Triple Tangent Tuesday

I think you should sign up to run Dogtown Half Marathon with me on Saturday.

Click on the image below to register and I will have the link up all week on the left hand side of the good ol’ blogaroni.

dog town logo.jpg

Imagine us running together through the beautiful red rock scenery in Southern Utah hand in hand with the perfect temperature, lots of fun people all arounds us and running…..hello, that would be heaven.  Another cool thing about this race is that you get SHORTS….not the usual shirt that we all have way too many of!  We will go out for ice cream after K?!?! I am thinking an epic blogger meet-up!!!

Workout: 60 minutes on elliptical and 20 minutes weights.  I am a huge believer in the taper and will really focus on cross-training with only one 6 mile run before Dogtown on Saturday. 


It’s that time again where I share three completely random/ridiculous things about myself to help you feel a little more normal:)

1. I am a drivers ed teacher and I absolutely hate driving.   It is probably because it is much easier to eat when I am not driving.  I enjoy teaching how to drive but I would rather run to wherever I am going or sit in the backseat munching on snacks and reading Runner’s World.

California 29.jpg

2.  My first marathon was the Salt Lake City Marathon last April.  My goal was to finish….that’s it.  I got 5th place woman overall and I was shocked.  I trained my butt off but I had no idea that I was that competitive!!!

3.  I taught Mollee Gray from SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE (she was also in all of the High School Musicals)!!! She was pretty much the coolest little thing you will ever meet.  P.S. I taught her health, not dance, although I bet I could have taught her some of my killer dance moves. (She is the one on the left)  Does this make me famous because I was her favorite teacher?


4- Is the fact that I no longer get sores in my mouth from eating to many Sour Patch Kids an accomplishment or a failure?


Go wish SUAR a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


How do you taper?  Do you taper for every race?


-More like obsessed.

Do you like to drive or would you rather be the passenger?

Tell me some tangents about YOU!!!!!

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I love the "Grams of Sugar..No recommendation" on the board :)


I hate driving and honestly I'm not very good at it!! So cool you taught molly!!! I love that show. Tangent about me…I somehow placed first in my age group at my 5k on sunday…such a first!


I wish I could run the race this weekend with you, but I live too far away. :(

I always taper for a race. I will cut back my mileage and take an extra day off.

I like to drive, but I also like being a passenger but only if I feel safe otherwise I'd rather drive.


I am posolutely OBSESSED with so you think you can dance, my friend and I call each other during the show and talk about every dance while it is happening, I think it is safe to say we are pros.

Slash I love driving, it is so much fun BUT it is harder to eat. On my trip to DC with the daddy-o though, I figured out how to eat my luncho with a spoonsky while driving, my drivers ed teacher would have cringed but what can I say I am an amazing driver:)

And girl it is totally fine, I used to get mouth sores from eating too many raisins but i've eaten so many that it is no longer a problem:)


I am The Driver of the relationship because I get wicked carsick.


Good luck with your race!!!

I love driving. I drive all the time, it actually works out well because man friend gets lost really easily, so i just mostly drive.

That's so cute that Billy was your personal water boy! Awww


I like to be the passenger but only when my boyfriend is driving. If it's my mom or my sister I want to be the driver fo-sho. Tangent about me: I made a basket for the wrong team when I was on my 3rd grade basketball team. Yes, my b-ball career ended shortly after that.

p.s. I always see your comments on the same blogs I read so I thought I would say hi since we seem to have the same taste in reading material!


Oh and can I just say billy is the best husb ever?! Can he set me up with a man that will bring me water during marathons, preferably one who is really hot and will deal with my crazy?


I wish I could fly there for the marathon!!!! =P
Three tangents:
1.I'm super forgetful. Like I'll put stuff in places specifically so that I'll remember them, and then I forget.
2. I always make up these mini-competitions in my mind that other people don't even know about. For example, if I'm in the grocery store, I'll try to race someone else to get in line first….only I don't actually tell anyone that I'm racing them. =P
3. Sometimes I'll get so excited about breakfast that I can't sleep the night before!!!


Hubs usually drives…but I LOVE driving. Just not with him in the car. He makes too many comments.

I love the idea of shorts instead of a shirt! Bet they will be super comfy to sleep in..oh wait, I mean run in. :)


Oh my word! I love SYTYCD! i am obsessed with that show. I think it's my favorite ever! That's so cool that you taught Mollee!

I wish I could run that half with you. I'm kind of obsessed with races. Unfortunately I have very little money…aka I'm a teacher.


I like to drive, but I like to switch out every so often. I get too sleepy driving for too long. D knows I get sleepy driving, so he doesn't like to let me. lol

What's the farthest you've driven? I drove by myself from here to Hilton Head SC a few years ago. It was a little over 12 hours. It took lots of caffeine, but I made it and it was so fun!


I am running in the Dogtown 9K!!!! Rachelle, and Julie, and I have planned a little blogger dinner at the Pizza Factory at 7 p.m. on Friday. YOU SHOULD COME!!!!!


The sores thing— I can definitely relate. That stuff is sick. But now you're just immune to it so it's totally healthy. :)


I'll come and join you for the half, if someone *hints to other commenters* generously donates me hundreds of $ for the flight! Anyone?! :P

I am jealous of Billy!! Best hubs ever or what?! And you are so ADORABLE Janae!:)


1. I watched Tangled today, and screamed, giggled and cried louder than any of the other kids in the theatre. My friend was a little embarrassed.

2. I had a double Disney day. After the movie I rented Toy Story 3 and watched the beginning of it during a tempo run on the treadmill. It's so SAD!!

3. I made a batch of muffins and ate half of them. It was goooood:)


I think it's a sign "Wasington" UTAH…I'm supposed to run this?? Plus its called the Dogtown Run! I'm a fan already!

Billy definitely gets points for Overall Spectator Performance–I think that is harder than running sometimes! It's amazing to think how far you have come in a year. Running your 1st 26.2 and training for a sub 3 hour in less than a year. Amazing!!!!


Wait, I'm totally impressed you can eat SPK without getting sores. Same with Sour Skittles?


If I lived on the other side of the country, I would definitely run and get ice cream! I hope you do awesome though!
I taper for halfs, but not for smaller races like 5Ks and 10Ks. It's so hard for me to cut back on running after building up to a high mileage in a half marathon plan.
Tangent: In my foods lab today, we got to make 4 types of macaroni & cheese and cooked carrots and try them all!


I love dance shows…I danced for 12 years and miss it so much…I would LOVE to get into teaching some exercise/dance classes! And I would also run that half marathon with you if I wasn't across the country.
Mike ALWAYS drives me…he doesn't think I'm a very good driver and I just prefer sitting there anwyays :)


SYTYCD is my most favoritest show ever!!! And I LOVED Mollee! That is so awesome :D


Thanks for the free tangent #4, LOL.


Wow 5th place in your first marathon?! You are AMAZING!


I like to drive by myself so I can speed, talk wide turns and blast music. But otherwise, I like Johnny to drive.

Taperings is the bests. I sit on the couch and eat. Or walk.

I used to watch so you think you can dance but I no longer have a TV. So I guess I'll just have to watch you tube clips to stay in the know.

Good nighty friendy friend. Fun tangents!


My girls and I love SYTYCD and I just took my oldest for the 1st time to see the live show last year. We always run down and meet/take pictures with the dancers.
Yes I think it does make you famous to have taught Mollee! She was my daughters favorite and when I tell her the news she will think you are soooo cool!
I love to hear your race stories and to see your pictures! Good luck this weekend and I am so excited to see your posts on the Boston marathon! You are going to do AMAZING and know that I will be cheering you on from Oregon :)


i don't mind driving most days and David likes it that I drive because he hates it

Seriously spectators work WAY harder than we give them credit for at marathons!!


I heart tapering. It's my favorite part. Actually that's a lie. I love the first three or four days of it. By the end, I become a complete hypochondriac and decide that I have every available injury on the market. Which leads me to search WebMD. Which inevitably leads me to think that I am dying, or worse, will never run again.

I am already looking forward to my taper next week! I am racing a half on the 5th in preparation for my May 1 full. Lots and lots of luck to you!!!


Do you cross train each day? You are getting heaps good at weights!

I love the line: chicked two dudes

5th woman overall is awesome! And you will be amazing this weekend.


My first half marathon is coming up in May! Eek! I'm so nervous. My "training" so far has been a bit discouraging. I'm afraid I'm not going to make it because I've been running the same each day for about 3 years… I haven't really pushed myself until recently.

I LOVE SYTYCD but I barely catch it while I'm at school because of the work load :( boo.

I'm definitely a driver. Throughout high school, I took a drive EVERY single night. I absolutely love driving with the windows down and music blaring. I was the person when people would be like, "Who could we get to drive?" …. A unanimous "Lauren" would go throughout the group. haha, but I love it! Plus, I'm too nervous with anyone else driving ;)

Tangent about myself??
Well I guess I could start with I'm a math major and the only thing tangent means to me is a perpendicular line meeting a circle at a single point… I actually had to look up the definition of a "tangent" because I'm THAT much of a nerd. lol


I don't think I could ever race with you. You'd lap me 23 times.
I've actually never seen So You Think You Can Dance. *runs and hides*


I LOVE SYTYCD tooo!!!! As if you taught Mollee and of course you were her favourite teacher! Celebrity? You are in my mind!


I like driving! It's a lot of fun. I am used to driving a lot as well so it's good. I defintiely taper for races. Eee I <3 running. (Haha, sorry, I've been having crummy running motivation and right now I feel GOOD!)

My only tangent… I got my hair cut & colored today and I feel fabulous.


I taper once it was for my half. I will always taper for half marathons.

sorry cannot come running with you saturday (like I could keep up with speedy young thing like you please!) I am going to run with that super human guy…Dean something…:)

so you think you can dance: YES! I even went to see them on tour!!! I am a 22 yrs old trapped in a 42 yrs old body don't tell anyone.

Oh I do not drive Bill. EVER. I want to stay married to him. I got my driver's license at 25!


Hate driving. Hate hate hate it. I've driven 3 times since we moved here and I am OK with that!
That's so cool that you taught someone who was on TV! :)


You must have the patience of my grandma to teach people to drive. I taught my bro and that was enough for me.

I hate, hate driving as well but attribute it to years of bad cars. Now that I have a car I like, it's not as bad. I still like Mark to drive.

Three tangents de mi: 1) I didn't fly until I was 20 and my first trip was to Israel. Talk about breaking a girl in! 2) I pass out very easily – once because I scraped my hand on the door jam. 3) I wanted a dolphin as a pet when I was a child, and I thought it could live in our above-ground swimming pool.


You're a driver's ed teacher! How cool. I don't think I would be allowed to have that job. I've been in 5 accidents (and 4 were my fault). :( Sad face. With that being said, I hate driving.

Off to get me some sour patch kids! You made me start craving (as usual!)


I cannot believe that was your first marathon!!!! That's unbelievable.

I won't be running the half (unfortunately) because I live across the country…but I will be running Boston this year! :)


I taper for half marathons and fulls. It makes me super jittery… I can't sit still. Lol. And I hate driving. I get super sleepy when we travel so I make dizzle drive. I can fall asleep driving from Springville to Provo. Lol. It's bad. :)

So excited for your run. You will rock gorgeous girlie. :)


I taper for half marathons and fulls. It makes me super jittery… I can't sit still. Lol. And I hate driving. I get super sleepy when we travel so I make dizzle drive. I can fall asleep driving from Springville to Provo. Lol. It's bad. :)

So excited for your run. You will rock gorgeous girlie. :)


Please tell me you just have to do the book work part of driver's ed, not the actual behind the wheel part.

Tapering is hard for me- I always feel like I'm going to regress. I know it's important, though, and I've gotten much better.


Okay first off lady, Nobody is going to be running "With" you Miss Speedy Thang!! :) Maybe behind you…quite a ways behind you. :) Ha! Second, I would love to be there if only it was closer! Yes, tapering is good. Not sure how much of a Taper Matt Fitzgerald is going to give me in my "tune-up" races before my marathon.

Good luck to you My sweet friend! YOu will rock it. Do you have a goal?! 1:20? faster?


I used to LOVE driving, but now I'd much rather be the passenger. I'm a car reader, but my husband is so terrible at directions that I have to take my navigator duties very seriously when we drive together.


I actually really enjoy driving. It's nothing for me to be the one driving. We drove cross country from CA to VA for an entire month and I would drive for 12 hours at a time.
I guess that's 1 tangent…
another is, I've apologized to my coffee before (out loud) for walking out of a room and not taking it with me. and…I say thank you twice to my ghd flatiron after it beeps twice telling me its ready… that weird??


Tapered, you will crush this half!

I love to drive. And I'm an excellent driver…even if my husband doesn't think I am. I think it's my Italian-ness that freaks him out.

Tangents? My kids have a week off…again. And one is sick…again. I just made chocolate pudding from scratch which I will top with fresh whipped cream for dessert tonight. I have had a migraine for two days straight.


I loveddddd Mollee on SYTYCD! Do you nkow if they are having another season!?


I LOVE SYTYCD. That's amazing. If i wasn't already jealous of you before, I definitely am now!


Ooh I think she was my mom's favorite person! I will have to tell her again. I have eaten mass amounts of candy this week and I am blaming it on you!! I've enjoyed it though :)


I HATE to drive. I also can't stay awake in a car, so I'd probably make an awful driver's ed teacher.

I wish I could come run that race. I want sweet shorts! Too bad I have no idea where Washington, UT is and I'm stuck in gross, snowy Ohio.


I hate driving too! I never drive – John always drives when we go on long trips!


Seriously contemplating a trip to Utah this weekend so we can run and eat ice cream together. :)


I looooove me some taper. It's always wonderful after working hard all season and gearing up for your race. I always get overly excited and have wayyy to much energy.

I like driving, but if I'm with Mike…he has to drive. I feel most comfortable sitting next to him and holding his hand while dancing and singing. :)


That is so crazy awesome that you taught her!!! I HATE to drive, too!! Which is why I don't miss it at alllll living in NYC. ;)
PS, we just tagged you in post 7 facts blog award!!! :D


When I get really stressed, I don't eat, or bite my nails. I redecorate.

Don't ask me why. Well, you can if you want, but I won't have an answer. :)

I don't just straighten, I move couches, bookshelves, I buy furniture and wallpaper, and curtains. I go a little bit insane. How's that for a random tangent?


I hate driving!!! I love public transportation, biking, walking and running. If I can't get there using one of those methods, I don't think I should go.

Tomorrow, I am signing up for my first marathon!!!


I love love love SYTYCD. I was so against watching it until my husband made me. My husband! That's crazy talk. We watch it every season now and Neil from season 3 is going to be my third husband. I'm currently only on husband number 1.


New(ish) reader here. Just wanted to stop in and let you know how totally awesome I think you and your blog are!! I'm pretty sure if I lived anywhere near Utah (I live in upstate NY) we could be bff and have many an ice cream date :)

Along with the post, I'm not a huge fan of driving…I get really sleepy if I drive for more than an hour, but luckily my BF really likes to drive. Win win!


Good luck running your half marathon! You will be so amazing! I can't wait to hear the race re-cap!


5th place in your 1st marathon!! WOW!! You have a natural ability to run FAST!! :)

I taper a week before. Reduce mileage, cross-train and pray that I don't lose a toenail or get blisters!! :)

Our hubby's that support us at our races deserve a medal too!! How sweet of Billy to meet you at mile 24 to give you water!! :)

Good luck on your half…gorgeous lady!! :)


LOVE so you think you can dance. I kid you not, I would actually dance in front of the mirror, pretending to be them. I would download the songs and do it. Yeah, I have no friends for a reason!

I love being the passenger because I love sleeping. I am like a small child. As soon as we get in the car, I fall asleep. Shane hates it, but he won't ever let me drive. So I tell him if he won't let me drive I will sleep. I also just like relaxing in the passenger seat.

Love you girly!


I get car sick so I'd rather drive!!!



i hate driving, but i do it anyhow…back and forth from FL twice and TX once? yep, mostly by my lonesome! it's crazy driving so long (12hrs at a time! thank god for cruise control!)

and i taper most of the time, but not always, because sometimes one race leads up to a longer one.


Oh my, I have so much to say in response to this post. I'll try to be succinct… LOVE So You Think You Can Dance, CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TAUGHT that girl, definitely makes you famous, LOVE spending more time on the couch, can't believe you ran you're first marathon that fast, can't believe how fast you run EVER!!! (Phew, done.)


I love the Disney princess banner in your classroom- I would have loved to have a teacher like you in high school…I used to be really intimidated being such a young teacher but now I totally see how younger teachers can relate and motive students and I embrace it :) I wish travel costs were included in race registration I would absolutely love to come out and race on the west coast with you! Good luck this weekend!!


Seeing your race photos make me wish I could come cheer you on this Saturday AND in Boston! I'll be cheering for you in spirit, though. I haven't seen So You Think You Can Dance in a couple of years, but I remember there's a lot of amazing talent – so cool that you taught that girl!

Billy is terrible with directions – like he gets lost all the time, so when we're driving around Dallas, it's better for me to drive. And we switch it up on long road trips.

Glad you're tapering! I agree it's so smart.



Passenger, always. Though that could be because the bf gets so nervous when I drive and he's passenger that he insists on taking over every time. That brings me to my other point, my bf did the same thing for me last year in my (half) marathon, following along the course. Made me so happy!!

Good luck this weekend!!!


I wish I lived closer, I am dying to run another half soon. I also have a big relay next weekend though, that I am SO not ready for!

I don't really taper for halves


I hate tapering, it gives me anxiety. I do it though and I am convinced I will lose all ability to run and get out of shape. I love candy except for chocolate. I have never seen So You think you can dance. I like to be the passenger unless my mom is driving. I cant handle that. Come to seattle and do the see jane run half marathon in july- no cheesy tshirt, a necklace and chocolates. You can have my chocolate.


Imagine us running together….Hmmm-Imagine me crossing the finish line about 15 minutes faster than usual. Oh-I'm lovin' this! (The finisher photos will be great with you dragging me across the finish line-maybe on a stretcher:) I'm signing up now! Is there prize money in this race? You are going to need to find races with cashola soon. Great little side job for you before you hit the big time with the Nike Contract:)

My husband won't drive with me.

I hate tapering but it definitely helps race day! I've only ever tapered for my 2 marathons.


I'll run the half with (behind) you if you buy me a plane ticket and provide me with a place to stay ;) But you'd also have to wait around for about another hour until I cross the finish line.

I prefer to drive. Being a passenger is just… weird. Although there are times I'd rather be the passenger… like when eating frozen yogurt.

I've never seen So You Think You Can Dance… but I love Dancing with the Stars… does that count?

And I've only run one race so far, and I did taper for it. Don't remember how, though. Ha. I know I pigged out the night before and was sooo nervous a few days before I could barely sit still!


yes i taper, but tapering always seems to make me nervous, so i make sure i get in at least one speed workout in during the week before the big race!! and YES teaching her does make you FAMOUS!!


I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance….WAY more than American Idol! I always cry at the finale. I'm lame.


So this honestly the 3rd time I have tried to comment but I have signed myself out the other two times and I am starting to get annoyed with what I have written! here we go again…

I wish I would have signed up for this race since it's like 15 min away from my house! I would have died though, seriously. I am more then willing to wait at the finish line with Billy and give you ice cream and skittles at then end!
If you have a get together I would join you in a heartbeat but would it still be okay if I consider myself a jogger right now and not a runner? ;)
Loved SYTYCD. It's still on my DVR and I watch it every now and then.
3 tangents….1) When I had my 3rd baby 6 months ago we didn't find out what we were having so I told the Dr. and nurses that I wanted to have like a Cafe Rio moment where when the baby came out they would all shout what it was….It's A BOY!! instead of FREE MEAL! 2) I read romance novels 3) I am a nervous baker and have 3 dozen cookies in my kitchen right now!


A race that gives out shorts? I like it! My closet is literally overflowing with shirts so I definitely don't need anymore of those…

I think spectators have a HUGE job on marathon day…my family always needs a nap after my marathons because they're so tired from the early morning and running around to find me. :)


accomplishment totally!!


oooh I love SYTYCD. She was one of my faves too. She's so stinkin' cute!! I idn't realize you just started running marathons last year. me tooooooooooo. Although I'm not placing like SOMEONE I know. :p


Hey thanks for the shout out…it's been a great birthday…

5th in your first marathon. amazing, girl. simply amazing. you were truly born to run.


It depends who is driving! Some of my friends think that a speed limit is a challenge to double it or whatever, so I hate being a passenger in those cars. But generally I like to be a passenger- I can look out the window more.
Love the shorts prize for the race- what a great idea :)
I taper for long races (eg half marathon) and for a 10k I take it a little easier in the week leading up, but not a taper as such for those.


That is SO COOL that taught her! I LOVE SYTYCD soooooo much! It's one of my favorite shows, and I am so mad I missed this season! And that totaly makes you a celebrity!!!

I also hate driving long distances. Shane does all the long driving (and most of the short driving). I'd rather cuddle up on his arm or sleep or read, or belt songs into his right ear. That's way more fun. :)


i used to love SYTYCD. now i only watch it in the summer time as there is nothing else on tv. during the regular year, i have too much on my plate. ie. i have too many tv shows that i watch. lol


I've only seen so you think you can dance a few times but I always really love it when I do catch it! I am a passenger all the way! My boyfriend drives my car when he is with me and it doesn't bother me one little bit, he really is a much better driver. I am tapering for a half marathon I am doing this weekend but it's just a quick taper! I ran 12 miles on Sunday and this week I'm running 2 miles on 2 different days. It's sort of freaking me out!


I love to drive! I think that being her teacher totally makes you famous :) Have a good taper week!


Mollee was one of my FAVORITES!!!


When SYTYCD comes on we'll have to have virtual parties. It's the ONLY tv show I watch. :) So cool that you were Mollee's teacher. She was amazing. Mia Michaels is my personal hero. I'm doing a post SOON about it. :)


I am OBSESSED with SYTYCD — serious, serious, serious obsession here, let me tell you! What a lucky duck you are!!! xoxo


I think it is cool that you teach health!


When I was racing full time as cyclist I NEVER tappered, but then again I think I really only raced to stay thin. I have never seen SYTYCD….EVER. Its not that I dont like it, I just never really watch to much tv! I do think its pretty rad of you to have taught her, good thing you got the photographic evidence! Also I love love love to be a passenger. Seeing how God's in the drivers seat of my life, I am always a passenger no mater what :)


I don't drive if my husband is available.
Don't watch SYTYCD.
And, I was getting ready to google "taper". First half is in 11 days. I feel like I will be mentally stronger if I keep running. Don't know exactly how to taper. Hmmm… Run less? Crosstrain? Speed but no distance? More days off? IDK


Very awesome about Mollie from SYTYCD! I am a former dancer and my sister teaches competition dance part time so we are HUGE fans of the show!


I wish I was doing this race. It would be nice to see a little good weather for a change!
I love being the passenger. My husband drives during our long trips too. I drove through part of Oregon once and got a big old speeding ticket. Plus he can't sleep while I'm driving. My son just took his driving test yesterday. I give you big kuddos for teaching teenagers to drive. I don't think I could do it!


hope your race goes great! If i lived near you i totally would sign up. We are doing a 10 mile (me and my 1st time half runner friend) and a 15 mile (him) race this weekend :)


I dont think I can bike to Utah in time for the race


Drivers ed! That's funny. I hated that experience in life.


oooh I love SYTYCD. She was one of my faves too. She's so stinkin' cute!! I idn't realize you just started running marathons last year. me tooooooooooo. Although I'm not placing like SOMEONE I know. :p


I love my car and I love to drive it but I make Brian drive me all the time because he is better at it! And it makes him feel like he is taking car of me which I know he likes! I don't taper for mini races in my training plan (like my 5 mile race coming up) cause its more like a training run. But I will taper for my half in May.


SYTYCD??? Um..yes. Oh…yes.
When oh when does next season start???

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