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FIVE THINGS SURVEY and a forced taper today.

HAPPY WEDNESDAY EVERYONE!! Andrew and I are both not feeling so hot (maybe my body is forcing me into taper and to really rest) so instead of the normal running and eating talk (cause that ain’t happening over here ha I (we… Andrew is answering them too) wanted to do a survey from JULIE’S BLOG. … Continue Reading

Think about OVERALL miles (after a lame run), arm swing and tacos that spoke to my soul.

My KeVita (win enough for three months!!!) giveaway is ending soon… don’t forget to enter it HERE! —————————————- Josse changed her mind about what our last little tune up speed workout would be before the race and we did 4 x 1 (with only the last one at a hard effort) instead.  Turns out because … Continue Reading