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Can you believe this??? And running hair.

This happened.  I’m sure if I tried it I could do it too;) Isn’t that just insane?  25 MPH on the treadmill. Today’s workout was a 5k time trial on my own.  6 weeks ago my splits were 6:25, 6:35 and 6:45 (not sure what the last .1 was). Today they were 6:31, 6:25 and … Continue Reading

Running when it is really hot outside and it feels like you are actually running on the sun.

Yesterday was pretty low key for us.  Just the church thing, the relax thing on the couch and the go to bed at 9 thing (oh wait, that is every night).  So instead of talking about yesterday let’s talk about running when the sun is beating down on you.  Be prepared for more words than … Continue Reading