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35 weeks + OUR NURSERY + what the heck do I need to pack?

35 weeks!!! *We had another dr. appointment this week and she is doing great!  She is head down, her heart rate was 140 bpm and she is measuring right on!  LOVE LOVE LOVE getting to hear that heart beat of hers! *I will definitely be using a lactation consultant once I have the baby but … Continue Reading

Unpopular Opinions Round 2 (these are hilarious) + things I need to tell you + learn from the pros.

I just have a few… ehhh like 15… things to tell you about before we get to some unpopular opinions! I really did my best leap for this photo even though it might not look like it. Daylight savings does have a few pros:  I feel more normal climbing into bed in the 7 pm … Continue Reading