New Sandwich Creation and Muscle Milk

I feel like we have so much to catch up on.  I think I need to go to blogging detox.  I have a problem.  Some may say I am an extremist and when somebody (aka the brains behind blogger) messes up my schedule I kind of go a tiny bit crazy and end up turning to watching the Kardashians, dipping oreos straight into cream cheese frosting and telling Billy that my life as we know it is officially over.  A little dramatic? Maybe, but he knew what he was getting himself into when he married me….kind of, I did do a great job at hiding most of my crazy.

After hanging out with my Madre all afternoon yesterday, I headed over to the baseball fields to watch both of B-bop’s baseball games.

I was prepared.  Muscle Milk, iPad, and a sandwich that was too thick to shut the lid of (that is a good way to know it is going to be delicious)….don’t tell Billy but a little bit of jam may have gotten on my iPad.

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All that sitting in the sun with my big black gang hoodie required me to buy a gatorade to replenish those lost electrolyte’s.  Maybe I was just in the need of  You can kind of see my sandwich- it is a new creation that I love.  I get creative when we haven’t gone grocery shopping in two weeks.

A pb and j sandwich with apple slices in there.  How did I not know about this before.  It added the best crunch, plus pb and apples are probably my most favoritest things in the whole wide world.

Say hello to Billy’s shadow and doesn’t everyone put their nice bags on the dirty floor?

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Bad news.  They lost.  He was heartbroken.   I am really good at capturing raw emotion with the camera; I did not tell him to pose like he is the saddest he has ever been in his whole life.

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I kept reminding him that it is the bad games that make the good ones that much better and proceeded to correlate this to running and how the hard/crappy ones make the ones that actually feel somewhat good a million times better.

Then he looked at me like this and drove away.  Okay, that isn’t true at all but sometimes (all of the time) I exaggerate and like to make up stories on the blog that fit my pictures.

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Don’t worry, I made him happy by skipping my yoga class and doing it at home instead.  I mean what better way to cheer up a man than making him listen to Jillian’s voice, my loud breathing and probably a stench that wasn’t so pleasant coming from my sweaty body.

P.S. a great way to test your laziness is whether or not you are too lazy to go out to your car and get your yoga mat or move anything off of the floor and just work around it.

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If you zoom in on my face or my unmade bed I will block you from the blog.

You have a few more hours to enter my giveaway….I will be posting the winner tonight wahoo!!!!


What is your favorite workout to do at home?

-Running on my treadmill but if I had to choose a second….YOGA!!!

What are your Friday night plans?

-Besides a much needed trip to Costco, we are FREE…..what to do, I need ideas?!?!?!

Biggest Loser fans….WHO DO YOU THINK WILL WIN!?!?!?

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I like to do abs dvds at home. Biggest Loser, I am kind of burned out on Hannah and Olivia, I think Irene has been so quiet and slipped threw the cracks the whole show. She might win or Jay. I am kind of rooting for him. Friday night plans, make mahi mahi tacos and maybe take the kids to see the Oscar Meyer weiner mobile.


Who needs anything to do beyond visiting costco?


ok I meant through not threw!


Ok. I have no idea about BL. But i am glad to see you are keeping up on yoga. :)

We don't usually do much on friday nights. Sunday afternoons are our normal social gig…a few kids, lots of sugar, potato chips and some wild animal burgers on the BBQ.
Makes for a crazy weekend!

Have a good weekend, there!


Hm Biggest Loser, I think Hannah will win? She looks fabulous! Or Jay. Jay would be a good pic! :D I don't have plans tonight. UHM hitting the gym I guess! :D AND I like to do pushups and abs and yoga at my place!


Love yoga at home. No plans tonight–so boring!!


If I'm working out at home I like to either skip or do an Insanity workout!

Tonight we are double dating with some married friends and going to my fave vegan restaurant :)

I heart Billy's slippers and sad face.


Cleaning my house tonight the parents come tomorrow!! Also hydrating for my 10k race in the morning. Biggest loser…well I was hoping Austin would have made it. But now I agree that Irene deserves it she has worked really hard and lost so much!! The sisters have both fell below the yellow line and talked their way into staying.


I love yoga at home, or practicing my ZUmba choreo at home as well :)

Have fun tonight. LOVE Costco!!


You should try my exciting life….sitting around waiting for my call to play chauffeur to my 12 year old son :s. At least there were yummy homemade fajitas to fortify me for being on call. :)


I REALLY want to love yoga, but I just can't get into it for some reason….is there something I'm missing. I feel like the only person that doesn't LOVE it.


Haha tell Billy nice shoes!!
I have the same ones :)


I was getting worried…No posts!? I played puzzles with your niece Sadie today. She is so cute! Have a great weekend, and pick me for your giveaway ;)


I like doing my p90x at home, esp. since it doesn't take up much space. I hardly have a big living room, but there's just enough room to make it work! :)


I always put apples in my sandwich or pitas, so delish. And I love how Billy rides his scooter with slippers on!


I'll have to try putting apples in my pb&j. Genius!
I used to work out at home all the time but not anymore. I tried doing yoga recently and my kids tried to climb on me. That didn't work very well.


my husband is going camping, so i've got the weekend to myself for the first time since we've been married. the channel won't leave HGTV and lots of laying out at the pool, going on walks, and blogging will be happening :)
enjoy your weekend!


I don't know who will win, but I am voting for Olivia!


I seriously love those gorgeous mountains behind you! I always do yoga in my living room and free weights. Friday night plans is carb + early bed time for my half tomorrow!!


So since we're best friends, and have everything (OK, not a lot) in common I'm going to tell you about my sad, sad news: I have stress fracture :(

Anywayzit- I want one of the sisters to win. I've been cheering them on since the beginning!

So I don't do yoga at home anymore, I already have two kids, I don't need anymore ….


i love billy's shoes! and those mountains in the background of that picture with the purse on the ground are INSANE! beautiful!


Girl, you are freaking hilarious.

P.S. I almost had a panic attack when blogger went down for a whole 24 hours and I missed out on my double daily dose of Janae. Ummm….dramatic much?

Tonight…I have PROM!! aka 5 hours of "You look soo beautiful!" (LOVE that part!) and "Stop making out in the corner!" =)


I like to do plyometric style workouts at home or abs! I tend to get a more efficient ab workout complete when I have the TV to distract me haha
Those are cute shoes on Billy :)


You know the BEST bit of this? Billy's dramatic leaving face… Then scanning down the pic to realise hes wearing fuzzy slippers!

What is your favorite workout to do at home?

-I don't ever manage to do much at home, abs maybe?

What are your Friday night plans?

-Im in the library… Till 2am… Gutted!


I just did a Costco trip today!!! Tonight my boyfriend and I are celebrating our two year anniversary!!!! : )


I too need a blogger detox. I was texting people all night "Blogger is down. My Life is over!"

Favorite thing to do at home is Yoga and Stretching but now that I have an 80 pound pitbull anytime I get on the floor he wants to play. So all exercising for me is out of the house. BOOOO!!!

Something to do tonight. hmmm……stay in and watch a movie!


I'm in nashville visiting my oldest friend this lovely friday night!
my favorite home workout is the tm and then some yoga!

I love your made up stories :)


I bought the Jillian yoga… shew… I just finished the Jillian Abs workout. I have a love hate relationship with her… I hate her, but I love what she makes me do!! HA! I am just glad she can't hear me yelling at her!


My favorite exercise at home is either Jillian Michaels or Jeri Love. I've never tried apples & PB sandwich before. I'll have to give it a shot. I love popcorn on a PB sandwich though.


You are SO funny!!! =)
This blog seriously makes my day (& I have been down in da dumps!)
I'm off to make myself a PB & Apple sandwich. =)


woman, i've been putting apple slices in my pb sandwiches for years! wait until you try shredded carrots in there, or sliced strawberries. I swear, you'll want to die it's so good!


I love Billy's slippers. So much.


Loving the sandwich container. I always see those in my grocery store and think they're adorable but I've never gotten one! Too bad the sandwich didn't fit :) Too true about that meaning it must be delicious.


You are so stinking adorable. And I want your sandwich container.


I loved the you know you're lazy quote about the yoga mat…….so with you on stuff like that.

Love doing my treadmill at home…….second, maybe spinning on the trainer.

our plans tonight include the couch, the remote control, and a cereal suicide…its been a long week.


I hid my crazy from Billy, too! Hahaha. It wasn't intentional. :) Can we please talk about Billy's slippers?? Amazing. And my Billy and I are sitting on the couch on Friday night. I'm in winter PJs as I type this because Billy blasts the A/C. I like to do yoga at home sometimes. Or just some basic pushups and situps after a run!


gosh girl those mountains are amazing!!! I'm moving to Utah. And I just noticed you guys don't have license plates on the front of your car. That would have saved me a Rejection sticker when I got my car inspected b/c my stinkin license plate fell off (this happened like 8 yrs ago lol)

I hope Hannah or Olivia wins TBL, but I have to be honest… I stoped watching when they kicked Arthur off. I was so upset. He needed to be on the show more than anyone!!!

My favorite workouts are anything from Beach Body. Just finished Brazil Butt lift & I'm starting Insanity on Monday :)

BTW ever tried a PB, Banana, & Fluff sandwich… YUM!


I'm rooting for one of the sister's, I think they're the strongest and they keep going strong on the scale… pretty soon they're going to have to stop or they'll be too skinny for their bodies.


I love Jillian's Yoga Meltdown!

Friday plans – 10km run, homemade chicken bbq pizza, decorating cupcakes for a baby shower and Vampire Diaries finale.


What happened to Billster?? Who is this B-bop you're talkin about?? LOL I think I like the new nickname!

Omg Billy's shoes! My boyfriend has a pair just like those from COSTCO and he wears them religiously. Even when they got a whole in the front, he refused to retire them.

I love doing circuit workouts at home. Yoga is something that I easily zone out to, so that's not so good at home.

Have fun at the Big C :)


O my gosh, im loving billys cycling slippers ;)

Looove doing p90x at home.

Watching "morning glory" with my hott date/hubby.

One of the sisters i think/hope!!??

Youre the bomb dot com for doing yoga. Id rather take a bath with my dad.


I love doing yoga at home… Mostly because I'm way too embarrassed to take a class and do it in front of people! lol
If we had a treadmill in the apartment, though, I'd be all over that!


I LOVE those mountains in the background…take my breath away! I like to do 30 day shred at home. I just can't get in to the yoga thing…I wish I could!

I am totally rooting for Irene but I think Olivia may be the one to actually win!


I have really come to love Yoga Meltdown with Jillian, I'm trying to incorporate yoga once a week, trying to get my stretch on!
In regards to The Biggest Loser, I'm rooting for Olivia all the way, she is amazing!


I love doing abs at home!


At first I was rooting for Olivia, but now I want Irene to win…she's kinda just been in the shadows but she's been kicking butt!!!

And Friday night plans are in progress…read blogs and watch Parks and Rec on Hulu :)


I also am a BIG fan of the slippers….


you and billy may be my most favorite people in the world. you all are hilarious. i loved seeing you tonight and am basically going to feel like the world is ending when I miss Monday night! blahhhhh.

favorite at home workout is this circuit training video. i also hate it because it is SO hard.


I award you 472 bonus points for being able to tolerate Muscle Milk!


Visiting Costco is my idea of a good Friday night :)


You make me laugh!! My Friday night = carb loading, taking the kids to watch my hubby loose his b. Ball gamethen it's nighty night cause I got a long run in the morning!


Umm..I think my mom has those same slippers. Haha.

I just got home from work and now I'm relaxing before bed!


What a brilliant sandwich creation!!!!


I love the biggest loser but we get it way behind you in the UK.


i LOVE hannah and olivia on BL but actually i would be happy if any of the final 4 won because they were all smart and chose bob & jillian in the beginning! i wasn't really a fan of the "unknown" trainers and that funny business this season.

danielle :)


I have to say that the picture of Billy, looking all badass on the scooter is absolutely hilarious because of fluffy slippers he has on. No joke, scrolling down to reveal the slippers made my day.


I'm pretty sure my favorite part of this post was seeing the Billster wearing mocassins while riding the scooter – haha!


There is an almighty piece of jam action occurring in China, leaving motorists crawling along for nine-days. Road repairs to a busy stretch of highway have left lots of lorries carrying coal – and a lot of peeved drivers – stuck between inner Mongolia and north-west Beijing.And somebody ring Alanis Morissette because there’s something more than a little ironic about road works to repair roads mullered by lots of lorries causing traffic jams…leaving lots of lorries to muller the roads. Ahem.Stall vendors, whatever they understand of irony’, surely understand something called ‘money’. Motorists stuck in their cars have been complaining about road-side stalls overcharging for food as they wait.Apart from the classic ‘Eye Spy’ and ‘Guess The Cheese’ games, what would you do if stuck in your motor for nine days?


Since winter coming, the popularity of buyying Nike Mercurial Superfly shoes for match has never reduced both in stores and online.

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