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A mental health day with some running and free food for YOU!

What were you doing at 4:30 a.m. this morning? (Now you are supposed to ask me what I was doing at 4:30 a.m.)  Well, if you must know I was sitting on the kitchen table eating my leftover macaroni right out of the bag with a fork.  Cold.  It did the trick except it gave … Continue Reading

The best things to have at a wedding.

Crepe bars at weddings are ALWAYS a good idea.  Toppings included:  puddings, whip cream, fruit, caramel and hot fudge.  See that beautiful jar filled with liquid?  You guessed it, pink lemonade.  The items on the below table are all that I need to survive.  I told that to the catering service so I could get … Continue Reading