10 deep thoughts about running and some fun news!

Here are a few things that I have been thinking about lately while running:

-I think it is normal while running to plan out exactly what you are going to eat the second you get home…  Right?  Or is that just me?  

-It will always be interesting to me that one day it feels like you are running on clouds with rainbows and then the next like your legs are tree trunks trying to run through mud.  You never know what you are going to get but that sure keeps things exciting.

– Why does it drive us so crazy to stop on anything but right on the mile or the .5 mile? You have to admit, stopping at 4.64 miles or something like that is hard to do—> I’ve got to make it 4.5 or 5.  

-Thank goodness running clothes and shoes have gotten so much more functional and cuter over the years.  Remember how boring they were 10+ years ago?

-I R.E.A.L.L.Y want a dog to run with.

-Why could I care less if hair is touching my face throughout the day but when I am running I can’t handle even a strand touching my face?

-I have all 10 toenails and 0 injuries this marathon training cycle.  Praise the heavens.  

-I find it interesting that eating while running at the same time is kind of the worst.  The one time (during a long run or race) that I really should be ingesting pure glucose/sugar for fuel is the one time that it doesn’t sound good.  Yet when I am not running, straight glucose always tastes and sounds good.  

-Why does my nose always run a bit no matter what temperature it is when I run outside but it never does when I run on the treadmill… must be the wind or something?!

-At my last half marathon I saw a group of junior high kids running the race and it made me wonder at what age is it too young to be running distance races?


Our trip to the park yesterday proved that I have zero upper body strength—>  I couldn’t make it past the first ring.  My niece rocked it though.

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I had a fun date last night and it started with chips and salsa.  I could drink this salsa and once upon a time I worked at this restaurant (Los Hermanos) and I am pretty sure I did drink it a time or two.  

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Fajitas for the main course.  I will never ever ever get sick of Mexican food. 

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Followed up by some intense bowling.  Two things about the below picture:  1.  It was glow in the dark bowling.  2. My very first frame of the night was a strike. 

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I sure hope sore forearms won’t affect my running negatively.  Three games last night and my right arm was dead.  

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And for my random exciting news for me and Brookers——>  We are house hunting!  My mom and sister have been accompanying us and it has been a blast.  I want to research every little ounce of this process to make sure I make the best decision so it will probably take awhile.  It is pretty much all I think about lately.  Oh, and we will finally be able to get a dog.  Maybe one that can run with me too:)

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Worked at any restaurants before?  Which ones?

Cuisine or a restaurant that you will never get sick of?

Something about running that you have been thinking about while out on your runs?

Do you have to stop right on the mile or .5 mile?  Or does it not bother you to stop on a random number?

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That is sooo exciting that you are house hunting! Can’t wait to hear more about it as you go :)
I completely agree on the hair touching your face thing, that drives me soooo crazy when I run so I am all about the huge headbands!
I am working at a french restaurant, and actually just got home after the evening shift! Good times :)


Random numbers still bother me a bit, but, I only run with a Garmin once per week now so chances are it’s happening a lot! On long runs I do plan what I’m going to eat after, it’s a good sign since it means I most likely don’t feel like puking in that moment. I worked at Friendly’s in high school scooping ice cream and never could I ever get sick of ice cream sundaes!


My friends and I always plan our breakfast when we run and that’s great news hat you’re injury free!!!
I waited tables in college and ALWAYS over tip. It’s hardwork!!
I can eat Mexican every day.
Run thought: Boston is almost here!!!!
As long as I’m over my goal mileage I can stop, but I never stop short.


I was a waitress and always over tip too, my husband doesn’t quite understand.


Generosity is a beautiful thing!


How exciting! And so worth the investment! I hope you find something that you love soon!

Yes, I am always thinking about what I am going to eat when I am done running even though eating while running doesn’t sound appealing at all. My nose runs while I run regardless of temperature. It’s annoying. I can’t stop on anything but a half mile or full mile either. I see these photos on Instagram of people stopping at random mileage and I just don’t understand. I can’t do it. I have mixed feelings about younger kids running long distances like a half or full marathon.

Have a great weekend Janae!


Happy house hunting! I LOVE looking at houses to buy. I blame it on watching too much HGTV.


Congrats on the house hunting.!! What a huge step for you and the Brookers. :) happy for you guys.
Oh and I want a Dogg to run with too.! I’ve been thinking about that too.
Oh I have to stop right on the mile. I can’t even do the .5 because somehow I always convince myself that I can run another half to make it a whole. I can’t help it.!!
Mexican food is yum :)


I can’t even stop on the .5 mile. I have to stop on the mile. I’ll even run circles/ laps till I hit exactly that mile!


Ugh, I take the whole .0/.5 to a whole NEW level- if I am running for time and I get to 35 minutes and 4.79 miles, then I see if I can get to 5 miles by 37 minutes (or whatever). Basically, I try towel my runs have round mile numbers AND minutes! It’s insane. Luckily for me I can live with quarter mile intervals :)


That is stressful hahaha! Runners… we are all sure interesting!


That’s so exciting about househunting! And yay! to the possibility of a dog—they do make such great running buddies.
I got eat fajitas and chips and guac all the time. I also never get sick of brunch/breakfast foods and could go out for those every day.
I can’t end on anything other than .5 or a whole mile for my runs also. Lately I’ve noticed how temperatures feel so different when I’m running than the rest of the day! I’ll need to be in a coat all day except when I’m running in capris and a shirt.


I worked at Cheddar’s for a bit when I was in college. I definitely wouldn’t do it again.

I could never get sick of Yogurt Zone or Monster Yogurt. Seriously.so.good. I also can eat sandwiches pretty much anytime–I love Potbelly, Corner Bakery and Panera! And I will never get sick of Wheat Thins. Ever.

I actually don’t stop on an exact mile or .5 ever. I hate things in increments of 5, so if I’m going 8 miles, I will usually run until 8.02. I just can’t end right on the mile.


That is fantastic news!! So very happy for you Janae and Brooke! :)


Oh my goodness, that is so fun! I so wish you were on an episode of House Hunters….HGTV obsession problems over here.

I’ll never get sick of pizza. Ever. Yes, this is its own cuisine ;).


How exciting that you are house hunting! I hope you find the perfect one soon!

I remember being able to do rings and monkey bars so easily as a kid, and now? LOLOLOLOL that would be funny. These days I’m just using the assisted pull-up machine trying to make my way towards one unassisted pull-up!


I am not sure that it counts as a restaurant.. but I worked at the bakery in Whole Foods. The people were very nice, and the environment was great, but I got really sick of baked-goods.

I never get tired of Chinese food. Szechuan eggplant is the absolute best.

On the treadmill or elliptical, I do prefer if I can end on a whole number, but lately I have been convincing myself that I should be less of an irrational person and just stick with whatever number I naturally end on.


I’m so excited for you about the house! If you’re looking for a good running breed– I’d check out German Shorthaired Pointers. My brother has one, and he can run 10 miles without even panting. He is also FAST and could keep up with even tempo paces– he is amazing! They are bred to run far and fast. I have a 2-year-old, 70-pound Golden Retriever/Border Collie mix who HATES to run with me. She will stop out of no where, sit down, and refuse to move. Cuddling on the couch is more her pace :-p.


I totally will check them out! Thank you so much Christine! hahaha I want a dog that loves to cuddle too;)


I have a German Shorthiared Pointer (GSP!) One thing to know is they can’t run for more than 2 miles until they are at least 1 year old! It can wreck their bones if they run too much as pups :( my pup is 10 months old and I can’t wait to run with him. And, expect to do some quality dog training classes for your running safety with a dog! I have spent about $350 on classes and highly recommend them, even if you have had a dog before. German Shorthaired Pointers also need a lot of attention throughout the day (runs, walks, fetch) but are AMAZING with children, they are really well known for their sensitivity with little ones.


Congratulations on house hunting! I am as well. It’s so fun and stressful…mostly just fun at this point though! Hope your whole process goes smoothly!

I don’t think I could ever get tired of Chinese food. It’s so amazing, but I would probably gain a ton of weight from all the carbs (might help my running though).

Happy FRIDAY!!


My nose always runs when I run.
I ran a half marathon last yesr and a 5 year old boy ran (and completed it) with his mom. It was crazy.
I have to run at least the miles I set out for but don’t mind if I go over. So a 4.08 4 miler is totally acceptable but a 3.92 is not :)


Congrats, that is huge news! Best of luck in the process.

I R.E.A.L.L.Y want a dog to walk/run with, too. I feel ya girl.


That’s so exciting that you’re house hunting! My husband and I are house hunting too and it’s such a fun process!

I’m like you, I’ll never get tired of mexican food. I love it! There’s an amazing mexican restaurant in Charlotte called Cantina 1511. Their salsa is SO good!


I love house hunting! I bought a condo about 3 years ago, and I had so much fun looking! I still check out zillow and realtor.com when I have time because I love seeing what is out there! Enjoy the process and take your time:) When you know, you know!


I will never get tired of Olive Garden’s soup, salad, and bread. I know it is not haute cuisine, but it is just plain good.

Running with dogs is great! I run with my pit bull Maybelliene. She is so obedient and protective. I feel so safe with her, and most of the time she is dragging me along when I think it is the other way around. When I think I must have tired her out from too much running, she gets a second wind and starts to sprint. Sometimes she is my motivation and keeps me going! Can you tell I love my dog?


That’s so exciting that you are house hunting! My husband and I are closing on our first home on Monday! It took forever for us to find something- we had been looking for 2 years and ended up going with new construction so it took even longer. But hopefully it will be so worth the wait!
I used to always make sure I stopped on .5 or on the mile, but I’ve gotten better about it, but I always like it to be more than I planned…like I wouldn’t want to stop at 4.96 on a 5 mile run but I would be ok stopping at 5.04 if that makes sense?


I have to stop on a round number, no random stops! And I worked at Mongolian BBQ, ha!


house hunting is so exciting!


I want a dog to run with too! And play with :)


Enjoy the house-hunting! The actual purchasing part is so painful, but the hunting and touring is super-fun — not to mention the excitement of getting to try something new!

With running — I just have to stop at a round quarter-mile increment. So, I can stop at like, 4.0, but not 4.1. Or, I can stop at 4.75, but not 4.65. For some reason, it just drives me NUTS otherwise!


We will be going bowling tonight, too–and I can guarantee it will make me sore!

I used to work at Perkins when I was in HS. I loved it!

When I am out running I think about everything and nothing and never really remember but somehow it clears my head! So, I not only have to stop on .5 or .0 for my distance, but I also want my time to be .5 or .0 so the end of my runs are kind of funny looking. I’m sure I completely entertain my neighbors. I tell myself not to do it but then I always do….

So excited about the house hunting! You will love having a place to call your own and have your family. A dog would just be icing on the cake. My lab joins me on my cool down walk after each run. It’s so awesome to have a 4 legged buddy!


I actually force myself quite often to stop on the random numbers if I am done with my run just so I don’t get hooked on the numbers lol….My favorite part of running is the thinking about what I will eat when I am done and how good the food always tastes. I really think everything tastes that much better after a run, especially a long run or a race!


Congrats and good luck on the house hunting, friend! We’re right there with ya :)


so exciting Janae!! I sure miss your face & can’t wait to see you next month. xxo :)


IT HAS BEEN WAY TOO LONG PAM!! Congrats on LA… you are my marathon running idol!


You definitely need a dog to run with!! I run with my dog Dixie and she is the star of my blog… she motivates me to go run even on days I don’t want to because she gets so excited about it when I get home and they really need the exercise If you do end up getting one definitely take Brooke to a shelter to pick one out. Rescues are the best pets :)

Congrats on the house hunting, that is such exciting news!! Also, I ALWAYS think about what I’m going to eat when I get done running while I’m running.


I was running around the parking lot to get my Garmin to an even mile and when I stopped, a woman on the other side of the parking lot yelled, “Way to get the even mile”! I could NOT stop laughing. Too funny.


I stopped once at a weird increment time and it just felt weird. Haha. So I pretty much wonder a lot of the same things. Oh and having a dog to run with is a lot of fun. I have two labs and they are great to run with. Sometimes though they get a bit too excited and I face plant it Becuase they sprint right off the bat. Two times this has happenend!


Have fun house hunting!! And yay for getting a dog!


I do every single one of those things when I run including planning my entire day. The hair in my face even the smallest strand drives me nuts. That’s why I wear a hat always. Awesome news on the house hunting! Can’t wait to see what you get.


My upper body strength has gotten better but there are still exercises that make my arms shake. My left arm is pretty good at shaking when I’m doing a straight-arm side plank.


those mountains though <3
i just signed a lease for a condo and i can't have dogs there either. tonight i'm seeing my best friend and her new little pup and i'm going to have wicked puppy fever–even more than i already do!


How exciting!! There are a number of homes for sale by me!!! We live in cedar hills, by the golf course and it’s amazing! Great trails, neighborhood park, clean air, right by the canyon, awesome people ;) house hunting can be stressful, have some fun with it!


I’ll have to come look over there! Thanks Kendra… this way we could run together:)


I always know what my next meal is, so it doesn’t surprise me that you do that during a run, in which you will ultimately end up hungry. That’s so excited about house hunting My hubby and I just moved out of San Francisco into a bigger place, so we’re also going to get a dog soon! :) Happy Friday, J!


Yay! I am so excited that the two of you are going to be getting a house :) Good luck!!!


Sometimes I keep running on the treadmill until the distance, time, and calories all end in a 5 or 0. I have done extra miles to make this happen.


Okay, you take it to the next level:) I hope you are having a beautiful day and that you are getting some sleep Erica!


Congrats on the house hunting! How very exciting!!

I am always thinking about what I’m going to eat when I get while running. It’s what keeps me going ;). And way to have all your toenails! I got three black ones this training cycle, womp womp. Thank goodness for dark nail polish!


I only run on the zero, and my weekly miles have to be that way, too. 60, 70 total weekly miles, etc. It’s obsessive, yeah, but not the damaging kind. Congrats on the house-hunting! That is really, really exciting! Oh, and when I ran my first marathon in 1998, I wore soccer shorts and a cotton tee-shirt. Crazy eh?


House hunting!! So exciting! Can’t wait to see where you land :)


Congrats on the house hunting! Take your time and make sure you get what you want! We have two dogs, the black lab is almost 14 but used to run with me all the time. The other is a german shepherd/australian cattle dog? mix and is 2 and runs with me now. He has gone 16 miles on the trail. He loves it and it’s awesome company for me. I can stop anywhere. I don’t really care about the mileage. I wear a Garmin but only to see how far I’ve gone when I’m done. Maybe it has to do with trail running? I stop when I get back to the parking lot. haha.


When I was training for the Houston Marathon I would always talk about what flavor of blue bell ice cream I would eat that night with my running group….I think I talked about food more than anyone else.

Congrats on house hunting! So fun! I always run on the mile…except for when my garmin dies mid-run….like today :(


I have to stop on the half mile or full mile when I run……….i want to keep track of distances and weird numbers don’t work easily for that!

I keep thinking about how I should tone up and how I can’t wait for summer because I always feel and look more fit in the summer…………

And I would never get tired of mexican food (esp fajitas!) or breakfast foods like french toast, eggs, and biscuits!


I wasn’t running, but yesterday when I was out on my bike ride all I could think about for the last 45 minutes was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I inhaled one as soon as I got home.

I know exactly what you mean about stopping on the mile. I will run up and down my street back and forth (the neighbors must get a kick out of this) so that I can land on the mile or half mile.

My husband and I are house hunting too! Once we found out we were pregnant, we sold our house (it sold WAY fast – faster than we were expecting) and now we are on the search for a home that we can raise our family in. I plan on getting a golden retriever once we move. :) Happy hunting to you! So exciting!!!


A really great dog companion for running is a border collie! They are super smart dogs and love to run!


I love border collies!! Good idea Lisa! Thank you so much!


Awww yay for house hunting! that is so exciting for you and Brooke!! :) Also that salsa looks SO GOOD… oh man. Restaurant salsa is seriously the best.


So much to talk about here! First congratulations on house hunting! I’m still saving up the down payment and will start looking in September! I may need to pick your brain around then aha!

Second; My cousin is 15 and she ran her first marathon this past summer! Can you believe it?! I’m still struggling with 5 miles at 24! My goal is to eventually run one but she loved it; I think as long as you feel up to it and have trained well, distance shouldn’t be out of the option for teens.

Worked at any restaurants before? Which ones?

I have worked in an Italian restaurant and I guess that’s the cuisine that i’ll never get tired of! Pasta for daysss!

I have been thinking hard while running about getting engaged (he’s said sometime this year), weddings, house hunting, work related projects, and just all of my frustrations! :p It’s kind of a scrambled catch-all during my day.

I have to make it to a whole mile each time while running but then I walk as a cool down for a bit so it always ends up un-even..It bothers me but I know i need to cool down afterwards.

Whew! Also that mexican/ bowling date seems awesome! We’re getting Mexican tonight as well and I might just have to order the fajitas! :]


Love, love mexican food!!
Thought while pool running: I will literally kiss the trail I’m on when I start running on land again!!
I have to stop at the mile or the half mile – no random numbers… ever.
Such exciting news about your house hunting!!!
Happy Friday!!


yay for house hunting!! I just got a place too! It’s exciting! I would love a dog to run with someday!!


How exciting, happy house hunting!! It can be fun, but also frustrating at the same time!! Definitely take your time.

I actually don’t care what my miles end up at. If I set out for 10 miles….as long as I’m over 10 when i finish I don’t care. Am I the only weird one? I do, however, think about what food I want to have when I’m done. I really wish i didn’t think about food quite so much.

Can’t wait to see what dog you get!! How fun!!


Oh buying a home is so fun! My advice is to take your time and look at everything. Everybody says when the right wedding dress comes along, you’ll know. That didn’t happen to me, but when the right house came along, I just KNEW. My real estate agent was even like, “This the first time I’ve seen you genuinely excited through this whole process!”


Oh, and having a dog is pretty much the best thing ever. We had our dog already when we were house hunting, and I think what really sold me was the dog door leading out to the fenced in backyard!


Congrats on house hunting! What do you do about the nose running thing when you’re running? I carried tissues in my water bottle pocket all winter but there has got to be a better way! Suggestions??


I need to stop on quarter mile increments except I have a few exceptions like 3.1 or 6.2 or 13.1, I guess just because those are race distances? My mind is complicated but those distances are “allowed.” I guess technically it is ending on a 5 or 0 when you convert to kilometers…
I’ve been thinking about my 5 year plan on my runs. It really motivates me to set some goals and I always think so clearly when I’m running, it’s great.


Congrats on the house hunting! I’m sure it’ll be exciting and nerve wracking all at once.

I’d never get tired of Indian food. I’m pretty sure I could eat it just about every day.


I worked at Friendly’s (known more for ice cream than food) and one of the best things on earth is a peanut butter cup dunked in hot fudge. I haven’t had one in years but I want one right now.

My nose does the same thing! Is it sad that one of the main reasons I want a flatter stomach/slight ab definition is to feel more confident when I pull up my shirt to wipe my nose? ‘Cause even the best abs would make that move attractive?


YAY for house hunting! :) That is super exciting.

Also, I think it’s so exciting you are gong to get a dog. I have a boxer. He is my baby (lol) and loves to run with me. He can go for miles and then still want to sprint for 45 minutes by the river when we are done!


Your comment about upper body strength (or lack of it) made me chuckle. My 7 year old started rocking the monkey bars when he was 4 & it frustrated me that I couldn’t get past the first two. I finally set a goal & I swear, the first time I made it all the way across the monkey bars, it was like I’d run a marathon. Having my son there to encourage me & congratulate me…priceless!


I absolutely have to make it to a .5 or .0 when I’m running… I will literally run around in circles in front of my house to even out the distance :) So exciting that you’re house hunting!! Good luck! :)


I have to make it a mile or an even time. If I run for an hour and it is a little over the mileage, then I can stop. If it is under, then I will keep going until I hit the even mile. #ocdrunners


First and foremost, congratulations on the house hunting. That is SO exciting in so many ways.

My running partners and I ALWAYS talk about food on runs. It’s usually either what we want to eat or all the things we’ve been eating that we regret.

And yes, I think there is probably a runner’s induced OCD for specific things like mileage endings, sock alignment, shoe lace tying, etc.


It’s so true about not being able to stop except on the mile or half mile. Such an obsessive runner thing. I’ll run up an down my block until I’m exactly on that point.


The main reason I chose the puppy I did was to train him to run with me. He’s a great running partner but I couldn’t actually get him out to run until he was 16 months old, which is just this winter (It’s not good for the development of their bones if they run too much before that). But now I’m totally comfortable walking or running by myself as long as he’s with me, when it’s darker, or if I’m in a place I’m not as familiar with. And he’s become so attached to me – he’s a great companion :)


I always end up stopping on some weird number! It’s terrible! Hahaha!


House hunting is so fun. I love looking at potential houses online, and then actually going to see them in person. It’s even more enjoyable when you don’t “have” to move immediately, and you can take your time and see everything that’s out there!

On another note, I definitely think about what I’ll be eating after I run. Sometimes that thought is exactly what gets me through the workout! :)


AHHHH soooo exciting that you’re house hunting!!! I went through that process last summer and now I’m a happy (but “house poor”) homeowner :)

Your second bullet point- running is like a box of chocolates :)

And completely agree with the eating and running is awful. Gels that normally sound amazing when I’m buying them, are just unappealing during long runs. It severely bummed me out that my last 4th of July race, they provided every ice cream bar under the sun and they all sounded gross to me. Too bad those don’t travel well ;)


OMG! This post is freakin’ :)

Your running thoughts are spot on! I totally dream about my post-run meal while running, and hair in my face feels like death. Ugh! It’s sooooo annoying!

I have a puppy. A 4 year old Weimaraner. I don’t run with him- mostly because because he lives at my parents-but I want to start.

Super good post today!


Happy House Hunting! What an exciting time for you and the Brookers!! I pray you find everything you are looking for and then some : )


OMG! This post is freakin awesomesauce! :)

Your running thoughts are spot on! I totally dream about my post-run meal while running, and hair in my face feels like death. Ugh! It’s sooooo annoying!

I have a puppy. A 4 year old Weimaraner. I don’t run with him- mostly because because he lives at my parents-but I want to start.

Super good post today!


I stop at a random number when I run on the treadmill all the time. It’s because I walk for a bit to warm up and I am usually in a rush so I only walk for like 0.8 of a mile or something. I factor this amount in when I run so I usually end up running for like 4.58 miles or something random.


How exciting to be house hunting! Yes i always plan what to eat on runs. I have two dogs a border collie and a spaniel. My spaniel i only do up to 3 miles with. Our border collie will go forever. A thing to remember about running with a dog is they say not to run with them until they are at least a year old. And you need to build up their milage slowly just like we build up our own so that they don’t hurt themselves.


I never worked at a restaurant but I worked at a Barnes and Noble cafe for about 3 months. It was an eye opening experience for me (#neveragain). Favorite cuisine that I will never get tired of: Indian food :)


I worked at Starbucks for 4 years which was a super fun job. I met a ton of great people and it was a great work environment. The customers are kind of crazy but I think that happens at any job ;)

MEDITERRANEAN FOOD. Greek salad, hummus and pita all day.

I also think about food on the run… and when I’m on the treadmill I think about random tangents that usually come from the sports highlights I’m watching.

I have gotten a lot less OCD about ending on the mile. Instead I have transitioned to either the .0 mile OR a time that is on the fives. :)


Congratulations on the house hunting!

I don’t think I could ever get tired of Mexican food.


Yay I can’t wait to follow your house hunting adventures! My fiance and I just bought a house that we will move into after we get married this summer and it has been so much fun! I know you’ll find the perfect place for you and the Brookers. :)


How exciting! I LOVE house hunting.
We recently finally bought a house, but I still look on estate agent websites almost everyday. I think I might be a little addicted.
When out running I pass the time planning what I would do if I won the lottery, or if I met George Clooney!!


Ahh how exciting!! I’m especially excited about the dog bit :-) have you got your heart set on a particular breed? If not, I would recommend a poodle (toy/miniature/standard depending on what size dog you’re after!) they’re good runners, very intelligent so easy to train and great with kids! x


I really don’t mind stoping at any odd number when running, HOWEVER, if I post to social media, I can expect back lash from friends saying, “You couldn’t go that extra 0.3 miles to even it up to the next half mile?!” LOL… So, I feel intense pressure to keep it at the next 0.5 mile mark… HA! HA!


Congrats on house hunting, so exciting!
running thoughts: i kinda just let my mind wander
restaurants i couldn’t get sick of: i could never get sick of jimmy johns :) yum!!
i was a buser at a local restaurant, for 1 month. lol


I can’t imagine ever getting sick of Thai food.

Why I can’t do math while I run. Like seriously. Do NOT ask me to do any kind of calculation unless you want the absolute WRONG answer. But if I stop running, my brain can be like a calculator! lol

It’s funny, I’m normally to precise with everything I do…except with the distance I stop at. I think I actually prefer it to be something other than .0 or .5! No idea why, though!


I definitely think about what I’m going to be doing after my run, whether it be yoga excitement with my kids, eating, downing a huge glass of water, or taking a cold shower (since it’s been hot lately!).

I does bug me to stop at weird incremental miles…I will even stop my Garmin before I’m really done if say my house is only .18 miles away! Or converserly, run past my house just to even it out, and do the math in my head to figure out where to turn around. Come to think of it, I am often doing math on my runs, trying to figure out exactly when to turn around or where to go (I sometimes run randomly around my neighborhood).


Also, running with dogs is fun! I run with my Rottweiler once a week because I don’t want to hurt his joints and he can’t go far, but I also have a mixed breed and she looks like a fox and has a ton of energy. She sometimes can’t run straight, but she’s still fun. I definitely suggest getting a dog, especially if it’s just going to be you and Brooke. My husband (and I) won’t let me run at night unless it’s with our Rottweiler.


Good luck house hunting!! It can be fun/exciting/stressful all rolled into one! I’m starting to think about selling my house and starting to look again. I have a nice little house currently, it was a perfect starter home for me, but it doesn’t have a dishwasher :( My only requirement for the next house is a dishwasher!! LOL! We are hoping to have a big enough, fenced in yard, so we can get a lab or another type of dog that I can take running. I’m not a huge dog person, but I think it would grow on me once I walked/ran with it a few times!

It drives me nuts when my watch doesn’t accurately display the distance of a race. I’ve had to stop it like 13.07 or something like that for a half, and I hate it!!


Even stopping at the .5 mile is hard for me sometimes! Although I did it this morning, so there’s that. ;) Good luck with house hunting! Moving can be super stressful, but also fun & exciting if you don’t sweat the small stuff!


Congrats!!! House hunting is the best/most stressful thing ever! Although maybe in Utah its not so bad, In AK its super competitive – we lost 4 full or over full price offers before we got our house. But it all works out for a reason, I love where we live now.

I am a coffee addict and plan my treat coffee during long runs, its totally legit.

I love tacos, we have a cheap little place near us called Taco King and I could live there!

Happy Friday


Looks like a cute date night! Good luck with the house hunt!


Your 3rd, 6th and 9th are all me!! It’s like you pulled them from my mind.


JANAE! That is so exciting about the house (and the dog!!!) I am so happy for you. :)


Have fun house hunting and try not to get too stressed out!

I allow my self to stop on a .25, .5, .75, or .00 – but that’s it haha.

The nose running thing bothers me too! Mine always runs outside but never inside. Also – my eyes water like crazy when it’s windy, even if I’m wearing sunglasses.


Yay! House hunting is so fun, but can quickly get SO overwhelming! Good thing Brooke probably doesn’t have too many demands yet :)

When it comes to running, I have to finish on the same number as miles I’m covering.. like 3.03, 10.10, 26.26. Yes, I’m aware my brain is broken.


Yay for house hunting!!
Mexican food always has and always will be my favorite.
I was a waitress at Applebees a looong time ago.


Lucky for me, I can stop where and when ever. It is usually marked with a porta potty or my backpack. My running mind is consumed with family, jobs, and re-thinking life’s moments. The foods I like- anytime is great for rice and veggies, And lately I’m loving ham for no reason. Odd thing is the restaurant where I work, Stein Haus in Bay City, doesn’t ham or rice the way I like it.


I did spend a lot of my run today thinking about food. But then when I got home, I had no interest in eating anything and just wanted a bunch of cold drinks (even though it’s cold outside). In great news though, I ran 22 miles (longest training run for Boston!!) and the ice cream shop in my neighborhood opens TODAY! I am getting the best sundae ever to celebrate both occasions :)


Worked at any restaurants before? Which ones?
I worked at Hardee’s for my first job. They stuck me in the mid-afternoon shift since I march to the beat of my own drummer. Alas, to be 16 again…

Cuisine or a restaurant that you will never get sick of?
Mexican! And there are no Mexican restaurants here in Bulgaria and NO ONE tolde that before Inmoved here!!! Dying!!!

Something about running that you have been thinking about while out on your runs?
I wonder if I works different muscles to run a course clockwise vs counterclockwise

Do you have to stop right on the mile or .5 mile? Or does it not bother you to stop on a random number? I don’t mind where I stop, but am concerned more with time than distance right now.


Yay! Congratulations on your house hunt!


I never worked in food service.

I will never get tired of Italian or Tex-Mex food. And Pho, I love that soup.

Good luck with the house hunting!

I generally like to round my numbers off. I’m okay with ending at .30 but not .29. Why? Maybe it’s a mild form of OCD, I’m okay with that.


Yay! Congrats! Im excited to follow along in your journey.

I was just talking about how I can’t do those random lengths either. It’s bad too bc if I see that I am about to end on a 0 or 0.5 but I am also close to a round number in time I will run to that instead. But then I may be closer to another 0.5 and run to that…the cycle is endless!


I am confortable stopping my garmin as long as it is a whole devima, 8.3, etc,. Lately my running deep thoughts have focused on really taking time to enjoy my surroundings instead of stewing on stressful thoughts and trying to solve every problem on my list.i used to see running time as ” processing time”, now I’m looking at it as mindful recreation time, and I feel great!


You are so grown up, & I’m so excited to see what my room looks like. Also we should work on that upper body strength. ;) Love you to the moon!! xoxoxo


My nose runs when I run outside too….it drives me NUTS, but I’ve been told by a trainer friend that it’s called exercise-induced rhinitis. Who knows. All I know is that I can never go on a run outside without it running!!

I always have to run just over the mile. If I’m planning on running a distance ending in .5, I’ll run to .52, and if my mileage ends in a 0, I’ll end at .02. This morning I ran laps in my neighborhood to get from 15.6-ish to 16.02 :)

I always think about what I’m going to eat after a run while I’m running. Usually it’s the same thing, so I’m just looking forward to it, but I think about what I’ll eat later.


HOW are you finding all these men to date!?!?! No one around here has anyone to set me up with and it’s impossible to find a real Christian on Match! Sigh.

P.S. are you going to Blend?? I’m guessing no since it’s in CO this year but… YOU SHOULD!


House hunting is so much fun!

I love running with my dogs (and they love running with me). It makes your runs fly by and I personally run faster with him. They are the four legged running partners that push you to go faster than you thought possible!


Congrats and good luck with your house hunting! That is really exciting! And I’m with you on all accounts with the deep thoughts about running. So true, so true. You NEED a dog to run with. ASAP (<– does that make it seem like I am shouting? well, it is an urgent matter of sorts ;). It is so much more fun with a doggie. You can borrow mine if you need to. He is a champ.


I MUST stop at the mile. I have stopped at .5 a few times, but even that’s hard for me!

This post was real helpful today.. I had to do speedwork on the treadmill and it was SO bad. I hit my paces, but felt terrible! When I was done the rest of my day was great though! We just gotta push through.

I work at a pizza place! I didn’t think it possible but I am getting sick of it. Also, I had sushi for the first time on Wednesday!!! I can’t believe I waited so long!!


Good luck with the house hunting! It is always a fun but stressful process.

I always have to finish the mile. It just seems wrong to stop short.


You have hit all the points I experience with running!
Congratulations on the house hunting, such exciting news.
You and the Brookers are the bomb and are kicking goals all the time.

Running a half marathon tomorrow and determined for a pb. Then my first ever marathon is in 3 weeks and I’m so excited and nervous. Will be taper time after the race tomorrow


AHHHHH I am stoked for your 1/2 marathon tomorrow and first marathon coming up! PLEASE let me know how they go!


Mexican for the win. I can eat Mexican whenever. And smothies!

And these are the things I think about during my runs :)

Yep, I have to stop at a km end or 0.5!


We got a dog (puppy) last year to be my running buddy because my husband was concerned with me running alone. Titus is a shepherd/dane mix and very energetic. I haven’t started running with him yet because of the whole bone thing and you shouldn’t really start them running with you until a certain age because of that. He has long legs so his “run” with me will probably be a slow trot or fast walk, lol! I like nice round numbers….except when it comes to pace. I think I’m thinking about food pretty much all the time and I could eat those chips and salsa right now!


Running with a dog is the best! My little training partner never complains, always wants to run, and is quite a bit faster than me. It makes all the difference.


I always try to end on a .5 or .0 but I don’t mind it saying .52 or .02 because I always want to make sure I really did get to the .5 or .0 – I know – crazy right?!

HOW EXCITING – good luck house hunting – I can’t wait to own my own place. From what I have heard it can be very exhausting and stressful so sending positivity your way!


I absolutely love running with my dog! She could go forever, and she helps with my time too. #teamwork


I got a lot of difficulties in recent years with my own pup, i
wanted him to listen to me, i noticed many reliable secrets
in this site.


Hi! I just recently started reading your blog and it is great! I just wanted to comment on you maybe being able to get a dog to run with… I just started taking my dog with me when I run about 4 months ago and it is the best thing ever. I used to only take him on occasional shorter runs, but my husband encouraged me to take him more because he has so much energy and used to jump our fence and take himself on runs all the time. He also feels better that I have a somewhat intimidating looking dog with me :) Now he’s gone as far as 15 miles with me and it makes my runs so much more enjoyable to have my buddy with me. He is a lab/rhodesian ridgeback cross, and a few articles I have read say that ridgebacks are the #1 dog for a running companion. Just thought that might be good info to have when picking a dog breed! Thanks for all the great running info!


Move to Spanish Fork. You’d love it here :)


I’ve been reading your blog for awhile, but have never commented. BUT…..I just got off the phone with my boyfriend who said that once he gets back from deployment we have to get a dog. I’m excited to have a dog to run with! It’s the best thing ever!


AHHHH stephanie! Thank you so much for commenting! That is so exciting! Your boyfriend gets back and you get a dog! That is beyond awesome!


Hi Janae! I’ve been reading your blog for 3+ years, since I was 16 and brand new to running, and it never gets old! I often will read it right before I have a tough run because you’re always so positive and motivating! I am running my first half Sunday, and I can’t wait! I know I will definitely be using some of your mantras along the way (especially in the rain). “I can do hard things!!” One of yours I love! Thanks for always writing and being open and honest!


I am so happy that you are able to get a house..I really REALLY want a house.


Los Hermanos is my favorite Mexican restaurant in the whole world! I worked at the one in Provo for a couple of years while I was at BYU. I ate there almost daily and never tired of it. And I always came home smelling like fajitas! Now I live in SC, so sadly only get to eat there a couple times a year. There are so many awesome good food experiences in Utah that my husband and I miss, when we visit, it’s a food tour spectacular!


I always seemed to find my way to working at a Mexican Restaurant too! It is possibly because I too will NEVER get sick of this food. I am in the process of building a house so I think about that a lot while I am running these days. AND I have a REALLY hard time stopping on anything but a full mile. no .5’s for me! Good Luck house hunting! I hope you find the perfect abode for you and Brookers and a new furry friend.


Yay for house hunting! Me and my BF did that a year ago and it was so exciting/crazy! Any idea what kind of dog you want? We want another one, and my dream dog is a yellow lab retriever. I’m running my second half marathon tomorrow and I’m nervous because training the last two weeks has been non existant. #superlongtaperFTW?


You can borrow my dogs to run with. I can’t run nearly enough to wear them out!


I always have the weirdest thoughts when I’m out running, too, but mostly I think about all the glorious food I’ll eat when I’m done. I used to work at the Outback Steakhouse, and before that, a diner. I LOOOOVVVVEEE Greek food and never get sick of this local Greek place with the best falafel and to-die-for hummus. When I run with my Garmin, I don’t necessarily have to stop on a whole number, but do always have to round down when I record the distance in my running journal. I’m so proud of you for being injury free this training cycle — less than a month left now, girlie! :)


Having a dog to run with is the absolute best! Talk about motivation to complete all your runs! Good luck with the house searching!


Unrelated to any of your questions (just about the distance running thing), but our now-7 year old has been doing 5ks since he was 5, and he did a 7k when he was 6. He loves running, and we do a lot of work with him on pacing, so he doesn’t go full tilt boogie and wear himself out after the first half mile. We get him to pick the races he wants to try when we’re still a few months out, so he has lots of time to get ready for them.


I want a dog to run with too! Mine is small (14 pounds) so wouldn’t be good on runs. He loves walks though!

House hunting sounds fun. We have been renting since our relo and I’m looking forward to finding a place again sometime soon. But, I have to admit, when we had plumbing problems in our rental house last month it was since to not be responsible for the cost!

I’m a little weird about numbers although I’m getting better. For example, if I need to do 5 miles per a training plan I can’t stop at 4.92 – It has to be 5 or more…….BUT when I’m not training for anything specific I’m trying to let it go a bit.

I worked at a ton of restaurants when I was in high school and college!


I totally wish I still wore my retainer! If only I had been consistent and it still fit!

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