I was lucky enough to catch a picture of the sweat just about to drip off of my nose, just for you.  Hopefully, you can still eat your lunch after this.

Photo on 9 12 11 at 6 22 PM  2

I was wearing shorts, I promise.  They were BOOTY shorts because anything goes when you workout at home!

I clocked in a beautiful 3.2 miles @ an 8:15 pace.  I was going to squeeze in some yoga afterwards but judging by the state of my hair, I decided that it might be necessary to wash it to avoid getting fired for my (lack of) hygiene.

In case you were wondering why I have eyeliner on before I workout, last night I was so tired I am amazed I was able to wipe the chocolate ring that had formed around my mouth after my 5th reese’s pb cup (once again, my mom is an enabler and brings me candy that I have no self control around) let alone wash my eye make-up off.


What was YOUR workout?

How did your latest run feel?  Good/bad/crazy/hot….explain!

-Tired but strong (is that possible to feel both at the same time?)

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8 x 400’s at 5k pace! I’m trying to get as fast as you and Billy. :)


Awesome 5k pace – congrats! I’m sure it feels awesome to be “back” :)

I have a 5.2 mile run scheduled for after work tonight with the hubs… hoping to keep it at 60 min – might be a long shot but hopefully I can do it. Treadmill – no problem … short path (1.1 mile loop), impossible… long path (2.6 mile loop which is what we are running tonight), possible. Wish me luck!




My workout tonight is going to be a progression run with my friend/coach, who I’ll probably yell at the whole time, but have a good run :).

My last run was ok. I ran on the tm, but the cable was out, so no fun.

That’s the best thing about running at home: anything goes!


That is kick butt!!! I can’t run my 5ks that fast yet lol you are an inspiration :)


My last run was pretty bad. So I’m hoping I will get some redemption with tonight’s run. Going for 3 blissful miles. So happy you got to run!!


YOU GOT IT, I hope you run tonight is AMAZING!!


Yay for running! My last run was good. I tackled my longest distance yet and was super proud that I got it done. Marathon in t-minus 39 days!!


39 DAYS….ahhhhhh I am SO happy for you and I am stoked you had an amazing new PERSONAL DISTANCE RECORD!


I felt GOOD after my 8-miler on Monday. Today is a measly 5 miles.. it’s amazing how marathon training makes the short runs feel like nooothing!


Ha, they totally make you think that ‘short’ (aka long to me now) runs are nothing ha. Have fun gorgeous girl!


Best. Picture. Ever. Tonight I am going to hit the treadmill again, I am feeling SO slow lately it’s no fun. I get so excited about my runs and envision myself kicking booty and having all this energy, but then the afternoon hits, and I am wiped out and my runs are sluggish and it’s frustrating. I think next week I am going to try working out in the AM and see if that affects how I feel.


Just finished my run and it was one of those where you think “This is terrible, I hate this, I want to quit” but you just keep going thinking “Maybe it’ll get better”, then you begin worrying that it’s never going to get better and are kind of irritated that you still have to run back, but then, finally, when you’re close to being done you hit your groove just long enough to finish.

How was that for a run-on sentence?


Last workout…pushing the kids for intervals this morning….felt a bit tired. Tonight, I teach water aerobics to 60 and 70 year olds, so that should be restful. ;)


YAYYY YOU ARE RUNNING!!! i am so happyyy for you!!! i ran today too 5 mi! slow but hey ITS A RUN! lifted some weights after too!


Nice… sweat off the nose. Way to capture that gem of a shot! :)
I need an enabler mom… Maybe I’ll hold up a sign out on the street corner… “will call you mom for Reeses pb cups.” If you’re mom’s looking for someone else to dump candy off on, I can give you my address.
My run last night was like hot, sweaty death… I’ll never wait until 4pm to run again from May-October (I’ve said that like 700 times before.) But my run this morning felt great! Perfect weather. Good distance. And the pace wasn’t too bad either.


I ran 3 easy miles this morning and it was the first time the weather was somewhat nice although a little too humid (best thing about Arizona is we rarely have humidity).

It felt pretty good. I’ve been itching to get out more often but I’m trying to slowly work my mileage up so I don’t injure myself.


Congrats on your run!! My last run was 5 miles on the TM last night that felt SO good, and I was able to run like over 30 seconds p/ mile faster than I have been. For some reason I can always run faster on the treadmill, is that normal? I want to be able to run that fast outside. :)


Nice photo! How did you manage to balance the sweat drop to get the picture? Talent..


i just wanted to let you know that I burst out laughing loudly when I opened this post and now my coworkers think im crazier then normal :)

i’m so excited for you to be running again!! (at the same time fighting my jealousy over this amazing century that you are doing this weekend!!) my workout today is gonna be a 7 mile easy run..im hoping its a good one, sometimes you never know…i feel strong then i go out for my run and I feel like blech..its hot outside today so, im hoping its not too bad as long as I chug some G2 eventually. My run yesterday was fab, so here’s hoping!

p.s. hoping to get a blog up and running soon :) I took the plunge and created the name so yay!


OMG! I am cracking up at you! :)


Sweet! 8:15 already. You are a rockstar. My last run was…. blah. But you already read that post. Washing your makeup off at night is for sissies.


You are just awesome…. that’s all I can say :)

My workout tonight will be a hour long dvd workout….and I will feel strong!


Love the sweat on your nose — and I love when that happens to me! I seriously feel like my body is RAINING and not sweating when I exercise. I love it.

My workout today: 45 minute tempo run after work — woohoo!


Congrats on a great run! Doesn’t it feel good?

I ran 3.1 this morning at an 8:45 pace. It felt awesome and effortless (what stress fracture?) It was cold and windy so I almost did the treadmill, but I was glad I went outside since the wind went away after I got out.

Your picture looks exactly like the ones I sent my hubby almost every day when I’m running. He thinks I’m nuts, but he still loves me. :-) I hope your day is great!


My last workout with P90X Yoga. It was awesome.
My last run has been a while. Still nursing the stress fractures… and taking a break since it is still 104 degrees outside on a daily basis.

ALSO, I read this in another blog I follow and I have to share it with you for your Self-Esteem class (right??): http://blog.pigtailpals.com/2011/08/waking-up-full-of-awesome/ If I could read this and show this picture to every 7th grader in my schoold, I would ;o)

Happy hump day!


OH MY GOODNESS!! Thank you so so much Lori…that is PERFECT, I will be sharing it tomorrow. Thank you girl and stay cool… praying for you to heal 100% and for cooler temperatures!


I ran an easy three miles last night while listening to The Hunger Games and it felt nice, something about the combination of dark and being entertained by the book was helpful. I think I’m listening to books instead of music from now on it distracts me way more from wanting to stop:)


My “workout” this morning was a 3 mile walk. Running was not in the vocabulary of the quads today due to torture trainer Victor. I am going back to the gym tonight for arms and abs.

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


if you repeat that sentence, but replace “reese’s pb cup” with “giant kit kat,” that would be the story of my light last night. Mothers are enablers!!


You are a rockstar girl, just getting back into running an already your pace is awesome :) Hope your having a fabulous day! Oh, and I love the sweat, oh yeah!


congrats on the 3 miles!!! I’m still out of a tib stress fx. So I swam 1 hour of freestyle and 30 miles on the bike at 17.1mph then an hour of pt. EXHAUSTED! But I do this almost everyday. Just a tad ocd about keeping my fitness lol!. I have follow up x rays tmrw and *may* get the ok to run a mile. I’m 6 weeks out from fx. Woohoo! You seriously write everything I’m thinking! love your blog!


My last run was very bad because I hadn’t ran in 10 days. I’m still a little upset about it.


What was YOUR workout?

— Personal training for an hour. Love my sessions – I really am much more coordinated and strong vs. when I started. It’s ridiculously awesome how much good it’s done for me in so many ways – one of which is my running!

How did your latest run feel? Good/bad/crazy/hot….explain!

— I’m going to cheat and go back a ways and tell you about three runs ago, which was my second half marathon on September 4! It was at Disneyland, and in some ways were awesome – I PR’d by 45 whole minutes AND my mom was there to cheer me on! The not so awesome was that I was in a low corral and a lot of walkers blocked the entire route(!) at times. C’mon – let me past! Best part is that one of the race pictures captures me mid-exasperated face. Hehehe. With that half marathon I completed Disney’s Coast to Coast challenge and got an extra medal! Both medals have resided in my purse since then, ready to be pulled out at any excuse. Those suckers are heavy, too!

That race took a lot out of me – I got sick the day after (just a cold), but didn’t feel better until yesterday!


hey hey! good job on that pace!

I haven’t run more than 1 mile since my 1/2 marathon since I’m still having some psoas pain…that muscle under your hip that runs up your side a little bit, that pulls on your hamstrings if it gets tight. Yup, that’s what my massage therapist told me anyway…nothing else was working so I got a sports massage!


Ahhhhh nice run girlie! I so wish I had a TM at my house. I would love to be able to wear booty shorts and not care!

Today’s run was 6.3 miles and my achilles was stiff the entire time. Its a little sore this afternoon so booooo on that! I am so bummed since I have 3 races this weekend :( Darn running injuries!


My workout was a lil bit of elliptical + a spin class. I was gonna do some upper body weights afterwards, but it was getting late and i was getting hungry. Pizza always wins out over gym!

My last run was about two weeks ago (building up mileage/frequency sloooowly while I recover from some injuries) – and it was STELLAR! I felt strong and fast. It’s amazing how good I feel when I’m really truly getting adequate rest! I felt like a complete badass, and i’m now excited for when I can start running more regularly again :)


Gosh, I ‘m soooo excited to read about you running again!!! Makes me SMILE!! I know I don’t get here for every post so I have some catching up to do but man, it makes me happy.


Easy 8 mile run this morning – it felt great!


nice run! haha i love you are pretty , much on the floor taking that picture.

my run today wasn’t so great. I had every intention of doing speedwork, but my body just wouldn’t go fast, so I did 6 miles eeeeasy which worked out well


I love this post/picture so much. It tops the Harry Potter one.

Do you take them from the ipad?


I am glad you like it ha:) I take them from my computer but the iPad is a great idea!


Today I ran a 1.25 mile shake-out in the morning, and then a 9 mile workout: 20 min warm-up, 3 x 2000m on the golf course at 6:05 mile pace with 1 minute rest, 20 min cool-down. I just posted on my blog about how good this workout felt because it was after many many months of injury and learning to be smart with my training- you are on your way to a fast and really fun recovery!

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