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So, I kind of feel a deja-vu with this post. I was the kid in Elementary school that had to bribe the other kids to be my friend and to sit next to me at lunch by giving them my chocolate milk, fruit roll-up and Pogs. I am just kidding partly.  I really just wanted … Continue Reading

Mr. Squiggles

Workout: 45 Minutes Stairs:  Switching between levels 16-20 on fat burner mode.  Got to get my muscles ready for the next time I need to quickly jump on top of something.  You will see why shortly. 45 Minutes Elliptical:  One minute Intervals high tension at a quick speed, 20-30 second recoveries at a lower tension … Continue Reading

My Fave’s

Blue-Eyed Runner ElktonRunner RunningTheDawn RunningSane FaithFitnessFun HealthyBitesConquerAthleteAppetites MuncherCruncher SusanRuns MealsandMoves CleanEatingChelsea SeeJessRun MarathonMaiden’sBlog SeeStephanieRun Wow, I stalk a lot of people.  But seriously I look to these blogs for a lot of advice and inspiration! I feel like I know them in real life, creepy. Don’t forget about the GIVEAWAY later today:)