! And Chobani is my FAVE, too:)


Had the same view on my run too! Love this time of year…plus I went from 10:30-noon and the weather was great! I never run with my phone, but I probably should…especially now that I got a spibelt.Can you fill me in on Greek yogurt? I see it all over healthy living blogs and I just don’t know why? Is it better for you than regular yogurt or just the taste or what?


Hey girl!!! I am so glad you got a great run in with these amazing temps yesterday! About Greek yogurt… It is creamier and higher in protein! It is expensive though and only have it when I am at my sisters house:)


Nice run!! I am glad you are getting to do such long runs! You give me hope that I will be un-inured someday too and be able to run to my heart’s content :) And I agree, running in Utah right now = gorgeous!!!! I am loving the weather so much!

Speaking of ice cream….. have you been to Ike’s Creamery at the Provo Beach Resort? I went with Reagan last night and had the most amazing ice cream!! It was chocolate peanut butter. It tasted like a melted and then frozen Reese’s. I was going to take some home to save for later but I couldn’t stop myself. Just kept going and it was sooo good. I recommend it. :)


Wait a second….. Where is this place?!? I must go!! I am drooling over you ice cream!


You should go, it is good! It is in the Riverwoods across from Malawi’s Pizza. The ice cream place is right inside the Provo Beach Resort. They also have a facebook page…. I think it is under Ike’s Creamery (or maybe I Like Ike’s Cream?) I wish I had some more right now. Reagan actually did save some of his and brought it home… maybe I should sneak it from the freezer??


Okay, I HAVE TO GO!! We should go together sometime!


Yes, you do, and yes, we should! That would be so fun!! I am generally free in the evenings and on weekends, so we should definitely plan something!


Love Chobani, but I have started making my own yogurt …. surprisingly easy to do, and it’s taken the lead as my favorite thing to eat too much of …


Your run looks amazing. That picture is beautiful.

I love my Zensah tank too, I wear it all the time. It’s awesome.

I’ve never fueled with candy. I like the GU gels because they don’t require chewing. Even chewing seems to take too much energy when I’m running.

My favorite yogurt is definitely chobani. I like to put fresh or frozen fruit in it too, to make it extra delicious.


YEAH for a great long run!!!!!!!! So glad to see you’re back at it!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my underarmour running capris. I’m so ready for it to be cool enough to wear them again. I’ve missed them!

Girl! I discovered Chobani greek yogurt when we were on vacation in FL a couple of years ago. I ate it EVERY DAY! But nowhere around here has been carrying it! And then lo and behold I was in Kroger one day about two weeks ago and TAH-DAH!!!!!! THERE IT WAS! I don’t think it’s normal to get as excited over greek yogurt as I got that day. lol


Glad you had a great long run. I have never ran with candy but I like the idea.
I do run with my phone if I am going to be alone or I am running some place I know is gonna have something cool to snap a pic of.


I should have said, alone for a long run. I run alone most of the time, I rarely take my phone for the short runs around my hood.


Funny! So I just posted on your “fear” post about my long run that didn’t end up happening… guess where I went? Provo canyon. Maybe sometime we will cross paths. :)


Congrats on your run!! I am impressed- you are always amazing me with your running :) You have natural talent, for sure!!
& I’m in shock that YOU threw candy away…you must of not been feeling yourself after that run ;)


This looks like a gorgeous run! Jealous!


Nice job on your run girl! Woohoo!


I just started running this summer and found your blog and a few others around the same time. I’ve never actually commented, but I wanted to today.. I just ran my first real race yesterday and wanted to say thanks for being such a great inspiration!

Also, Starbursts are definitely one of the best to fuel with! I always have something like that if I plan to be at the gym longer than an hour…I get so cranky if left unfed..


Ahhhhhhhhhh congrats on your first race! That is so so awesome! I need more details!


Wow where you run is beautiful!!! Ten miles is awesome I am happty that you have been running pain free=) I have used candy before to fuel on a run =) its cheaper than gels and stuff. I like Chobani and Total Fage. Total Fage I like the plain version only and Chobani in my opinion does the sweet version better. I run with my phone and I wear capris in cooler weather and shorts in hot and sometimes pants if it is snowy freezing cold


Hey, I’ve never commented here before but have read you blog for a while and just wanted to say PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE CAREFUL!


Hey I have never commented here before but I really felt I had to say PLEASE be careful! Running 17 miles without really building up the distance might be asking for trouble and you ahve had a bit of a string of injuries lately. I’m a runner too and while I appreciate everyone’s body is different since I’ve been reading your blog you have had a lot oftrouble with injuries (knee, stress-fractures, shin splints…) I get that you really want to run NYC but make sure you’re building up the distances gently. I also run lots and it’s without doubt my passion in life and have been through the frustration that is coming back after injury. I completely understand that all you want to do is run the marathon but remember to see the big picture as well. There will always be another race to do.


I just came across your blog! Actually love it :-)

My favorite candy to use is Swedish Fish, which is the most common I guess..but I’ll eat them without having to run.

I do run with my phone, its my tracker and iPod…it just sucks when you try to get a picture because you have to take it out of the case which means stopping, etc.

And I just ordered my first pair of running capri’s! The Nike Pro Combat Core ones, super excited about them!


HEY BROOKE!! Thank you so much for your sweet words. Oh, SWEDISH FISH is the bomb.com!! Let me know how you like your new capri’s!! I might have to copy you:)


Will most definitely let you know! I’m uber-excited to try them out!


that is my favorite brand of greek yogurt! I love the cherry flavor.


I haven’t used candy but I’m certainly not opposed to it! I prefer the sport beans and I think those taste a lot like candy!

Samesies on the Greek yogurt brand. That stuff is so good!

Fitted running capris are my favorite running bottoms. I sometimes run with my phone. Depends on if I’m wearing my hydration belt with the pocket.


Great job! I only just started running more than 4 miles with my longest run so far being 8 and I noticed how HUNGRY and run down I was at the end of my run so I think it’s time to start fueling. I will have to try starbursts :) What point in your long runs do you eat the candy? I’ve heard 5 miles into a run, to an hour in and all different methods so I’m going to have to figure out what works for me.


I’m going to try the Starburst fuel plan this weekend! :) Thanks for the idea… and I mentioned you in my post today! :D


Hey, I totally saw you and your sis in the canyon on Saturday! We were running in the opposite direction and I didn’t want to stop you, so I figured I would just give you a shout out here! It was a great day for a run!


I am so glad that the running Janae is back!!!!!!!! Seriously. What a rockstar you are. New York is in what, 3 weeks? I’m so excited for you!!! Any way you could shove me in your suitcase? I swear I will cheer so loud for you and I will totally give you a handful of swedish fish at every mile :)


I’ve tried candy and it gives me a tummy ache, actually eating anything while running upsets my stomach, I’m still looking though. I only run with tmy phone when I go on long runs, like 8+ miles.

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