An Amazing Recipe and an Important Marathon Question

How did I forget to show you some of the ways that I refueled after my Wonder Woman Century Ride because clearly that is the best part of endurance sports:)

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Please excuse the food that spilled on my camera lens that created a big blur where my ear was supposed to be.

After the ride they had MOUNDS of pasta and salad there waiting for me.  My brain forgot that cameras even existed and that I should have taken a picture to show you how delicious it all was.  Ziti noodles and marinera sauce have never tasted so good in my entire life.

After I went home, searched for my next century ride that I want to do and jumped off the couches in the living room for 10 minutes screaming I DID IT, I met up with my mom to enjoy one of these…..

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A s’more cupcake.  The Sweet Tooth Fairy in Orem has sucessfully mastered the correct ratio of frosting to cake (1:1) and the addition of a marshmallow knocked any cupcake I have ever eaten out of the water.

By the time I got home Billy was back from his 11 miler and we were ready to go over to his bro’s house for more food and football.

Enter in Salsa with ORANGES…..

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2 large naval oranges, skins cut off and each slice cut in 3 pieces

1 can (14.5 oz.) diced tomatoes, drained

1/4 cup chopped cilantro

1/4 cup chopped green onions

1 tsp. cumin

2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

Mix all ingredients together until well combined. Let sit 1 hour before serving for flavors to soak in.

We topped our Mahi-Mahi with the salsa and I really think you need to try it! We also had grilled zucchini (with lemon juice and olive oil), brown rice and strawberries.

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What do you think is the shortest long run that you should be able to do before doing a marathon (not your first marathon….mentally I have it, just wondering about cardiovascular endurance)?

-I am trying to figure out if the New York Marathon is even a possibility.

What is your favorite way to cook fish?  What type of marinade/seasoning/topping do you like best?

-The GRILL and either cajun seasoning, lemon pepper or loads of delicious salsa!

Favorite Grilled VEGETABLE?

-Zucchini and onions.

Who got into BOSTON 2012?

******EDITED TO ADD….I just want to FINISH the NY marathon, whether I walk it or end an hour slower than my PR….I just want the experience! THANKS EVERYONE!

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Hey girl! Congrats on your century!!! How fun!

The farthest I ran before my marathon was about 14 miles. Granted, I am slow city and not a hard core runner. But I survived, finished the race, and still loved running afterwards.

Fav way to cook fish-grilled and put into a taco! YUM! And my fav grilled food is grilled corn topped with butter, mayo, cotijo cheese, and paprika. TO DIE FOR.


I was wondering the same thing about long runs. Just in case my leg heals up and this tendonitis goes away, I want to know how long I can run before Chicago in 20 days. But I realize I am getting way ahead of myself.

You really are a wonder woman! That sounds like sooooo much fun!!!


Mmmmm.. that salsa looks SO GOOD!

I am totally with you on the 1:1 frosting ratio. If there’s more cake than frosting, I just cut off the bottom of the cupcake to make it right. You’d think bakeries would get it right by now! :)


That is a good question, I have only ran one full marathon and the one thing I liked doing in training was running for time – not distance. So I ran for my goal time, but at a slower pace… if that makes any sense!?
I like to grill or bake fish and top with mango salsa, yumm!
Mushrooms and zucchini :)
Boston?! I wish!!


Congrats on the finishing the century! That cupcake looks so worth every single one of those 100 miles.

As for the marathon Q, I’d say 18-20. For me, it’s a good mental and physical distance.


I bet you could do a 15 miler and be okay with a marathon. Just a thought, though!

I love LOVE refueling after a hard race. NICELY done girl!!


Umm, that cupcake is outrageous! I would devour it in a heartbeat. And oranges in salsa sounds awesome, never would have thought to do it but I love it!

From reading your blog for almost a year now, it seems to me your body can handle a LOT of stress even if you’re not in tip-top shape. That’s my way of saying I think you can probably handle running NYC. My mom and dad used to train for marathons with their farthest runs being 8-10 milers (doing that mileage nearly everyday, but still). And my mom did a 3:03! You can do it!


Never run a marathon but it’s on my list of goals. That s’mores cupcake looks delicious but so does you mahi mahi. I love grilling bell peppers, corn, zucchini, and pineapple.


Holy yumballs, that cupcake looks fantastic! I want taste-a-puter!

I’m wondering the same thing mileage wise for a marathon. I did my first 18 miler two weeks ago and have a 20 miler coming up on Saturday. If I finish it strongly, should I be confident going into my marathon? I’m so not right now.


I’ll go ahead and admit it…before my marathon the longest workout I did was 2 hour cycling indoors on high resistance + 1 hour run. I was in between injuries and trying to get better before the marathon but still be cardiovascularly prepared. I mean, I had a really big endurance and running base built up, which you do too, so I think if you can cycle for that long you can do it. It was a slow marathon but it was a marathon.


You might try reading this short article my Matt Fitzgerald (author of Racing Weight):

The long and the short of it is perfectly feasible to run a marathon after only doing training runs of up to 16 miles. On the plus side you’ve just finished a century which proves you have pretty good cardio endurance right now, on the down side you are still coming back from injury.

I have a marathon this weekend and shin splints forced me to take about 2-3 weeks off seriously running so I focused on biking and elliptical. I came back to full running for the last 3 weeks or so, but never did get back to my training plan or running fast. I feel fine to finish, but I won’t be looking to PR. My advice comes down to this: I’d say that if you can pull off a run in the mid-teens without pain from your injury then you should be good to go; but don’t expect to push for that PR. Best of luck if you try.


ADAM!! Thank you so much, that article was just what I needed. I am sorry about your shin splints and I can’t wait to read about your marathon! I am definitely not looking to PR either and thinking there will definitely be some walking mixed in! Thanks again for your comment, I really appreciate it!


I am SO glad that Janae asked this question because I had winter marathons that I thought I’d never be able to make: I know I’m not strong enough to do back-to-back long run weeks having missed so much training but having read that article, there might just be a chance of finishing. Like Janae, I’ll have to see how things go.

Janae: I’d say for you, 15-16 miles will see you finish. I think riding a century is as difficult as a marathon in terms of endurance, and provided the mid-long run isn’t too painful, you should be golden for having a go at NYC :)

I know it wasn’t specifically for me but huge thanks Adam for posting that link: I’ve been injured repeatedly since my last marathon back in December (for which my LR was only 17 miles, and only one of them!) by trying to follow training plans with 2 or more 20-milers. Every time I go for the high mileages in one go, I get injured, but I can usually tick along with an 80 mile week with lots of shorter runs with less problems. I think I will completely change my approach to training in the future now: it’s all too easy to think ‘if *insert names here* is running 20 miles today, so should I!’



That salsa sounds yummy. I think you should try it with peaches instead of oranges too!

I think you should go for the half before attempting a full marathon.

My BF handles the cooking of all fish. I love it grilled or baked in the oven.

Any grilled veggie will do but I’m partial to mushroom and red bell pepper kabobs.

And no Boston for me…I’m a slow, hungry runner! :)


That cupcake looks like my dreams! My favorite way to eat fish is raw, I’m totally a sushi girl! Favorite grilled veggies would be anything on a kebab! Especially onions, tomatoes and mushrooms!

I am 8 weeks into my 16 week program for my first marathon, just did my first 20 miler, have two 18s left to go and my last loooong run will be 24 miles…I will cross that bridge when I get to it! Haha! Love you Janae!!


I like my fish just like you do – grilled and seasoned with something spicy! My favorite grilled veggies are zucchini, sweet potatoes, eggplant…. Really any vegetable OR fruit.

I agree that mentally you could run a marathon TOMORROW. I read an article online somewhere about training for a marathon on your bike. It replaces the majority of running time in training with biking. It seems a bit extreme, but maybe it’s something to look into. I was interested in it since with the pelvic fracture, I was told I need to be careful for a good year….and I REALLY want to do a marathon within the next year. Right now I’m limiting my running miles and doing more biking and water running (but I am far from healed enough to think seriously about a marathon yet).


Hmmm. I would say 18 miles. When is New York? November? And perhaps you should think about SPEED. There is a big difference between running the marathon at an 8:30 pace, and running it at a 7:30 pace. Know what I mean? If you want to do it to have the experience (which is probably what you are going for considering how late in the game it is), I would aim for running at a slower pace. That way the shock to your body won’t be so huge. You can qualify for Boston with a 3:35 you know- and that’s SLOW for you!!!!

Registered for Boston, now I just hope they accept me!


I think you can mentally do it, but I just don’t want you to injure yourself again. I hate to be the negative nancy on here, and I think the world of you, but be careful with trying to run that distance without your usual training!
On a happier note, you have totally taken on and mastered biking!
That salsa looks fab!


Girl!! I am thankful for your opinion….it helps me realize I am a little crazy:) If I do do it, I will run/WALK it and take it slow so I think that is the only reason I would do it…ya know?


I have a couple of friends who have not done over 16 prior to marathon, and one that never did more than 15. They were just in it to finish though, didn’t care about finish time. For me I mentally need to have pushed past 20 before race day.
You could totally pull off NY, I have no doubt!

Oh and on the grill-bell peppers for sure. And I’m fully aware it’s not a veggie, but grilled pineapple is heaven!


MahiMahi is soooo good with fruit salsas. The first time I ever had it was with a black bean and mango salsa–yum-o! Can’t wait to try this orange salsa. Thanks for the recipe :)


Girl you could totally do new york! You just did a freakin century ride! I think anything between 10-14 miles would good to do before hand but I think you need to be really sensitive to your poor little legs. You dont want to break them in half for one race. New york is seriously a dream though.


YES DEFINITELY….I am more than okay run/walking! I just want to be there so so badly and my legs have been feeling AWESOME!


I’m scared for you to do the NYC because I don’t want you to get hurt again. May do it just to finish, not for time? I worry about you girl!


OH YEAH!! Thanks Sherri, I forgot to mention that:) I am more than okay walking half of it if that is what it takes, I just want the experience ya know? I really am kind of crazy though ha!


I was talking to this one guy who comes in where I work to eat and he said that a lot of the people he knows who do marathons do them on a max of 14 mile training runs.

I really think it depends a lot on the person. I think if I just did 14 miles I’d feel no where near prepared MENTALLY. Maybe I’d be okay physically, but in my head I’d think I didn’t train nearly enough. On the other hand, maybe if I’d only done 14 miles I wouldn’t be as broken down physically?


great salsa recipe! i bet I could just eat that plain. You two are quite the couple. 11 miles and 100 mile ride! wow!!


Hahaha you crack me up … I love your picture … blurriness and all! ;)

By the way, did I somehow manage to miss the recipe for the awesome dessert you posted pictures of the other day??? Man, I go away for just a couple of days, and these are the things I miss! If I missed it, please tell me which post it’s in. Thanks, buddy! ;)


OhMyGeez, I just had a though (either brilliant or total dumb) but BILLY, running tons… marathon? ;) Okay if this is totally out of line, sorry, but I got so excited for a minute. I can totally see you and him even running one together, how cute!!! :D


He promised he will with me one day but he won’t be able to do NY….I love that you pictured it too because I do daily ha:)


Pesto + fish! I went out to dinner with my parents this weekend and had the best pesto salmon ever.


What is your favorite way to cook fish? What type of marinade/seasoning/topping do you like best?
I agree with all the ways you named :-D

Favorite Grilled VEGETABLE?
Mushrooms, Red Bell Peppers & white sweet onions.. NOT purple ones lol

That s’mores cupcake looks so yummy – after eating it, did ya want sa’mooore? hehe


Janae, do you have a recipe for the dream boat of a cupcake???

Knowing you…you can handle a marathon whenever!!!!! I am sure you will be grrrreat (insert Tony the Tiger voice!)!


I WISH!!! It is from a store but I am going to try to replicate it. Um, crazy cause I just ate Frosted Flakes…how did you know?!?!


i believe in you! i agree with many of the other comments about your cardio being where it is, you’ll have no problem finishing.
i also trust that you’ll listen to your body… go for it! then make sure you post ALL about it. and make sure you purchase some knock-off bags on the street. and go to Carnegie Deli and get their pastrami and cheesecake. it’s a life changing experience.
-fish + lemon = heaven
-grilled onions are the best….more poor husband! ;)


Hop on the plane, do the marathon (even if that means walk 20 run 6), enjoy the free sh!t, experience the city life!!!!!

Only promise yourself one thing, you listen, truly listen to your body. (and I will be your travel companion to make sure this happens if you need me :))


I am hiring you to be my best friend/travel buddy/brain to tell me when to stop/shopping/eating travel companion…YOU IN!?!?! I love your encouragement Erica, it means a lot!


I think you have to take into account your great fitness base. Honestly I think you could get away with a 12 miler as your longest run and be fine, but 16 would prob be a good confidence boost.


THANKS IDA!!! I really value your opinion!


After reading SR’s recap of NYC I want to run that race more than Boston. I can see why you want to go so badly. I’m excited to see what you decide to do. Just listen to your body!


I’ve never run a marathon so i’m not entirely sure how good of advice I can give on this…but I DO know that you have a really strong endurance base so I wouldnt say its crazy to try NY and just take it slow. If you are planning on doing a walk/run sort of thing, I think that would probably be smartest. if you run NYC, I will come cheer you on, its so close to me! and i’m insanely jealous you got in, I’m gonna try again next year and hope I make it!!

Good luck girl, I know you are a little crazy, but so am I so I can completely relate :)


CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR CENTURY JANAE! you are my hero and you can do anything! I’m sure you could run a marathon right this second. but I’m sure taking it easy would also make your legs happy : )
That salsa looks delicious!
Have you ever had grilled beets? those are great! and grilled pineapple, and peaches, and well you could probably put a shoe on a grill and it would taste good. congratulations again and good luck with whatever you decide to do!!


GRILLED BEETS…that sounds incredible. You are right, I definitely need to keep in mind what my legs want:) Thanks Michele!


That salsa looks amazing and I’m definitely going to try it this week! I’ve done something similar that involved mango (instead of oranges) and jalapenos instead of green onions. Definitely worth a try!
My boyfriend and his friend just got confirmed for Boston 2012 for the 1st and 3rd times respectively. I’m a half-marathoner myself, but am so excited to go cheer them on with a crazy sign!!! Good luck with NYC! You can definitely do it, as long as you don’t push yourself in the racer herd mentality to run faster than you should.


When is the NY marathon?? I’d “finish” it with you.


NOVEMBER 6th…You better not be joking with me!


haha- oh how I remember the way I used to dive into a large pizza after a cross country meet. That hunger comes out of nowhere! Way to go with your races, and good luck with future ones! I don’t run anymore, but I can relate!


I’ve heard that if you have run at least 1/3 the distance of your race, the momentum and energy of the race can carry you through the remaining 2/3. So for a marathon, it would be about 9 miles. Obviously this wouldn’t be true for your first marathon, but a seasoned runner like yourself should be fine cardiovasularly speaking. Just be careful not to push your femurs too hard :)

P.S. I just ran my first MILE since my metatarsal stress fracture in February. You’re right – I now cherish every mile I can run since I was put on the “no running” list. Go us!


I agree with a comment earlier. I would run for time (like run for 80 minutes) not distance. I know for a fact that you can and will do it. A friend of mine is recovering from an injury and preparing for SGM in 10 days. I recommended he run 8 miles (the farthest he’s run since coming back from injury) and then finishing up with 30 minutes elliptical to build cardiovascular endurance without risking re-injury before the race. Just a suggestion that might help? But of course you can do it girl! Love you!


have you heard of the Hanson’s Distance Project? I think their elites do more, but a training plan for someone who runs your kinda times only does 16 miles at the longest – but that’s combined with longer-than-usual distances during your other runs too…I’d say with all your cross-training you’ve been doing, your cardio fitness is probably set for a marathon! :-)


From a cardio/endurance standpoint, you could totally do the marathon and the crowds should be enough to conquer the mental fatigue. The concern I would have would be if you would get re-injured by running so far without the build up of miles. Just a thought.


Well I was in those shoes in 2008 for the Boston marathon. My injury prevented me from running for the three months leading up to the race, I think the longest run I was able to get in before was only 10 miles. BUT I made it through. It wasn’t a PR but my mindset that day was to just make it through alive and have a good time taking in the sights. I think that you will be able to make it through, it just won’t be the best time and recovery may take awhile. If you think mentally you can do it, then give it a go and just run for fun.


That cupcake looks amazing!!!


Well, I hope the answer isn’t more than 20! I’m running The Wineglass in 13 days & I’m hoping to just finish upright and smiling ;)

And you just did a century ride….hell yeah, you can run NY!!! Just think of all the awesome food at the finish line ;-)


Those are my fave grilled veggies too! Just add asparagus! Haha that salsa sounds great :)


I had to defer my NYC marathon to next year because of my stress fracture and torn ligament :( I’m still in the boot on crutches and I knew there would be no possible way to do the marathon (even if I crawled!) since I’m still on crutches until at least October 6th!!!
Anyway, i don’t want you to hurt yourself!! I know you’re keeping you’re cardio vascular system up with the biking but the impact of running is so much different. Just be careful!!!! I understand where you’re coming from though…the experience of the NYC marathon is something no one wants to pass up!!!
xoxo Megan


They let you defer it?!?!? How did you do that? They wouldn’t let me!!! Boo!


I emailed you the information on how to defer!!!! Hope you got it!!!!! :)


How funny that you are writing about this as I just spontaneously signed up for the Cape Cod marathon today and it’s about five weeks away! I ran a half on May 1st but my longest runs lately have been 7 miles with a 9 miler today.

As long as you feel confident that you won’t re-injure yourself then I agree with a less is more approach (particularly the ideas stated in the aforementioned article.) Before running my first and only marathon in 2003 (San Francisco) I only trained for two months with a long run of 16 miles. I ran the whole thing and beat my goal of 4:30 with ~4:18 and had a great time! :D


I have no idea about how fast or how long you’d need to run to prep for NY marathon….you should just fly here to Ontario and do the toronto marathon (speed walker are welcome and there’s a 6hr time limit) so you could do it! :D

also – love that dinner plate YUM! thanks for the recipe.

THAT CUPCAKE IS SPECTACULAR I have to make cupcakes this week for a bday and I think I may have to steal this marshmallow topper idea :D


Before reading blogs, I didn’t even know that you actually had to be chosen to run in the Boston marathon! I think that would be too much pressure for me…I am running an 8K this fall, and proud of that distance :)


I never got to congrats you on your race!! You are really awesome! I have never seen salsa with oranges, sounds like something I might have to try :) Fav grilled veggie, toss up between mushrooms, asparagus and green beans…they get so crispy like french fries :) Good luck on your future race searching…I was excited because I started running again and immediatly started searching for a 10k..bummed because now my tendon has really started to bother me again :( Back to square one and to the pool!


Fitness-wise, you’re probably fine. INJURY-wise though…I’d be cautious. Last thing you want is to run a marathon only to take the next year off. Sorry to be a downer, but it’s the doctor in me trying to protect the health in you.


I love that salsa idea! I also love fish so that looks delicious. I like grilled fish better but I live in an apartment and only have the mini george foreman grill so I end up using a fry pan. I have some fish seasoning that I put on it that I forgot the name of. I’d have to agree with you on the grilled zucchini and also grilled corn is another favorite.


I want that cupcake, NOW!!!


girl knowing you and your perseverance you can get through anything ESPECIALLY the NY MARATHON! i would honestly base it on how you are feeling…if your body is up to it aka no pain then GO FOR IT GIRL!<3


I won’t be running it but I’d hang out with you in NYC after the race!!




What? No peach salsa?




I got into Boston…it will be my first!
I think an 18 miler should suffice as long as you’ve run one before (which of course you have). If you ran one recently – last few months – 16 would be enough I think.


What the what? That cupcake looks AMAZING and your salsa recipe is smashing!

Today has definitely been a good food day, yum.

I didn’t know you wanted to run the NY marathon..where have I been? But I’m sure that once youre up in the high teens and twentys you’ll be golden. I mean, not that i’ve run a full, but you’re can do anything!


You obviously have the cardiovascular fitness to carry you through a marathon. Heck, you could probably do it in your sleep! But even if you walked the whole thing, that’s still a lot of stress on your bones. If they’re not completely healed, I worry it might keep you out of the game even longer.


Last year for my first marathon I never ran over 15-16 miles (injury and pure laziness were my reasons for not training more) and I finished. In 6 hours. :)


The question really is not CAN you finish a marathon, but SHOULD you finish a marathon. The answer is pretty obvious. If you are not healthy enough to actually train for the distance, then no you shouldn’t run it. A marathon is a lot of stress on your body; I don’t see anything good coming out of putting your body through that.


Didn’t Beth from SUAR do Boston with a long run max of 13 or 14 following her stress fracture? I think that’s what it was. You take care and be safe :)


18 miles? I’ll be running Boston! :) So excited about your century ride!! :)


AWESOME salsa recipe–> i’ve heard of pineapple salsa but this sounds great, especially on grilled fish! I prefer fish grilled with a few spices rather than coated with cream-based sauces….enjoy the fish for what it is! I’m sure that salsa was a fab side! My friend did NY Marathon 2 years in a row and her recaps sounded unreal! If I ever do a marathon, that would be my first pick (ha i say it like it’s that easy to secure a place)!


Dude, you’re AMAZING! You’re like the most crazy (in a good way!) endurance athlete person I’ve ever “met”, lol! :-P Totally incredible – you’re a beast! ;-) I think you’d rock the NY marathon! :-D And I’d be so psyched to read about your adventures running and refuelling, lol! ;-)
Hmm…favourite grilled vegetable? Grilled mushrooms, courgettes (your zuchinni), asparagus, squash…anything really, lol! And favourite way to cook fish (particularly salmon) is just grilled, plain and simple. Love it so! :-D xyx


Oranges in salsa is a great idea! I love the mango salsa from Costco but never thought of orange salsa, I gotta make some! I think I go through at least one jar of salsa every week, addicted much?! :P

I love grilled fish, topped with cajun seasoning, simple salt/ pepper/ lemon, salsa, or grainy mustard! My favorite grilled vegetable[s] are: corn, mushrooms, onions, and squash!


Sure glad I’m gluten free and don’t live near you otherwise I’d eat that cupcake every day fo sho! WOW. How do you resist it?


I don’t resist it;)


I have no advice on the NY Marathon, but just wanted to say I will running Boston Marathon 2012! Did you not register for this coming Boston?


AHHHHH GIRL!!! I am so so excited for you! I didn’t sign up this year……I am thinking 2013:) Can’t wait to read all about your training and experience!


That food looks sooooo good. I want that cupcake so bad! Too bad I gave up sweets til the marathon!


CONGRATS on your century!! That is an incredible accomplishment! You deserve aaaaaallll the cupcakes you can eat :)

As for the marathon, I’ve only run 2 so I am not an expert. I’ve always run 20-21, buuuuut I’ve seen plans with long runs as low at 16. I think if you’re ok with walking, you could do a 16mi long run, then run/walk the last 10 mi. You can do it!


I just got my confirmation for 2012 Boston yesterday!!!! So excited and terrified!!!


LAURA!!! CONGRATS….I AM STOKED FOR YOU!!! I better hear all about it!


I am with you with the cajun seasoning! And I very much have to try this salsa! Sounds SO good. Especially since I am addicted to oranges right now and have a whole fruit bowl of them just waiting for me :)


I got in to Boston!! Got my confirmation last week! I will be running it with my dad too!!!!!!!!! So excited.

I would think the longest long run a person should do is 16 miles. Hanson’s training program actually has you only run a max of 16 miles in your long run, but you also do a lot harder work outs during the week.


AHHHH STEPHANIE!! CONGRATS!! That is so so exciting.


Oooooh that orange salsa looks AMAZING! IMO, 18 miles. :)


Are you registered to run NYC in November? I am running it but hope to do a 20 miler beforehand. I have had friends that did a 13 miler and then the marathon but I don’t like the injury possibility. Although if you promise to walk when needed, I bet you’d be all good. Plus I’m dying to meet you!!! :)


I know training plans where people do well on only 16 miles. I also know people whose longest run was 13.1 miles. That I think was less fun but they completed it. Come run NYC! I am running it for fun too. We can do it together (although you are normally waaaaaaaaay faster than me..)!!!


The NYC marathon is on my birthday. Maybe some day, I will finish it as a gift to myself. Right now, I am gearing up for my first ever 10K so it will be some time before I can run a marathon! The next distance I want to tackle is 13.1.


That cupcake looks amazing!! Oh man…
I love grilled salmon and really all grilled vegetables.
I hope you come to New York! I’m here and we will go to 16 Handles for frozen yogurt!! It’s the best!


You’re still running NY?! Awesome! I am going to NY during it to watch my dad, maybe I will see you there among the 2 million people :). My dad is registered for Boston again in April. He is the marathoner obviously, not me :). Good job on the bike ride. That is seriously amazing. I actually have been thinking of buying a bike lately. I need a break from running. For some reason my mind cannot get into it lately and I think that biking sounds like a good break!


I found something similar elsewhere and really enjoyed. Some more of this please! Thanks very much

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