I was very nervous about taking the below picture.  My brother-in-laws wanted to give their FIRST niece (Billy doesn’t have any nieces or nephews on his side of the family) a kiss and so I let them.  

Photo copy 2

-I have decided that this is the best time to be pregnant.  The Olympics are on 24/7 and I have the best reason in the world to lay low on the couch with my feet up and gummy worms next to me.   

-I ran 41 miles last week.  Please note- I would not be able to run that much if I had a job or a life.  My current situation allows me to run and sit on the couch for the rest of the day.

-The latest drama on ‘where in the world to have my baby’ is that we are now pretty set on having her in California.  My doctor told me he will check me the morning of the flight and if everything looks great then he will write me a note to get on the plane.  I feel a huge relief because now I know Billy will be there even if I have no idea where the hospital is or the best donut shop (reward for getting through labor so I will have to find the best place in the week or two before I go into labor).

-This is probably TMI but for some reason my skin has gone nuts.  My doctor said not to worry but for some reason pregnancy has given me freckles (not just a few, closer to a million) everywhere and I know it isn’t from the sun because they are on my stomach which hasn’t seen the light of day for years.    

-Cantaloupe Cantaloupe Cantaloupe Cantaloupe Sour Gummy Worms Cantaloupe

-One of the best and most fun things I have done all month is organize her headbands, hats and bows. The second highlight is organizing her clothes by months.

Screen Shot 2012 07 30 at 8 44 34 PM

-As of Wednesday I can say that I am due THIS MONTH.  Hello August.   

-Something I have been thinking about is how do you know when to go to the hospital?  I am the kind of person that will probably have a tiny itty bitty contraction and rush into the hospital!  

How did you know it was time to go into the hospital?  Were you ever sent back home because of ‘false labor’?

Did your skin do anything nuts when you were pregnant?

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Good news, I have a donut shop in nor cal for you :) Psycho Donuts is ridiculously awesome :) http://www.psycho-donuts.com/

You can even get a 14″ donut with toppings of your choice!!


WHAT!?!?! Morgan, you are the best and you just calmed all of my nerves about moving to N. Cali. I will move anywhere for a 14″ donut.


Better read the reviews on Yelp first….


I cannot wait to see your little girl. She is going to be gorgeous!


Thanks so much Lauren!!! I hope you are having an amazing night!


Oh my gosh, you are beyond adorable! I’m not even pregnant and I’m all about cantaloups! I can’t get enough this summer! With both of my boys, I knew I was in labor with the first one (born August 12th) and was induced with the second. My first was so slow…38 hours of labor. CRAZY!!!


Thanks Sarena! OH MY GOODNESS… 38 hours?!?! How did you survive that. You must be superwoman! I hope you have a delicious cantaloupe waiting for you in your fridge!


It’s the best feeling ever to be able to say, “I’m due this month.” So excited for you!

And I wish I had advice for you about when to go to the hospital. I had to be induced so we knew when because it was scheduled :-) I would have gone in at even the smallest contraction too. Better safe than sorry!


Thanks so much Kiera!! If it isn’t too much to ask, why were you induced? Sorry I am way too curious:)


I was induced because I had borderline high blood pressure at my 40-week appointment. Since I was already a day past my due date and had high blood pressure, they decided it would be best to just get the baby out soon.

The whole thing was kind of a strange situation because I wasn’t really dilated at all when I went in to be induced and then nothing they gave me seemed to help “induce” any kind of labor. I wasn’t really having contractions and I only managed to dilate 2 cm in 24 hours! I ended up having to get a c section when I just stalled and nothing else was happening. Not ideal, but the baby was healthy, so that’s the most important thing.

Also, I think I may have used the same group of doctors as you in Provo! They were super great with everything during the whole labor process for me. Just in case you do have the baby in Utah. :)


Now I have a hankering for donuts. I definitely am living in the wrong state, since I have never heard or or seen a 14″ donut before.

The general rule of thumb for heading to the hospital is 5-1-1. Contractions 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute each for 1 hour. But I only have one child, was 10 days past my due date and was induced, so I’ve never felt a normal contraction on my own before. Looking back I can’t even remember what they feel like. Post-childbirth amnesia is a wonderful thing. I’m pretty sure without it my son would never have any siblings.


10 days PAST your due date, you poor woman! Thank you for the rule of thumb! That is exactly what my mom says about post-childbirth amnesia!


PS come visit us in N. Cali when we get there and I will take you for 14″ donuts!


Look into el camino real hospital and their birthing center in mountain view just north of Santa Clara. There is also o Conner hospital closer to the campus. And kaiser hospital. I have had friends that had given birth at two of them and I was born at el camino. ;)

And yes, you must check out psycho donuts!


Thank you so so much Sonia! I really appreciate this!


Oh! And palo alto medical foundation in mountain view as well, though I am not sure about their birthing center. They do have urgent care and all types of doctors under one big roof from pedetrician to allergists etc.


I get zits like I am a teenager when I am pregant. Except I didn’t have zits when I was a teenager, and NOW I do. What is up with that?

I went to the hospital when I was in early labor w/Annabelle knowing they would probably sens me home…but when you are past your due date, you cling to any hope in the world. I was only at a 3, but they told me I could stay. I went home anyway. Nine hrs later I KNEW I needed to go back. Sure enough I was at a 6.5. With Evan I was at a 6 when I went to the hospital. I had no doubt it was teal labor then ;)

If you go in early & they send you home, no big deal. Trust me. It happens to them a lot. But if you wait long enough you WILL know. Lol. I can’t believe you are getting so close. I am so excited for you and to meet this little lady.


My older sister was sent home for false labor, but then went into labor on the way home for the hospital. But, she just thought it was gas or something. So ignored it. She waited 36 hours before going back in. Scary!


I never had back labor or false labor or anything. I was uncomfortable when I was in labor during the day. Not hurting, but just uncomfortable all day. Like DOMS. I felt good in a bath of water and I would call a modified childs pose. Didn’t feel anything crazy or dramatic or scary. It didn’t go away all evening, and I was about 3 days from my due date so I went to the hospital. I said “I think I may be in labor.” It was funny. I was calm & nothing like in the movies. The ER freaked out, & I guess I was dilated to a 6. lol! Long story short, I had a very easy labor. And yes, I had an epidural as soon as I could, which the nurses said was a good thing because it prevented a lot of pain because I guess I was having a non-stop contraction.


Ummm I just realized from one of the comments that your baby might be born where I was born :O :) :) :) :) :) el camino hospital! It’s destiny that we become bff’s!!

For my kids, I was scheduled for a c section on the 21st. So when my water broke 10 days before that date, I was shocked! So much that I didn’t really even know if my water broke or something else was going on. My husband and I debated about this mystery liquid for about 1 hr before I called the dr. It was the middle of the night and I had to work the next day so I didn’t want to go to the hospital and be sent home hours later. The on-call dr told me to get to the hospital. That was at 2 a.m. and my babies were born at 8 a.m. I didn’t end up working that day ;)


you look lovely and so happy…it is nice to see
ok my advice now is to pack your bag!
I have 2 kids, they were both born at 37 weeks

I was sent home twice before giving birth the first time. They had to stop labor both times because it was 31 and 33 weeks. When it was time to go I knew because well it was very intense cramping and also felt like I needed to go #2 and nothing was happening…you will know I promise.


You are the cutest pregnant lady ever!

I was worried that I wouldnt know when I was in labor with my third (the other two were semi-inductions, I didnt go on my own) and sure enough I didnt feel any contractions leading up till labor. My water broke while I was laying in bed watching tv (felt a pop, wasnt sure though, so I showered) … baby #3 was born a little over an hour later. We live 25 min from the hospital and I showered and packed a bag…needless to say, we barely made it. Hopefully that doesnt happen to you!


I started having contractions at midnight and went to the hospital at 8:00 in the morning. By then my contractions were close together but still a bit inconsistent, being either super close together but short, or like 6-8 minutes apart and long. I was so afraid that I would be turned away that I actually stayed in the car for an hour to be sure they were close enough to warrant being admitted (my husband didn’t mind because that meant he got a little nap). By the time I went in I was dilated to a 3 (i think…maybe a 4) and fully effaced and they let me stay. I had heard lots of people say that they weren’t admitted until they were a 5, so I was lucky! It probably didn’t hurt that I had my induction scheduled for the following day, so I think my Dr was a bit more accommodating. I was 41 weeks by that point!

Good luck with everything.


You are the freaking cutest prego ever!

I also LOL’ed at the “cantaloupe cantaloupe sour gummy worms cantaloupe”


Damn 41 miles–yo go girl!!!!!! That is amazing!


I love all of those headbands!!! Little girls get the cutest clothes!


My skin flipped out when I was pregnant, but only on my legs and ankles… weird, right? I got this awesome bruising/discoloration all around both ankles and up part of my legs. It still hasn’t gone away. Oh well. . . small price to pay for having the best gift ever!! Daughters are the best!!

I had a scheduled induction but I wonder what I would have been like if I had just been waiting around for labor to begin. You will do awesome!!!


Most def the cutest pregnant lady EVER! I hope I look half as good as you do, and am able to get around and exercise so consistently like you do too! My best friend was beyond awesome and worked out/walked up throughout her pregnancy until about 1-2 weeks before giving birth.


Even though you won’t know what hospital for a while still, as soon as you find out, check if they have even a one day class on labor & delivery. Even if you don’t need that information they will tell you what to watch for so you know when to come in. You’ll also at least have a tour of the ward and know what to expect. I didn’t learn much more than I already knew from books and the internet as far as breathing techniques and labor itself, but I did learn more about my hospital which was definitely helpful.


Oh, you look so great Janae! Congrats! I don’t know if you know but I’m a natural childbirth instructor now. So if you need more pregnancy advice feel free to message me! But to answer your question about when to go to the hospital, here are some good tips: 5-1-1, meaning your contractions are 5 minutes apart, last for 1 minute each, and this has been going on for 1 hour. However, the best indicator of how far along you are in labor is your emotions. All women go through 3 emotional stages: excitement/nervousness, seriousness/focused, and self-doubt/surrender. If you’re planning on getting an epidural you probably won’t reach the point of self-doubt (thinking I give up), but if you do you’re almost ready to push! Stay at home until you are at least at the 2nd emotional stage. You won’t be able to smile or joke and it’s important for you to relax through each contraction. Try the “smile test” before you leave the house. If Billy tells you to smile for a picture during a contraction and you can do it, it’s too soon to go to the hospital. Be careful not to get the epidural too early because it will slow down your labor, which increases your chances for getting pitocin, which increases your chances that the baby will be in distress, which would then lead to a c-section. Let mother nature take it’s course for as long as possible. And don’t worry! If you can run marathons you can have a baby! I did and you’re in much better shape than me!


That is great advice Janice!! I am doing natural childbirth (if things go well) and I like the smile test! They keep telling us not to go to the birthing center too early and I will definitely tell my husband to ask me to smile before we leave. It’s hard to believe that I won’t be able to smile, because I smile all the time, but I definitely read about the seriousness/focused stage. I am more worried about the self-doubt stage – it doesn’t sound very fun. I am only 34 weeks so I have a little more time to figure things out (hopefully)!


I have to say this is so true! The emotions test and smile. I just had my baby 7 weeks ago and I was induced, and really and the start I was all smiles as the contractions got started, then as the intensity came I was focused and towards the end (I did do drug free) I was really doubting that I could continue without any interventions! But then he was here! My hubby also has two photos during the process one at the beginning me smiling and happy and then a face of, how do you say, this is terrible get me out of here.


I was sent back home from the hospital early even thought I was in LABOR. My contractions were really close (3-5 minutes apart) but for some reason I wasn’t “advancing,” so after an hour they sent me back. They told me that the contractions needed to be stronger, that when one was happening my belly felt hard to the touch. A few hours later, I was back to have my baby. :) So that’s my tip – when the contractions are close together and your belly gets hard!


I’m so excited about you moving to N Cali…we should organize a meet-up for all your N Cali readers once you’ve settled in, had a baby and are feeling better!!

I only have one child. I was in labour at home for about 18 hours…and it got to the point where it was getting more painful and I was getting obsessed about being in hospital. Like an internal panic button going off, although that’s too strong a word. But I knew I wanted to be in there NOW! I was 5cm when I got in so they kept me and let me stay and my waters broke about two hours later. I think you’ll know.

It’s not fun, I can’t lie….but you forget in a heartbeat, honestly! It’s worth all the pain. And epidurals? Man’s best invention.


They tell you to go to the hospital when your contractions are 5 minutes apart, lasting for 1 minute long and that time has been happening for 1 hour. Of course, I went in when this was happening and got sent home at 4:30AM only to have my water break at 7:30AM and returned to the hospital at 8.
When they sent me home I said “well, I came in when you told me to, so how do I know it’s for real?” One nurse said that with a first baby, you should wait until the contraction “stops you in your tracks” and you can’t really talk through them. She actually said to wait until they were 2 or 3 minutes apart. Yikes.
I was glad my water broke so I knew for sure!


When I got to the hospital I was 10cm dilated and he was born an hour later! I really didn’t realize I was in labor…I thought I was just having gi distress/cramping from what I had eaten for supper that evening. I realized I probably should go to the hospital when I couldn’t really walk anymore!
Apparently I have good pain tolerance–maybe why I can run ultras! :)


I am wondering the same thing! Our birthing center is 45 minutes from our house so I don’t want to wait so long that the car ride is completely unbearable. I also don’t want to be stuck in a room for ten hours when I could be walking around. I am actually more worried about the baby coming early, because we are so far from ready! Of course, at least we aren’t moving like you are, so I shouldn’t complain.

I think everything will turn out fine. My friend went into labor while she was driving back from vacation and had to have the baby in a completely different state. She was from Vermont and ended up delivering in Buffalo, NY. It turned out just fine – she randomly stopped and had to ask where the nearest hospital was and then just headed there. I’m sure she was panicking at the time but now she thinks it’s funny.

Also, make sure that you check with the airlines about how close to your due date you are allowed to fly. I looked into it when I was flying at 7 months and some have really lenient policies (like Southwest says you can fly all the way up to your due date, but not on your due date) and other airlines say you can’t fly your last month – even with a note from the doctor.

Good luck – you look awesome! Hope your sick bug passes quickly!


With both my babies I was dilated to a 3 a month before my due dates and I’d had contractions off an on the last month. I knew when to go to the hospital when the contractions wouldn’t go away after laying down and resting for a few hours and they got increasingly more intense. I never really timed them,I just knew it was time. With my first I went to the hospital @ 11pm and had her at 7am. With my second I went in at 4am and had her at 6:30am. With my second I labored at home for as long as I felt I could and it ended up being just right for us.


So exciting….you are so close. I was pregnant in August exactly 4 years ago, so I actually watched the 2008 Olympics while I was being induced. haha. Made for some good distractions! My little guy turns 4 on August 13th…can’t believe it. I’m ready for #3, and your posts don’t help with my baby fever.


Janae, you are adorbs! I’ve never been pregnant, so I can’t offer much in terms of advice, but I did want to tell you that sometimes the months sizes on the baby clothes can be a little off. I remember that as my nephew grew (he’s only 16 months so I still consider him a little guy), my SIL would pull out the next round of clothes based on months, and sometimes, the cutest little outfits were way too small for him. Made me so sad that some of the cutest clothes ever would never be worn by him because they were just a little off on sizes. Anyway, just wanted to give you that little tidbit so you could make sure your sweet little one doesn’t outgrow all those adorable baby girl clothes before you even realize it!

14″ donuts? I live in the wrong state. Figuring out the logistics of a move right now!!!


5.1.1. rule :)

The bottom line rule we learned in birthing class and have read everywhere is 5-1-1. When you’re having contractions that are 5 minutes (or less) apart for at least 1 minute in length for at least an hour, it’s time to go to the hospital. My doctor also prefaced it by saying if you start having a lot of blood loss or can’t breathe/talk through your contractions you should go to the hospital. But you want to also base it off how far you are from your hospital. We literally live 1.5 miles from ours so the distance/driving there/getting there on time isn’t a big deal. If you’re in a lot of pain and you want to be safer rather than sorry, you could always go on the early side and just plan to pace the hallways until they admit you :)

Good luck!!


Hope you are feeling better!!! Are you sure you aren’t in labor?!? :) So excited for you!! 41 miles?!? You rock!! You usually go to the hospital when your water breaks or when your contractions are 5minutes apart! I was in labor for 28 hours and my contractions were 5 minutes or less apart from the start…I went to the hospital and was only dilated 1cm so they had me walk the hospital for an hour and when I still wasn’t dilating they sent me home…labored at home for awhile and then went back to the hospital! So happy for you:)


I had weird skin things too like growing moles where I never had any before. Also I was in labor all day with my first one and didn’t go to the hospital till my water broke but I also wanted natural childbirth and was able to do so with both my kids.


I like donuts!

I’ll bring these to you!


You are adorable Janae! My water broke with my son, but it was a small tear so I would leak whenever I had a contraction. I thought I was peeing myself at first, even though I had been fortunate to not have done that before. I was unsure (and crying) and my awesomely calm husband told me that if I wasn’t sure we should go to the hospital. We went and had a baby the next day (induced). If your water does break, make sure to check what time it is, what color the water is (should be clear), and if it has an odor. I know, gross, but your doctor will ask and it can give them some important info. With my daughter, I woke up and had contractions every 4 minutes. We live about an hour away from the hospital and we had to drop my son off at my parents. It was a long ride with contractions and back labor. I knew we had to go in since I was only 35 weeks along and was in real labor.


Janane you are beyond adorable! And I love putting my little girl in headbands, my favorite are by baby bling but they are kind of pricey, but I reason it because I only got a few instead of a billion headbands.


I had no idea that I was experiencing labor for a couple of days, I had back labor pains and just thought my back was achy because I was 38wks and a few days. Needless to say my water broke, and of course my hubby was in the bathroom at 12:45am and I thought I just had to go to the loo badly AND so I was banging on the door like a crazy lady saying babe I’m going to pee, I’m peeing on the floor… we figured out that my water broke and so off to the hospital we went. Oh and my hubby and I went to have a “belated” valentine’s day dinner date because we always overpaid for the worst and super pricey vday dinner, at dinner I remember complaining a little about cramps and drinking about 7 glasses of water before we left the restaurant.


I feel like I only comment on your pregnancy posts lately – not intentional but I always feel SO compelled to share some experience with you =)

First, I had a scare yesterday on our return flight from Portland. I know you don’t have as far to fly, BUT make sure that you start cutting salt out of your diet a day or two before you fly (helps with swelling) and drink EXTRA water. I didn’t realize that I didn’t drink too much the whole day (I was too preoccupied with my son) and I started having contractions on the plan. Not cool. I was panicking. Not really b/c of giving birth on the plane, but b/c i”m only 32 weeks and baby g is still really small!!! SO, my advice is lots and lots of water, no salt, and take it easy before you fly. Also, try to walk during the flight. We had a 4 hour flight (from Salt Lake to Newark) and I didn’t get up for 3 hours b/c my son was passed out ON my belly. Not a good combination.

Second, I didn’t actually know I was in labor like everyone says. I had about an hour of contractions before the lightbulb went off that what I had was not just small cramps but was actually contractions. It felt like that time of the month cramps – not painful at all…after about an hour, I started wondering why I would get the pain for a min or so and then it would disappear. LOL. By that time they were already about 6-7 min apart! HAHA. Honestly though, the pains didn’t get bad until they were about3 min apart. I stayed home, vacuumed, cleaned, etc – definitely nesting. I would stop when I would get a contraction and just stand there, breath, and then continue vacuuming. I stayed at home until they were about 4 min apart and then went to my mom’s to spend some time wtih my sisters =) until they were 2-3 min apart!
Sorry for all the info. LOL
PS. You are amazing. 41 miles. How about you give me half of those? We can both run 20 then =) xoxo


PS. You shouldn’t justify why you ran 41 miles!! Regardless of if you work 8-10 hrs a day, have a child at home, or are home alone all day, you are absolutely incredible for physically being able to run that much at 36+ weeks pregnant!! Definitely don’t downplay your achievement!!!!!!!!!


I just had my daughter last Monday. I was 5 cm dilated at a dr appt that day and had only had mild cramps. About 6pm I started having some painful contractions and had her 3 hours later. We were only at the hospital an hour and a half. I was hoping to do it without an epidural, as it turned out I had no choice anyway, she came too quickly.


that is possibly the cutest picture ever, love your expression!!


Please tell me you know about these…http://www.popsicle.com/product/detail/107735/popsicle-sour-patch-kids-


You are getting so close! I’m excited for you!


my mom made me go to the hospital when my contractions were 5 minutes apart even though they werent painful. They sent me home after an hour, but as soon as I got home, I had to turn around and go back because they got much more painful. so then I was admitted and had my baby in the morning. Wait until the contractions really hurt before going.


I have lived in Northern California for eight years and hope to meet you sometime before we move (We are Air Force, so our plans are up to them)! As a mother of three children, you will know when it’s time to go in. Each of my pregnancies and labor were so different that I wish I could give you advice. Just follow your body! My first was 7 days early and my water broke while I was sleeping…7 hours and 42 minutes later she was born; second was 7 days late and I started having contractions. I actually had to google what a contraction felt like and read people’s experiences because I never remember having them with my first, 8 hours and 45 minutes later he was born; my third was like no other…I had my first contraction and 13 minutes later she was born. It happened so fast, I don’t remember much about it other than yelling at the doctor! We were in a German hospital, my husband missed the whole thing because he had parked in the ambulance parking to get me in the door and had to move the car!


Your brother-in-laws are so sweet; love that pic! Praying that everything goes well for you; your baby girl will be gorgeous! I was nervous about going into pre-term labor with my twins and not knowing. God gave me a sign when my water broke the morning I was scheduled for my c-section.


For me it was pretty obvious when I should go to the hospital because my water broke! Holy flash floods, I seriously thought I had wet myself but then it just kept on coming. They didn’t even have to test the liquid because the trail I left throughout the hospital make it pretty dang obvious :D I think you have to time your contractions or something like that…I guess I’m just no help at all. You will know when to go. Will your mama or sissy be out there with you too? I hope so, if not I would be more than happy to come take care of you and baby for a few days :) Good luck, it will be awesome!!


My skin has been breaking out during my pregnancy, and I have never ever ever had skin problems before. So much for that pregnancy glow!


I just had my third six days ago. I had been having false “teaser” contractions for about two weeks prior. The real contractions were stronger, and consistent. I also did all sorts of things to make sure they weren’t going away. Stand up, sit down, lie down, walk around… If they never let up, you’re good to go! I just put up a post yesterday detailing my labor experience. I finally went all natural!


My skin was awful the first and sencodn trimester. I think it was worse than a teenage boy going through puberty. Its totally clear now though! :0)


I went too early with my first one – excitement I guess. With the second one, I stayed home from work, I shopped for new shoes for my husband, ate lunch, shopped / walked some more, then took a bath and ate dinner – got tired of waiting and went to bed LOL. Work up at 2 a.m., timed contractions, got dressed (including makeup LOL), THEN woke up hubby to go to hospital. Arrived there around 6 – had my daughter at 8:30 – it was great !!! BUT – I almost missed out on the epidural :-(

Time the contractions – go when 5 minutes apart. GO IMMEDIATELY if your water breaks. Just pay attention to your body – you’ll know. Don’t worry – millions of women have done this before.


Hope you feel better my dear friend! I didn’t want to post this on the most recent blog post, only because I wasn’t sure you would see it with all of the giveaway comments! :) Thinking of you!
LOVE all of the headbands, isn’t it one of the BEST part about having a little girl?! Dressing them in the cutest stuff EVER!

Love you!


My skin went weird while pregnant too!! I had a few moles that got BIGGER while pregnant- SO bizarre. Bizarre things happen to your body when pregnant! I saw you are sick! Sorry! That’s no fun- especially while pregnant– but keep in mind labor starts like this a lot of time– Could be a sign that baby is coming soon! Flu-like symptoms etc. Watch for regular contractions!! And if not labor– then just feel better soon! Can’t wait to see baby and hear her cute name!


OK TMI, but I started spotting the morning I went into labor. My contractions started at noon and I didn’t go to the hospital until they were 4 minutes apart. All pregnancies are SO different but man, a day of labor like that was a killer for me, who has basically zero tolerance for pain. But it was exciting cause I was SO ready!!
My skin was not cool during pregnancy. I had zits in places that I’ve never had them before…like my neck. It was so annoying!
Good LUCK, she’ll be here before you know it!


You are too cute. Unfortunately, no water breaking experience for me. I went in for my 40-week visit only to hear from my OB/GYN that she thought I should be induced. It was a Monday and at first she asked if I could be induced on Wednesday night since she had a race that night – but then she remembered she had a run scheduled on Thursday morning, so she said I’d be induced TOMORROW. LOL Uh, okay… Then she made me promise I wouldn’t break my water that night since it was her anniversary. Sure, I will make sure my water doesn’t break. HA.

I can’t believe it’s almost here. I’m so excited for you!!! Can’t wait to see this baby girl of yours. Wishing you lots of luck.


I had back labor – really uncomfortable ache in my back that I mistook for the baby kicking me in the ribs. I had been having contractions for weeks (tight belly) without really noticing, so I had no idea I was really in labor until I started to have pinkish discharge (tmi, haha). I got to the hospital and was 5 cm dilated.

Moral of my story – back pain/achiness that comes and goes can be real labor even if it doesn’t feel that bad. I apparently have good pain tolerance and labor wasn’t really painful until the last few hours and I had no pain medication. You may have great pain tolerance, given your endurance running.

You’ll do great – and you’re basically/just about full term so good job, mama (I only made it to 34 weeks, so don’t take for granted how far you’ve come in your pregnancy) :)


You are too funny and too cute! I haven’t had any babies, but I am an esthetician. The freckle thing is a totally normal result due to the hormones. Wear lots of sunscreen which will help since the sun can exacerbate it. It may go away once the hormones stabilize, but sorry, for some people it tends to stick around. Best wishes to you and your family!!!


You are so close!! I didn´t go into labor, I got induced, so I wouldn´t know any signs. The morning I gave birth I went to my routine check up (I was past my due date) and the doctor said the baby hadn´t grown since the last check up so I would be induced that day. I was given pitocin and started dialating but only got until 4cm, when they realized the baby had the cord wrapped around her neck!!! I was rushed into an emergency C- section and 20 min later I had MAIA! I had her at 8pm and that morning I had walked like 5 miles!


My skin went crazy too. Just be thankful for freckles, my issue was zits….yuck!


You look stunning J!! You know, my skin went insane when I had Sloane. Freckles, breakouts, just general grossness. My MIL said it’s because little girls take all of their mama’s looks :)

You are getting sooooo close!! WOOOHOOO!!


hahaha it looks like you think your belly is going to “pop” in the above pic -lol!

gah i cannot wait to hear your travel stories of all the passengers (who will) give you scared ‘i think she’s going to go into labor anysecond’ looks, ha!! buuuut you’ll make it and have billy there with you and probably not knowing will in some ways, make it a little easier (?)- just my opinion. plus..you have that 14″ donut waiting for ya!


I want to win!!!!!


You look great!
I was told to “clean a cupboard” if I felt like coming in as it would probably be too late.i wanted to have my baby without drugs and the midwives advised that you have a higher chance of asking for them, the longer you are in hospital. Makes sense!
I plucked my eyebrows in between contractions, hot a hot shower ect. Ended up at the hospital ready to push and an hour later I had a baby in my arms. Oops!
You will be fine, an exercise ball is great and really helped me. I just kept on bouncing lol


No one ever told me what contractions would feel like, so I had no clue what to expect or when to go to the hospital. For me they felt like menstrual cramps…only they would go away for a few minutes and then come back. I thought it would be more like a squeezing of my tummy but it wasn’t…it felt just like cramps. Once I started timing them (after Googling what contractions felt like) and realized they were coming every 5 minutes or so, I thought it was time to go.


“Cantaloupe Cantaloupe Cantaloupe Cantaloupe Sour Gummy Worms Cantaloupe” – that was THE BEST.

I’m sorry in my dream we didn’t buy sour gummy worms and had yucky oatmeal cookies instead.


I can’t remember what that skin condition is called, but my friend got that only she got the brown spots all over her face. Be grateful it’s on your belly! I got really bad acne when I was pregnant with Will- it was TERRIBLE. I’m so glad you made the decision to go to Cali. It is so important for Billy to be there- for the both of you! Everything else will all work out. As far as knowing when to go to the hospital, I would say just go when you start feeling pain or severe discomfort. I labored at home with Annie for 11 hours before we went to the hospital, and she still wasn’t born for 4 more hours. It takes time, especially with the first. Plus, the worst thing they can do is send you home- that’s not a big deal! There’s no reason to be embarrassed either because it happens all the time. Better safe than sorry! Yay for August!!!


the freckle thing is SO weird!! i noticed a few new ones on my boobs (ha sorry) and they concerned me at first…they look more like moles. i asked my doc about them and she said thats normal (as long as they dont get bigger, or weird, etc.) but isnt that so weird? u can officially blame everything on pregnancy and hormones hah


I can’t believe its almost been nine months already?!

You’re going to be an awesome mom Janae. :)


You are so stinkin’ cute.

I did get some weird skin tags that went away and some weird pigment blotches that also went away.

About labor…my rule of thumb is that if you “think” you’re in labor… you’re not. But that didn’t work out for my friend…so what the heck do I know? I’d check in with where you’ll be delivering and find out their policies and guidelines. You can even be sent home if you’re in ‘real’ labor but not progressed far enough. They tried to do that to me. I just walked around the halls for 3 hours until I was dilated enough.

Suggestion: Get a big fitness ball if you don’t already have one. I scoffed at these through 3 pregnancies. When I was laboring with the 4th I had one …OMG… bouncing on it allowed me to stay home until I was like 6 cm. And they are great for soothing a fussy baby (you sit on it while holding the baby and just gently bounce and bounce and bounce…).


I always had freckles, but they multiplied at an alarming rate when I was pregnant, and they did not go away :( So half of my abdomen is a dark patch of freckles and the other half is pretty white since it doesn’t see the light of day! I also have a patch on my ankle going up my calf. And then I got some moles which I never had any before pregnancy.

I don’t know if I ever had contractions, I was induced 5 days before my due date because the test that they were doing every other day for the last four weeks showed less movement with the baby and her growth had stopped (while I kept growing, LOL!) And then labor was 2hrs, and she was 5lbs 9ozs, 19.75inches of perfectness!

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