Friday Favorites!!!

We woke up to more snow and then it snowed for my entire run.  This last month has felt like 4 months all in one so all of the new snow almost made me feel like we have already arrived into next winter ha.  Nope, it’s still March.

9 miles @ 8:26 average.

Before my run I had some sourdough banana bread.  Our friends a street away brought it to us and it was my first time trying this type of bread and it was amazing.

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Well, the snow made the hot tub even more fun for the kids.

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They kept making snow angels and then running back into the hot tub as fast as they could.

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Then we came in to eat crepes and get going on schoolwork.  The kids love Nutella and powdered sugar with theirs and I just want some syrup and fruit with mine.

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It’s crazy how a few weeks ago I made the goal to only eat out once a week because it felt like I was wasting money but now I feel like I want to do what I can to support local shops by getting takeout.

A lot sure changed overnight.

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We got in a little bit more of fresh air after we were done with schoolwork…

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And is anyone else feeling like going to bed at 7 pm with this new schedule?

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I have just a few Friday Favorites for today!

*The more add-ins to guacamole the better.  I made this version with cut up tomatoes, corn, red pepper, garlic and salt and it was heavenly.  I like to see how much I can add to each chip without it breaking…

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*Two things I ordered for the kids that have been huge hits with them.  Beamo (flying hoop) and Lite Brite (this one took me back!).

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*We watched Onward for the first time and it really was such a good movie.  We all loved it!  Brooke and I also loved watching Star Girl together on Disney+ the other night!  Oh and Andrew and I started watching Tiger King together on Netflix and that show is NUTS!

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*The Shotgun Kids Bike Seat is amazing.  We’ve tried it out a few times now and it is so fun to have Skye in front of me so I can talk with her the whole time.  It also helps her to feel more a part of things because she is so much younger than the big kids. I think she feels frustrated she isn’t able to do what they are doing all of the time and this really helps her.  We definitely recommend it and now when I want to trail run (I don’t go by myself), the whole family can join me (once this snow melts:).


*I started a free course online that I’m REALLY loving so far.  It’s called The Science of Well-Being and it is so interesting.  I’m learning so many things for myself (especially during hard times like right now) and things I can help my kids to learn as they grow up!  You can find it on

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*What Des said (I edited it a little:)… Races are gone for now but keep running because it is training us for LIFE.

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Any other add-ins I should include in my next batch of guac? Or do you prefer pure guacamole without the extras?

What are your feelings about Nutella?

-I only like it in cookies or an extremely thin layer if it’s already on something, otherwise I would never choose to eat it.

Have you started any new hobbies or things during this time?

Tell me one thing you are looking forward to this weekend (even though it feels like every day is the same…just want to hear what you are looking forward to)!

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Hey! I’m loving the toddler hot tub idea – my father in law has one, so we’re going to take our 2 year old today. What temperature is working for Skye? Thanks!!


Oh I am SO glad you guys are going today! We’ve put ours at 95 for when the kids are with us and it feels like a luke warm bath but it still feels pretty good. Have a blast!


Hi Janae !
First of all, don’t worry, spring will arrive one day ! :)
It’s fun to see your kids in swimsuit with the snow all around you. I’m cold just looking at the picture ! Haha !
That tub must be great !
I really love guacamole. I never tried to add corn or other food in it but i should try ! (Tonight we will have natchos for diner… with guacamole of course).
I also love Nutella (we buy the Organic equivalent). But when we start eating it, it is hard to stop :)
I started reading «Behind closed doors». From the start i’ve been immediately captivated by the story and can’t stop reading it. It won’t last long.
This poor Grace seems to be confined too, in a sense ! (I don’t know why until now).
Did you finish it ? I’m page 60.
I think i will have to read all B.A Paris books !
Have a nice snowy day !


Hey YOU! We need to have a bookclub together… it’s so good. Still not done but getting close and then we can talk all about it. Now I need to have some nachos for dinner… enjoy and let me know what you decide to read next. Thank you friend!


Let’s talk about it when we finish :)
When i read the news about our medical workers here, i often think about your husband.
I hope he is ok and that they are not overwhelmed.


I am looking forward to a true weekend! Our office is still up and running online so I am working from home 8-5 M-F. I am thankful for that. At the same time, I will also cherish being at home without the work obligation this Saturday and Sunday. And LOTS of outside time with the dog!

I do like Nutella. It just tastes like melted chocolate to me :)


YAY for the weekend for you and your office Amanda. I bet you are so ready and I’m excited for your all of your time outside in fresh air with your pup. Hope you get some Nutella soon! Thanks!


Sounds weird but try adding cashews to your
Guac. My family does this and it is amazing!!


That sounds amazing! Next round I make I am totally adding that. Thanks Katrina and happy Friday!


So many people have recommended that course to me! I’m going to start it.

This weekend I am looking forward to prepping for school starting next week, a long run, and hopefully finding some flour at the grocery store so I can bake again! I’ve been baking a lot during this time- banana bread, brownies, popovers, cookies.


Let me know if you start it:). Good luck finding flour, we need to bake during this time! School starting next week wahoo and have a fabulous long run. Thanks Mariah!


I am more of a purist when it comes to guac! Some salsa and lime is all I need!

My family has done the opposite in regards to takeout . . . we haven’t gotten any meals out in almost two weeks, because not everyone here is comfortable with it (it’s interesting to see where some people are cutting back in regards to exposure and some people are not). I don’t eat out a ton, but I really miss it!!!! I feel fine getting take out right now but trying to respectful of my family. Sigh. :-)

I think I’ve re-started old hobbies . . . pulled out piano music, relearned to embroider, and working on some writing projects I finally have time for! Hoping to get out for a long run this weekend; I’ve been running a lot more lately, and my legs are pretty tired! Have a GREAT Friday, Janae!


We love adding things to guacamole but sometimes we just add a squirt of lime along with salt and that’s it.

The days have been blurring together..I have been home for almost 2 weeks now and it feels like a life time.

While we have been eating home every night i have definitely been spending too much time online shopping hee. We too have been supporting local shops so noe I have more running scks than I know what to do with haha and a new water bottle for a race that won’t happen. And a pair of tights from bewildher a local lady who makes the most comfortable tights from recycled plastic bottles!

I love that you guys are hot tubbing in the snow! Also we saw Onwars too and really liked it but havent seen Tiger king yet. Have a fantastic day Janae!


I hope you have some amazing guacamole soon friend! Hahaha online shopping is the best way to support right now and everything you bought sounds AMAZING to me. Thanks Kristine, you too!!


I hope you enjoy some guac that is as pure as possible soon:) It is a tough situation because people view it so differently at this point but I just want to help out these little restaurants here! SO awesome Kristin that you are playing the piano, embroidering and writing. You inspire me! I hope you have a beautiful weekend and that you get to eat out soon again!


I just started that class too!


This makes me so happy! Keep me updated with how it is going for you!


If you like seafood, try adding lump crab to your guac. Adding protein makes it a meal, and it’s a fun twist. I’ve also had mango as an add-in, which is fun, too.

I like Nutella but prefer Justin’s hazelnut chocolate butter, which is the same but tastes more like real hazelnuts to me.


That sounds like heaven!! I will be trying that asap and the mango too.. yum. I have never tried Justin’s version. I’ll have to get it. Thanks Emily and have the best day!


Pomegranate! We had a “Rock the Guac” group date night once where everyone brought their secret ingredients and we voted on the best one. Fun when all of this craziness is over!

Would love to know what kind of hot tub you got/a review if you haven’t already done that. Looks so fun! Have a great day!


This is the best idea ever. How have I never participated in a date night like that… can’t wait to try it. I’ll for sure write a review about it. It is from Bullfrog and Andrew knows all of the stats so I will get those and write about it. Thanks friend and have a great day!


I’ve been struggling to keep up my training at home. With the kids and my husband home all day I’m ready for bed at 7 pm too. I’ve pretty much given up my half marathon for spring. I’ll keep going shorter distances but mentally that is all I can handle right now. We got take out last night too, just to be supportive. Keep hanging in there! I enjoy your posts!


Time and a season!! You are doing SO much right now and that half marathon training will come when the time is right. You are doing an amazing job Karen! Thank you and keep in touch. Stay healthy!


Oh my goodness I feel the exact same way about winter! Literally thought we had made it to December again when I woke up yesterday (we’ve had snow all week here in Calgary!).
I’m definitely a quac purist. Just lots of salt, lime and a little cumin. But I feel like it is hard to ruin an avocado. They are the world’s most perfect food.
Thanks for the recommendation! I start Tiger King last night, and you’re right it is bananas! I’m am so fascinated by what people chose to do with their lives.
I’ve been working through an online certification called Brain Story. It’s about the science of brain development and how trauma impacts kids and families. I started it as prep for a new job (my start date has been delayed. sigh.) but it is super interesting and would definitely recommend! If you’re interested heres a link:
Have a great weekend :)


I bet things are really cold in Calgary right now! I hope you guys get some sunshine soon along with some amazing pure guac! You’ll have to let me know what you think of it when you are all finished.
THANK YOU so much for the link. I was wondering what I would do next after this course. THANK YOU! Can’t wait to start it. Keep me updated with when you start your new job, that is exciting (and I hope it is sooner than later)! Thanks Rachel, you too!


I’m in Texas so no additions to guac – avocado, garlic, lime, salt, and cilantro… anything else and I would classify it as an “avocado salad,” LOL!

I love Nutella…but not on its own, I want it mixed with peanut butter. This was my FAVE pregnant snack…especially if you dip a pretzel in it.

I’m an attorney and in my county, we are considered essential…so I”m still working full time while also balancing helping my husband who is working from home watch our kiddos…so no new hobbies yet, we are sort of in survival mode. But we have enjoyed a bit more time for nice walks outside.

Thanks for continued fun and motivating posts, even in this crazy time!


You are so welcome Baili and thank you for commenting, I love hearing from you guys. Avocado salad hahah… mine really is one of those. I have to mix it with pb for Knox, he will love that. I don’t know how you are doing it all right no. I’m cheering for you and your family. You guys are doing an amazing job and enjoy your next walk together!


Wow, I can’t believe you all got snow! It’s supposed to be in the 80s here next week and I CANNOT wait.

I sprained my ankle 1 week before we officially went on lockdown so I started using the Peloton a ton more! We also decided to lay laminate flooring in the kids’ rooms. We got everything out of the first room and got the moisture barrier down, but my husband is having a beast of a time getting the first two rows down and then he got sick :( so we now have all of one kid’s stuff jammed into two other rooms and no flooring in one room. Oy. Ha.

I am looking forward to sleeping in a bit this weekend, watching church online, bbq-ing, and playing some board games. We just tried out Ticket to Ride and it’s pretty fun.


80s! I NEED THAT! Huge bummer about your ankle but I am so glad you are loving your Peloton (we want one so bad)! I hope your husband is feeling better asap! Good luck with the flooring, I’d love to see before and after pics (those are my favorite). Enjoy some extra sleep and I forgot about that game, it is a blast! Enjoy Marissa!


Hi Janae! I sure can’t wait for warmer weather to come! Our farmers markets are doing drive through, I think I should go check that out to support them! Happy Friday and wish a good day for all!


That is AWESOME that your farmers markets are doing drive through… HOW COOL. Enjoy and the same to you Amy!


I turn 55 Sunday so i got that going for me! Other than that it should be a pretty slow weekend with no sports and rain forecast every day.

I’ll run about 2 miles Saturday as i ease back into things. And I’ll study up on some big toe exercises!

I tried this one but I can’t do it hardly at all. Is it me or is it just that difficult? You’ll have to do a Baron family poll for me, lol. I’ll keep trying….


In 9 years of blogging, nobody has ever posted a video in the comments the way that you did… so cool! HAPPY BDAY WEEKEND! I hope you are able to eat your favorite foods and that your hamstring lets you really enjoy your 2 miles tomorrow!

PS that was really hard for me hahah… I’ll have everyone try it. Thanks John!


Oh weird. I didn’t do anything different, just cut and pasted the link.

I can do that exercise much better with my left big toe than right, which makes sense. I’ve only tried it a few times. I had my wife and son try it yesterday and got a few laughs out of it. My wife could do it pretty well.

Enjoy your weekend!


You have such a beautiful family! Thank you for your posts – they’re a bright light in these scary times we’re currently going through. In South Africa we’re on day 2 (of 21) of complete lockdown so we can’t go outside for a run/walk/cycle at all! I will never take a run with my dog outside for granted ever again!!! Have a lovely weekend Janae x


Wow sourdough banana bread sounds amazing! Your kids are so lucky to have each other close in age to hang with during this odd time. My toddler is a little older than Skye and he doesn’t get why he doesn’t get to see his friends anymore. He keeps giving his infant sister a ball to throw… she hasn’t stepped up to the challenge yet ?

I too have been looking at learning something new during this time, although with a baby I don’t have much spare time. It just feels like it would be good for my brain to help what fees like Groundhog Day!
We’re trying to break it up a bit. My husband is working from home (sitting in the nursery with his computer propped up on a diaper bin) but has extra time to go on nice sunny walks and play. We also threw a birthday party for my sons baby doll the other day which was a fun diversion.

I’m keeping up on my biking and just started a new challenge/training plan which will help keep me moving.

Take care!


Oh that is so so hard for your little guy, just so confusing for them! Hahah I love that he is trying to play with his little sis though. I am glad you are getting in a little extra time with your husband and I’m going to copy your bday party idea… so smart! Keep me updated with your biking and new training plan, I’m excited for you! Thanks Kayse and you too!


LOVE Nutella! The more the better on things. You inspired me to get in the hot tub with my 4 year old – we had a blast! Tiger king is absolutely nuts … I can’t believe how casually they interact with those enormous cats.


Okay, this makes me so happy! Keep enjoying it with your little one. Seriously, my palms are sweaty just watching them so close to these cats. I have never watched anything more bizarre than this show! Have a great weekend Andrea!


I need to add corn to my guac – that sounds great!

I like Nutella on English muffins or waffles – I really only like a thin, melted, gooey layer.

I get to be part of our online service on Sunday! I’ll be singing soprano on the praise team (my usual Sunday role.)


Let me know what you think of the corn in your guac:). Thank you for reminding me of english muffins… we love those and haven’t had them forever. SO awesome that you will be singing on the praise team online too. Enjoy Kathy!


Nutella on strawberries, or spread thinly on a crepe with strawberries rolled inside … my 2 favorite Nutella uses.


I really really hope you get both of those this weekend Colleen!! I need to do Nutella on strawberries for my kids, they will love that. Have a beautiful Friday!


First of all, thank you to Andrew for his selfless work during this time and to your family for all the sacrifices! Also, this blog is such a nice distraction in my day so that thank you for that as well.

Second of all, agree with you for the most part re Nutella, but you should try crepes with sugar (we used granulated but powdered would probably work, too) and squeezed lemon. That’s always how we are them growing up. I think it’s maybe the European way? Anyway, if you like lemon desserts it’s worth a try. So good!


I’ve been sewing since I was 14, but I’ve started bra making this fall, so to me this is a newish hobby. Last week I ordered supplies for myself and my 16 year old daughter. I want to find the courage tonight to cut into beautiful lace. I have to remind myself that I am allowed to make mistakes and there is always more lace. Along the way I signed up for two weeks free I’ve been watching a bramaking class and loving it. They also have crafts for children. My husband used to put together radio control cars, and he bought himself a new set to put together too. We miss watching our childrens field hockey matches, and he is a referee too, so that is a lot of extra time this weekend. We might drive to the flowerbulb fields to watch all the lovely colors, it’s okay if we stay in the car. Longish run on Sunday. We don’t put corn in our guac, but a bit of lime juice. And yes to Nutella, but we don’t buy it very often, it’s gone very fast. Have a great weekend!


Chris and I started something together. We pick a topic, trade off picks. Over the next few days have to read 2 articles on that topic. Have a post Hope in bed discussion of key take a-ways, or something we found interesting on topic. Our version to satisfy some intellectual challenge and conversation………since everybody already knows how everybody’s day has gone. Our current topic is Panpsychism.

Nutella: When I am in Europe, one morning I will have a nutella toast. It tides me over until the next European trip.


Sourdough banana bread, woah! That sounds awesome. You don’t have a recipe for it, do you?


Must-try dessert crepe: rolled up with vanilla ice cream inside, then chocolate sauce drizzled over the top. Unbelievably good!


Can you share the crepe recipe?? Thanks!!


If you like feta cheese, try that in guacamole. Sounds crazy but it’s crazy delicious!

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