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34.5 weeks and no exercise for 6 weeks?

-This week I have had a burst of energy.  I haven’t even wanted to take naps and have been more productive than usual….this is strange. -The other day before a spin class I ran for 6 minutes on the treadmill at the gym.  I didn’t have my belly bra and holy cow it started hurting … Continue Reading

5 Ways to Push Yourself While Running (especially when you are tired)

We get endorphins and a boost of self-confidence after any run we do (unless it was a REALLY miserable run) but nothing beats those workouts or races where we know that we truly pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones.  The only problem is that we get tired and tell ourselves we want to quit … Continue Reading

Date night and a spring marathon?

It is crazy how my brain has changed over the last few months.  Pre-pregnancy- running consumed my thoughts… Thinking about splits, times, hill/speed workouts, races, goals etc. but lately I have been thinking about babies more than anything which is approximately once every 90 seconds.  I kind of have an obsessive personality. Why not go … Continue Reading