Silentish Saturday–> Time for 16!!

Why not stretch both calves at the same time?  My calves (or lack thereof) haven’t loved me this training cycle.

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Reunited for 3 miles with Josse (she is just coming back from injury) and it felt so right. Can’t wait to train for a marathon together next year.

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The Buff Bowls at Noodles & Co are pretty fantastic.  

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We are becoming masters at Play-Doh.

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First (of many) Halloween event. 

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Still figuring out the whole Trick-or-Treat concept.

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A make your own s’mores station.

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Brooke’s BFF and her mom joined us:)

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The whole state of Utah was in attendance.

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Turns out Trick-or-Treating is pretty tiring.  

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Haven’t had to use these in a long time but I have a feeling they are going to save me for my 16 miler this morning:)  

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I hope you are having a fabulous weekend already!  What is on your Saturday agenda?

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S’mores made with fudge stripe cookies?! That is brilliant! Glad to see Josse is back to it again! Being injured is the worst! Have a great Saturday!


The picture of Brooke sleeping is the best! Have a great weekend!


My kids are obsessed with play doh, still! Ran 10 this morning for my last “long” run before NYCM :)


Aww love Brooke’s piggy costume! And I have a half marathon trail race this morning!! Just doing it for the fun of it and to get back out on the trails before snow starts flying! Enjoy your 16 miler!


Those smores with cookies are a smart idea! My Saturday involves work then moving more stuff to our new apartment. But pizza with the hubby before the moving makes it seem like less work.


Falling asleep in a pig costume….that was adorable.


Could that photo of Brooke sleeping be any cuter??? Today will be a rest/walk day since I have a race tomorrow. Pretty lazy day and I’m okay with that! Have a great run!


Yay Brooke is SO cute! She and her friend are just too much!

This Saturday I am going to my shift at the yoga studio, then taking a class myself, then taking jeans to the tailor (FINALLY) and shoes to the cobbler, then working on a Grad school app, then baking! Then off to a girls dinner:) lots of stuff happening


That little pig is the MOST adorable thing I’ve seen in a long time!!! Happy Hallowen……..


Hahaha I think I lol’d at every pic of Brooke in her adorable pig outfit! That is hilarious. Looks like you guys are enjoying this festive time of year!


It’s my last long run before NYC…eek!!!! I’m doing a 10 miler and then doing a Susan g Komen breast cancer 10k.
Sunday we’re going to a TN Titans game!


I know you are a brooks girl but Hoka One One shoes fixed all my calf pain/problems!


In 2014 my friend and I ran every step of the Boston Marathin togeteher (our BQ times were 5 seconds apart. We were trained but neither of us cared about a PR so we just ran for joy). She just had her baby, Lucy, and I get to meet her tomorrow!! Yay!


Oh my gosh, that picture of Brooke sleeping is so cute!

My Saturday is mostly without plans. There will be dishes, and a short run with my mutt (he only does short runs).


That is the cutest picture of Brooke!!! Love it.

I ran 2 miles today. Going to cheer my daughters at their soccer and field hockey games today. Tomorrow I will run my 19th marathon!!!!!


I just did my last long run (20-miler) before the Athens marathon!
I was supposed to do it last weekend but had some stomach issues so played it safe by waiting.
It was cold, especially as I ascended the mountain, there was a sign at my turnaround point that said 1 degree Celsius which is 34 Fahrenheit. It was 37 at my house where I started, and 40 at the end. I wore long sleeves, a vest, gloves, capris, and smart wool socks. And running shoes of course. I wished I’d had warmers for about 8 of the highest elevation miles, or warmer gloves!
Other than that the run was perfect. I ran through the clouds/fog and then above them where it was sunny, then back through then again on my way down.
Pizza, Coke, cappuccino, hot chocolate, then nap. Now I am ready to plan dinner!

I hope Baxton is as willing a lion as Brooke is a piglet.


Aw, love Brooke’s costume. Halloween is so cute when they are little. I loved Play Doh and still do, even if my son is done with it lol…Today’s agenda – long run, out with friends for lunch and hopefully some shopping :)


Good luck on your long run, Janae!
I have a 10 miler to do today, I was supposed to do it in the morning but I went to bed at 2am last night…oooopsie….


Love Brooke’s outfit! So cute!

I’m making some pumpkin pancakes this morning and hanging out with my ‘rents.

Hope your run is going/went well! :)


Hope you had a good 16-miler! That’s so exciting that you’re already back up to 16. Looking forward to hearing about your marathon plans when you have them solidified!

I did 6 pain free miles this morning which I am counting as a WIN! :) Six may not be a lot it is better than 0 which is what I had to do last weekend!


That picture of Brooke ???

I’m leaving on a work trip on Monday – so I have to get caught up on work related things before I leave. So basically I’m on my laptop the entire time.

Make your own s’mores is amazing


What are you training for? Which race?


Love the pig costume!!

Have a Pumpkins in the Park 5k this evening! Aside from that, I’ll be running around town trying to find a Halloween Costume for my pup!

Enjoy your 16-miler!


OMG Brooke in her pig costume is the most adorable thing ever!


Brooke is too cute in her costume! What a fun age to be at for trick or treating. Today I am laying low still recovering from nose surgery this week. Yesterday I thought I was going to die, but today I’m feeling a lot better.


Brooke’s costume is too cute!
I will be going to a friends housewarming party / bonfire later today.


My babe is going as a piggy too :)


We were going to go to that party last night but we had yet another bday party, which was still fun. Looks like it was a blast!
One more birthday party today (October is a busy bday month) maybe some running at some point.


Brooke’s costume is so cute! Did you pick that out for her? The picture of her sleeping is priceless.

Today is supposed to be one of those rainy, cool, fall days in Oregon. I’ll probably do a little work, house cleaning, and go on a run. Movie day?! :)


Brooke’s costume is adorable! Enjoy your 16 miler!


Brookers is absolutely adorable. I love Halloween but my kids are 15 and 22 so no more costumes for us.

I’m picking up my Bible today for tomorrow’s maratjon so taking easy today


OMGosh!!!! The sleeping little piggy picture!!!! Love it!!!


Two things: s’mores hack by using fudge stripe cookies–ingenious!
Pic of Brooke asleep with pig costume on is priceless! Made my day!


I love the pig costume!!
This afternoon it’s time to eat chestnuts while I encourage runners at the “Girona Cathedral Sprint”, a great sporting event!
Take a look ;)


That passed out little piggie!!!! So precious :)I’m in Chicago with my boyfriend this weekend to celebrate my birthday. Today we see taught a river cruise and tonight going to a Blackhawks hockey game. Tomorrow I will run along the lake!!


Just finished a good 10 mile run. The weather is sunny and beautiful here in Florida. Looking forward to spending the rest of the day with my family. Even precious little piglets get tired too. What an adorable picture! Have a blessed day.


The sleeping pig picture is the best!!!!!!?


Brooke is adorable in her pig costume and that picture of her sleeping in it is priceless :-)
I was really looking forward to a beautiful fall 8 miler this morning but it was raining so I took it inside on the treadmill. I will try again tomorrow!
Hope your 16 miler goes well!


Brooke’s costume is adorable!!


Brooke’s costume is adorable! Did someone make her costume? It looks homemade!

I’m resting today, since I’m not feeling 100% (sore throat and chest congestion ICK!), but still gotta get chores done around the house. Lazy days are nice!


S’mores with fudge stripe cookies is brilliant, so much easier for little ones.

I did my first run, 6 miles, without walk breaks since my injury. I felt good too!


She’s so cute in her pig costume! I usually have to work on Saturdays, but I have today off so I need to get lots of homework done instead.


Got my own 16-miler in this morning! My legs weren’t feeling so great the first few miles, so initially I was just hoping to finish 12 miles, but somewhere around mile 10 I got a miraculous boost of energy and just didn’t want to stop! Love runs like that.

My one major goal for today: bake pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. I’ve been looking forward to them all week.


Brooke sleeping in her costume is adorable! The scenery where you live in Utah is unreal. Today, I have class til 430 then hitting up a brewery for a co-worker’s going away party. Hope you and Brooke have a great rest of your weekend!


Yeah…the sleeping Brooke in the pig costume for the win. Totally.

Also..if I wasn’t Celiac I would be making the S’mores with Keebler cookies immediately. That really IS genius.


I love Playdoh! And that piggy costume!


Brooke = adorable


That pic of your sleeping pig is amazing. Made my day!


I ran a 10 miler this morning with my Athletes to End Alzheimer’s team. We joined up with the Nike running group. There were over 100 of us running the last 10 miles of the NYC marathon course. So many people on the street were encouraging and clapping and then all of banners were up and bleachers in the park. I may have cried a bit. Do most people get this emotional running?


Make your own s’mores station??? Brilliant! I ate smores last night, soooo yummy.

This Saturday me and my friends are hanging out at a cabin, relaxing, eating, and playing games. We just did a puzzle! :) relaxing Saturday’s are the best!


Brooke looks adorable in her costume:)~!

I did my final 20 miler of this training cycle this morning and it felt GREAT, so I am pumped for my marathon! Taking it easy the rest of the day:)


Brooke’s expression when the lady is handing her a sticker…. she’s like ‘where are the Swedish fish?’ Also her little pig snout is just too cute!

I’m working today and racing a 1/2 tomorrow. Good luck on your 16 and take it easy kiddo.


The s’mores/fudge stripe idea is genius!!! It is the little things in life that bring such joy like Brooke and her best friend in such cute costumes and Cute little sleeping Brooke!!! ????? My daughter and I met my niece at the West Orange Trail and did 4 miles with them and 3.2 by myself. We did not go early so it was too hot. It is hard to imagine needing hand warmers when we wish we were running with air conditioning around us at all times. Tomorrow will hopefully be 9 miles.


I’m jealous of the s’mores and fudge cookies, they look so good!


that pig/piglet costume is absurdly cute


That pig costume is adorable! Hope the long run went well!!

A few random things on the Saturday agenda that already happened – condo inspection and Orange Theory class…now just relaxing at Starbucks trying to catch up on Internet world.


OMG love the picture of Brooke and her friend and of Brooke sleeping. You make parenting look fun! :)


Love the picture of your precious sleeping little piggy! Too cute!
My son is a ninja turtle! Love Halloween with little ones!!!

You have me craving s’mores!!! Yum!!!

Question from previous post, how are your runs emailed to you? From downloading Garmin? Thanks in advance!

Love your blog! Motivates me! Tomorrow 10miles in books… Think I need to look into those hand warmers soon


Hey girl!! You need s’mores asap! Good luck on your ten miler, you will rock it! My coach inputs my workouts each week into training peaks and then they email me!


The sleeping piggy made me laugh out loud when I saw it. Absolutely adorable. You are back to 16 miles already? You go girl!


That pic of Brooke sleeping has to be the cutest pic I’ve seen all day


Brooke’s costume is too cute!


Brookers in costume is PERFECTION!


THAT PIG COSTUME! That is the cutest thing I will see today!


OMG I think Brooke’s costume may be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!


Your running pictures always have the most amazing backgrounds! Lucky duck! And the pic where she fell asleep in her snout is too stinking cute

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