How to SAVE MONEY w/your Back-to-School shopping + a $200 GIVEAWAY!

Good morning everyone!  Today we are talking all about how we are getting ready at our house for the school year to begin!  This post is sponsored by RetailMeNot.  I’m super excited to share an amazing way for you to save time and money on your back to school lists and so much more.  I’ve got an incredible giveaway (a $200 Visa Gift Card) for you at the end of the post today too.  You do not want to miss out on this giveaway!


Somehow it is almost August and the summer is coming to an end!  The school year is going to be starting so soon and I’m not going to lie, I am excited for fall running temperatures, hot chocolate and all of the traditions we have coming up.

Even though Brooke and Knox are only 43 days apart in age, they will be in different grades at school.  The school cut-off for each grade is right between their birthdays so Brooke will be entering kindergarten and Knox will be going to pre-school this year!  Luckily we were able to get Brooke into the kindergarten at the same school that Knox goes to pre-school so they will be at the same school together on the days Knox is at school.  It will be awesome to have a few hours each week of time for me with just Knox until he starts kindergarten.  I’m learning all about playing army, airplanes and police officers from Knox:)

Brooke is beyond thrilled about going to kindergarten.  She talks about recess, her new teacher and her future art classes pretty much daily!  Kindergarten is definitely going to be a big adjustment for me to have this little girl gone every single weekday at school.  I swear I don’t even know how we made it to this point and yes, I am tearing up as I’m typing this right now.  Wasn’t she just barely calling me Elmo (what she used to call me instead of Mom;), ripping her socks off and throwing them at me every time I put them on her little tiny feet?!  And now she she will be going to school every day.  I’ll be that mom sobbing in the parking lot on her first day of school after dropping her off but at least I can blame my tear duct situation on this pregnancy.  Time just goes by too quickly and this is another great reminder to me to cherish each and every stage because it flies by so fast.


I really am so excited for her though and this new adventure up ahead.  We have started our back-to-school shopping for Knox and Brooke and have found the greatest way to get everything we need!  RetailMeNot is the way to go if you are wanting to save money (and time) when you are doing online shopping or when you are shopping in a store.

When I first tried RetailMeNot I could not believe how easy and fast it was to save money.  You can either hop onto their website or get on the RetailMeNot app.  They have THOUSANDS of coupons, deals, cash back offers and discounts e-gift cards all in one place for you to use!   The app and website are BOTH FREE to use!  We are hooked on the Back to School Deals section right now because they have so many awesome savings on everything you need right now… backpacks, clothes, school supplies (pretty sure our kids would buy every marker/notebook/pen possible if they could) and electronics. You can save $20 or more in just 20 seconds by using RetailMeNot.  They make it so easy to know exactly where to go for the deals and how to use the coupons they offer on all of our favorite stores!


One of the things we love about the free RetailMeNot app is that it alerts you to nearby offers that you can redeem from your phone at checkout.  It has your back on letting you know where you can save and making it super easy for you to do so!  Because they offer coupons, deals, cash back offers and discount e-gift cards in one place, it is also super easy for you to combine offers and save even more money on your purchases!  Knox was very interested in finding out if the army gear was on sale:)


So far for this upcoming school year shopping we have saved money at Old Navy, Target (we used the online deals and it’s on the way to our house), Amazon (a sweet cash back offer), Kohls and Staples all through RetailMeNot.   I also don’t want to forget to tell you that RetailMeNot offers great deals for restaurants too, we love eating out:)


We loved the Old Navy early back-to-school sale (up to 50% off on kids and baby) that we found out about through RetailMeNot… we found so many cute clothes for the kids and of course backpacks.    PS Brooke and Knox have entered the stage of life where they have DEFINITE opinions about what they think is cute/cool now, their opinions are getting strong.


The kids were in heaven over the killer deals that we were getting at Staples on their school supplies (50% off) that we found through RetailMeNot.


If you are getting ready for your little ones to go back to school (or START school… am I alone in having a hard time with this change?!) then you have to check out RetailMeNot so you can save money on all of the things you need!


PS RetailMeNot has an awesome blog that posts about awesome back-to-school gift guides, what products are trending and a bunch of tips on how to save your money while you are shopping!  Don’t forget to share the amazing savings that you find through RetailMeNot on your social media channels by using—> #DealBrag

It is so fun to see how everyone is saving!  Happy shopping and share any tips on sending your first kid to full-time school, I need your help!


Time for the amazing giveaway—>  A $200 Visa Gift Card for you to use on all of your Back-to-School shopping needs!

To enter this giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.  Open to eligible legal residents of the 50 Untied States and D.C. at least the age of majority in their jurisdiction.  Begins: Monday, July 24, 2017 at 06:00:00 AM MST.  Ends: August 5, 2017 at 11:59:59 PM MST.  Subject to Official Rules available at .  Void where prohibited.  Sponsor: Mediakix LLC.

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I’m excited for Overstock’s deal on bath items because I need some new bath towels and those can get expensive! I’m sure you’ll have fun with just Knox and will bond even more.


How cool! I’ve never heard of this. I would love to be able to use the Target and Old Navy deals to help my sweet niece get ready for the new school year!


The Amazon Prime deal is something I’m going to take advantage of! That would help even beyond back-to-school! I’d love to win the money because my husband and I are taking our first vacation in over a year in a couple months and we would love extra money to make it even more special :)


The code at Kohl’s Up to 70% Off Clearance is a great deal. The kids need clothes, Kohl’s always has brands they like and great deals to be had. I would love to win so I can take the card with me to Kohl’s to by the clothing and shoes I need for the new school year :)


I’ve used this site so many times for coupon codes! The best thing is when they have codes for sites like American Eagle Outfitters because I love their jeans.


Excited for Target school supply sales. Love saving some money and LOVE Target!

Good luck! My little is starting Young-5s (Pre-K) this year, which is an awesome option that our district has for kids who either aren’t quite ready for Kindergarten, or have border-line birthdays. Most of the class has late summer / fall birthdays (my son’s is in November). He has already done 2 years of pre-school, and this is an all-day class just like kindergarten is. He is sooo excited!


Target’s school supplies sale starting at $0.50 is always welcome in my house.


My kiddos started back to school a few weeks ago…love year round school! With summer winding down I am looking for a good deal on patio furniture and front porch rocking chairs. Outdoor Patio shop has my attention.


Well I’m not going back to school this year. Haha, but I do appreciate this time of year because there are a lot of sales so it’s a good time to find a few staple pieces. I like target and old navy for good clothing.


My daughter is starting kindergarten too! We’re waiting to receive her school supply list and then the deals at Target will be perfect – almost everything we need in one place. She’s psyched for new markers and pencils and folders, and their snacks will be great for her lunchbox.


Thanks so much for sharing about RetailMeNot, Janae! There are several deals I’m excited about! I shop for back to school for my 3 kids at Target, Walmart and have wanted to do Amazon but we don’t have prime so anything to these places will help! Happy going back to school!


I need to check this out — I’m always down for a good deal! Old Navy is one of my favorite places to grab quick basics like little tanks to wear under tops!


I love this site but didnt know you could sign up for notifications and additional deals! Thanks for the heads up!

I would love to get the Old Navy deals to get my tiny 2 year old some 18m clothes for winter:)


I am pregnant as well, but I have gestational diabetes. I am near the end of my pregnancy and the food coupons for food I cannot have just yet (but soon!) are most exciting for me personally! I am also pretty pumped about the Kohls clearance sale for my 2 older girls. :-)


What a great deal! Would love to be able to take advantage of some Target savings!


I’m excited for Target bargains and the Amazon deal. This year I have 3 kids in elementary school, so I usually end up taking their supply lists to Target and then finishing up on Amazon for all the things that didn’t come in the proper (and may I say, ridiculously specific) size packages at Target!


Thank you for the great giveaway!!


I registered for Starbucks and got a free drink! Awesome!


I am going to use the cash back on Amazon. I had no idea about this and order from Amazon all the time!


Definitely the backpacks…with a 8th grader and a senior the need for durable backpacks are a must :)


Thanks for the heads up!


Love the Target back to school supplies sales on retail me not. Can’t believe it’s time to stock up on those again already!


I love shopping online for thing when life gets too busy and I don’t have time to go to the store so having Amazon on retailmenot imperfect for me.


We still have a month before school starts but it’s never too early for deals on school supplies! We’ll be in the market for a super durable backpack, as the kiddo, headed to 1st grade, puts some serious strain on those! Fall is my favorite and I’m excited for it to get here!


Can’t believe little Brookie is a kindergartener! very exciting!

I am excited to shop the kohls clearance!


I love retail me not! Can’t beat 6 months free of Amazon prime. I love Amazon!!


My kids always love using Amazon gift cards–this should help them stretch even further! And we usually do really well at Finish Line for new cross country running shoes.


Huge fan of Retail Me Not! Back to school shopping is so fun — definitely interested in the Amazon deal :)


Old navy and gap are my fave for back to school. Plus, I’m always on the lookout for under armpit deals for my son!


Definitely excited about the Khols deal. We shop there a lot!
I am sad about my kids going back to school! I love summer and having my kids home!


Thanks for hosting this giveaway! :) I would love to use this toward getting a lap top. Things sure have changed since I went to school :) were we wrote but nowadays its all about the lap top.


With two boys heading to school this fall, one into the 4th grade and the other a Kindergartner, I’ll be checking out Target and Old Navy for sure. I was happy to see that Retail Me Not has coupons for both. I’ll be watching for sales and checking back for deals often in the next couple of weeks!


As a teacher, I both enjoy and dread the end of August. School doesn’t start here until Labor day-ish, so we’ve got some time but I can’t believe how fast it’s coming up. I’m changing school districts so I’m definitely going to need to hit up Staples and Target for some supplies!


I’m always looking for a coupon code before I check out online and they have been a great source, I didn’t realize that you could use their app in store as well. Thanks for sharing!


I found the perfect backpack at Target for my daughter. It has elephants on it. Old navy is must for clothes.


Having to shop for two now the school supplies at Target is the best to me.


I’m so excited for the H&M sale! The quality of most of their clothes is so good and the prices can’t be beat. Thanks for the opportunity!


Thank You for sharing this. I have not heard of this site. But will be using this.


My mom was the first person to tell me about Retailmenot and it’s already saved me so much money! It’s such a great resource. I would love to use this money to go toward either a new laptop or cute clothes for grad school in the fall!


I’m excited for up the 80% off at H&M! My oldest is also starting kindergarten this year and I just can’t believe it. Some of her phrases and mannerisms just catch me so off guard with how much of a “kid” she has become, rather than a baby! ? I’ll be right there bawling in the parking lot too!


I’ve used RetailMeNot before and it’s definitely a good way to find deals! The Amazon deals seem the best!!


The Kohl’s Up to 70% Off Clearance! I love that store.


I use and love Retail Me Not– before I buy something online I always check for deals. Good to know about the app, too!


I’ve been using RMN for years now (for promo codes the provide) but had never visited the actual website before. Great deals!


Excited for the discounts on school clothes at H&M! I love retailmenot, use it every time I am ordering something online!


I am taking my sister (13 years younger) back to school shopping next week. this would be awesome!


Love retailmenot!


Wow, awesome giveaway! Thank you! I teach 6th grade math and would LOVE the $10 back for every $60 spent on Amazon. I’ve had my eye on a set of whiteboard clipboards that would make station work easier for my kiddos, post-it notes that have coordinate grids on them (who knew?!), and of course some new clothes for back to school ;)


Love that I can use RetailMeNot at Bed Bath & Beyond!! Furnishing my new apartment at school will be so much easier :)


Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would love to use it on Amazon. I love shopping for my kids there!


The Macy deal looks awesome! I neeeed a new comforter!


I love a coupon but didn’t know retail me not has an app to use!! Installing now :) I’m starting the new school year in a new position at a school for kids with special needs, and am super excited!! A gift card would help to get me prepared with all my back to school items!!


I think basically any clothes store, and supply store (like backpacks and markers etc…) are what I’d buy from.


Target owns my soul so I’m excited about the deals!


I would love to use this on Amazon! For all those odds and ends I forget about!


My kids would love their Nike stuff. My older son says everyone dresses in Nike at school. So this would help me buy him some nike things AND buy new things for my two other kids.


I’m excited for back to schooo shopping! I love buying all the school supplies and organizing them (type A OCD person here). I also like to take my daughter shopping for new back to school clothes! Kohls and H&M and Target are my favs! Excited to see their fall collections!


I’ve been using RetailMeNot for years – I love it!! I mostly use it for codes when online shopping!


Wow, I had heard of Retailmenot before but did not realize exactly what it was until reading your post! Sounds awesome!

If I won this giveaway, I would use it for Bed Bath and Beyond and Kohls!


I use RetailMeNot all the time! Especially for Target and Old Navy. I love deals!


Wow! How cool! I like the Target one, and Amazon, and Walmart, and… really all of them! I teach fourth grade so the money would be a HUGE help to get the classroom supplies my students need (and sometimes can’t afford) to be successful!!!


Love Retail Me Not! I would love to use it for Amazon!


Love the 20% off at Bed, Bath & Beyond! I had no idea all these coupons were in one place!!! I’m super excited to start using Retail Me Not so I don’t have to search for coupons for every place I visit. They had some amazing deals I will be taking advantage of for back to school for my 6th and 7th grader. And while I’ve loved having my mini babes home for the summer I always look forward to when school starts because that means an end to the 100+ temps in Oklahoma soon-ish and some one on one time for me and my 8 month old. Fingers crossed!


Thanks for sharing the info on RetailMeNot!! I’ve never used them before, but now I’m thinking I need to check them out!
I teach 8th grade and trust me, summer went by way too fast!! This will be my 5th year teaching and I’m not quite excited yet for the new school year to begin :/ I only have one week left!! Have a great day!


I love RetailMeNot – It was actually the people at Kohl’s who told me about it – I never remember my coupons, so it still saves me money. I love it.

We are all about back to school as well even though we still have 5 weeks but since the kids go back to school 2 days after we get back from our vacation, I need to do some stuff before we leave. My daughter is entering middle school (eek!) so we won’t know what she needs until we are on vacation. But we got everything for my 3rd grader this weekend – I just need to order them both new sneakers before after a summer of camp and vacation, they will need them.

I was wondering what was going to happen with Brooke and Knox and school. I know that the cut-offs are different – not only region-to-region and state-to-state, but even town-to-town. I wish it would be the same everyone. It is great your cutoff is September 1st (I am guessing) – It will do Knox good to have another year before K, and from everything you write, it sounds like Brooke is more than ready! My daughter is August 7 and before she was even born people were asking if we would hold her back. She was definitely more than ready and there were 2 boys born within 2 weeks of her that did stay back and it definitely did them good as well.


Planning to go get all the art supplies from Target! We are going through markers and colored pencils at an alarming rate over here.


I need to hit up old navy! I wish I would have known about the early back to school sale. Dang it.

Kindergarten is so fun!


The amazon prime trial!!


Amazon for sure!! And I LOVE how part of the sale on Amazon goes to a charity you pick. BONUS :)


I always check Retailmenot before ordering online. My kids are older – so we will be doing back to school shopping at places like American Eagle, Journeys, Abercrombie etc.


I always make sure and check RetailMeNot when shopping both online and instore. I need to checkout the famous footwear BOGO sale!


Kohls! I get such good deals there


I wish going back to school meant fall temps in Texas, but I’ll definitely take the sales and RetailMeNot savings on school supplies!


School supplies are so important for students to walk in and feel prepared to tackle their school day. As a teacher in a high needs area, I know –only too well — how hard it is for some families to facilitate the school supplies their children need.

You’ll find me stocking up on paper, pencils, pens, notebooks, and erasers whenever they go on sale in order to help those students in need – which is about 70% of my class (in the high school that boils down to over 100 students per year — that’s a lot of pencils and paper!!).


Amazing deals! The Target school supply sales would be perfect for my daughter – a little budding four-year-old style artist! :)


I can defintely make good use of the kohls coupon!!! Awesome giveaway!


I’m a teacher, so I have very mixed feelings about seeing all these school supplies!! I’m not quite ready for this summer to end! We are on our last leg of an amazing two week California adventure and I just can’t imagine the alarm clock that comes with the school year, haha! Here’s our latest adventure in Crater Lake!


Amazon or Target for school supplies! Those costs add up when you have to buy the pencils/binders/erasers/books/etc!


The deals for Kohls and Target are top on our list! I would love to win the gift card to have money to pick my first grader and pre-schooler out some new clothes and supplies for back to school.


The Amazon cash back offer!


Thanks for the chance to win! I’ve been using Retail Me Not for years and it’s my go-to place to look for deals.

I like Target for back to school items because they always seem to have cute notebooks (a priority, right? :))


Definitely the target deals – we buy almost everything there!


Amazing.Amazon cash back would be great,I love to use Amazon for back to school shopping.Two kids and one of them is going to be a hs senior this year so last year (sorta) of back to school shopping for her!


The Amazon deal looks great.


Super cool! Getting the app now. Allll about the deals around here. Still can’t believe Brooke will be in kindergarten!




Amazon and Wal Mart…love them both!!


Old Navy and Khol’s are the deals I’m most interested in. I would love to win since my daughter is starting pre-K this Fall and it’s 5 days a week (only for 2 hours a day but I’ve already cried multiple times thinking about it ?).


Anything that saves me money at Target is a definite bonus!


I’ll take any discount I can at Target and Amazon! Those two take all my money.


School supply shopping nearly kills me each year. This will help!


I used to love back to school shopping – my favorite part was getting new colored pencils!


Very cool site! I love that there’s everything from Chipotle to Kohl’s.
I’ll remember this for my Vitacost orders too!


My soon-to-be-middle schooler (egads!) has outgrown both her shoes and mine so savings at Payless are definitely worth adding a free app for.


So excited to try Retail Me Not! I will def take advantage of the cashback from Amazon!


I love the coffee and food deals for quick bites and caffeine while on the go with two toddlers! Also, school and craft supplies from Target!


So excited to save some money on START of school shopping!


Love that even Amazon is on there!


I Would love to use this for some back to school gear for my three kiddos. It would be a huge blessing and really most likely be spent alpine you at old navy, and target where we can stretch it as far as possible.


I’ve heard of RetailMeNot in the past but I have never actually tried it! I will definitely be looking into it now!!


i always scour retailmenot for coupons before purchasing. So easy to have all the deals in one place.


I’m obsessed worn office supplies… something about a big Staples store is so calming! I’d definitely love to save some cash on necessities AND fun projects ?


Target and Old Navy Deals for sure!


We always go to Target for school supplies, so that discount is very appealing!


Amazon and target! All my money goes there already!!


I have my youngest starting kinder and my middle starting 5th…..the Target school supplies will be my jam!

I was afraid I would get sad when my youngest went into TK last year (he missed the cutoff age for kinder) and it was also a full day, all week program. Honestly though I loved it and so did he!

Have a great day!


Target – love that place!!


I have the RetailMeNot app – Kohls usually has a 20% off coupon on there. I use it every time! I honestly had no clue about the cash back offer until this post. Totally using that on amazon.


I surely am not going back to school but I AM going to HM!! They put one in my town about a year ago and I wouldn’t have even thought to use RetailMeNot there


I would love to get some new work out clothes on Old Navy!!


Excited about BBB deals with a college student on her way the gift card would be so helpful with form supplies


I would love some new work out clothes from Old Navy!!


Thanks for hosting this giveaway!! The gift card would be so very helpful as we could use a new tablet or laptop as the school year approaches and the BTS sale includes some sales for iPads!!! ??????


Cool! I immediately wanted every food deal when I visited their website and now I’m starving. Thanks a lot ;)


I’m an Amazon girl so 70% off on women’s clothing is the deal for me!!!


I don’t have a kid in school but do have a baby that’s growing like a weed! The kohls discounts look great!


I think the best is Target school supplies that start at 50 cents. We love shopping for supplies but we are having some financial problems so this win would be much needed and appreciated!


I love Target for basically anything and everything! It’s great finding all the best deals on one site! Kids are expensive especially when you have more than one and want to give them the world!


I love Target for basically anything and everything! It’s great finding all the best deals on one site! Kids are expensive especially when you have more than one and want to give them the world.


Ooh, awesome giveaway! Thanks!


I think the target deal looks awesome! I would use it to buy my little girl back to school supplies for preschool! :)


I also use retail me not as well as several other sites to find coupons and promo codes. I always check before I buy online.
I’m also excited for the deals at H&M as well as target for back to school!


Woohoo! I have 3 kids in college and one entering Middle School! Needless to say the Kohls, Target, and Bed/Bath and Beyond are all amazing places for us to shop for Back to School!!!!


My oldest starts kindergarten this year as well! How?!? The Walmart and Kohl’s discounts look great for affording school uniforms!


Target school supplies!!! I procrastinate so bad and HATE forking over so much money for school supplies.;)


I’ve got my eye on the Bed Bath & Beyond, H&M, Sears and Nordstrom deals!


Amazon for me! I am headed to grad school this fall and will need to stock up on school supplies!


Amazon is the best!




Definitely excited for Target’s back to school deals.


Love this! Use all the time to find deals everywhere from Old Navy to Papa John’s.


Definitely want to use retailmenot to find back to school supply deals since I’m a teacher!


The 20% off deal at Kohl’s looks exciting because I will buy some back to school clothes there for my kids. I would love to win because we have a lot of shopping to do for both supplies and clothes to get ready for school.


I’m excited for the deals on Amazon.


amazon prime


I love he Kohls deal! My daughter will be starting Pre-K and my husband is also a student so we are all about saving money where we can! This site is awesome and we would love a gift card to use to take advantage of the great deals!


When it comes to saving money I need all the help I can get! I checkout out the school supply deals at Target, since that is one of my favorite places to shop. I love that it allowed me to find my son’s school supply list, and easily search for the items that he will need. This will save me so much time and money!

Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com


Wal-Mart – Because they have everything!


My son is starting Kindergarten this Fall too! I’m so nervous! The Nordstrom Rack and H&M deals look so great- I love both stores for affordable, cute children’s clothes. I’m a single mom and saving money is always a bonus! :)


Love Retail me not!! it is the best!


My girls would love the Express 15% off.


Fortunately I am already a RetailMeNot advocate!! I love getting deals at Staples though!! Can’t wait to use them for back to school items.


Thanks for hosting this amazing giveaway. I could definitely use some back to school cash. With my gaggle of kids, I spent close to $300 last year on just school supplies! ?


American Eagle as I have 3 teenagers!!! Would love to win


Target, Amazon, Old Navy, Nordstrom’s Rack, Staples…….. SO many choices!!! It is one of my favorite times of the year. I’m a Kindergarten teacher, therefore, I get super excited for “back to school” shopping!


So many deals for my 3 boys. One is going into college, the other 7th grade and finally 2nd! THANK YOU.


saving money at target! yes please!!!


So cool!


The TomTom watch deal from Best Buy is tempting! And of course ALWAYS Target :)


I love RetailMeNot and don’t buy anything without looking for discounts on their website first. I only have my first kiddo on the way (due in November!) so I don’t need to get ready for school, but I am very excited about the Overstock discount on bedding and bath as we are in the process of buying a new house!

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