Kind of a Crazy Morning……

First of all…..someone really smart with the name that rhymes with Ranae and starts with a J forgot to charge her computer last night = no entertainment while running on her treadmill this morning.  I realized after a few minutes that I could in fact watch Felicity on my phone as I ran and so I squinted to see the itty bitty screen and watched an episode.  All was right in my little world again once I had something to entertain me.

Photo on 11 2 11 at 3 01 PM  3

(This isn’t actually the picture from this morning, this is a reenactment of running and watching my phone)

Second weirdness of the morning: I FORGOT my MEAL BAG (it isn’t called a lunch bag when you have four meals in there) at home…….

Luckily I had an emergency pack of oatmeal in my desk.  I grabbed a banana and chocolate milk from the cafeteria and got to work making my breakfast.

I took two bites and remembered I don’t like oatmeal…..In the year of 2010 I overdosed on it and have never been the same since.


Plan b: random cereal from my drawer with chocolate milk and the bananas I rescued from the bowl of oatmeal.  *****Do not try eating a low sugar cereal after months of eating sugary cereals…….it tasted off but that may have also been because it is 3 years old.

-Intermission for an awesomeness of the day……

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Two students brought me brownies with milky way and reese’s chunks baked into them to wish me luck in New York!  So much for trying to eat somewhat decent the week before the marathon.  These actually are the best brownies I have ever eaten in my life.

Final weirdness of my day.  THE POWER WENT OUT.  We were in the computer lab working on a project when the lights went out and there were no windows….kind of freaky! We didn’t have power for a few hours….it was strange and we ate lunch at 10:30 a.m. so that the cafeteria food wouldn’t go cold….  I think I could get used to eating lunch that early.


What is something WEIRD that has happened to you today?

Have you ever run on the treadmill for an extended amount of time without music/tv/entertainment?

-I do not recommend it…after .5 miles my head was spinning.

Are you an oatmeal fan?  How often do you eat it?

How long was the longest that you have been without power?

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Nothing weird has happened here today! It’s been an amazing day thusfar!

I CAN’T run on the treadmill sans entertainment of some sort so kudos to you for finding a makeshift way to watch Felicity!

I do love oatmeal-but I have to be absolutely craving it. When I was younger I refused to eat it because I thought it looked like a pile of vomit. Confession: I still think it looks like that.


HATE oatmeal! Loved it as a kid, but now I can’t even stand the smell of it!

The longest I’ve been without power was 5 days back when Irene hit the east coast. Our power company sucks and some people were out for 10 days. I’m pretty sure I cried every single day we didn’t have it haha!


I was a total oatmeal fan until about 6 weeks ago and now I can’t even look at it.

Those brownies look so good. I love the idea of baking Halloween into them. So genius!

Aren’t brownies part of carb loading before a marathon? They do help restore your glycogen levels, right? Seems right. ;)


I once challenged myself to do a TM run with out plugging into some form of escape just to learn about myself and my mind. It was an incredible 8 miles.

Oatmeal…..I have SO tried to like you, because I thought all the cool kids were doing it, but nope never a fan.


I ran 20 miles on the TM at the gym once and the TV attached was broken…so i just stared at a wall the whole time. NEVER AGAIN!
I love oatmeal. I have had it for breakfast almost every day for a year, but I’m sure eventually it will get old. But I change the toppings so it always tastes a little different.
I’ve been a few days without power…well, actually we had a backup generator so it wasn’t really bad. Every couple of hours we would turn it on and charge everything back up-and keep the food cold!


That is so thoughtful of your students!

Nothing weird for me today… I don’t like oatmeal – i find it sits like a brick in my belly. I have never gone for an extended time without power (feeling very privileged as i type that!)… & I never run with entertainment, I always just listen to the rhythm of my breath. It’s my zone out time. I don’t even like people talking to me! I am miss antisocial runner! ha ha.


Longest I have gone with out entertainment would be about .10 of a mile, I am just like you… I need to be entertained!

We use to have blackouts all the time in high school, they were cool. Teachers stopped teaching. :)

I am an oatmeal fan!! I put pumpkin in mine currently with rasins. I also like savory oatmeal, with salt and pepper, I know it sounds weird but it is so good!


Can’t run without music… I die. My phone is dead as we speak and I’m just trying to figure out the quickest way to charge it before my workout this afternoon (don’t have charger here) considering buying extra battery lol

Medium Oatmeal fan… but like grinding oatmeal in blender and using to make pancakes or cookies :)

Err cannot remember longest time without power.. probably blocked that horrible moment in time from my memory…

Those brownies look suuuuper good!


Something weird is that I have some odd twitch in my calf that won’t stop!
I have run on the treadmill when my mp3 player died. It was a tough workout, especially since the treadmill faced a wall! lol Can you say boring?
I do like oatmeal, but I go in phases. I had a bowl yesterday, but it may be a week or more before I have it again. Then sometimes I can eat it every day.
I think the longest we went without power was 4 days from the 1989 earthquake in the Bay Area of Cali. It was pretty bad.
Those brownies look amazing!


Nothing weird has happened yet!
Yes and I think the treadmill without music and TV sucks. haha. I always forget to charge my iPod and 10 minutes in it does :(
I really love oatmeal, my favorite recently is pumpkin-banana. I eat it 2-3 a week but in different ways.
I think once last summer our power went out for 2-3 hours… we left the house, nothing to do without power ;) haha


Nothing weird has happened to me today.

I can’t go any time without entertainment on the treadmill. I go crazy. Felicity kept freezing on me this morning while I was on the treadmill and was really annoying me.


Nothing weird happened just the usual blonde moments when I couldn’t say words correctly to my superintendent.

I do not like oatmeal do not eat it ever. I would eat a bug before I would eat oatmeal for breakfast.

Longest time I went without power was in the 90’s in upstate NY when we had a major snowstorm/icestorm. It was about 5-6 days and we did not have a generator at the time.


The most I have ran on the TM ever is 5 miles and I was going nuts. Feel your pain.

I was in the “Great Blackout of 2011” in San Diego a few weeks back. We were without power for about 13 hours but I had fun! They sent us home from work early. We took the dogs for a swim, went for a run and had a bonfire with our neighbors. I loved the way it made people turn off the TV, iPad, computer, etc. and go outside and socialize. So many kids were out riding bikes, people were playing games and laughing and having a good time out in their yards. I would love a blackout once a month!

Oatmeal kinda grosses me out. I really, really, really wish I liked it.


Oooh yesterday I ran on the treamill with PopUp Video on VH1. Best run ever…and I learned so much!


Hey at least you still started your run after realizing you had no entertainment! That is a total dealbreaker for me if I can’t find my headphones or something. No running until I know I shall be entertained by copious episodes of Parks & Recreation for the entire time!


wow yum on the brownies! So Fiber One cereal does taste a little off but every once in a while I can eat it. I like that it is low sugar so I sort of get over the weird taste. I have been obessed with Kashi Honey Sunshine cereal lately though which is lower sugar than most cereals and all natural which sounds like a good thing…

Good luck in New York! We leave tomorrow, I can’t wait! I hope I see you there!


I LOVE oatmeal, add some honey and its perfect. I never listen to music or watch T.V. It’s just me and my thoughts. I usually run with someone though! I was in that same power outage! I saw you at the Halloween half. I am finally able to move. I went to the gym today!


that’s so sad that you’re burnt out on oatmeal! I hated it with a passion as a kid mostly b/c of the texture but now I can’t get enough. It was breakfast this morning actually. Something weird, my header and sidebar images disappeared overnight. Thankfully, someone helped me fix it but that was random to wake up to.


I am a huge oat fan! I eat it at least 5times a week :)


You have the BEST students! As for oatmeal, I’m not the hugest fan, but if I had to eat it I’d go with the apples and cinnamon flavor. I used to eat a lot of it as a kid. And I don’t think I’ve EVER gone on the treadmill at least without music. Sometimes that’s not even enough. More power to you for using that darn machine so much!


Put trail mix and candy (chocolate) in your oatmeal.. you will like it again! Or syrup on top. I could eat oatmeal any day of the week with chocolaty swirls!!



I LOVE oatmeal, but you have to put the right stuff in it. Don’t forget the sugar! Right now I’m eating mine with pb (it melts throughout the whole bowl), banana, raisins and maple syrup/brown sugar. DELICIOUS!


during a hurricane I was without power for 2 days..I think that would be my longest


I’m sorry for the crazy day! Once one thing goes wrong, it seems to all go wrong sometimes!

Nothing too weird happened today… at least so far!
Yes, I’ve run on the treadmill without entertainment and it’s torture!! I’m glad your phone worked for you to watch Felicity. I finally finished Felicity, and I’m so sad it’s over!
I actually love oatmeal. I try to mix up the combos of toppings I put in it so I don’t get bored of it. I don’t have it every morning either, more like 2-3 times per week.
Those brownies you got from your student sound AMAZING! That’s a great idea to do with our leftover chocolate bars from trick-or-treaters!


Weird Wednesday should be your new thing-like Tangent Tuesday..

In college I ate oatmeal for breakfast basically everyday for 2 years. Now I rarely do. Like once every few months I’ll get oatmeal at Starbucks or mix dry oats into yogurt. Now I use the pounds I bought for oatmeal cookies. I love that you aren’t into hot oatmeal. There are so many blogs that are centered around oatmeal. Refreshingggg!

Those brownies look ridiculous..cute of your students…they are always bringing you goodies. They probably have a separate section on their parents shopping list for you–brownie mix, apples,..


Those brownies look amazing… what awesome students!

Weird thing in my day = I had an intense craving for chick-fil-a nuggets. Um I don’t even know the last time that I had these… maybe 2005 when I graduated college??! But I figure that since I am pregnant I should totally listen to what my body is telling me to eat… ha! They were delicious and worth every bite.

I love oatmeal but lately I have been preferring cold cereal. I’m all about buying 2-3 cereals and mixing them all in the same bowl.

After Hurricane Ike hit Houston we were without power for 7 days. It stunk but was a blessing b/c it brought us back to the good old days and simple way of life.


I always need something to watch or listen to on the treadmill. Once I forgot my headphones but I found a movie I loved was playing so I recited the dialog in my head =)

Those brownies looks amazing! Your students are so sweet and nice! You seem so nice and cheery all the time, how do you handle the troublemakers in your class?


I’m not a huge fun of oatmeal and it really depends on my mood at times I eat it for a week straight then never have it for a month.

I hate treadmills as much as I hate running on the track. Longest I’ve run on a treadmill will be 20mins but would rather run on a treadmill than the track I get the same head spinning that you get on the track.

As for power I live in NJ and we just had a snow storm on Saturday. We lost power and heat for 3 days it sucked. We went to bed at 8pm Saturday and Sunday. the house was freezing our bedroom was 48 degrees despite trying to use candles to warm the house . Anyway we still have people in NY and NJ without any power sucks.


At this point in my love/hate relationship with the treadmill, I must have a tv or ipod to entertain me. What a crazy day!


I LOVE Felicity :) My husband was deployed on a remote to Korea for a year last year and after my kids were in bed I watched the whole series from beginning to end. I am a total nerd but I have all the seasons on DVD. I love Noel….*sigh* Today when I ran I listened to my Ipod. I am not sure I can admit what is on there lol if you found it you would not believe it is some old lady’s.

I like oatmeal. I was really obsessed with it for awhile but I found when I ate it before the gym I would have trouble with my blood sugar so I changed up my breakfasts but I do still like it on occasion.

Those brownies look so great!


You have some pretty awesome students…Candy from Canada, Milky Way Bars, Brownies with Milkway Bars IN them! Only fantastic teachers get treats like that!!
Have an amazing time/race in NYC this weekend! Good luck…you’ll run great!


Extended amount of time on dreadmill out music etc NEVER! Oatmeal? I haven’t had it in a while, it makes me sleepy.


Our power at school went out in Cali too! Santa Ana winds are CRAZY bad this year – cancelled class and all. Hip hip HOORAY!


PEE ESS: Good luck in NYC – you are going to do amazing :-)


It is parent teacher conferences week… so school has been weird all week! Kids had 2 half days and off Friday and next Monday…. and teachers are super cranky from spending way too much time at the schools. Lucky for my (Speech therapist) I don’t have to stay so late, but I also don’t get Friday and Monday off….

I can’t stand the treadmill… even with music, tv, and a magazine I can’t handle it for more than 30 min.

I LOVE OATMEAL! I started eating it when I was kid and have stuck to it, but try to make it healthier these days (aka no choc chips and extra sugar). I eat it 3 or 4 times a week probably. Not so much in the summer.


Not an oatmeal fan, it’s a texture thing….

Treadmill equals some type of guilty pleasure of tv or else it’s just not worth it!!


I don’t know why but I love oats, I have been eating them everyday for practically the last three years, sometimes I can eat them for lunch and dinner as well. I eat oats with everything…yogurt, egg whites, peanut butter, fruit, protein powder, have even eaten them with salmon and tuna! I would die without my oatmeal.


oh I have a good one! I was doing laundry and noticed water GUSHING out from under the door. Walk in and the water pipe has busted…we have to replace it completely! GRRRR!


It’s official. You have the best students ever.


Love apple and cinnamon oatmeal with a scoop of chunky peanut butter in it.
The longest we went without power was labor day of 1998. we didnt have power for about a week. My oldest was 8mths old at the time.


Power went out for me today too, I heard on the radio that 10,000 Rocky Mtn Power customers were w/o power. I love oatmeal, but mostly because it keeps my tummy from growling an hour later. I hate running on the treadmill without entertainment although sometimes the entertainment at the cardio cinema is so boring cuz I’ve seen it over and over and I tune out the movie and get too obsessed with the numbers on the treadmill.
Good Luck in NY! You will be a rockstar especially because of the awesome fuel the brownies are going to give you.


I LOVE oatmeal! I eat it most mornings warm, cold, in smoothies, in cookies…everywhere. I think there are like 100 oatmeal recipes on my blog…ha ha!

Best of luck this weekend! You’ll do GREAT and I can’t wait to hear all about it.


I eat oatmeal


I’ve forgotten my iPod at the gym multiple times, and more recently, my iPod broke. So I’ve been running sans iPod for awhile. Sometimes it helps me focus more, sometimes it’s torture.


Those brownies look amazing!

Nothing particularly weird today, I guess that’s a good thing. I have run for about an hour with no entertainment when I’ve forgotten to charge my iPod, but it kind of stinks. I eat oatmeal almost every day, sometimes twice. I love it, but only with all kinds of yummy stuff mixed in! Last Spring our power was out for four days, it wasn’t so bad except for the cold shower thing.


The cashier lady at Walmart was weird today. She kept smelling my candles and then slapping her own hand.
Treadmill: I did 5 miles recently with no music. My iPod was dead when I got to the gym.
Oatmeal: I don’t like it unless it is in the shape (and form) of a cookie.
Power: We lost it for 3 days once when a tree took out a transformer near our house. We went to Starbucks a couple of times a day to recharge the laptop so we could watch movies.


The Kidless Kronicles


If I don’t have music/TV, then I don’t run on the TM. I can’t make it further than a mile- I just get too bored.
Weird thing that happened today… some young men from our ward/neighborhood showed up at our door a half hour ago asking if they could read a book to my kids. It was weird. Turns out they were doing a ‘scavenger hunt’.

In our old house in Oregon, the power went out for probably 8 hours. It wasn’t my favorite.


We’ve been without power for almost an entire day once .. when it was -40 .. it was pretty brutal. I sat in the back seat of my Tahoe watching movies in the driveway lol! I love oatmeal, it’s the bomb, especially with peanut butter melted in it .. mm yum (totally breakfast tomorrow). I love running on the treadmill, never watch tv but always listen to music, don’t think I could rock it out without tunes.

Do you teach like elementary school? Or highschool?


Never mind on the teaching front, I investigated!! Sounds like fun!


Wow! Those brownies look so delicious.

I can’t run on a treadmill without entertainment. I still don’t really like it with entertainment.

I like oatmeal. Not my favorite, but it’s a backup breakfast … it’s easy to keep in a drawer at work.


Every time my iPod battery dies on the treadmill I make it another quarter mile (at best) and then lost my mind. Using your phone was so smart!


there is NO way I could run on the treadmill without my ipod! There was one day where the TVs weren’t working and that was weird enough!

Nothing too weird today! But I’ll share the wierd halloween thing that happened on monday! I was studying before going into the gym (we have a study room outside) and some guy in a black cape thing and a hat and white mask with a HUGE like axe murderer scyth nose came in and just LOOKED at everyone. so scary!!

I LOVE OATMEAL! Especially overnight oats! But I also go through phases and I’m definately in a cereal phase :)


That power outage was madness! My 1st graders were crazy and I have a whole wall of windows so my room wasn’t that dark. Our kids for sugary cold cereal and a glazed chocolate donut for lunch. They were happy campers!!


I can eat oatmeal all day. I gave eaten the same breakfast for 3+ years…3/4 cup oars and 2 egg whites. Microwaved for 3 min. Even on vacations this is what I eat. I might have had this for dinner tonight, too.


I forgot my meal bag today, too! Blast. I ended up stopping at Target for a Lean Cuisine, which wasn’t all that satisfying. I wish I had thought of your chocolate milk and cereal idea.



I think I would really enjoy oatmeal, I just haven’t eaten it since I was a smaaaaall child! But I think I’d enjoy the texture and the fact that it’s soo good for you that it should be illegal.


We had a 48-hour powercut a few weeks ago which sucked ass. Apologies for my unladylike choice of words but try living on the 15th floor…yup, enough said!




just thought the timing was great with NYC coming up


I am not on the oatmeal bandwagon, but I love oat bran. Similar, but oh so different. You should try it.

Running without entertainment is not ideal. I require maximum distractions for an optimal run.


I had a WEIRD day yesterday, too (I like that you view these little quirks as weird…I viewed mine as bad things, but I like weird more!).
I got stuck in traffic at 4:45 am on the way to the gym–3 police cruisers literally blocking the highway.
Then at the gym, I went to change and realized my boots made me look more ready for a night out then a day of teaching 5th grade….I went straight to the store, bought a pair of flats, and put them on while waiting in line to pay!
The last weird occured at night when I kept saying I wish I had chocolate chips to make chocolate chip pancakes for dinner. I made something else, then opened the cupboard and saw I did have them (how could I forget something like that!).
Chocolate chip cookies for dessert…yes please! At least the day ended on a high note! :)


First, thanks for the follow, Janae!! I appreciate it!

Second, I super hate oatmeal, I cannot even think about it without getting nauseous… I know it’s good for me but I don’t care! haha

Third, have a GREAT time in NYC!!!


I ODed on oatmeal recently so I’ve switched back to cereal for the time being.

I really need to make brownies with candy bars inside. That might be tonight’s project.

The other day, when I found out I could watch netflix on my phone, I sat on the couch watching. Mike looked over and said, “you know you can watch that on the tv and computer too, right?


You have the best students! Those brownies look really good.

The gym we use has tv’s attached to each treadmill so I am never without some tv while I run.


Hi Janae! I’ve been lurking on your blog for months and I thought I’d introduce myself since I’m also running the NYCM-I live here and this is my first marathon! I’m very excited and nervous. I’m also starting at 9:40, corral 10 and just hoping to finish between 3:40-4 since I have no idea what to expect. Feel free to email me w/ any NYC questions! [email protected]


Hey!!!! I am so happy you commented! I am so excited for your first marathon! Can you go for froyo on Saturday?


Something weird that happened yesterday was me going out for a walk on my lunch break in my work clothes and coat, and ending up going for an amazing 3 mile run… luckily i had sneakers on, but i came back sweaty and its 45 degrees here so my co-workers def think im a weirdo :)

never have ran on the tread without entertainment.. i just cant run without music unless its outside and not for long!

completely obsessed with oatmeal.. i eat it for lunch every day cause its so easy to bring to work. but mine is oats, wheat bran (awesome texture), protein powder, chia seeds, cinnamon/pumpkin pie spice, banana and lotsss of peanut butter. its sooo good!


Baha if i tried to watch my phone while on the treadmill i WOULD be flying off the back of it into the wall. There is no doubt about that one!!!


Girl, I hate oatmeal too! Unless it’s cold. I OD-ed on it last year too. I just thought it was the greatest thing ever last year (probably because I saw it all over the blog world) & now I just can’t take it anymore.
Your students are AWESOME :D I guarantee that all of your students love you- since you are the greatest teacher in the world!
Kind of funny that you had to eat lunch @10.30am! ..just means that you’ll have more room for brownies later ;)


1. I LOVE that Fiber One cereal. So num-num.

2. I have run on the treadmill for an hour or so with no TV or music. It was boring…I watched the sky a lot. And talked to myself. Yeeeeeeah.

3. I LOVE OATMEAL. I eat it almost every day, and you’d think I’d be sick of it by now…but I’m not. I find ways to spice it up, though, so my tastebuds don’t get bored. Coach’s Oats=the only way to go. Pair it with some chocolate shakeology and a banana, and it tastes like healthy cocoa pebbles. ldkjfkljdlkfj so good.

4. I went without power for two days. Books were my bff…a short-lived bff, but nonetheless. We still remain quite close.

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