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What I am most afraid of…

32 WEEKS….8 MONTHS….We are getting closer to August 24th!!!! I haven’t had too many changes this week besides I am dreaming more and more about her and what she is going to be like.  It makes me really excited to go to bed. I had a doctor’s appointment this week and everything looks great.  Instead … Continue Reading

I was on E Hollywood Network, The Soup!

First randomness of today was that I was on TV for .3 seconds.  A few people emailed me saying that they saw me on The Soup (a show that basically makes fun of other shows and is pretty hilarious).  They were doing a segment about Inside Edition and they showed the clip that I did … Continue Reading

3 part dinner and preparing for…

I am trying my hardest to get in as much parenting practice as possible before August comes around.  Babysitting a 3, 6 and 9 year old is just like taking care of a newborn.  It might take Janae Jr. just a few years before she is singing Gwen Stefani with the windows down like these … Continue Reading