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Pregnancy Running Advice

Katie taught me the coolest trick to determine the sex of my baby.  Take a hair (from your own head) and dangle your ring from it, if it spins then you are having a girl and if it stays straight you are having a boy.  Looks like I am having a girl because this test … Continue Reading

Triple Tangent Tuesday.

The 4 miles I ran on the treadmill this morning almost killed me.  The first 3.9 I was tired and wanting to crawl back into bed but the last .1 started feeling great and then I got mad that I had to go to faculty meeting and stop running.  23 school days until I have … Continue Reading

A sad day in the Jacobs’ home.

This semester we have been able to have my BIL stay with us every other week (the other weeks he stays at Billy’s other brother’s house).  Yesterday he went back up to BYU Idaho and I am really sad about it.  He is so happy and hilarious, we will miss you Jon and your awesome … Continue Reading