Why people kept staring at me as they walked by me while I was on the ellipctical this morning at the gym…..

PhotoI have NO idea how it even got there.  A banana sticker…..I didn’t even have a banana this morning.  Maybe it was from that time last week that I ate a banana smothered in peanut butter and then dipped it into a bag of chocolate chips while I was in bed and the sticker has been waiting to latch onto me ever since.

I didn’t notice it until I was about to leave as I was walking by the mirror checking out my awesome hair horns.

As I got up this morning Billy said, ‘You don’t have to go so early to the gym, you can go tonight.’  and I replied, ‘the gym is what makes me a better teacher and less of a beast to those teenagers.’


Fill in the blank……Exercise/running makes me a better  ________________!

-Wife (especially during PMSEE times um, like right now) and TEACHER, it puts me in a crazy happy mood and gives me more energy to run around all day playing dodgeball and not freaking out when my drivers ed kids almost hit a barrier on the freeway (don’t worry mom, that only happened 5 times last sememster).


-I did 45 minutes on the elliptical (very tempted to run but I ran yesterday and I am being a good girl) and after school we are going on a bike ride!!

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hahah girl my boyfriend is like em—-you can just go later today you dont need to wake up early!
but i needd to becase working out makes nice emily come out— so i guess working out makes me just a better person :)

60 min spin class this am
then 15 min elliptical and WEIGHTS :)


TYVM you’ve sloevd all my problems


Running makes me a nicer person in general :)

No workout yet today, gotta wait til after work to see how much time I have.


Exercise/running makes me a better GIRLFRIEND so that I feel beautiful and healthy, and not a blob on the couch.

Ran for 30 minutes to the grocery store and walked back :)


Running makes be a better person overall! Except on long run days in this ridiculous humidity. My running days at 5am give me the boost I need to get the most out of my day. I honestly think there would be more crime in the world if people couldn’t run! Think about it….


I could never get my booty to the gym before teaching!

My friend always worked out in the AM before school and loved it because when the kids are getting to school you have already been up for hours and wide awake and ready for them!

Exercise makes me a better everything. Just a better person in general. Me without exercise = meany grouch haha. I think I would have an anxiety problem without it.

Whenever I am moody my husband just says “go workout. NOW.”


UM, i’m so glad I’m not the only one who gets hair horns!



Exercise makes me a better wife. It makes me feel confident! It also let’s me work out negativity out of my life!

I need to make myself go on a walk tonight.. I’m having one of those lame days where I feel a bit blue (but I don’t know why I feel that way). Hopefully a walk will turn that all around!


Nothing to say but yay fellow purple girl!

Exercise makes me a better…person at work, because I, ummm…..I think I’ll have to get back to you on this one.

Workout was early morning 3 mile run. Testing out running for short distances in the morning with no food. I’ve done it before, but maybe it was a combination of evening exercise class yesterday (7:30 Body Jam – awesome!) plus no food that gave me legs of lead, plus extra bonus of almost vomiting up post-run diet Mt. Dew? Don’t know.


Aahahhahha I love you it’s fine. I always have weird stuff stuck to me, in a non-gross way — like duct tape and random stuff from insulation. I don’t know how it happens but maybe it’s all of those late nights out that are taking a toll on me. I love ellllipticall!! Have you tried the AMT? If not, GOOGLE IT, it is so much fun!!! I use it like every day (every other day I mean otherwise I’d getbored) it is like a cross between running and ellipticizing, you would LOVE it!!!

Exercising makes me a better friend, partier, and student. It also makes me a better eater. I can eat SO much more!!!


I haven’t worked out today because the husband accidentally turned off the alarm. I did go for a run yesterday morning and it totally makes me a better writer at work. I feel like I can focus better.

I am cracking up at the banana thing because right now I am eating a banana smothered in peanut butter at my desk and I am going to have to tripple check myself for stickers now! haha.


in other news… I just spilled peanut butter on my desk, and since my boss was in the room, I had to refrain from licking it off…


NOOOOOOO!!!! Wasted pb…..that breaks my heart!! Poor thing! I hear you about being able to focus better!


My husband shoves me out the door and says, “don’t come back until you find that nice lady I married!”


BAHAHAHA we sound a lot alike…..Billy says that too!


My work out makes me a better human being. Otherwise I definitely would be a total meanie! I ran 6 miles this morning :)


Working out makes me a better BOOTY SHAKER.. workingout makes me happy and gives be a better/ firmer booty, heck yes!!!


A better EVERYTHING! Person, friend, wife – it makes me happier in general :)
I am going to do 45 minutes on the elliptical after work and the a ab workout.


Makes me a calmer individual :)

My workout so far has been forty minutes of cardio and then tonight my hubby, son and I are going on a beach walk :)


running/working out makes me a better roommate!! otherwise my roommates will ask me “have you worked out yet..?” when i’m a total grouch and don’t want to do anything.


you are my favorite banana.


….makes me a better WIFE. Definitely. When I was injured (stress fracture) I was MISERABLE and made everyone around me feel the same.

Workout: Sat was 6 miles and then Sun was supposed to be rest which turned into hiking with the dogs. And then walked yesterday. So today my workout was REST. My body was screaming for it.

The Kidless Kronicles


makes me a better mom. I’m not as quick to nitpick and am pretty relaxed.

I walked 3.55 miles this morning, I was supposed to follow with abs and yoga.


Running makes me a better mommy because I’ve had my “me time” and I’m energized to chase my little crazy 2 year old around.

I woke up at 4:15 am to get my run on. Lifted some weights after and I felt awesome. Now it’s mid afternoon and I feel like I could curl up and take a 2 hours nap :)


Hahaha…loving the sticker. And the hair horns. I totally get those too :-) You’re so committed to your workout, it’s awesome! Working out makes me a better girlfriend, and a better worker and writer, because it helps me work out my “stuff” and gives me energy, and makes me happy and productive and energetic. Love! <3 My workout today was an upper body weights sesh and 40 minutes on the Arc Trainer. I upped my weights and am getting stronger…yay! :-D You're rocking the purple (or is that blue!?) and black again, Janae – it's pretty! :-) Happy biking! xyx


omg working out totally makes me a better babysitter/roommate/friend/daughter/sister/psuedo gf/blogger.. need I go on hahahahaha
And I have totally done the banana sticker ting before on accident… win
Today’s work:
60 minute yoga sculpt
20 minute HIIT run
bike ride later!!!!


Exercise makes be a better person, all around. It is the best, best way I know to keep yourself emotionally even.

My workout was abs and upper body. Woo woo!


MOM! Shoot, if I didn’t work out I would feel like a slug and wouldn’t be able to do cool stuff with the kiddos.


Also, it keeps me from doing things that could get me sent to jail. You know, like battery or something.

My co-workers definitely know when I haven’t worked out…And they know to stay away from me when that happens. :)


People are always pulling random things off me. I’m apparently magnetic!

I ran 2.5 miles (woo!) and walked 1.5 miles. (Basically I am doing 4 miles 2-3x a week, gradually increasing the run portions. Like you, I have to take at least one day off in between.) I then did 45 minutes of strength and core work.

Running makes me a better sleeper. And just much more calmer, saner, and happier in general. (It also helps alleviate my symptoms – I have both Addison’s and Hashimoto’s disease. Running = less medication and discomfort.)


Working out makes me a better teacher too!… and coach. Plus, I feel less bad about yelling at teenagers to run faster or work harder when I’ve gotten my sweat on too!

Today’s workout is the school gym/weight room after school… stinky!


…makes me feel good about myself! I think that’s what counts. If you don’t feel good, the people around you notice. :-)


LOL me and my sister sometimes like to take those fun Chiquita stickers that say stuff like “Brain Food” and stick them on our foreheads…one time I forgot to take it off before school…

I agree about working out first thing!! running makes me a better student ( I’m much more awake, alert, and focused after) and employee (so I’m not cranky with customers lol)!

Today I did 55 mins on the stat bike and then an hour of full-body strength training!


exercise makes me a better fiance. Otherwise I’m super cranky and combative otherwise.


-Mom and Girlfriend! I try to get my exercise in at night because it helps me feel like I am releasing all my stress, anxiety and anger that has accumulated throughout the day.

-My workout is usually running 3 miles. I am new to running and so the first mile makes me feel like I want to keel over, but afterwards it is so refreshing and keeps me sane.


HAHAH I can’t believe you had that sticker on you! That’s awesome :) You ALWAYS make me laugh.. Your just too awesome!


Running definitely makes me a better partner!! Otherwise, I’d be insane! If I were a mother.. I know it would make me a better mom, for sure! Or I would lose it.

Janae, you have to go check out my treadmill on my blog! I built the whole dang thing by mahself! :) And I love it!


Exercise makes me a better GIRLFRIEND for sure! It helps me feel confident and better about myself. When I’m happy with myself, it shows and is definitely reflected in My relationships with others, especially Dean!

Today’s workout was 30 mins elliptical, 2 SLOW treadmill miles (wasn’t supposed to run today…shhh), another 30 mins on the elliptical, and 30 minutes circuit/weight training!!! Then I ate a mini cupcake from Starbucks that cost too much but tasted so good.

Have fun on your bike ride tonight! :)


Ok, having a great laugh at your expense…sorry to be so honest but that really cracked me up…and honestly, I needed the fantastic laugh today…so yeah, um, thanks!


I’m with you, running makes me a better wife and daughter (I work with my dad). I am in a much better mood if I go and get workout in before work.
Today’s workout, ran 3 miles. It was supposed to be 3.5 but my Garmin died .04 miles into my run and I don’t have a 3.5 mile route mapped so I just stuck with my trusty 3 and picked up the pace at the end to make up for it.


running/exercise makes ME a better PERSON :) I haven’t ever felt this good about myself. I’m confident, happy and a lot more patient. I’m so happy to have changed my life around AND I am only left /w a bit of jealousy for not always being like this ;)

workout today – 2 miles on the treadmill, 10 push-ups (that’s all I can do) and perhaps a walk later on….though I really hurt my hip/lower back :(

I am LOVING this picture of you and your sticker arm :P hahaha


Running makes me a better spouse. I have confidence, I have something that I do just for me, and it is a stress reliever. I am a Marine Corps spouse (the toughest job in the corps). :) Being that we move around often (we move next year) and that my husband is gone a lot on deployments or for training, running helps me deal with it all. Exercise is a great stress reliever for me. With running I have met some great friends too, so when I move I know I will find some good friends wherever I go because runners or so welcoming. Aren’t they?


Running makes me a better me to me. It has given me the confidence in myself as a person, a wife, a daughter, a teacher, and community member.


Running makes my thoughts clear and understandable to others. It would be scary otherwise!


Runner: anyone else after 8 miles in have themselves convinced they are a better runner than they really are??? Then after double digits I become a better dancer because my cool down becomes an interpretive dance routine.

No run today, just an easy bike rife, because i am actually running with a group at 5:45 am tomorrow. I am usually a solo runner, so I wanna be fresh.


it makes me a VERY happy teacher and wife. But its easy to forget that when its 5 am. and i’m nice and cozy in my bed and don’t want to go to the gym.


Working out definitely makes me a better wife and teacher too. My class is a lot harder this year and I must have had some kind of premonition about it because the first day of school I randomly decided to go to a 5 AM class which I have NEVER done before. I always work out at night with my hubster, but lately I have been doing some 2 a day dealios. These fidgeting kids are wearing me out and I need double energy!

I went to 5 AM spin and going to yoga later.


…makes me a better person. I don’t have as much road rage, grocery store rage, pms, mood swings, or inpatience! It does make me hAngry though!


I kid you not, I found an apple sticker on the inside rim of my back car door. You can only see it when the car is open, but I have NO idea how it got there. The sad thing is that it is totally stuck and now part of my 11 year old vehicle!


makes me a better…MOM!
I have much more patience.

My workout today was a 45min. bike ride and 10min run.
I am easing back into running after my stress fractures and running every 3rd day.


Literally just laughed out loud. Totally something that would happen to me. I’ve never heard of hair horns but I get those 24/7 and use 700 lbs of hair spray to keep them down! Running / working out makes me a better person, daughter, student! I am more focused and in a better mood :)


Running make me a better student. I listen to recorded lectures on slow recovery runs and the only time that I can really sit my butt down and focus on studying is right after a HARD spin or bootcamp class.
My boyfriend always complains that I wake up so early to go work out, but he has never seen how grumpy I get when I’m injured and can’t get a run in. Not a pretty sight.


Exercise makes me a better student, “not-so-bitchy” person, listener, role model, etc.

Workout: Weights + Elliptical + Abs


Haha that sticker is too funny! I don’t understand why they put all these stickers on every piece of produce anyway. It seems like a waste to me. If the cashiers can’t figure out what a banana is without typing in a code on a sticker, they need to get out of the rock they’ve been living under.
My workout was a quick 25 minutes on the elliptical and some strength training. It was an easy day after a 7 mile run yesterday. my longest in 8 months!


haha…maybe u’re just eating so many bananas u’re turning into one and the Chiquita sticker is just proof! ;)

running makes me a better cait. like a few others say i’m a bi*** if i don’t get my shot of endorphins! :)


I am with you on both wife and teacher. I actually started running in the first place to become a better teacher. Those kids were STRESSING ME OUT. And after marriage, I’ve learned that a good run helps quite a biiiit! :)


HA you just crack me up!!!!

Exercise/running makes me a better … EVERYTHING! Wife, mom, friend, ME!!!

Last workout was 3 TM miles last evening :)


Weeeee, what a quick and easy soltiuon.


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