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Santa Monica Part 2

Who starts a post with pictures of feet? I just had to show you because I am pretty excited about my glittery, purple toes. Pedicures are an absolute mandatory activity on girls trips. Added bonus was that a manicure and pedicure was only $20! That is just crazy. After we got back to the hotel … Continue Reading

I almost got arrested…

For stealing oatmeal from Starbucks.  I had never tried their oatmeal, I was hungry and really excited about the fact that I finally like oatmeal again and so my brain was somewhere else.  The cashier gave me the bag full of my goodies and with my credit card in the other hand I just started … Continue Reading

Santa Monica, please adopt me.

I get a little paranoid about missing flights so I got to the airport two hours early this morning, aka 5:30 am. That gives me plenty of time to find breakfast, use the restroom four times (the bladder is getting smaller and smaller) and people watch… sounds like race morning. Before I left the hotel … Continue Reading