Back to College and Granola

I don’t know how my cousin read my mind but she must have known that I needed girl time yesterday with a side of sugar when she sent me a text to meet her for a date.

Photo on 10 17 11 at 6 41 PM

My cousin is 5 years younger than me but it sure never felt like that and we have been inseparable since she was born.

15 cents an ounce at BYU….2 large froyo’s for a $2…..don’t mind if we do.   It was weird to be back on the campus that I spent FIVE years of my life on (yes, 5 not 4, I changed my major a few times ((english writing–> grammar and spelling expert—>health education)).

Being on campus kind of made me want to go back to school until I realized I kind of like being the person giving out tests and homework rather than being the person taking the tests and doing the homework.

Photo 6 copy 2

We both had raspberry and vanilla fro-yo, they don’t offer toppings which is probably another reason it was so cheap. You’d think with the amount of self-serve fro-yo that I eat that I would be able to make a beautiful swirl.  I need to work on my technique.

After talking for a few hours the cousin had a date to get to and I had a date with myself.  Billy is taking this whole school thing seriously and working on labs until late, it’s not like Electrical Engineering is really that tough of a major or something.

(I was on a roll using my awesome phone camera to capture really great pictures last night and decided to offer you another grainy/blurry photo for dinner too)

Photo 6

I don’t know why but if I am eating dinner by myself I am very lazy.  The thought of cooking doesn’t enter my brain.

I kept things simple with a bowl of heavenly granola and an egg.  Love Grown sent me some granola and both Billy and I are obsessed with it.  We already claimed who gets what bag….clearly my first pick was the Cocoa Goodness.  SO good!

I am not allowed to have liquids within 4 feet of electronics due to past experiences and so the picture is pre-milk.  Billy isn’t the biggest fan of Felicity (who knows why) so I took full advantage of his absense and saw how many episodes I could watch without thinking about things I should have done (aka cleaning, working, plucking my eyebrows or showering).   Felicity > hygiene.

Have a great TUESDAY!


Where did you go to college? What did you major in?

Favorite granola EVER?  Do you like things like raisins or chocolate chips in your granola?

-Yep, the more mix-ins the better.  Chocolate chips and nuts are my favorite mix-ins.

What is your favorite LAZY dinner to eat?

-Cereal/granola, toast or a grilled cheese sandwich with jam.

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oh man, I wish I’d changed my major – I went to Durham Uni (England) where my degree was Natural Sciences but somehow I ended up majoring in Economics which I hated, and now I’m an accountant, which I also dislike intensely. Luckily I have great friends, sports and running to keep me sane!
I love granola with a 60:40 ratio of dried fruit:nuts, never tried it with chocolate!
As for lazy dinners – cereal and fruit all the way.


Psssh I could major in Electrical Engineering with my eyes closed ;)! Eggs are my go-to easy meal..or if I’m even too lazy for that, make way for yogurt messes (granola included)! Ok I have a question not related to your post today: my calves are SO tight from yday’s run…..I forgot to stretch/ice :(! I don’t have a foam roller so any other suggestions? I worked out this morning with the hopes of loosening my muscles up- still as painful!


Rolling pin, frozen water bottle, tennis ball or softball have all worked for me in a pinch! Maybe not as good as a foam roller, but sometimes you have to make do with what ya got. :)


Thanks SO much for your reply Lilly! I’ve been rollin the crap outta it with my rolling pin and went on a light 2-miler this morning. Hopefully that should loosen my muscles up! Something tells me it is a case of DOMS!


I went to CU-Boulder for my undergrad, majored in Journalism, and loved it. I’m at Regis University now for grad school (my M.Ed) and I have to say….not loving the school so much. Oh well, almost done!!

I need to tell you that I just added Felicity on my Netflix online streaming bc of you! I hope I like it! All I remember about that show is all the drama when she chopped her hair…drama!!!

I’ve been making my own granola lately and it’s so good with chocolate chips, peanut butter, nutella, and chia seeds!


I have a double degree in English and Elementary Education from University of Wisconsin. I did teach for a while, but even though I loved the teaching part, I didn’t love the politics around it. I now work totally unrelated to my field and love it… I work in wine and imported cheese (and European food in general). I talk, make and eat food for a living. :-)

I don’t eat a lot of granola, but I tend to like it sort of plain – oats, nuts and some interesting spices. I usually make my own.

Lazy dinner: I tend to make even larger and exorbitant salads. :) I do eggs A LOT. Popcorn sometimes makes an appearance, too….


BYU for history. My husband did EE there. My go to easy meal is grilled cheese or a quesadilla. My favorite granola is this yummy one with dried cherries from Emergency Essentials I think. Weird, huh?


Dinner minus the husband always ends up being some weird mixture…usually requiring no heating whatsoever. :)


Mike isn’t a fan of Felicity either. I don’t get it.

My lazy dinner is usually a bowl of cereal. Or two.

I went to college in Michigan at Hope College and majored in English and Womens Studies. I majored in words and women ;)


University of Utah (yeah, baby!), I got my BS in Health Education & Promotion. Looking back I wish I had done Nursing. I love all granola equally. But I’m not sure I’d want chocolate in it… maybe mini-white choc. chips… My fav lazy dinner would be scrambled eggs with veggies. :)


University of Vermont for dietetics! I’m graduating this year, which is cool, but I wanna stay in college for longer. Hah, college sounds better than getting a real job.


I love hanging /w my cousins. Family is so great eh? <—-oh no Canadian is leaking out in comments now! but ya, the fam is awesome it's like you just get blessed /w a bunch of friends that HAVE to like you b/c you're blood :) SCORE

I went to school for Bio and majored in Fish & Wildlife :) lol


I changed my major from dance (ballet) to exercise sciences–best idea ever!! I then went on to get my Masters degree as well.

I LOVE fro yo!! And good granolas without tons of crap in ’em!


I started off majoring in Education (wanted to teach Elementary School) and then switched to my Business degree in Marketing.
LOVE chocolate in my granola, I think it is a must!!
Grilled Cheese sandwiches are my favorite lazy supper :)


(Yay! My work VPN finally unblocked your blog…longtime reader through Google Reader, first time commenter!)

I’m a Penn State Mechanical Engineer. It wasn’t really my thing, so I went to business school a few years later. Granola should always include white chocolate and dried cranberries. Lazy dinner: a huge salad with whatever random veggies we have, eggs and toast, or oatmeal.


My fave granola is this vanilla almond granola from the bulk bins at Whole Foods. It’s like crack. :)

My fave lazy dinner is an egg sandwich and with either a smoothie with added spinach or a side of broccoli. (got to get some veggies in!)


I went to UNC Chapel Hill and majored in chemistry. I now work at Indiana University in the biology department (I’m such a traitor! And amazed every day they let me near living things.)

My easy dinners sans husband usually involve sandwiches, popcorn, or whatever leftovers I can scrounge around in the fridge.

I like my granola pretty boring. Just add some dried cranberries or sliced banana and maybe some nuts and I’m good to go.


I went to Union College in Nebraska and majored in Business Administration with an emphasis in marketing. Still trying to figure out exactly what my dream job would be. When my husband is gone he calls to make sure I eat something healthy like veggies or at least fruit. I have been known to have an entire meal of cream cheese and wheat thins. And I also watch all the girly movies/shows that he doesn’t want to watch when he is gone. Oh and as for granola I love most kinds that are home-made.


I went to Indiana University for undergrad —> speech and hearing sciences. And also for grad school —> M.A. in Speech Language Pathology. Now I work in a school district as a speech pathologist.

I am not crazy about granola, but I like chocolate or pb flavored anything!

Lazy dinner = pancakes, eggs, omelets, grilled cheese, cereal ….


Texas Christian University, otherwise known as the horned frogs. I majored in Social work and got a masters in social work from the University of Oklahoma. I’m now an accountant and am contemplating going back to school to get my CPA. I’m a nerd.

For sure chocolate chips in my granola and we are now a nut free house due to my daughters nut allergy. Easy sans husband dinner has to be rice and edamame. Weird I now but the girls and i eat it up! Or breakfast for dinner


Yeah COUGARS! I majored in advertising. man i miss that campus. And I could eat bare naked granola allll day long. our easy dinner– pancakes and eggs. Oh ya, we definitely had that last night.


Your posts are the best! I agree felicity > hygiene!!


I went to Kansas State and majored in agricultural journalism.

My lazy dinner is cereal. Or eggs. I guess it’s all the breakfast food that I don’t eat for breakfast.


I went to BYU, yes I did :). I switched majors a LOT. Good times.
I am very picky about my granola. I don’t like fruit (dried or not) in mine except maybe coconut. I can’t have sunflower seeds or any nuts (except almonds) in my granola. I am good with chocolate chips, though. Chocolate chips go with everything.


I went to Azusa Pacific University, a smaller private college near the Los Angeles area, and I got my degree in Health Psychology.
I love granola without a lot of added sugars and weird ingredients in them. Love Grown is definitely one of my favorite store bought kinds. I also like making my own granola! Chocolate chips and nuts are definitely my favorite add-ins too! The more the better. :)
My favorite lazy dinners are usually a baked sweet potato with toppings, or a big ol’ salad beast, or scrambled eggs and toast.


Ummm come visit ME at college!!!!!!


I went to Univ. of Central OK majored in Biology which is cool if you have no idea what you want to be when you grow up! :) I work in clinical research now.
Lazy dinners are always cereal or pancakes for the kids. And I like all granola but it should always have nuts and cranberries! Have fun on your vacay!


BYU all the way! Majored in Business Management, emphasis in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. (Loved the degree, but not really loving what I’m doing with it, haha). I love granola and have really only had my mom’s homemade kind but haven’t had it in FOREVER! I need to get some. Last night I was feeling extremely lazy for dinner (and was in a really bad mood-stupid monthly visitor), so I had cookie dough and milk for dinner…yup…so bad.


I went to a 2 yr college and got my AA degree in General Studies. I want to go back but am unsure of a major.

I love hot ‘n spicy ramen for my lazy dinner!

Also, I am working my way through Felicity too! Currently, I am on episode 4 so I have a ways to go:)


Lazy dinner to eat, mac and cheese with triple extra cheese on top.


Lazy dinner – cereal for sure!! I have it AT LEAST 2 times a week!!


Haha, I wish I could have the SOCIAL LIFE of college without the homework and tests :)


I went to NYU and majored in psych! I love eating cereal or grilled cheese on lazy dinner nights!


When Im by myself I am definitely way more lazy with dinner too.

and I went to online school because i hate going to class. weird i know, but it was fabulous. and i have my minor in business admin and someday when i finish my bachelors it will be in business communications


I went to Columbia and majored in Biological Sciences.
I LOVE peanut butter granola. LOVE.
take out is my favorite lazy dinner-or soup I have frozen!


Yay for Love Grown granola :D. I just got sent some last week and I’m loving it! I went to school at Miami University in Ohio and majored in exercise science. And btw, if you like peanuts with sugar, I’m hosting a giveaway you might enjoy!


Ah, Love Grown, how I love thee. I got a sampler package from them, and milked that baby for 2 weeks. The cocoa was definitely my favorite, esp. with m&ms mixed in. :-)


WOW crazy .. i have a cousin 5 years younger and we are the same way… and i spent 5 years in college ( that’s because we are cool!)

Nice fro yo twirling skills if i say so myself! :)


A solo, lazy dinner, while watching a old tv favorite is probabaly on my top 5 of simple pleasures. It usually looks a lot like breakfast…..cereal, egg sandwich, pb toast, french toast, hash browns. Ummm that sounds divine right now, I am going to encourage the hubby have a boys night this week. ;)


I went to Elon College in NC. Major was History and Broadcast Communications Both useless in what I do right now.
I am not a big granola eater unless it is a PB Choc Chip Granola Bar.
Lazy dinner is cereal. Any kind of cereal.

The Kidless Kronicles


Sometimes I want to go back to school and get my masters. Maybe I can go to the U. I went to California State University, Long Beach and I majored in public relations/journalism and minored in communications.

I am not a huge granola fan, but there is an apple cinnamon one from Trader Joe’s I like :)

My fave lazy dinner is eggs!


oh man…..I’m about to go back to my college (William and Mary, in Virginia) for homecoming for the first time….I never thought about how weird it might be to be there and not be a student!! I still feel like I’m a college kid most of the time haha. This could be a wake-up call…..I changed my major three times too!! they were all in the same sort of area (I went from biology to chemistry to environmental science and then back to biology) so I was only there four years…but I should’ve just said to heck with it and made it five, or tried to stay in college forever!


I went to Otterbein College and majored in Music Education. I am not a huge granola fan, but I love granola bars with chocolate. And I eat cereal when I’m not eating with anyone else!


Lazy dinners are definitely anything microwaved (Trader Joes Mac and Cheese, cheese quesadilla). Eggs and toast and take-out salads w/pita bread are my lazy DDR dinners.


I went to the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, for business/marketing. Now I work in human resources. :) my favorite non-dinner dinner is also cereal!!! Love it!!!


ha ha I am a forever college student. You would think I’d have a phd by now or something. But nope just still working on that bachelors degree and milking it as much as possible. I have donated funds to just about every school in Utah. UVU, Snow College, Dixie, Weber. One day I will graduate…….well maybe!

Favorite non dinner dinner is peanut butter and jelly sandwhich. Wow I really sound like a college student. Love you Janae!


I went to Kansas State and was ‘open option’ for 2 years because I could not make up my mind. Then they basically made me choose one so I majored in Biology. Then I stayed for 2 more years to get my M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

When I was younger my uncle told me that the reason the ice cream at Dairy Queen always came out with such a nice swirl was because they had a fat man in the back who swirled them all with his mouth. Ewwwwww. Ah those crazy uncles.

My favorite type of granola is apple cinnamon. Dried apples really take granola to a new level!


I’m still in college at the University of Georgia and majoring in Accounting. (someone has to do it ;)) I changed my major from English, too! I wanted to teach but quickly realized I would be miserable if I did.

I loveee granola and really like mixes with dried fruit, cinnamony tastes, and extra crunchy textures!

My go-to lazy meals are steamed green beans or spoonfuls of almond butter. And I am NEVER one to turn down a good grilled cheese!


I went to Trenton State College in Ewing, NJ and have a BA in History. I am a big history nerd.

I’m not a huge granola fan. When I’ve tried to eat it for breakfast, I end up hungry again about an hour later. Eggs burritos with lots of salsa, black beans, and cheese will keep me full til lunch!


I went to UMass Amherst for English, but ended up leaving after 3 years and moving to Florida to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

I haven’t met many granolas I didn’t like. Back to Nature chocolate granola is great though. Homemade is best!

Sandwiches and salads are probably my lazy dinner.


I went to Central Michigan and got a degree in French and Music.

Hubby has a really simple granola recipe and I love it! No preservatives and I can add or remove things from the recipe as I wish. I really love raisins and almonds in mine. Sometimes, if I’m feeling rich, I’ll put in dried cherries.


Just a heads up, Felicity gets really, really strange near the end of the last season. You’ll know what I’m talking about when you get there! :)


Thank you so much Rebecca….I never saw the last season….hmmmmm


I went to our local community college. Yea I know snore fest! But i graduated with a degree in Nursing and i am a very proud ER nurse now!

As for granola I really like to make my own!! Some puffed rice and puffed wheat cereal mixed w/ sugar free pancake syrup and a sprinkle of Splenda and baked it! Toss in some chocolate chips and dried apples and a little more sugar free pancake syrup is a decadent tasty treat that is so good but feels so bad!

Lazy Dinner = chicken noodle soup or sandwiches! Chocolate peanutbutter banana is my fav! What’s yours!?


I just watched that same episode of Felicity yesterday!!! I”m slightyly obsessed :)


We always eat cereal on lazy nights and sometimes even after dinner. ;-0
I love granola, the chocolate Bare Naked with vanilla yogurt is kinda like Coco Krispies, yummy!


I went to CSU Sacramento for my first BS in Criminal Justice. I did nothing with that degree and didn’t like what I was doing so I went back to CSU Sacramento and finish my second BS in Accounting this semester!!! I can’t WAIT to be done! Of course, my plan is to go back (not to CSUS, another school) and get my Master’s in Taxation, but I am going to wait until the Fall to go back.
I love raisin and chocolate chips in my granola, especially the chocolate chips!


Haha- I am the SAME way about school..I want to go back, but then again I do NOT want to deal with the tests/ studying/ etc. Sometimes I forget how school can really be sometimes.
Oh, and you know what I’m looking forward to today….that you are hopefully posting your triple tangents- ha :) I always love those!!


I majored in geography and have no idea what I thought I was going to do with that degree. Now I work in something that is totally unrelated and that I love. I couldn’t even tell you any geography related things. I despise granola. Never could wrap my head around the taste. My goal to meal is taco soup! I make a whole bunch on a Sunday and then freeze them in single serving containers. Then just pop one in the microwave and go!!


Granola and yogurt= Love match. I’ll add in extra chocolate chips if I’m feeling out of control ;)


I love love love granola. I don’t think I’ve ever met one I didn’t like.
Chocolate chips and dried cranberries are my favorite mix-ins, but I also like almonds and pecans (if it doesn’t have it already). I could just eat bowls of that stuff for the rest of my life.


I go to BYU! Where in the world do I get cheap fro-yo!?


OH GIRL!!! It is in the cougar eat, in that little store in the middle where they have baked potatoes/candy/drinks etc. It is back in the corner and it is delicious!! TRY IT OUT and one day I will meet up with you there:)


You’re awesome! I would love to meet up sometime!


Hello my friend!! :)

I went to University of Rocky and majored in domestic engineering!! :)

WHAT?!! 15 cents for fro-yo!! :)

lazy dinner…bubble egg over toast w/jam!! I’ve been on an egg kick lately!

luv ya Janae and have a great TUESDAY!! I’m so pumped that you’re going to NYC!! You and your sis are going to have soo much fun!!

Tell Billy we said “hello” and the hard work he’s doing is going to pay off!! Study hard…play hard!! :) xo


I used to make skyscraper soft serve cones in college! Fun times with your cuz. wishing you a fabulous fall break! Enjoy your time relaxing and have a fantastic long run on Thursday!

Cam absolutely cracked me up on his fasting episode!


I went to ASU (where Billy should go to law school!) and majored in Political Science. Technically I’m two classes away from getting my official degree.. but I can take those online at the local community college. Basically I spent 4 years getting a degree that won’t help me with anything :D


I went to MUN (Memorial University of Newfoundland) I live on the most eastern point of Canada.. therefore I’m sure you’ve neverrrrr heard of it!! haha I studied Business Commerce majoring in marketing (5 year program due to work terms) and I am starting a year post-grad program at George Brown College in Toronto for “Sports and Events Marketing” Can’t Wait!

Easy supper = anything I can throw in the oven and bake in 10 minutes, like a frozen veggie pizza!

PS. Love your blog! :)


LOL! Mmm…lazy dinners at home are so good! <3 Hope you had some nice you-time…or rather, Felicity time! ;-) Honestly I have my favourite lazy dinner most nights, because it is SO easy – green beans in a packet (which I just cook in the microwave for 6 minutes) and grilled salmon (which I just wack under the grill on some tinfoil for 10 minutes). Done in like 10 minutes, and no washing up! Woop woop! :-D
Also, I love thick veggie soup (semi-fresh, not in a tin -blech – but from the supermarket) with wholewheat toast and butter. Yummy! <3
Best lazy dessert? Chocolate, of course! Unwrap, eat, repeat! :-P xyx


I’m in school now and majoring in Electrical Eng. too so I feel Billy’s pain..ugh 1 more year :)
Chocolate is the best for lazy!!!


I love granola and chocolate makes everything better! But I absolutely hate raisins. They ruin everything they are in.
Lazy dinner: cereal, which I’ve been having for the past week.

You talk about Felicity so much that you’ve made me want to watch it!


I went to Oklahoma State and majored in education. I taught 7th grade for 4 years until my son was born. Now that my kid is 9 I decided to go back to school again to get my nursing degree.
I never cook when my hubs is gone. And cereal is my favorite lazy dinner.


I went to school out towards Pittsburgh for music education. Currently doing my masters through Boston University online and it has been tough!


I went to undergrad at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN– it’s a teeny liberal arts college! I majored in International Relations there. Then I went to Johns Hopkins to get my Masters in elementary education. It turns out as much as I love kids and school, I don’t love teaching kids at school! SO back to school to get my PhD in Political Science- International Relations ( my first love)!!!


I heart love grown granola, I won some from them a while back and feel head over heals for that stuff. Cousin time is the best, I am an only child so I know the value in good cousin bonding :) Score on the fro yo too!


I went to the University of New Brunswick – Fredericton campus. I started in civil engineering but we did not get along at all. I switched to Physical Education and Recreation. Once I finished with that, I did my BEd there too.

Felicity > hygiene!


west virginia univ, major: biology
lazy dinners are often up in here; i live by myself. grilled cheese and canned soup or veggie burger and baked sweet potato. i have those things way too much.

and girl, tv ALWAYS trumps hygiene…and everything else in my life, ha!


Cheapest froyo ever!! Did you know they have pumpkin flavor out now?? At least by me they do! I saw it on facebook (yes I’m following froyo updates on facebook) and they said they now have it out. I nearly died and fell off the couch ;P
I went to University of Central Florida my first year, I moved home this semester, and now I’m going back to UCF next ! hah I’m still trying to figure out my major I feel like I’ll be in school forever. I’m thinking about journalism now that I have started the blog or go with something health and fitness. I don’t know :( I’ll probably change it 890 times.

I LOVE love grown!!! I just sampled theirs too, amazing.

Favorite lazy dinner is breakfast foods. Cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, the usual.


Utah State- PE major/Health minor. My hubby still likes to tease me about my super tough classes like badminton & bowling. Hey! It takes real skill to know how to score tennis and know how to hit a golf ball! Us P.E. majors- we’re gonna save the world!

My go-to meal used to be pancakes. Now It’s a can of wild salmon (livin’ gluten/sugar-free right now).


majoring in psychology! i get to talk about why people do what they do and babies 24/7… makes my day :)

favorite lazy meal would probably be oatmeal. addiction! or a smoothie if i need to be fed ASAP! green monsters are a new favorite!


I did law in sydney, australia & london, uk. the best part was the getting to live abroad :)

Lazy dinner is a raw soup – it’s carrot juice, fresh medjool dates, avocado and pumpkin pie spice all blended together until smooth. Or, if I’m really seeking comfort food, I defrost some black beans and mash them up, heat them up and spoon them in my mouth.

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