My brain still has not fully recovered from spending hours making up funny jokes to tell Billy when I finished so I will have a DETAILED with way too many pictures post for you bright and early tomorrow.

Wanna here the joke I made up….too bad, you have too!

IMG 9621

“Well, Billy….I was not PREPARED like I thought I was for the ridiculous headwind that I experienced today during the century.  I guess the industrial sized fan that I placed in front of my indoor spin bike to get ready for riding in wind did not train me to deal with the  headwind trying to push me over for 6 hours straight.”

Is that just funny to me or for you too?   It made me laugh for about 4 minutes straight.


What was the best part of your Saturday?


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First to comment and you are the bomb! E


First, Power class follwed by spin class. Then I went and spent the day volunteering for our local Fire Departments yearly fundraiser.
Great job today on your ride!


6 hours? I can barely make it through an hour of exercise. You are a machine


Heeheehee! That’s a good one. Congrats :) Great job!!!


Way to get it done!! I cannot wait to read the detailed account.

Long run, absolutely delicious breakfast to follow, and a nappy nap……glorious!


Such an awesome achievement! Can’t wait to hear the full recap! And how you refueled. ;)


way to go!!!!

The best part of today was my 12 mile run and some shopping!


SO proud of you! I thought of you out there biking today on my run and sent some awesome athletic vibes your way ;)


Your joke made me laugh but then again I’m delirious too :) I didn’t laugh for 4 minutes but pretty darn close ;) You are awesome and I can’t wait for the full recap!


Celebrate! You did it, way to go! So proud of you and I got a good laugh out of your joke.


YAYAYAYAY!!! Did you feel like singing the “We/I did it” song from Dora after you finished? No? Ok, maybe after you bust out a few.

Best part of my saturday? My daughter met her great aunt for whom she is named. Granted, my daughter is 4 mo old, but I could tell she was really impressed.


COngrats girl! You rock :)


Congrats!!! I can’t wait to hear all about it!!! Both you and the scenery in the photo in this post are beautiful!

Best part of my day was not only running my first race (a 5k) since my injury in April, but PRing, too! And even better – my DH also PRed:-).


PRing and running the first race since your injury!!!! This makes my day!!


congrats sweet friend! youre a rockstar in my boook!!


Head wind SUCKS on a bike. Sorry the weather didn’t cooperate! But you FINISHED! woohoo! :)


Dang girl, 6 hours on a bike??? You are awesome! Hope that you topped off your night with a trip to yogurtland to refuel!


Yay! Congrats, girl! You rock! :D


Well check that one off your list! Hope your bum isn’t too sore! Yeah….probably not! CONGRATS – I love how even though you weren’t able to run for a while you set new goals for yourself – your running stamina may take time to rebuild but your mental stamina is SO much more important! You. Rock.


Ummm I kinda kicked everyones trash in an adventure race today. 2nd overall out of 20,000. Whoop!!!!


Ahhhhhhhhhh holy cow!!!!! Girl, you are my hero!!!!


It had to be the elliptical and balance work I did at the gym. Cause after that I spent 8 hours putting office furniture together. Or maybe it was the mimosa’s I kept promising myself tomorrow IF I finished the furniture. Which I did. And I am well stocked with OJ and champagne!

CONGRATS! I can’t wait to read more about it.

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


way to go!!! so excited for you; awesome job!

best part: the ‘engine serviced soon’ light that has been on for 3 days in my car ending up being nothing…she’s still kickin :) and i had a great tempo-ish run at the gym today. and i got lots of frosting off the cake at a picnic.


woohoo!! great job! 6 hours on a bike… I’m in pain just thinking about it!


Wind is not my friend. I think only sailors like wind :P

You DID IT!!!!! Simply awesome, Janae :)


Amen sister…the head wind was ridic. And 95% of the race. Blah….Cangrats though!!!


I am mad I didn’t get to meet you! Celebration froyo together this week?!?


WOOHOO for you, Janae!!! Today must’ve been century day because I know someone else who did one (just for fun, though, no race).

The best part of my Saturday was surprising my husband by taking him to see The Lion King 3D (he was probably the only one in the country who didn’t know it was out)!


Haha that joke isn’t that funny, but I do the same thing during races…I think of things to tell people when I’m done and my sarcasm never translates from race exhaustion to spectator excitement…I love that it made you laugh that much though. I can’t believe you rode for that long, that’s increbile. You are so amazing and I hope you sleep like a baby with minimal potty breaks tonight










NICE Work!! You finished!! Wheeee :) Congrats, girl!



And nope, sorry. Just funny to your endorphin/exhaustion affected brain hahah :D


Congrats girlie, you’re insanely amazing! So excited for your recap, but for now it’s bedtime because my body/mind were wired all day after my half and my hips hate my guts right now.

PS: I laughed for 3 minutes and 59 seconds. How much did B$ giggle?
PPS: You look gorgeous and perfect on that bike.


haha. I laughed…heartily.
Congrats, that’s awesome! I’m excited for your recap :)


Congrats! Wind on the bike is the WORST. can’t wait to read more details about the ride.


Congratulations on finishing your first century ride!


Haha yes I did just laugh very hard at that…Congratulations on finishing 100 miles on your bike! I hope you can walk/sit down tomorrow :-)


Seeing you while I was running and having you ask me if I had seen any bikers:) I was surprised to see so many women bikers and then I realized I was running along the course of the bike race! You looked great by the way:)


Ahhhhhhhhhh Whitney! You should have told me:) okay, I apologize if I wasn’t very friendly! I was so ready to be done and I thought I was lost ha!!! We should go to froyo together! How was your run?


I thought about saying something but I wasn’t positive it was you. When I realized what all I bikers were for I was keeping my eye out for you, and try not to take breaks even though I felt like there is no air here. My run was pretty good, we’ve only been back in Utah for a week so I’m still adjusting to the altitude. It had been fun running back in my hometown though:) We should totally do froyo soon!


The altitude here is so hard to run in! I totally understand! What days work best for you and a froyo date?


What works best for you? I’m pretty flexible:)


Is this or because that ride is proof you’re the bomb!!

I was going to tell you a bad joke about chemistry…but then I thought you’d have a bad reaction! Ha ha ha :)


Ahhhhh!!! You made it! I knew you would :D

That joke definitely made me laugh: perhaps once I am back on a treadmill during the winter I should get someone to throw ice cubes at me to mimic the weather in NE England!



Girl you rock! Congrats!


you are a rock star! way to go, janae!!!!
it was a pretty normal saturday – work, workout, watch jersey shore!


You are too funny! Congrats!!!


Congratulations on surviving the Century!! I don’t even really know you and I’m still so ridiculously proud of you! Way to go, Janae :)


Congrats!! Can’t wait to hear all about it :)


Wooooo congratsgirl!!!!


Ran my first 10k on Saturday—It was awesome! Next month, first half:)


The best part about my Saturday is that I got to help out on a bridal photoshoot and I actually got to take pictures! It was awesome! I totally have the photography bug!


Good job on your bike ride! Get it girl!


Congrats, that’s a huge accomplishment!


YAY GOOD JOB JANAE!! You look SO good on your bike! Best part of my day was either an awesome 11 mile run in the canyon, or…putting 2 offers in for houses! Then there was the misery of watching Byu get killed…


That was so sad…we couldn’t finish watching!!! Great run girl!!! 2 house offers?!? Ahhhh so exciting!


You are AMAZING!! Congrats to you! You look so happy and cute!

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